Final Draft of q4.

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Based on above, what policy measures will you prescribe for effective handling of such
like disaster in future?
As we all know that floods have a great power to destroy the entire infrastructure.
Unfortunately, floods of 2022 in Pakistan had a great scale destruction. All the predictions by the
relevant authorities were not equal to what the flood brought with it. Hence, the measures taken
by NDMA, DDMA and NGOs were inadequate. They could not fulfil the needs of the displaced
and distressed people of Pakistan. As floods are increasing day by day in the entire world, so
there is a dire need that effective and timely policy measures may be taken in order to minimize
the destruction.
Hence, based on above following policy measures may be taken for effective handling of such
like disaster in future.

1. Disaster Management Subject in Curriculum:

As we know that disaster like floods, tsunamis, hurricanes have become an invincible
phenomenon due to climate change. Therefore, one such course/subject should be introduced
after primary and especially in intermediate curriculum; so that the children may be familiar to
deal with such situations. Lead implementer in this case will be Government of Sindh, Ministry
of Education.
2. Training/Workshops on Disaster Management

Workshops and trainings on how to handle a flood-hit situation or area must be conducted. In
this case, PDMA may be asked to conduct such workshops frequently in order to bring basic
awareness among the masses to fight with such catastrophic situations.
3. Strengthening and Empowering the Role of DDMA
We have interviewed several officers including Mr. Samiullah, who is ADC Sehwan;
who was asked to provide a concrete measure to mitigate the destructions caused by
floods. He replied by giving his first hand experience that a Deputy Comiisioner, when
works as DDMA, he has very limited powers to implement. Ranging from buying
mosquito nets to boats, and from medicines to tents they have to rely on PDMA for such
things. He further explained that DDMAs have such powers back in 2010 but now they
are delegated to provincial authorities which somehow affects the timely performance of
flood relief activities.
Hence, there is a dire need to strengthen and empower the office of DDMA so that in
times of need, it has all the resources to deliver the best results at the earliest.

4. Increased Existing Infrastructure

As we have discussed that one of the reasons for ineffective handling of floods was not
enough infrastructure. The infrastructure that we have has a capacity to handle routine
floods/rain; but this time the rains continued for three consecutive months. Therefore, it is
recommended that existing infrastructure of floods may be increased so as to mitigate the
effects of floods.
5. Early Warning System

Early Warning System (EWS) is very important in these times as inflow of floods and
other disasters is becoming inevitable. If we have early warning systems, PDMAs and
NDMA can do the necessary work of displacing residents at safer places. Furthermore,
the livestock can also be moved at safer places so that the loss can be minimized. Not
only residents and livestock, through early warning system, loss of crops can be
minimized to great warning system. In this regard, Ministry of Climate and will help us
and provide us the relevant data timely, so that necessary remedial measures may be
taken accordingly.
6. Long-lasting insecticide-treated Nets (LLINs) distribution:

Immediately after floods, there is a always a threat of vector-borne diseases, especially

malaria and dengue. In this scenario, PDMA must take proactive approach to procure
long-lasting insecticide-treated Nets so that further damage can be reduced. In the floods
of 2022, such nets were also procured but in less quantity. Hence, sufficient number of
such nets may be arranged so as to deal with drastic situation of floods.

7. Coordination Strategy

As discussed before, that in the wake of floods of 2022 in Pakistan, alongwith the
PDMAs/ Government led policies of relief work, there were many national and
international NGOs including Red Crescent and Red Cross helped us in difficult times.
They not only provided the financial aid but also infrastructure and cooked food were
provided. Additionally, there were many civil society organisations such as local
communities, masajids, Ulema, and other influenced philanthropist people who assisted
the government and facilitated the flood-stricken people of Pakistan. But what they lack
was coordination among the different sectors i.e. PDMA, NGOs, and Civil Society
Organisations. So for now there is a dire need of significant coordination strategy to
facilitate a collaborative and efficacious response from different set of sectors.

8. Special Provision for Flood Relief Fund

Special fund in the budget should be allocated to DDMAs for preparation of floods. As
we all know that the amount allocated for PDMA and NDMA is not sufficient, keeping in
mind the havoc created by mighty floods of 2022. Hence, more share of budget may be
allocated in this area so as to effectively handle such like situations in future.

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