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IIT – JEE 2023–2025

(2015)PAPER – II
DATE: 27.01.2024
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 240

A. General
1. This booklet is your Question Paper containing 60 questions.
2. Blank papers, clipboards, log tables, slide rules, calculators, cellular phones, pagers and electronic
gadgets in any form are not allowed to be carried inside the examination hall.
3. Fill in the boxes provided for Name and Enrolment No.
4. The answer sheet, a machine-readable Objective Response (ORS), is provided separately.
B. Filling in the OMR:
6. The instructions for the OMR sheet are given on the OMR itself.
C. Question paper format:
7. The question paper consists of 3 parts (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics). Each part consists
of two sections.
8. Section I contains 8 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from
0 to 9 (both inclusive).
9. Section II contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D) out of which ONE or MORE are correct.
10. Section III contains 2 paragraphs type questions. Each paragraph describes an experiment, a
situation or a problem. Two multiple choice questions will be asked based on this paragraph. One or
more than one option can be correct.
D. Marking Scheme
11. For each question in Section I, you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken ALL the bubble(s)
corresponding to the correct answer(s) ONLY. In all other cases zero (0) marks will be awarded. No
negative marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
12. For each question in Section II, you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken ALL the bubble(s)
corresponding to the correct answer(s) ONLY. In all other cases zero (0) marks will be awarded. –2
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
13. For each question in Section III, you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken ALL the bubble(s)
corresponding to the correct answer(s) ONLY. In all other cases zero (0) marks will be awarded. –2
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.

Don’t write / mark your answers in this question booklet.

If you mark the answers in question booklet, you will not be allowed to continue the exam.



(Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004

SECTION 1 (Maximum Marks: 32)

 This section contains EIGHT questions

 The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive
 For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct integer in the ORS
 Marking scheme:
+4 If the bubble corresponding to the answer is darkened
0 In all other cases

1. A particle of mass m is suspended at the lower end of a thin rod of negligible mass. The upper end of
the rod is free to rotate in the plane of the page about a horizontal axis passing through the point O.
The spring is un–deformed when the rod is vertical as shown in figure. If the period of oscillation of

the system is L , when it is slightly displaced from its mean position then n is.
9mgL 2
(take k  and g = 10m/s .)

2. A planet of radius R   (radius of earth) has the same mass density as earth. Scientists dig a well
of depth on it and lower a wire of the same length and of linear mass density 10 3 kgm1 into it. If
the wire is not touching anywhere, the force applied at the top of the wire by a person holding it in
place is 12  k N then k is
6 –2
(take the radius of earth = 6  10 m and the acceleration due to gravity on earth is 10 ms )

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3. A container of cross-section area ‘S’ and height ‘h’ is filled with mercury up to the brim. Then the
container is sealed airtight and a hole of small cross section area ‘S/n’ (where ‘n’ is a positive
constant) is punched in its bottom. The time interval upto which the mercury will come out from the
 k 
 g
bottom hole is t  n  h  h0   then k is

 
(take the atmospheric pressure to be equal to h0 height of mercury column: h > h0)

4. A homogeneous aluminium ball of radius R is suspended on a weightless thread from an end of a

homogeneous rod of mass M = 4.4 g. The rod is placed on the edge of a tumbler with water so that
half of the ball is submerged in water when the system is in equilibrium (figure). The densities a and
 w of aluminium and water are 2  7  103 kg / m3 and 1 103 kg / m3 respectively. The ratio of y/x of
4 
the parts of the rod to the brim is 1   R3   k , then k is
3 
(neglecting the surface tension on the boundaries between the ball and water)

5. Consider a gas of triatomic molecules. The molecules are assumed to be triangular and made of
massless rigid rods whose vertices are occupied by atoms. The total internal energy of a mole of the
gas at temperature T is fRT then f is (T is relatively low)

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6. A smooth vertical tube having two different sections is open from both ends and equipped with two
pistons of different areas (figure). Each piston slides within a respective tube section. One mole of
ideal gas is enclosed between the pistons tied with a non-stretchable thread. The cross–sectional
area of the upper piston is S = 10 cm greater than that of the lower one. The combined mass of the
two pistons is equal to m = 5.0 kg. The outside air pressure is P0 = 1.0 atm. to shift the pistons
through l = 5.0 cm the change in the temperature of the gas is Kelvins then c is
(R  J/ mole k )

7. A ring of radius R, breaking stress b and density  made of lead wire is rotated about a stationary
vertical axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to the plane of the ring. The angular
frequency at which the ring ruptures is , then x + y is
 xR y

8. A piece of metal weighs 46 g in air. When it is immersed in a liquid of specific gravity 1.24 at 27 C it
weighs 30 g. When the temperature of liquid is raised to 42 C the metal piece weighs 30.5 g. Specific
gravity of liquid at 42 C is 1.20. The coefficient of linear expansion of the metal is
k  10  x / OC where k < 10, then x is

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SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 32)

 This section contains EIGHT questions

 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s)
is(are) correct
 For each question, darken the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) in the ORS
 Marking scheme:
+4 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) is(are) darkened
0 If none of the bubbles is darkened
–2 In all other cases

9. Function x  A sin2 t  Bcos2 t  Csin t cos t represents SHM

(A) for any value of A, B and C (except C = 0)
(B) if A = –B, C = 2B, amplitude = B 2
(C) if A = B; C = 0 (D) if A = B; C = 2B, amplitude = | B |

10. A bimetallic strip is formed out of two identical strips, one of copper and the other of brass. The
coefficients of linear expansion of the two metals are C and B .On heating, the temperature of the
strips goes up by T and the strip bends to form an arc of radius of curvature R. Then R is
(A) proportional to T (B) inversely proportional to T
(C) proportional to B  C (D) inversely proportional to B  C

11. Inside an isolated uniform spherical shell

(A) the gravitation potential is not zero
(B) the gravitational field is not zero
(C) the gravitational potential is same everywhere
(D) the gravitational field is same everywhere.

12. An orbiting satellite will escape if

(A) its speed is increased by  
2  1 100%
(B) its speed in the orbit is made 1 5 times of its initial value
(C) its KE is doubled
(D) it stops moving in the orbit
A particle free to move along the x-axis has potential energy given by U  x   k 1  e  x  for
 
  x    where k is a positive constant of appropriate dimensions. Then select the incorrect
(A) at points away from the origin, the particle is in unstable equilibrium
(B) for any finite non-zero value of x, there is a force directed away from the origin
(C) if its total mechanical energy is k/2, it has its minimum kinetic energy at the origin
(D) for small displacements from x = 0, the motion is simple harmonic

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14.   T 
The specific heat capacity of a metal at low temperature (T) is given as Cp kjK 1 kg1  32   .
 400 

A 100 gram vessel of this metal is to be cooled from 20K to 4K by a special refrigerator operating at
room temperature (27 C). The amount of work required to cool the vessel is
(A) greater than 0.148 kJ (B) between 0.148 kJ and 0.028 kJ
(C) less than 0.028 kJ (D) equal to 0.002 kJ

15. Two bodies A and B have thermal emissivities of 0.01 and 0.81 respectively. The outer surface areas
of the two bodies are the same. The two bodies emit total radiant power of the same rate. The
wavelength B corresponding to maximum spectral radiancy in the radiation from B shifted from the
wavelength corresponding to maximum spectral radiancy in the radiation from A, by 1.00 m. If the
temperature of A is 5802 K
(A) the temperature of B is 1934 K (B) B = 1.5 m
(C) the temperature of B is 11604 K (D) the temperature of B is 2901 K

16. A cylindrical capillary tube of 0.2 mm radius is made by joining two capillaries T1 and T2 of different
materials having water contact angles of 0 and 60 , respectively. The capillary tube is dipped
vertically in water in two different configurations, Case – I and II as shown in figure. Which of the
following option(s) is (are) correct?
3 2
(surface tension of water = 0.075 N/m, density of water = 1000 kg/m , take g = 10 m/s )

(A) The correction in the height of water column raised in the tube, due to weight of water contained in
the meniscus, will be different for both cases
(B) For case II, if the capillary joint is 5cm above the water surface, the height of water column raised
in the tube will be 3.75cm. (Neglect the weight of the water in the meniscus)
(C) For case I, if the joint is kept at 8cm above the water surface, the height of water column in the
tube will be 7.5cm. [Neglect the weight of the water in the meniscus]
(D) For case I, if the capillary joint is 5cm above the water surface, the height of water column raised
in the tube will be more than 8.75 cm. [Neglect the weight of the water in the meniscus]

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SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 16)

 This section contains TWO paragraphs

 Based on each paragraph, there will be TWO questions
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s)
is(are) correct
 For each question, darken the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) in the ORS
 Marking scheme:
+4 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) is(are) darkened
0 If none of the bubbles is darkened
–2 In all other cases


One way of measuring a person’s body fat content is by “weighing” them under water. This works
because fat tends to float on water as it is less dense than water. On the other hand muscle and bone
tend to sink as they are more dense. Knowing your “weight” under water as well as your real weight
out of water, the percentage of your body’s volume that is made up of fat can easily be estimated.
This is only an estimate since it assumes that your body is made up of only two substances, fat (low
density) and everything else (high density). The “weight” is measured by spring balance both inside
and outside the water. Quotes are placed around weight to indicate that the measurement read on the
scale is not your true weight, i.e. the force applied to your body by gravity, but a measurement of the
net downward force on the scale.

17. Ram and Shyam are having the same weight when measured outside the water. When measured
under water, it is found that weight of Ram is more than that of Shyam, then we can say that
(A) Ram is having more fat content than Shyam
(B) Shyam is having more fat content that Ram
(C) Ram and Shyam both are having the same fat content (D) none of these

18. Ram is being weighed by the spring balance in two different situations. First when he was fully
immersed in water and the second time when he was partially immersed in water, then
(A) reading will be more in the first case (B) reading will be more in the second case
(C) reading would be same in both cases (D) reading depend upon experimental setup

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Two closed identical conducting containers are found in the laboratory of an old scientist. For the
verification of the gas some experiments are performed on the two boxes and the results are noted.

Experiment–1: When the two containers are weighted WA  225 g , WB  160 g and mass of
evacuated container WC  100 g

Experiment–2: When the two containers are given same amount of heat same temperature rise is
recorded. The pressure changes found are PA  2  5 atm , PB  1 5atm

Required data for unknown gas

Mono He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rd
(molar mass) 4g 20 g 40 g 84 g 131 g 222 g
Dia H2 F2 N2 O2 Cl2
(molar mass) 2g 19 g 28 g 32 g 71 g

19. Identify the type of gas filled in container A and B respectively.

(A) Mono, Mono (B) Dia, Dia (C) Mono, Dia (D) Dia, Mono

20. Identify the gas filled in the container A and B

(A) N2 , Ne (B) He, H2 (C) O2 , Ar (D) Ar, O2

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SECTION 1 (Maximum Marks: 32)

 This section contains EIGHT questions

 The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive
 For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct integer in the ORS
 Marking scheme:
+4 If the bubble corresponding to the answer is darkened
0 In all other cases

21. How many of the following compounds produces CH4, when reacted with CH3MgBr ?

H3C OH , NH3 , H3C NH2 , , (H3C)3N

H3C C C CH3 , H3C C CH , H3C CH2 O CH2 CH3 , H3C COOH

22. The number of acids which are more acidic than benzoic acid.

OCH 3 NO2; NO 2 CH 3
CH3COOH; ; ; ; Cl ;

23. Number of moles of H2 evolved during the following aromatization reaction is

H3C   CH2   CH3 
CrO / Al O
2 3

5 600 C

24. How many of the following compound are non-aromatic?

(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)
(v) (vi) (vii)

25. In how many of the following reactions new C–C bond formation takes place.
Wurtz reaction, Corey–House synthesis, Frankland reaction, Kolbe’s electrolysis, Clemenson
reduction, Decarboxylation.

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26. The no of  bonds in cyano benzene ?

27. The difference between  & bonds present in 1–hydroxy pent–4–yne–2,3–di–one.

28. The IUPAC name of the below compound is, Bicyclo  x.y.z  heptane, then (x + y +z) is

SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 32)

 This section contains EIGHT questions
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s)
is(are) correct
 For each question, darken the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) in the ORS
 Marking scheme:
+4 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) is(are) darkened
0 If none of the bubbles is darkened
–2 In all other cases

29. Identify the correct order for the given property


> > (Stability)

(B) > > > (Basic character)


(C) > > > (Acidic character)



(D) > > > (Stability)


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30. Which of the given statement(s) about N, O, P and Q with respect to M is (are) correct ?
CH3 Cl CH3 Cl Cl
(A) M and N are non–mirror image stereoisomers (B) M and O are identical
(C) M and P are enantiomers (D) M and Q are identical

31. Which of the following compounds has correct IUPAC nomenclature?

CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  C  O  C 2 H5
(A)  Ethyl Butanoate
CH 3  CH  CH2  CHO
(B) | 3-Methyl Butanal
(C) Propanoic Anhydride
CH 3  C H  C H  CH 3
(D) | | 2-Methyl-3-Butanol

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32. Which of the following order is / are correct?


(A) > > > (Acidic strength)


> > > (Stability)


(C) > > (Stability of resonating structure)


> > (Heat of hydrogenation)

33. Which of the following would be optically inactive ?

(A) CH2=C=CH2 (B) (C) CH3–CH=C=CH–CH3 (D) Me

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34. Which of these statements is not correct ?

(A) Stability of alkyl carbanion can be explained by hyperconjugation

(B) CH2 is more stable than

Cl F
is more acidic than


is more basic than

35. Which is optically active ?

Cl C 2H 5
(A) H H (B) (C) CH3–CH(D)–COOH (D) H H

36. Which of the following compounds has been correctly named ?


(A) 2–chlorocyclohexene

(B)  CH3 2 CHCH2CH2Br 1–Bromo–3–methylbutane

(C)  CH3 2 C  CH  COOH 3–methyl but–2–enoic acid
(D) 2–cyclopropylbutane

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SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 16)

 This section contains TWO paragraphs

 Based on each paragraph, there will be TWO questions
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s)
is(are) correct
 For each question, darken the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) in the ORS
 Marking scheme:
+4 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) is(are) darkened
0 If none of the bubbles is darkened
–2 In all other cases


The isomerism that arises due to restricted rotation about a bond in a molecule is known as geometrical
isomerism. The rotation either about a double bond or about a single bond in a ring system is restricted and
causes this type of isomerism. This is of cis–trans type, E–Z type, syn–anti type etc.

37. Which of the following has z – configuration ?

Cl Cl Cl OH D CH CH2 H3C C2 H5
(A) C C (B) C C (C) C C (D) C C

38. The no. of geometrical isomers possible for the compound C6H5-CH=CH-CH=CH-C 6H 5 ?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four


Read the paragraph carefully and answer the following questions:

An ethereal solution of an alkyl halide (preferably the bromide or iodide) is treated with sodium
2R  X  2Na 
 R  R  2NaX
2CH3  Br  2Na 
 CH3  CH3  2NaBr
CH3CH2Br  2Na  CH3Br 
 CH3 CH2  CH3  2NaBr
In this reaction product has new (C-C) bond.
With same type of alkyl halide, product has symmetry, this helps in deciding the nature of reacting alkyl halide.

39. Intermediate is
(A) carbocation (B) carbene (C) free radial (D) nitrene

40. Which of the following can be obtained in good yield by Wurtz reaction?
CH3 (B) (C) CH3 (D)

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SECTION 1 (Maximum Marks: 32)

 This section contains EIGHT questions

 The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive
 For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct integer in the ORS
 Marking scheme:
+4 If the bubble corresponding to the answer is darkened
0 In all other cases

 
41.    
Let L1 be the line r1  2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ   ˆi  2kˆ and let L2 be the line r2  3iˆ  ˆj   ˆi  ˆj  kˆ . Let  be the
plane which contains the line L1 and is parallel to L2. The distance of the plane  from the origin is k.
Find 7k .

x 1 y  2 z  3
42. For the line   , it lies in the plane x  2y  z  d . Find d.
1 2 3

43. The value of |m| for which straight line 3x  2y  z  3  0  4x  3y  4z  1 is parallel to the plane
2x  y  mz  2  0 is

44.  
The intercept made by the plane r. 2iˆ  3ˆj  4kˆ  8 on the x–axis is

x  2 y 1 z 1 2
45. The line   intersects the curve xy  c 2 ,z  0 if c is equal to
3 2 1

x3 y4 z5

46. If the equation of a line and a plane be =  and 4x  2y  z  1 , respectively, If line
2 b 2
is parallel to plane find b.

       

     is equal to 12bˆ . Find 
If a  2 and b  3 and a. b  0 , then  a  a  a  a  b

  
48. The volume of a tetrahedron formed by the coterminus edges a,b, and c is 3. Then the volume of the
     
parallelepiped formed by the coterminus edges a  b, b  c , and c  a is p. Find p .

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(Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004

SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 32)

 This section contains EIGHT questions

 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s)
is(are) correct
 For each question, darken the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) in the ORS
 Marking scheme:
+4 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) is(are) darkened
0 If none of the bubbles is darkened
–2 In all other cases
2 2
49. The angle between tangents to the curves y = x and x = y at (1, 1) is
4 3 3 1
(A) cos1 (B) sin1 (C) tan1 (D) tan1
5 5 4 3

50. The angle between the tangents at any point P and the line joining P to the origin 0, where P is a point
 
on the curve ln x 2  y 2  c tan1 ,c is a constant, is
(A) independent of x (B) independent of y
(C) independent of x but dependent on y (D) independent of y but dependent on x

2/3  tan  x 
1   , x0
Given f  x   4    x  , g x    x , h  x   x,k  x   5 2   then in 0, 1 the
log x  3
2   1,
 x0
Lagrange’s mean value theorem is not applicable to the
(   represents fractional part &   represents GIF. )
(A) f (B) g (C) k (D) h

52. Which of the following lines lie on the plane x + 2y – z + 4 = 0?

x 1 y z5
(A)   (B) x  y  z  2x  y  z  0
1 1 1

 
(C) r  2iˆ  ˆj  4kˆ   3iˆ  ˆj  5kˆ (D) none of these

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x 
53. Points on the curve f  x   , where the tangent is inclined at an angle of to x–axis, are
1 x2 4
 3  2  3
(A)  0,0  (B)  3,  (C)  2,  (D)   3, 
 2   3  2 
 

     
54. Let r be a unit vector satisfying r  a  b , where a  3 and b  2 . Then
 2     1   
(A) r 

a  ab  (B) r 

a  ab 
 2     1   
(C) r 

a  ab  (D) r 

a  a  b 
         
55.      
If a and b are unequal unit vectors such that a  b   b  a  2a  b   a  b , then angle 
 
 
between a and b is
(A) 0 (B)  / 2 (C)  / 4 (D) 

      
56. If a and b are two unit vectors perpendicular to each other and c  1a   2b   3 a  b , then which  
of the following is (are) true ?
  
(A)   a.c (B)  2  b  c
       
 
(C)  3  a  b  c 
(D) 1   2   3  a  b  a  b .c 
SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 16)

 This section contains TWO paragraphs

 Based on each paragraph, there will be TWO questions
 Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s)
is(are) correct
 For each question, darken the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) in the ORS
 Marking scheme:
+4 If only the bubble(s) corresponding to all the correct option(s) is(are) darkened
0 If none of the bubbles is darkened
–2 In all other cases

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(Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004


Consider the curve x  1  3t 2 , y  t  3t 3 . If a tangent at point 1  3t 2 ,t  3t 3  inclined at an angle  to positive
x – axis and another tangent at point P  2, 2  cuts the curve again at Q.

57. The value of tan   sec  is equal to

(A) 3t (B) t (C) t  t 2 (D) t 2  2t

58. The angle between the tangent at P and Q is

   
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 6 2 3

A spherical balloon is being inflated so that its volume increases uniformly at the rate of 40 cm / min.

59. At r = 8, its surface area increases at the rate

(A) 8cm2 / min (B) 10 cm /min
(C) 20 cm / min (D) None of these

60. When r = 8, then the increase in radius in the next ½ minute is

(A) 0.025 cm (B) 0.050 cm
(C) 0.075 cm (D) 0.01 cm

Space for rough work

(Hyderabad Classes) Limited. 5-9-14/B, Saifabad, (Opp. Secretariat) Hyderabad. 500 063. Ph: 040-66777000 – 03 Fax: 04066777004

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