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Al – Raza Public School, Sohan – Islamabad

A historical place in Pakistan

One of the beautiful historical tourist spots in Lahore is the famous “Shahi Qila”, also known as the Royal or
Lahore Fort. It is in the heart of this city. The Lahore Fort connects us with the Mughal Era history as it was
originally built by the Mughal Ruler Akbar the great. It is a sequence of noble palaces, halls and gardens built
by Mughal rulers. Visit to the old building of the Lahore Fort is attractive which gives a strong historical and
peaceful vibe in the city. The entrance of the Lahore Fort is an example of remarkable art. It has been divided
into various notable structures and monuments that are a brilliant representation of the architectural styles of
Mughal Kings .There is also the Iqbal Tomb, where Iqbal the Poet of the East is buried.

Quaid e Azam Our National Hero

Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is our national hero. He is the founder of Pakistan. His life is full with the
struggle for the oppressed people especially for Muslims of Indian Subcontinent. He joined the Indian national
congress to free his people from the rule of England. In the beginning, he was a strong proponent of Hindu-
Muslim unity. But soon, came to know that Hindu leaders are not sincere with Muslims. He then joined All
India Muslim League and continued his struggle for the separate homeland for his people. He secured a separate
identity of Muslims within Indian Subcontinent. Quaid e Azam succeeded in achieving his demand for separate
country for the Muslims on 14th August 1947. He became the first governor general of Pakistan. The sacrifices
of our great leader will always be remembered as heroic achievements.

Impact of Social Media on Youth

Social media has become integral part of everyday life of almost all people in this modern time. It includes
Facebook, Google, YouTube, Instagram, and twitter. It has positive and also negative impacts on youth. It is
beneficial for them as they can communicate with others and can get information and entertainment from
different sources. Social Media helps students in learning. On the other hand, it has some bad effects especially
on youth. Youth is becoming addicted to social media and abusive use of social media can be harmful and
dangerous. It can waste their time and energy. They may become victim of cyber-crimes. So, if social media is
not used carefully it can be threatening for young generation.

Pakistani Women
Women in society are as important as men. In Pakistan, women are playing an important role in the
development of the country. Nowadays, interest of women towards education has increased. They are working
in different fields of life. In past, there were limited fields for them but now they are working as lady doctors,
engineers, nurses, writers and police and army officers. Women in villages are very hard working as they do
difficult household work at home as well as in fields. Some women are living miserable life in a pitiable
condition. They have to work in different places to earn money. While some are also serving valuable positions.
Women are also taking an active part in Pakistan politics. In short, we can see women working in all spheres of
life in our country.

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