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NAMA : ........................................... HARI/TANGGAL : .................................

A. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a,b,c atau d pada jawaban yang benar!
1. I wash my hair with…..
a. Soap b. Detergent c. Toothpast d. Shampoo
2. We should take a bath at least…… times a day.
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
3. My stomach hurts.
I have …..
a. Headache b. Stomachache c. Eyesore d. Fever
4. Mother checked her health in the ….
a. School b. Supermarket c. Hospital d. Police Station
5. Fruits contain many….
a. Carbohidrate b. Fat c. Vitamin d. Protein
6. It is a …… of water.
a. Cup b. Bottle c. Kettle d. Glass
7. He …. To eat French fries.
a. Like b. Likes c. Liked d. Liking
8. I don’t drink this tea now, it is too….
a. Hot b. Hard c. Weight d. Far
9. A : What does Ami like to drink ?
B : She likes to drink…..
a. A glass of milk
b. A glass of juice
c. A glass of water
d. A can of soda
10. I like to eat …
a. Meat
b. Fried rice
c. Burger
d. Pizza
Text for Number 11 to 15
Seta and his friends are in the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. They want to visit the Sport
Museum. In the Museum, they can see many kinds of sports. The Sport Museum has a unique
shape. It is like a ball. It faces to the keong Emas Imaz Theater. This museum informs us about
how important doing sport for our body.
11. Seta and his friends are in the ….
a. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah c. Pangandara Beach
b. Borobudur Temple d. Prambanan Temple
12. They want to visit the ….
a. Bird Park c. Handicraft Center
b. b. Youth Hostel d. Sport Museum
13. The Sport Museum faces to the ….
a. Book b. Ball c. Car d. Snails
14. The Sport Museum faces to the ….
a. Batak Museum
b. Keong Emas Imax Theater
c. Mini Train Satation
d. Skylift Terminal
15. This building reminds us that doing sport is …. For our body.
a. Unimportant c. Impossible
b. Importaint d. Harmful
16. Cow has big ….
a. Body b. Ear c. Leg d. Tail
17. Fish live in the …
a. Air b. Ground c. Water d. Space
18. A : What is your pet ?
B : My pet is a ….
a. Cat
b. Dog
c. Turtle
d. Iguana
19. A : what is the elephant look like ?
B : it is ……. Body.
a. Big b. Cute c. Small d. Tiny
20. It can fly on the sky. It is a ….
a. Rabbits b. Cat c. Bird d. Horse
Dialogue for number 21 to 25
(percakapan untuk nomer 21 sampai 25)
Tania : Do you have something special ?
Seller : Yes, I do. We have an Australian Rabbit.
Tania : An Australian rabbit ? What is it like ?
Seller : it is very big.
Tania : How big is it ?
Seller : It is as big as a cat.
Tania : How much goes it cost ?
Seller : it is forty thousand rupiahs.
Tania : Ok. I take this one.
Seller : Alright
21. Tania wants to buy a ….
a. Cat b. Rabbit c. Bird d. Cock
22. A : Is it an Australian rabbit ?
B : …….
a. Yes, it is. b. No, it is not c. Yes, they are d. No, they are not.
23. The Australian rabbit is ….
a. Big b. Small c. Short d. Long
24. The rabbits as big as the …
a. Cow b. Sheep c. Cat d. Horse
25. A : How much does Australian rabbit cost ?
B : it is ….
a. Rp.25.000,00 b. Rp.30.000,00 c. Rp.35.000,00 d. Rp.40.000,00

B. Terjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia!

1. Hamster has small body.
2. Cat is a cute animal.
3. Lovebird has wonderful colour.
4. Rabbit has long ear.
5. Chicken has legs and wings.
6. Snake has long body.
7. Horse has big body.
8. Fish live in the water.
9. Iguana has four legs.
10. Cat likes eat salted fish.
C. Read the Text Carefully!
At The Hospital
Look at the picture. This is the condition at the hospital.there are the doctors and nurses.
There are patients, too. They stay there because of many kinds of diseases such as typush, malaria,
heary attack, diabetes, etc.
Last week, I went to the hospital with my mother. My mother checked her health. She saw dr.
Jimmy. He is Fani’s father. Fani’s father wrote a prescripyion for my mother and she bought the
medecines at the drugstore.
We passed mortuary and ICU rooms. The ambulance parked in front of the hospitals waiting
room, and ready to bring the patient.
1. Where did the writer go last week with her mother ?
2. What did she see in the hospital?
3. What did mother do in the hospital?
4. Did Dr. Jimmy write a prescription for the writer’s mother ?
5. Where did the writer’s mother buy the medicines?

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