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Question Paper Code :

Nov\Dec- 2022
<Fifth semester>
(Common to ______)
(Regulations 2019)
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
PART A (10x2=20 Marks)

1. Calculate density, Specific weight and weight of one litre of petrol of [CO1] [A2]
specific gravity = 0.7.
2. Define Newton’s law of Viscosity. [CO1] [A1]
3. What do you mean by viscous flow? [CO2] [A1]
4. Determine the head lost due to friction in a pipe of diameter 300mm and [CO2] [A2]
length 50m through which water is flowing at a velocity of 3m/s using
Darcy-Weisbach formula. Take kinematic viscosity of water = 0.01 stoke.
5. Mention few applications of hydraulic cylinders. [CO3] [A1]
6. What is the function of pressure intensifier? [CO3] [A1]
7. Name any four electrical devices commonly used in the control of fluid [CO4] [A1]
power systems.
8. What do you meant by PLC? [CO4] [A1]
9. List any four common causes of hydraulic systems breakdown. [CO5] [A1]
10. What will you do to prevent or reduce excessive heating of oil in a [CO5] [A2]
hydraulic system?

PART B (5x13=65 Marks)

11. a. Two large plane surfaces are 2.4cm apart. The space between the [CO1] [B1]
surfaces is filled with glycerin. What force is required to drag a very
thin plate of surface area 0.5m2 between the two large plane surfaces
at a speed of 0.6m/s and take dynamic viscosity of
Glycerin = 8.1 x 10-1 Ns/m2. If:
(i) The thin plate is in the middle of the two plane surfaces.
(ii) The thin plate is at a distance of 0.8cm from one of the
plane surfaces.

b. Find the volume of the water displaced and position of centre of [B2]
buoyancy for a wooden block of width 2.5m and of depth 1.5 m,
when it floats horizontally in water. The density of wooden block is
650 kg/m^3 and its length of 6 m.

12. a. The rate of flow of water through a horizontal pipe is 0.25 m3/s. The [CO2] [B2]
diameter of the pipe which is 200 mm is suddenly enlarged to 400
mm. The pressure intensity in the smaller pipe is 11.772 N/cm2.
(i) Loss of head due to sudden enlargement,
(ii) Pressure intensity in the large pipe,
(iii) Power lost due to enlargement.

b. The difference in water surface levels in two tanks, which are [B2]
connected by three pipes in series of lengths 300 m,170 m and 210 m
and of diameters 300 mm, 200 mm and 400 mm respectively, is
12 m. Determine the rates of flow of water if co-efficient of friction
are 0.005, 0.0052 and 0.0048 respectively.
(i) Considering Minor losses,
(ii) Neglecting Minor losses.

13. a. A hydraulic motor has a displacement of 150 cm^3 and operates with [CO3] [B1]
a pressure of 85 bars and a speed of 1800rpm. If the actual flow rate
consumed by the motor is 5 Lps and the actual torque delivered by
the motor is 185N-m. Find
(i) Volumetric efficiency
(ii) Mechanical efficiency
(iii) Overall efficiency
(iv) KW power delivered by the motor

b. With a neat sketch, Explain the construction and operation of a piston [B1]
type accumulator.
14. a. The 50mm diameter piston of the pneumatic cylinder of shown in fig. [CO4] [B2]
retracts150 mm from its present position (Gauge Pressure = 2.5 bars,
initial volume = 350 cm^3) due to the external load on the rod. If the
port at the blind end of the cylinders is blocked, find the new
pressure, assuming the temperature does not change.

b. Explain with suitable circuits how the single acting and double acting [B1]
hydraulic cylinders are controlled.
15. a. Tabulate the various faults, probable causes and also the remedial [CO5] [B2]
actions for the following hydraulic system components :
(i) Pump
(ii) DV Valve
(iii) Hydraulic cylinders

b. Draw and explain a tree-branching for a pneumatic system. [B1]

PART C (1x15=15 Marks)

[Higher order Thinking Skill Questions from the syllabus]

16. a. A 45o reducing bend is connected in a pipe line, the diameters at the inlet and [C1]
outlet of the bend being 600mm and 300mm respectively. Find the force
exerted by water on the bend if the intensity of pressure at inlet to bend is
8.829 N/cm^2 and rate of flow of water is 600 litres/s.
b. A horizontal pipe line 40 m long is connected to a water tank at one end and [C2]
discharge freely into the atmosphere at the other end. For the first 25 m of its
length from the tank, the pipe is 150 mm diameter and its suddenly enlarged
to 300 mm. The height of water level in the tank is 8 m above the centre of the
pipe. Considering all losses of head which occur, determine the rate of flow.
Take f=0.01 for both sections of the pipe. And also draw the hydraulic
gradient and total energy line.

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