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Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi

during the year 2022-23

RTE Society’s

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Major Project
Phase -1
Carried out by


Name of Student
Laxmi Honninayakar 2RH20CS012
Nandini Nandan 2RH20CS016
Soumyashree Biradar 2RH20CS032

For the Academic year 2023-24

Under the Guidance of

Prof. M.V.Umarani
Dept. of Computer Science Engineering,
Rural Engineering College Hulkoti

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

RTE Society’s

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Certified that project work entitled “Creating of Virtual Private Network” is a bonafide
work carried out by

Laxmi Honninayakar 2RH20CS012

Nandini Nandan 2RH20CS016
Soumyashree Biradar 2RH20CS032

Of VIII semester in partial fulfillment for the award of the Bachelor of Engineering in
Computer Science and Engineering. Of the Viseveswaraya Technological University,
Belgaum during the year 2023-2024. It is certified that all correction/suggestion
indicated for the internal assessment have been incorporated in the report. The project
has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of the project
work prescribedfor Bachelor of Engineering Degree.

Signature of the Guide Signature of the HOD Principal

Prof. M V Umarani Dr. S H Angadi Dr. V M Patil

Asst. Prof., CSE Dept. HOD, CSE Dept., REC Hulkoti
We, the students of the sixth semester of Computer Science and Engineering, Rural
Engineering College Hulkoti, declare that the work entitled “Water Quality Monitoring”
project phase-1 has been successfully completed under the guidance of Prof. M V Umarani,
Computer Science and Engineering Department, Rural Engineering College Hulkoti. This
dissertation work is submitted to Visvesvaraya Technological University in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Computer Science during the academic year 2023 -24. Further, the matter embodied in the
project report has not been submitted previously by anyone for the award of any degree or
diploma to any university.


1. Laxmi Honninayakar

2. Soumyashree Biradar

3. Nandini Nandan

The knowledge and satisfaction that accompanies a successful completion of a project is

hard to describe. Behind any successful project there are wise people guiding

throughout. We thank them for guiding us, correcting our mistakes, and providing

valuable feedback. We would consider it as our privilege to express our gratitude and

respect to all those who guided and encouraged us in this project.We extend our heartfelt

gratitude to our beloved principal, for the success of this project.We are grateful to Dr. S

H Angadi, Head of CSE Department a RuralEngineering College Hulkoti, for providing

support and encouragement.We convey our sincerest regards to our project guide, Prof.

Sangamesh S K, Asst Prof Dept. of CSE, Rural Engineering College Hulkoti, for

providing guidance and encouragement at all times needed.


Water pollution has been an increasing problem over the last few years. Water personal
satisfaction may be a standout amongst those primary variables with control wellbeing and the
state for sicknesses "around kin what's more animals. Lakes and waterways would those
fundamental wellsprings about drinking water, which impressively rely on upon water
personal satisfaction (refers of the physical, chemical, What's more living aspects about
water). The objective of this water quality monitoring system using internet of things is to find
the quality of the water i.e. how the pH content varies and sending message to the
corresponding authorities. We are going to implement this project at municipal water tanks
and drinking water reservoir. For that we are using an Arduino board for finding pH value and
GSM module for message technique. We use a led display to have continuous observation on
water parameters. Finally the user gets message of pH value of water.
1 Introduction 1-2
1.1 Introduction to Water Quality 1
1.2 Background 2

1.3 Motivation 2

2 Area Of Domain 3-4

3 Literature Survey 5-8

4 Problem Statement 9-10

4.1 Problem Identification 9
4.2 Problem Definition 10

5 Objectives 11

6 Conclusion 12

References 13

Enclose printout of referred


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