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Coulomb’s Law 3 = 8.854 x 107? = 2 Fim r= 0,0) 2 ork = Gee = 9% 10? mv 4me.R If point charges Q, and Q are located at points having position vectors r, and r, then the force Fy. on Qs due to Q, is given by +t ke~ «| i where a | a R2=n-1 R = [Ryland aq, =“ OR. or Fy = AB— 4x6 4regir2 — VY 4 Fy Origin The principle of superposition states that if there are N charges Q), Q2,. . . , Qu located, respectively, at points with position vectors r, 12... . , ty, the resultant force F on a charge Q located at point r is the vector sum of the forces exerted on Q by each of the charges Qs Qa « «+ Ov. p= 2A =F), QOxlr = mr) 4ne\r—1,|) 4req|r — ¥2|? Ps ioeuepaveur bin tae ana alge ae ‘when placed in the electric field. ow For N point charges Q,, Q2,. . . , Qy located at 1, T2,. . . Ry the electric field intensity at point r is obtained from eqs. (4.8) and (4.10) as Qr —r) + QAr = rr Pes OME = Fn) 4xeir— ri) — ma) 4nes|r — ty) (t _ 1S Our - 1) Amey ir — rl Example Point charges | mC and —2 mC are located at (3, 2, ~1) and (1, ~1, 4), respectively. Calculate the electric force on a 10-nC charge located at (0, 3, 1) and the electric field in- tensity at that point. Solution amc 4-4) [wap _ el] ers r-2 > Ae @, © cy Ane, SJ |r — | 7 eg <9 2e — Ga iex! Fe @ o Xl Ein ne Bay = por? P Caza) Bie 2 ii Jig a is a » B= Cera own) — G31) = C3,2,-1) —3) 1,2) a. Example Point charges I mC and —2 mC are located at (3, 2, —1) and (—1, —1, 4), respectively. Calculate the electric force on a 10-nC charge located at (0, 3, 1) and the electric field in- tensity at that point. ws C2) 5 memeliacs) Solution QS Qr- ry) @ S1-C3,1,2) = F= aaa |. Bes ou A4(1,4,- ne, 2 Iron | gare [Ona + ACs) y, ]Gvs Ol] -9 J = 1H G2 | HIF E3,,2) , dl ) Cur : neg e= lox 2ygx10 (le > nee foo wo AEDS ALS tye Be Cina = ae al, J fee [? _ ce $n = 3 Boy Har yee n] ols 2. a. PP - e P= é = Keven tigg rey) ict 5 He foxir? > (tte. BBagt Pree Jue HC SS Win Pot ‘ Q a +e +, Point Line Surface Volume charge charge charge charge dQ = p.dl>Q= [o. dl (line charge) ope I, (a5 re Pema a0 = psdS +0 = [ psdS (surface charge) , dQ = p,dv + Q = [ p.dv (volume charge) a, AmeR? ey p - 22 a ve E= [2% ag (line charge) as -| Ps€ ag (surface charge) 4neR | eat (volume charge) re, ap and R vary as the integral is evaluated. Line Charge Poe 0. AF ea Aa. j | do~ pdl~ pute a a Bplay total charge Q is o- |" ede 7 , SH Wi2, aol wanna a ae E at an arbitrary alee ms bo da -(2£% oa) a ot © J ameR?'* , ae dl = dz’ = (ay, 2) — (0,0, 2’) = xa, + yay + (2 — 2’), Coane “i =the eerpail =(RPar+yte-zPaete@-z¥ a —~s _R pa, + (2 — 2')a. xe RP ie rely, dv OL [ate oae Ame, } |p + (2 — 2’y [et ey R=([pP? + @-2z')]” a =O0T-ptana, dz’ = —psec’ ado sec? @ [cos aa, + sin aa.) da p? sec? [ [cos wa, + sin aa] doe Ares J, R = pa, + @ ~ z')a, p | Ra|RPaPty+@-gPaete-zy x ek ag R _ \va, + aa RRP [p+ af = _ pe flo + Gr za , \ ~ 4me, | [0 + ( — 2°? & R= [p+ @-2)))" = psec [e+ @~ 27)" = p seca —p sec’ ada ec? ot dow E= [— (sin ag — sin aya, + (Cos a — cos Thus for a finite line charge, © zs ce) anceps AAs a special case, for an infinite line charge, point B is at (0,0, 2) and A at (0,0, =22) $0 that or; = /2, a = —x/2; the z-component vanishes — PL Ine, LS Surface Charge dQ = psdS o= | eds be - 22 e- 7 R= ol ) + hs R= |R| =[o? + 2]? =p(-a) + ha, = Rl =[e +0 me RR er + nl a= dQ = ps dS = psp do dp ag = 250.46 dp |~pa, + ha. 4ne[o” + wp? ad cfm Ef cette | "axe, [o> + “ Sater ah = Pst a [e+ ey 1 a) a, Ane, \ Basel \ 4 (e- Ey G w) “\ ° = ¢ Above derivation is for surface in X-Y plane, For any surface: LY Volume charge dO = py dv 2 | o.d=o,[ Pv 3 =-pd 4/ ARE R? * v \B- Q Co a va) = 21 _ 4 _@ _, © - Grele Fi * Fret — If Ye) = 0, C, = 0, x 9 X 10° (—1.633 + 0.9806) 5.872 kV ctype .o wy feom= [xB jas 0 Stoke's VX E=0 | Maxwell's 2 Equation a) F ) seal, (gps pea ~JE-dl~ —-E- dl = —E, dx — E,dy ~ E, dz y rs v tay? x y Zoe Tonk de 2 4 Bee Example 10 i ial V = si S$, Given the potential V iin cos \ Find the electric flux density D at (2, x/2, 0) Zz [ta tte v,.] arr 90” Fsind 0g = 7B sind cos $a, — cos #cos day +o sind ng r r r At (2, 7/2, 0), 20 D = eB (r = 2,0 = n/2, 6 = 0) = eo Sa, — Oay + Oay = 2.5e.a,C/m* = 22.1 a, pC/m? a Energy density in Electrostatic fields To determine the energy present in an assembly of charges, we must first determine the amount of work necessary to assemble them. Energy density in Electrostatic fields To determine the energy present in an assembly of charges, we must first determine the amount of work necessary to assemble them. Electrostatic Energy Density (W/m) me ai, ae a Example £ Three point charges —1 nC, 4nC, and 3 nC are located at (0, 0, 0), 0, 9), 0,0 0, 1), and (1, 0 0,0), respectively. Find the energy in the system. Solution FM + V2 + ON) — & |. 0/0 2 [Fre dre) * 2 L4ze() +2 Q , & 2 L4re) ” 4x0(V2) = (20: + 010+ oe) 8-7 7) = / Fee MC ONO AS Uo OUR ntenna & W Propagation Continuity Equation & Relaxation time Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay M.Tech IIT Kanpur Assistant Professor Department of Electronics Kanni Due to the principle of charge conservation, the time rate of decrease of charge within a given volume must be equal to the net outward current flow through the closed surface of the volume. Thus current /... coming out of the closed surface is Bw (a v7 os nN Save &3 as For steady currents, dp,/dt = 0 . e. | ==> no accumulation of charge at any point. and hence V - J = 0-showing that the total charge leaving a volume is the same as the total charge entering it. Kirchhoff’s current law follows from this. pee y oe we 08 wDd= wee Ble continuity equation Illustration land =) 10° | = 153 X10? s showing a rapid decay of charge placed inside copper, (wt “36n 5.8 x iw Its short for good conductors and long for good dielectrics. For example, for copper — = Ty 9 = 5.8 X 10” mhos/m, e, Magnetostatics Wofm?or Testes His magnetic field intensity (A/m) Bis magnetic flux density (Wb/m:) BIOT-SAVART’S LAW B= gH permeability of free space | [nas | Ps —— a i ‘The magnetic field intensity dHY produced at a point P, by the differential current clement Lal is proportional to the product Lal! and the ine of the angle a between the clement and the line joining P to the element and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance & between Pand the element (gra tas =" R Direction of dH can be PS detei Right Hand Rule Idl sina dar? sd by the 4 1dlxR d= 4aR dL deaand R= _ Ia Ip dz Arle +2 2 = pcota, dz = —p cosec” a da. a aL [er cosect a der () op? 4x} prcosec’a °* 5) intd the paged For infinite length conductor I “ “a | sin ada a i a = 180° and a, = 0° [ia | H = = (cosa — cos aay | aap | pcota, dz = —p cosec” a da. Em PicOnons p? cosec” a dav Foo, ae | preoseca %* U pe tae [ sin ada For infinite length conductor ay, = 180° and a, = 0° [4 U | Ho ga, (oon cos aay |\07 | a Id\xR au =~" aap Hs 5 tas and R’= pa, ae eases ag 1 et oo dale? + 2peee Ca lie = pcota, dz = —p cosec” a da BS Picobens 1 (ae Scoot Be | preoseca %* U 1 [® aap [ sin ada c_ +. © 4 | I | Ha gap corms cos aay |\Z7 For infinite length conductoy a, = 180° and a, = 0° Isolated magnetic poles and charge don’t exist p | IO" sells bral we V-B=0\% }- B= 01) yf _— Maxwell!’ second equation fp-as= |v: a) = y rail Ampere’s Circuit Law Ampere’s circuit law states that the line integral of the tangential component of H around a closed path is the same as the net current Iege enclosed by the path. Ampere's law is a special case of Hdl = loge " F { Biot-Savart’s law Age x5 Jeuc ey a Ty Crh j > VX H=JT] Maxwells fourth equation XR Ampere’s Circuit Law Ampere’s circuit law states that the Jine integral of the tangential component of H around a closed path is the same as the net current Jin: enclosed by the path. f Hdl ~ haw Ampere's law is a special case of 4 Biot-Savart’s law “ 4 Ig Peas Mavwells fourth equation Applications of Ampere’s Law 4 we a 7 or Infinite line current 1= Pig pdb a Hach pdb = Hy 2x0 i —_— jr ~—— % y nag [A | Assienment ‘Amperian path ~ xp ** Determine H for: 1. Infinite Sheet of current 2. Infinitely long coaxial transmission line Book: Elements of Electromagnetics by M.N.O. Sadiku Remember: Surface current densities (J or K) are line-integrated for an infinite sheet of current density K A/m]| Example p and z = 4 carry current K 0a, A/m. Planes z and K = 10a, A/m, respectively. Determine H at (1, 1, AD Solution pron (B= 8, +H, zg i ee OC H, = 1/2 K X@= 1/2 (—10a,) x a, = Sa, Aimy Hy = 12K X 4,5 1/2 (10a,) x (-a) = su an, * 7! ‘ » ~~ 224 AL H = 10a, A/m As we defined electric potential V wart. E, % i, 2a we can define a potential associated with.) Vv ‘Magnetic potential can be both Vector A or Scalar Vi, Vx (WY) =0Y Important identities VAVX A) of Scalar Magnetic Potential(ln) YS = Rae as E = —V¥ywe define ee VXH=Vx(-WV,) =0 z fs the magnetic scalar potential Vin is only defined in a region where J =0 V, satisfies Laplace's equation just as V does for electrostatic fields VVn = 0, (J = 0) As we defined electric potential V wart. E, we can define a potential associated with H. ‘Magnetic potential can be both Vector A or Scalar V,, Vx (VY) =0 V-(VxXA)=0 Sv Important identities Fe define y(n W/E ~— yt Vp, is the magnetic scalar potential ag) = - v/ © Hye Sue e Vv, J=VXH=Vx(-W,) =0 Jv. Thus the magnetic sealar potential Vm is only defined in region where JO Tf Sy iy egy Vz satisfies Laplace's equation just as V does for electrostatic fields apis Sy VVn = 0, (J = 0) | Vector Magnetic Potential A @ {B= 0 mawen '2"4 equation Eee V+ (VX A) = 0. Adentity we can define the vector magnetic potential A (in Wb/m) such that B-Vx Just as we defined [B= Vx@} 40 Y .~ a ee 4neor we can define bol dd ja=[ 4aR for line current a [SBE for surface current fox ysinne current The magnetic flux y through a given area p | (v=) a= [oxayas= para spe? Co ~ Boundary relations for Electric fields Until now we saw E in a homogeneous medium Boundaries dielectric (¢,1) and dielectric (¢,) conductor and dielectric av >) feary forsee, | 1. Dielectric-Dielectric Boundary Relation E, = Ex, + Ey, 1. Dielectric-Dielectric Boundary Relation Aeey Dae E, = E,, + Ey, E, = E,, + Ex, | wy frea= trA\ S | ah A Ah 0= By, dw ~ Eye!) ey Ake, aw a) eA a g Ae = mute ~ Bulge) Burg Eudw Eu + Eng =? 0 89S — Bap As CaO, Zl Continuous J IN fa = Oe Ah>0 Din ~ Din = bs Ey= Ey] 285 = 6 AQ = ps AS = Dj, AS — Dy, AS — De Ee a Discontinuous [Dy =Ds, | mmp | :Ein = €2E x Discontinuous for p,=0 at boundary Continuous fr-a=0 ly = s | A 0 = Ey, Aw ~ Ey, Eat -(e,aw EAH + AH => oO Ey, Ay mig Be 4 Aw Fay * Bie = B95 — Bey Asad ce By = Ex mp - Contnaoos JN - ai 8. ; 6 fo {Qn > Ah>0 o 7 = Diy Ps forp,=Oatboundary | Din= Day | mam | EE in = €2E2n Discontinaoas ae YQ ouput .o E, sin 0; = E, = Ey, = Ey sin 6 E, sin 8, = Ey sin 6 €E cos 0; = Di, = Day = €2E2 cos 62 &E, cos 8, = £2 cos 0, tan 0, _ tan 0, e & Law of refraction of the electric field at a boundary free of charge (p, = 0) By sin #, = By = Ey = Ey sin E, sin 8, = Ey sin@,. — £1E; 608 0) = Diy = Don = ex 2 C08 62 &E, Cos 6, = E> cos Oy —Y) tan@, _ tanO, 7 & & Law of refraction of the electric field at a boundary free of charge (p, = 0) 2. Conductor-Dielectric Boundary Conditions Thus under static conditions, the following conclusions can be made about a perfect conductor: 1. No electric field may exist within a conductor; that is, [a= #0] 2. Since E = — VV = 0, there can be no potential difference between any two points in the conductor; that is, a conductor is an equipotential body. 3. The electric field E can be external to the conductor and normal to its surface; that is D,= e00E, = 0, (Da) eateEa = os Note: Conductor-Free space boundary relations are a special case of Conductor-Dielectric boundary conditions where € is replaced by €, & <7 Example ‘Two extensive homogeneous isotropic dielectrics meet on plane z = 0. For z = 0,8; = 4 and for z= 0, €,. = 3. A uniform electric field E, = Sa, — 2a, + 3a, kV/m exists Tor ED, Sa 3 oh he ed SS z= 0. Find a % Wy Ein @ Bxforz = 0 ‘ (b) The angles E, and £, make with the interface aaa? ay = 90 — 0, ag = 90 - 6, —~ Since E,, = 3 and E,, = V25 + 4 = V29 tan, = SH = 28 1.795 — 6; = 60.9° Ey 3 a, = 29.1° Similarly, En=4 Ey = By, = V29 re E 29 tan 0, = —* = V2 1.346 — 6, = 53.4° En 4 a = 36.6° ay = 90 — 0, aa = 90 = L Since E,, = 3and E,, = V25 + 4 = V29 i - a> B= mctegthe tan 6, = 24 = V2 _ 1795 6, = 60.9° hg ee al ze Fer a = 29.1° ae eH ‘ Similarly, y Eq = 4 Ey = Ey = V29 ye Ey _ V29 tan 6, = —* = —— = 1,346 > 6, = 53.4° an En 4 Ce 24 ma ged eet he uv ie eunntecinny WV fo B- dS =) Gauss’ law for magnetism Grab, — f H- dl =1/ Ampere’scircuital law Z (A; — Hy) X ayig = K | General case fork=0 B, B. nm * Hy, = Hy or at = = wy He | ie 8 008; =\Bia = Bo\= Baeos 8s —(1) By Pt sin 6) = fs = Heys F8sin 8, —(D) [ ¢ 2D o AL Example The xy-plane serves as the interface between two different media. Medium I (2 < 0) is filled with a material whose yu, = 6, and medium 2 (< > 0) is filled with a material whose | Ethe interface carries current (1/4) a, mA/m, and By + 5a, ne find J@ Solution Ge A= Le im By, = Bs, = 8a, 9B, =8 ‘Hy B 7 Gay 8a,) mA/m i Ho gL pe 2 A. gre eT 1 “ 1 1 — (Ba, + Ba, + Baa, (a. J — (a, + 8a) Xa, +a, Gi * a, + Bea) 0) a! a. + Ba) Xa. + oa B, = L.5a, + 8a, mWb/m? Hy, = Bs = + ©2580, + 1.33a,) mA/m Hi Bo 1 H, = —(1.25a, + 2a,) mA/m Note that Hj, is (I/u,) mA/m less than H>, due to the current sheet and also that By, = Boy. Magnetic Energy Just as the potential energy in an electrostatic field was derived as Magnetic Energy Density Stationary Charge ——~ E Rg. | Steady Current H Time-varying currents. —> EM Waves 1 Maxwell’s Equations for Static EM Fields | Differential (or Point) Form — Integral Form Remarks @ Vd=e, fv-as= [na Gauss's law ~~ a 5 3 Nonexistence of magnetic monopole Conservativeness of electrostatic field J-dSAmpere’s law _, ye ea Faraday’s law For static EM fields, we recall that ena a, V-(V x = oe vey = — 208 2 q Asp, willnot be constant for at time varying currents UXH=J+Js where J, is to be determined and defined. =VStV, ap, Vide Viv xB) = ye or a Ved. a Da Defined as Displacement current density ar L XH=J+7—| Maxwells 4! Equation Asp, ca not be constant for time varying currents 0 EM fields, we recall that ek . = + i Qy XW ved ye 9. 480, will not be constant for time varying currents where J, is to © Secrmined and def SV Vox SOW T4 TL io cgenany ae yas oa \ ‘T= -2dF Foden D z gta Uv sv £0 % aD wD « 4 y 2D) defined os i AY Jax ap | Defined os Displacement current / % | _@ , | G2 &) ae 91 | Maxwell’s 4" Equation For static EM fields, we recall that VxH=J Vv-(VxX = =V-J vey = — 208 ¢ 9 480, mill nt be constant for a time varying currents VXH=J+I, where Jz is to be determined and defined. ve(vxH) = HVSH VS, _ 2. Ved Vas a aD 4 B= Se Defined as Displacement current density aD “aid cidinebt S43a Maxwell’s 4" Equation Maxwell Equations in Final Form Differential Form Integral Form Remarks (Y)v-D=p, fo-a= [oa Gauss’s law Be ge s ‘ Zk XS Nonexistence of isolated as magnetic charge els) 4\VXE= 2 Faraday’s law s ii (Modis (pn) fu- n= [ (0+) as itd ct At * *This is also referred oo as Guida's ao Farmers l\Av MU etd Eee ala eet Seeley

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