Guess Paper Inter Botany - 012109

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1. Why human male are heterogametic?

2. Why law of segregation is called purity of gametes?
3. What do you about ZZ and ZW in sex determination?
4. Why incomplete dominance is called partial dominance?
5. Name the major mechanisms of diseases management.
6. Define Speciation? Name different types of Speciation.
7. What is Test cross? Explain with the help of checker board.
8. Differentiate between Renewable and Non-Reneweable resources.
9. What is the role of DNA ligase in rDNA technology?
10.Describe the process of denitrification.
11.Describe composition of Ozone layer.
12.What are leading and lagging strand of DNA?
13.Why haemophilia is common in male?
14.Why Ramp and ZLac genes are used in the construction of rDNA?
15.Why Mutation is not always harmful?
16.Describe briefly the concept of trophic level.
17.Write a note on Tissue culture. OR Define cystic fibrosis.
18.Give the name of enzymes involved in replication of DNA along with their
brief function.
19.Why ‘O – negative’ blood group person consider as an universal donor?
20.Why endosymbiotic theory seems more powerful in dealing with the
evolution of eukaryotes?


1. What is Succession? Describe Xerarch or Hydrarch succession.

2. What is the role of microbes in household food processing?
3. Describe latest technique to enhance the crop and fruit yield
4. Explain gene amplification through PCR and mention any two
5. Define Mendel’s law of Independent Assortment and explain with the
help of checker board.
6. Describe the process of Translation in gene expression.

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