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Sri Kumaran Children’s Home - CBSE

II Pre-board Examination 2020-2021

Class: XII Subject : Biology Marks : 70
Date : 19/02/2021 Subject Code : 044 Time : 3 Hrs.

General Instructions
1. All questions are compulsory
2. The question paper has 4 sections. Section A, Section B,
Section C and Section D. There are 33 questions in the question paper.
3. Section A has 14 questions of 1 mark each and 02 case based questions. Section B has 9
questions of 2 marks each.
Section C has 5 questions of 3 marks each and Section D has 3 questions of 5 marks
4. There is no over all choice. However internal choices have been provided in some
questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
5. Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be drawn.

Questions Marks
1. What is the speciality of milk produced by transgenic cow Rosie ? 1
2. What is ‘r’? How does increase or decrease in the value of ‘r’ affect the population
3. What will be the possible blood groups likely to be inherited by children born to a
group A + mother and group B-ve father, both heterozygous for the trait. 1

4. What is MALT? Where is it present in human body? 1

5. Name 2 hormones that are constituents of contraceptive pills. Why do they have
high and effective contraceptive value? Name a commonly prescribed non 1
steroidal oral pill.
6. How does moderate and high dosage of cocaine affect the human body? 1
7. What is YAC ? What is the use of YAC in HGP? 1
8. Mention any 2 activities of animals which get cues from diurnal and seasonal
variations in light intensity. 1

9. How many spermatozoa are formed from 1 secondary spermatocyte? How many 1
ova are formed from 1 secondary oocyte?

10. Both a wine maker and a molecular biologist who developed a covid -19 vaccine
claim to be biotechnologists. Who in your opinion is correct? Why? 1

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11. Assertion : An organism with a lethal mutation may not even develop beyond the
zygote stage.
Reason : All types of gene mutations are lethal .
A – Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.
B – Both assertion and reason are true but reason is NOT the correct
explanation of the assertion.
C – Assertion is true but reason is false
D – Both assertion and reason are false.
OR 1
Assertion : In sigmoid growth curve, population finally stabilizes itself.
Reason : Finally death rate increases than the birth rate.
A – Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.
B – Both assertion and reason are true but reason is NOT the correct
explanation of the assertion.
C – Assertion is true but reason is false
D – Both assertion and reason are false.

12. Assertion : LSD and marijuana are clinically used as analgesics.

Reason : Both these drugs suppress brain function.
A – Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.
B – Both assertion and reason are true but reason is NOT the correct
explanation of the assertion.
C – Assertion is true but reason is false
D – Both assertion and reason are false.
13. Assertion : In Griffith’s experiment, mice were injected by a mixture of heat killed
smooth type bacteria and live rough type bacteria. Some mice died of
pneumonia and their blood contained live rough bacteria and live
smooth type bacteria.
Reason : The dead smooth type bacteria became alive and caused pneumonia.
Griffith named it as transforming principle. 1
A – Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.
B – Both assertion and reason are true but reason is NOT the correct
explanation of the assertion.
C – Assertion is true but reason is false
D – Both assertion and reason are false.
14. Assertion : The size of morula is same as that of the zygote.
Reason : Zona pellucida remains intact till cleavage is completed.
A – Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion. 1
B – Both assertion and reason are true but reason is NOT the correct
explanation of the assertion.

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C – Assertion is true but reason is false
D – Both assertion and reason are false.
15. Read the following and answer any FOUR questions from 15 (i) to 15 (v) given
Large quantities of waste water are generated every day in cities and town. A
major component of this waste water is human excreta. This municipal waste
water is also called sewage. It contains large amounts of organic matter and 4
microbes. Treatment of waste water is done by heterotrophs microbes naturally
present in sewage. This treatment is carried out in 2 stages. Primary treatment and
secondary treatment. It will be continued until there is significant reduction in
BOD of the effluent. Water is chlorinated as a final step.
i) Waste water treatment generates large quantity of sludge which can be treated by
a) Anaerobic digesters
b) flocs
c) chemicals
d) aerobic bacteria
ii) The pretreatment of waste water involves the removal of
a) dissolved impurities
b) stable particles
c) toxic substances
d) harmful bacteria
iii) BOD of waste water is estimated by measuring the amount of
a) total organic matter
b) biodegradable organic matter
c) oxygen evolution
d) oxygen consumption.

iv) __________ is the first step of sewage treatment.

a) precipitation
b) aeration
c) sedimentation
d) chlorination

v) Assertion : The masses of bacteria held together by slime and fungal filaments to
form mesh like structures called flocs.
Reason : BOD refers to the amount of exygen that would be consumed if all the
organic matter in one litre of water were oxidized by the bacteria.

A – Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.
B – Both assertion and reason are true but reason is NOT the correct
explanation of the assertion.
C – Assertion is true but reason is false
D – Both assertion and reason are false.
16. Microbes are also used for commercial and industrial production of certain
chemicals like organic acids, alcohols and enzymes. Microbes are also used for the

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production of enzymes. Lipases are used in detergent formulations and are helpful
in removing oily stains from the laundry. Bottled fruit juices bought from the
market are clearer as compared to those made at home. Streptokinase is produced
by the bacterium Streptococcus and modified by genetic engineering. Another bio
active molecule cyclosporine A and statins produced by yeast also are
commercially used.

(i) Monascus purpureus is a yeast commercially used in the production of

a) Citric acid
b) ethanol
c) blood cholesterol lowering agents
d) for removing clots from blood vessels
(ii) Bacillus thuringienesis is widely used as
a) Insecticide
b) weedicide
c) growth promotor
d) all the above
(iii) Citric acid is produced by
a) Trichoderma
b) streptococcus
c) aspergillus
d) Saccharomyces
(iv) Cyclosorin A is used as
a) Immunostimulant agent
b) Detergent formulations
c) Blood thinning agent
d) Suppressant of adaptive immunity
(v) Assertion : Homemade bottle juices are clearer compared to bottle juices bought
from market.
Reason : Lactobacillus helps in digestion of cellulose.
A – Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.
B – Both assertion and reason are true but reason is NOT the correct
explanation of the assertion.
C – Assertion is true but reason is false
D – Both assertion and reason are false.

17. What is cancer? How is a cancer cell different from a normal cell?
How do normal cells attain cancerous nature? 2

18. Draw a schematic labelled diagram of V.S. of maize grain. Why can’t we use the
term seed for maize grain? 2

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19. How does body adapt to low oxygen availability at higher altitudes? 2
20. What is allergy? Name the antibody responsible for it. Name the cells which get
activated during allergy and the 2 chemicals released by them.
21. What are a) aminoacyl t-RNA synthetase
b) biopiracy
c) capacitation 2
d) autosome and acrosome
22. When we squeeze a seed of an orange, many embryos instead of one are observed.
Explain how it is possible? Are these embryos genetically similar or different? 2
23. Expand ELISA. On what principle is ELISA test based? List any ways by which
an infection can be detected by this test.
OR 2
How do cytokine barriers provide innate immunity in humans? How is this
different from adaptive immunity provided by B-cells?

24. Identify the sex of an organism and name the type of sex determination if the
chromosomal complement is given as follows :
a) ZW in pigeon
b) XX in Drosophila
c) XO in cockroach
d) AA in honey bees
25. Name a parasite that causes filariasis in humans. Mention its 2 diagnostic
symptoms. How is the disease transmitted to others? 2

26. Why is DNA considered a better genetic material than RNA? 3
27. How does endosperm develop? Describe various types of development. Does the
ploidy of the endosperm carry any significance in the development of embryo? 3
28. Apart from being a part of food chain predators play other important roles.
Mention any 2 such roles supported by examples. Why are predators considered 3
29. What are probes? What are vNTR s? Would it be appropriate to use DNA probes
such as vNTR in DNA fingerprinting of a bacteriophage? Justify.
30. DNA molecule in human chromosome1 has 2968 genes. On an average, each gene
consists of 3000 bases. Explain how such a long DNA molecule is packed within
the chromosome.
OR 3
“DNA replicated by semi conservative method.” How was it experimentally
proved? Give the names of scientists who proposed the concept and who
provided experimental proof.

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31. a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of V.S. of human ovary showing different stages
of development of follicles.
b) Give the significance of each stage. 2
c) Add a note on the hormones released by each of these developing stages.
d) What triggers ovulation? 1

a) What is HCG? Give the significance when it is excreated along with urine.
b) What is polyspermy? How is it prevented from its occurrence?
c) What is lactational amenorrhoea? Give any 2 advantages. 5
d) What is amniocentasis? Why is there a statutory ban on it?
e) “Foetal ejection reflex leads to parturition”. Justify.

32. For the selection of recombinants, insertional inactivation of the antibiotic marker
has bee superseded by insertional inactivation of a marker gene coding for a
chromogenic substrate. Give reasons with required diagrams/illustrations.

What is a vaccine? Explain working mechanism of vaccination? How does
biotechnology help in developing vaccines which are safe and cheap? Why is it
considered to make a vaccine for Covid -19 very tough?

33. Explain incomplete dominance. How is it different from co dominance?

Give the phenotypic ratios in F1 and F2 generations. Comment on the result.

Explain the process of transcription in Nostoc. How is it different from that in

******Best of Luck******

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