CSR of Tata, Ril, M&M New

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TATA Group of Companies

The TATA Motors Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy for the financial year 2023-
2024 highlights the company's strong commitment to improving the quality of life in
communities, especially those near its operational areas. By investing in these communities,
TATA Motors aims to make a positive and long-lasting impact that goes beyond its business
operations. Aligned with TATA Motors' overall goal of contributing to nation-building,
promoting sustainable development, fostering inclusive growth, and advocating for social
equality, the CSR initiatives are carefully designed to seamlessly integrate social
responsibility with business excellence. This approach ensures that TATA Motors' CSR
efforts benefit society and align with the company's core values and strategic objectives. The
main focus is on creating long-term value for stakeholders, with a special emphasis on
empowering individuals from underprivileged backgrounds. By targeting these marginalized
groups, TATA Motors is tackling some of the most urgent social challenges and striving to
create a fairer and more just society.

The CSR initiatives are structured to comply with the guidelines outlined in Schedule VII of
the Companies Act, 2013, and are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This ensures that TATA Motors' CSR initiatives not only meet legal requirements but also
contribute to broader national and global development objectives. The strategic focus
revolves around key areas such as healthcare, education, improving employability, and
environmentally conscious interventions, tailored to meet the needs of specific groups,
including urban and semi-urban populations. By addressing these critical areas, TATA
Motors is tackling the root causes of social and environmental challenges and working to
create sustainable solutions for future generations. A comprehensive monitoring and
evaluation framework underpins all CSR projects and programs to ensure their effectiveness
and real-world impact. This rigorous approach allows TATA Motors to track the progress of
its CSR initiatives, measure their outcomes, and make data-driven decisions to continually
improve their effectiveness.

In terms of financial commitment, TATA Motors has pledged to allocate a minimum of 2%

of the average net profits from its India Operations over the past three fiscal years to CSR
initiatives. This substantial financial commitment demonstrates TATA Motors' dedication to
CSR and its determination to invest in the well-being of the communities it serves.
Importantly, any surplus generated from these efforts will not be included in the company's
commercial profits. This guarantees that the benefits of TATA Motors' CSR initiatives are
solely directed towards the communities they are intended to serve, rather than being used to
enhance the company's profits. The implementation and oversight of the CSR policy will be
handled by a two-tiered Governance Structure, consisting of the Board and CSR Committee
at the primary level, and a dedicated CSR Team encompassing the Corporate Office,
Manufacturing Plants, and Commercial Offices at the secondary level. This robust
governance structure ensures that TATA Motors' CSR policy is implemented with the highest
levels of oversight, accountability, and transparency. The essence of TATA Motors' CSR
philosophy can be summed up in the core principle of 'More from Less for More,'
emphasizing the maximization of impact through efficient use of resources. By achieving
more with less, TATA Motors can create greater value for its stakeholders while minimizing
waste and optimizing its CSR investments.
Name Cause
Kaushalya Employment
Vidyadhanam Education
Aarogya Health
Vasundhara Environment

Furthermore, TATA Motors is firmly committed to promoting a culture of volunteerism and

innovation within its CSR framework, leveraging its core competencies and technological
expertise to drive measurable change. By harnessing the skills and expertise of its employees,
TATA Motors can bring a unique and valuable perspective to its CSR initiatives, enhancing
their impact and effectiveness. The CSR Programs and Projects for the fiscal year 2023-2024
encompass a wide range of activities, including

CSR Spending of Rs 20.81 Cr. in FY 23, Says Financial Statements of the company

Reliance Industries

“At Reliance, business priorities co-exist with social commitments and our activities support
inclusive growth”. Mukesh D. Ambani Chairman and Managing Director

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is all
about making a positive impact and promoting sustainable development in India. RIL is
committed to uplifting marginalized communities and addressing social issues to leave a
lasting legacy of improvement and progress. Their CSR philosophy revolves around enabling
better lives, living conditions, and livelihoods for a stronger and more inclusive society. By
empowering individuals and communities, RIL aims to break the cycle of poverty, promote
equality, and create opportunities for growth. Their CSR initiatives align with their mission of
being a responsible corporate citizen and aim to enrich the lives of individuals and
communities across the nation, reaching both rural villages and urban centers to bring hope
and transformation to those in need.

RIL's CSR strategy is built on three key principles: scale, impact, and sustainability. By
thinking big, aiming high, and planning for the long-term, RIL creates a ripple effect of
positive change throughout Indian society. By integrating these values into their business
operations and CSR endeavours, the company seeks to create significant societal value and
drive positive change through philanthropic efforts. Through a holistic approach that
addresses the root causes of social problems, RIL makes a meaningful difference in the lives
of millions. The policy covers various focus areas, including rural transformation, healthcare,
education, environment conservation, protection of national heritage, promotion of art and
culture, disaster response, and other community-centric initiatives, taking a multifaceted
approach to tackle complex challenges and create a more just and equitable world.

To effectively carry out its CSR programs, RIL has identified six primary focus areas for
engagement, covering a wide range of social issues such as rural upliftment, healthcare
accessibility, environmental sustainability, and disaster management. By concentrating efforts
on these critical areas, RIL maximizes its impact and creates lasting change. To ensure the
success and impact of its initiatives, RIL uses a multifaceted implementation strategy that
involves direct engagement with marginalized communities, strategic partnerships with
external stakeholders, and the use of cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative
development solutions. Through collaboration and innovation, RIL overcomes barriers and
achieves remarkable results.

A robust Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) framework is central to RIL's CSR policy, serving
as a cornerstone for measuring and reporting the outcomes and impact of its initiatives.
Through rigorous assessment and analysis, RIL holds itself accountable and ensures that its
efforts are truly making a difference. Through impact assessment studies, routine program
monitoring, beneficiary feedback mechanisms, and efficient information systems, RIL
maintains a transparent and accountable approach to assessing the effectiveness of its social
investments. By continuously learning and improving, RIL optimizes its CSR efforts and
maximizes its return on investment in the communities it serves. The Board of RIL to ensure
that minimum of 2% of average net profit of the last 3 years is spent on CSR initiatives
undertaken by RIL

The governance structure outlined in RIL's CSR policy emphasizes the establishment of a
dedicated Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance Committee (CSR&G Committee).
This committee plays a pivotal role in decision-making, oversight, and monitoring of the
implementation of CSR projects and programs, ensuring that RIL's CSR efforts align with its
broader mission of creating sustainable social impact and value for all stakeholders. Through
strong leadership and stewardship, the CSR&G Committee helps guide RIL's CSR journey
and ensures that the company remains true to its values and commitments.
Commitment to driving positive change and improving the quality of life for millions of
people in India. Through its tireless efforts and unwavering dedication, RIL is helping to
build a brighter future for generations to come. By deepening its engagement with impactful
initiatives and strategically focusing on addressing key societal challenges

1. Health
1.1. Community and Public Health projects including Preventive and Public Healthcare
1.2. Support Community Health Outreach Programmes through Static and Mobile Health
Care; and
1.3. Mission Covid Suraksha – support to Covid-19 pandemic projects including community
vaccination, providing masks and PPE kits, etc) and other programme partnerships.

2. Education
2.1. Promoting Institution of Eminence – Jio Institute;
2.2. Scholarship and Education Support;
2.3. School Education Improvement Programme;
2.4. Infrastructure Development for primary schools, anganwadis, and
2.5. Other Initiatives include Vocational Skilling, Programme Partnerships.

3. Rural Transformation
3.1. Sustainable Livelihoods Programme;
3.2. Projects for improvement of public infrastructure;
3.3. Promoting innovation and grassroots initiatives in the rural areas; and
3.4. Projects covering environment sustainability, ecological balance, animal welfare, agro
forestry and conservation of natural resources.

4. Sports for Development

4.1. Reliance Foundation Youth Sports Programme;
4.2. Reliance Foundation Young Champs Programme;
4.3. Reliance Foundation Junior NBA Programme; and
4.4. Grassroot Sports Promotion Programme.

5. Women Empowerment
5.1. Gender and Women Empowerment Programme; and
5.2. Other Initiatives including Programme Partnerships.

6. Disaster Response
6.1. Disaster risk reduction through community awareness programme, issuing early warning
advisories and relief support

7. Arts, Culture and Heritage

7.1. Project for promotion of Indian Art and Classical Music; and
7.2. Recycle for Life Initiatives.

Vantara Elephant care and rehabilitation centre

CSR Spending of Rs 1271 Cr. in FY 23, Says Financial Statements of the company
Mahindra Group of Companies

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. is all about
making a positive impact by empowering girls and women and contributing to environmental
conservation. The company truly believes that these areas are crucial for creating a fair and
sustainable world. This policy applies to the entire organization and is in line with the
company's Core Purpose of driving positive change in communities. Through this, Mahindra
& Mahindra Ltd. shows its dedication to being a responsible corporate citizen and making a
meaningful difference in the world.

At Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., CSR is deeply rooted in the Group Philosophy of RISE,
where the focus is on empowering girls and women and contributing to environmental
conservation. This philosophy guides all CSR efforts to ensure they align with the company's
core values and mission. The company's CSR Mission is centered on empowering girls,
empowering women, and environmental conservation, all of which contribute to the nation's
development goals. By pursuing this mission, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. is working towards
creating a brighter future for generations to come.

The CSR strategy at Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. has two main components:
1. Flagship Projects: These large-scale projects support girls, women, and environment
conservation, aligning with national development priorities. They represent the company's
most significant CSR initiatives, demonstrating its commitment to driving real change on a
national level.
2. Business Location Projects: These projects address the specific developmental needs of
each community where the company operates, making a tangible difference in people's lives
across the country.

In addition to investing in girls' and women's empowerment and environmental conservation,

the company also collaborates closely with stakeholders and local communities to support
projects tailored to the needs of each business location. The Employee Social Options
(ESOPs) program provides opportunities for employees and their families to participate in
volunteering activities, with Mahindra Volunteering Day observed across all locations on
December 5th. Through ESOPs, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. empowers its employees to
actively engage in its CSR mission and promotes a culture of giving and service.

All CSR projects at Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. comply with the MCA CSR rules and fall
within the areas listed in Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013. The company's
commitment to compliance ensures that its CSR efforts are both impactful and responsible.
The company's CSR projects, listed in Annexure 1 of the policy, cover a wide range of
initiatives focused on skill development, education promotion, and environmental
conservation, showcasing the depth and breadth of its CSR commitment and dedication to
creating positive change across multiple dimensions.

Overall, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.'s CSR Policy demonstrates a strong commitment to
making a positive impact on society by empowering girls and women, promoting education
and skill development, and contributing to environmental sustainability. Through its strategic
CSR initiatives, the company not only gives back to the communities it serves but also
addresses some of the world's most pressing challenges. In doing so, Mahindra & Mahindra
Ltd. is helping to create a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous world for all. As a
responsible corporate leader, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. sets a powerful example for others,
showing that business can be a force for good when guided by a strong sense of purpose and
a commitment to making a positive difference.

CSR Spending of Rs 92.28 Cr. in FY 23, Says Financial Statements of the company

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