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1. Explain logical operators.
2. Write the dual of Boolean expression (A+0).(A.1.A’)
3. Find the compliment of Boolean expression A.B + C’.D’
4. Draw logic circuits of the following:
(i) A.(B+C’) (iii) AB’+A’BC+ABC
(ii) A’B’+(AB)’ (iv) (A+B).(A+B+C’)
5. State Associative law & verify one of the laws using truth table.
6. Represent using NAND gates only: A’BC + AB’C + A’B’C
7. Prove that XY+YZ+YZ’=Y algebraically
8. Simplify the following Boolean Expression using Boolean postulates and
laws of Boolean algebra.
Z = (a’+a).b’.c+a.b’.c’+a.b.(c+c’)
9. Prove x’.y’+y.z = x’yz+x’yz’+xyz+x’yz algebraically.
10.Prove that (a’+b’)(a’+b)(a+b’)=a’b’.
11.Define DE Morgan’s Law (“Break the line and change the sign”) and prove it
algebraically and by Truth Table.
12.Prove that 1 + A is a tautology and 0.A is a fallacy.
13.Find out the complement of the following functions:
(i) x’yz’ + x’y’z (iii) x(y’z+ yz) (v) AB(C’D +
(ii) AB’(A’+B + C) C’ (iv) XY + Y’Z + Z’Z
14.Prove the following functions Boolean algebraically:
(i) X(X+Y)=X (v) A( B + B’C + B’C’ ) = A
(ii) ( a’ + b’) ( a’ + b ) ( a + b’) = a’ b’ (vi) (X + Y + Z)(X’ + Y + Z ) = Y + Z
(iii) x’.y’ + y.z = x’.y’.z’ + x’.y’.z + x’.y.z + x.y.z
(iv) AB’CD’ + AB’CD + ABCD’ + ABCD = AC
15.Draw the circuit diagram for the following Boolean functions:
(i) Y’Z + X’YZ’ + XZ’ (ii) A’BC + (A’+B) (B’+C) AB’C’
(iii) AB’C’ + (A’+B+C)’ + A’B’C (iv) B’C (A’+B+C) (B’+ C’)


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