Assessment in Learning 2

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"Every Child is Special," also known as "Taare Zameen Par," is a poignant and heartwarming film
directed by Aamir Khan. The movie delves into the life of a dyslexic child, Ishaan Awasthi,
whose struggles with conventional education highlight the often overlooked nuances of
childhood learning difficulties and the importance of recognizing and nurturing individual
talents.The film's central theme revolves around the unique challenges faced by children with
learning disabilities. Ishaan Awasthi, the protagonist, is an eight-year-old boy whose world is
filled with dreams, creativity, and unbounded imagination. However, his dyslexia makes it
difficult for him to conform to the rigid academic expectations of his school and family. The
narrative powerfully illustrates how his difficulties are misunderstood as laziness and lack of
discipline, leading to punitive measures that further alienate him. Aamir Khan, who plays the
role of an empathetic art teacher named Ram Shankar Nikumbh, introduces a transformative
perspective. He recognizes Ishaan's potential and employs unconventional teaching methods to
help him overcome his difficulties. This character not only brings hope to Ishaan but also serves
as a catalyst for change within the educational system depicted in the film.
"Every Child is Special" excels in evoking a wide range of emotions. Ishaan's journey from
despair to self-discovery is depicted with sensitivity and depth, making the audience empathize
with his plight. The film's emotional core lies in its ability to connect viewers with the child's
perspective, portraying his inner turmoil and the harsh realities of being misunderstood.The
turning point in the movie, where Ishaan's talents are finally recognized, is particularly moving.
The scene where his painting is unveiled, capturing the essence of his creative genius, is both
heartwarming and inspirational. It underscores the message that every child has inherent worth
and potential, which can flourish if given the right support and understanding.
"Every Child is Special" carries profound societal messages about the education system and
parenting. It critiques the traditional educational model that prioritizes rote learning and
standardization over individuality and creative expression. The film advocates for a more
inclusive and compassionate approach to education, one that recognizes and nurtures diverse
talents and learning styles. Furthermore, the movie highlights the critical role of teachers and
parents in a child's development. It calls for a shift from punitive measures to supportive and
patient guidance, emphasizing that understanding and empathy are crucial in helping children
overcome their challenges. Ram Shankar Nikumbh's character exemplifies the positive impact a
dedicated and perceptive teacher can have on a child's life.
"Every Child is Special" is not just a film; it is a powerful commentary on the need for
educational reform and the importance of recognizing and celebrating individual differences.
Aamir Khan's direction and portrayal of Ram Shankar Nikumbh bring a sense of authenticity and
urgency to the film's message. The movie encourages viewers to reflect on their attitudes
towards education and child development, advocating for a world where every child is given
the opportunity to shine.


The main problem of the main character, Ishaan Awasthi, in "Every Child is Special" (also known
as "Taare Zameen Par"), is his struggle with dyslexia, a learning disability that affects his ability
to read and write. This condition leads to significant difficulties in his academic performance,
which are misunderstood by his teachers and parents.
1. Academic Challenges
Ishaan has severe difficulties in reading, writing, and understanding letters and words, which
results in poor academic performance. His inability to keep up with the school curriculum leads
to failing grades and constant criticism from his teachers.

2. Misunderstanding and Lack of Support

Ishaan's dyslexia is not recognized or understood by the adults around him. His teachers label
him as lazy, inattentive, and mischievous, while his parents, especially his father, see him as a
problem child who is not trying hard enough. This lack of understanding and support
exacerbates his struggles, leading to feelings of frustration, isolation, and low self-esteem.

3. Emotional and Psychological Impact

The constant reprimands and pressure to conform to academic standards take a toll on Ishaan's
emotional well-being. He becomes increasingly withdrawn, depressed, and loses confidence in
his abilities. His vivid imagination and creative talents, which are his strengths, are
overshadowed by his academic failures.

4. Separation from Family

As a consequence of his poor performance and perceived behavioral issues, Ishaan is sent to a
boarding school. This separation from his family, particularly his supportive mother, adds to his
emotional distress and sense of abandonment.
5. Lack of Recognition of His Talents
Ishaan is artistically gifted, with a remarkable ability to paint and create. However, this talent
goes unrecognized and unappreciated in an environment that prioritizes academic achievement
over creativity and individual expression.


Ishaan Awasthi's dyslexia was detected by his new art teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, who
joined the boarding school where Ishaan was sent after failing academically at his previous
Behavioral Observations in the Classroom:
Lack of Interest and Engagement: Nikumbh noticed that Ishaan was often disinterested and
disengaged during lessons, showing signs of frustration and distraction.
Avoidance of Academic Tasks: Ishaan frequently avoided tasks that involved reading and
writing, which were particularly challenging for him.
Examination of Ishaan's Work:

Review of Exercise Books: Nikumbh examined Ishaan's notebooks and found numerous spelling
mistakes, reversed letters, and jumbled words, which are typical indicators of dyslexia.
Artistic Talent: Despite the academic challenges, Ishaan's artwork demonstrated exceptional
creativity and imagination, indicating that his difficulties were specific to reading and writing
rather than a lack of intelligence or effort.
One-on-One Interaction:

Personal Discussion: Nikumbh spent time talking to Ishaan and observing him closely. Through
these interactions, he gathered insights into Ishaan's struggles, particularly with written
Practical Tests: Nikumbh conducted informal assessments, such as asking Ishaan to read and
write, which further confirmed the signs of dyslexia.
Comparison with Symptoms of Dyslexia:
Identifying Patterns: Nikumbh compared Ishaan's symptoms with common characteristics of
dyslexia, such as difficulty in recognizing letters and words, problems with spelling, and a
tendency to write letters and numbers backwards.
After identifying Ishaan's dyslexia, Nikumbh took several steps to support him:
Informing the School and Parents: Nikumbh explained his findings to the school authorities and
Ishaan's parents, educating them about dyslexia and its impact on learning.
Tailored Teaching Methods: Nikumbh used creative and multisensory teaching methods to
help Ishaan overcome his difficulties, such as incorporating visual aids, interactive activities, and
personalized instruction.
Building Confidence: Nikumbh focused on boosting Ishaan's self-esteem by recognizing and
celebrating his artistic talents, providing positive reinforcement, and creating a supportive
learning environment.
Through these efforts, Ishaan gradually improved his reading and writing skills and regained his
confidence and enthusiasm for learning. The film underscores the importance of early
detection, understanding, and appropriate intervention for children with learning disabilities.


In "Every Child is Special" (Taare Zameen Par), Ishaan Awasthi's dyslexia is treated through a
combination of understanding, empathy, and innovative teaching methods.
1. Creating a Supportive Environment
Empathy and Understanding: Nikumbh's first step was to create a trusting relationship with
Ishaan. He showed empathy and understanding, making Ishaan feel valued and accepted.
Positive Reinforcement: Nikumbh emphasized Ishaan's strengths, particularly his artistic talent,
providing him with positive reinforcement and encouragement.
2. Educational Interventions
Multisensory Teaching Methods: Nikumbh employed multisensory learning techniques to
make the learning process engaging and effective for Ishaan. This included using visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic methods to help Ishaan understand and retain information.
Tailored Instructions: He provided individualized instruction, breaking down complex tasks into
smaller, manageable steps and using repetition to reinforce learning.
Interactive Learning Tools: Nikumbh used various interactive tools, such as clay models,
drawing, and storytelling, to teach letters and words in a more engaging way.
3. Building Foundational Skills
Phonics and Reading Practice: Nikumbh focused on phonics to help Ishaan understand the
relationship between letters and sounds, improving his reading skills through practice and
Writing Exercises: He introduced writing exercises that emphasized forming letters correctly,
using techniques like tracing and copying to build Ishaan's writing abilities gradually.
4. Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem
Celebrating Achievements: Nikumbh celebrated Ishaan's small successes, boosting his
confidence and making him feel proud of his progress.
Showcasing Talents: He encouraged Ishaan to express himself through art, showcasing his work
and talent to the school community, which significantly improved Ishaan's self-esteem.
5. Educating Others
Raising Awareness: Nikumbh educated Ishaan's parents and the school staff about dyslexia,
helping them understand the nature of his difficulties and the importance of supportive
Advocacy for Change: He advocated for a more inclusive and understanding approach to
education, emphasizing the need for patience and personalized teaching strategies for children
with learning disabilities.
6. Consistent Support and Encouragement
Regular Monitoring: Nikumbh consistently monitored Ishaan's progress, providing ongoing
support and adjusting teaching methods as needed.
Emotional Support: He offered emotional support, ensuring that Ishaan felt safe and motivated
throughout his learning journey.
Through these methods, Ishaan began to show significant improvement in his reading and
writing skills. More importantly, he regained his love for learning and his confidence, ultimately
thriving both academically and personally.

In conclusion, Ishaan's treatment in "Every Child is Special" emphasizes the importance of a

compassionate, tailored approach to education for children with learning disabilities. By
focusing on individual strengths, using innovative teaching methods, and providing consistent
support, children like Ishaan can overcome their challenges and achieve their full potential.

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