I'm Rock Solid Plan

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This ebook, ‘End Of Summer Smash By @imrocksolid_fitness injuries, and exercises in EOSS are no exception.

It is possible
and @mackfit,’ (hereinafter called “EOSS”) is not a substitute for that you may become injured doing the exercises from EOSS,
direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None especially if they are done with poor form.
of the meal plans or exercise routines contained in EOSS should
be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own
physician or health care provider fIrst. free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all
risks associated with such exercise activities. These risks may
The information contained within is not intended to provide also exist for those who are currently in good health right now.
specifc physical or mental health advice, or any other advice
whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be @imrocksolid_fitness & @mackfit are not medical doctors.
relied upon in that regard. We are not medical professionals and The advice in this ebook is not meant as a substitute for medical
nothing on this website should be misconstrued to mean advice. You must consult your doctor before beginning ANY
otherwise. meal plan or exercise program, no exceptions. You are using
meal plans and routines at your own risk and @imrocksolid_fit-
ness & @mackfit are not responsible for any injuries or health
There may be risks associated with participating in activities problems you may experience or even death as a result of using
mentioned in EOSS for people in poor health or with pre-exist- EOSS.
ing physical or mental health conditions. Because these risks
exist, you will not participate in any meal plan's in EOSS if you It is to be made clear that @imrocksolid_fitness & @mackfit are
are in poor health or have a pre-existing mental or physical not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may
condition. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so experience or even death as a result of using EOSS.
of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily
assuming all risks associated with such dietary activities. These
risks may also exist for those who are currently in good health
right now.

As with any exercise program you assume certain risks to your

health and safety. Any form of exercise program can cause
Torch away unwanted body fat & build a stronger
foundation using the professional techniques
created by @mackfit & @imrocksolid_fitness.
The workouts you’ll be doing replicate the same
type of intensity our clients go through daily!
Having this type of structure will definitely help
you create your own amazing results in the next

Our combined methods will help you achieve your
goal of burning away unwanted body fat quickly
and simultaneously breaking through any
plateaus that were once holding you back. With a
clear, structured and easy to follow nutritional plan
for all types of eaters, this ultimate training guide
will push you towards faster results than ever

Stay dedicated, and trust the process!

Why Plyometric?

lyometric exercises get you

to exert maximum force in
short intervals of time, many of the
movements will be fast paced and
explosive. This means you will be
burning more body fat in a shorter
time, the workouts will be intense,
but extremely satisfying and

Why Strength Training?

“Studies show that after

working with strength
training routines, your
metabolism has shown
to be boosted post -
workout for up to 36
hours. So for example,
you could be burning
more calories while
you’re relaxing!

These extra calories

you’re burning add up
hourly, daily, and weekly
increasing the rate at
which you lower your
body fat. Simultaneously,
creating more shape and
curves onto your body,
making sure your waist is

Working out against

resistance (bands,
weights, etc) will help
you build lean muscle
mass, consider muscles
as the calorie burning
factories in your body,
the more lean muscle
you build the better.
(never bulky, lean muscle
mass helps create the
“hour glass shape you’re
looking to achieve).

If you’re reading this you’re off to a great start! You’ve
purchased “ End of Summer Smash” & you’re ready to
work, you’re MOTIVATED! We’re going to need to keep
it like that until you reach your goal (and beyond).
There may be days when motivation is low, let’s
combat that before it even arrives, let's talk about this
valuable, intangible asset most sought after by
gym-goers worldwide “MOTIVATION.”

Why do we lose it?

There we have it, our first clue

to understanding why your
motivation levels may drop.
What is your ‘reason’ for want-
ing to lose the body fat? What
is your goal in mind when you
think about your “body goals”?
Everybody has their
own reasons why
they started on a
fitness journey.
What is your
‘motive’ that moved
you to purchase this
program; our reason
for doing what we
do is embedded at
the forefront of our
mind & we use it as
a driving force to
not only get us to
pursue our own
goals, but to
empower us to
ensure each work-
out is attacked with


Photo (s)

As you know we take progress

pics every week; sometimes a
photo might be all we need to
remind us why we started,
and where we are headed.

Is your Motivation Intrinsic or


Intrinsic: I want to

Extrinsic: I have to

We understand many of you will not be intrinsically led to

workout, you are training solely to achieve the body goals
desired. You have no plans on enjoying it and see it as a
means to an end, you my friend are extrinsically motivated.
Which is ok! You know what you must do, and are taking
the steps to get it done.

What is your goal?

If you don’t know start

thinking about what it is
you want to achieve exactly
and write it down OR/AND
take a picture of your ideal realistic goals
(use it as motivation!)

Stick to the meal plan laid out as much as possible.

If you aren’t seeing changes you want and are NOT sticking to the
plan, don’t expect GREAT results. Remember, diet is 100% essential
in fat loss-training isn’t enough.

Variety is key so switch up yourfood sources every now and then to

keep food more interesting. Use spices and herbs to cook for more
flavor...remember healthy eating does not have to be boring and
repetitive be CREATIVE. See the ‘Cooking Guide’ section for some
great ideas on making meals more interesting.



Water is ESSENTIAL when it comes to weight loss and remember

more than 70% of muscle is water- if you are a little dehydrated
your body will perform 20% less which affects training perfor-
mance! Buy a @Hydroflask waterbottle - enjoy cold water
throughout the day when needed.

Don’t Skip Breakfast!

A protein shake is great if you have limited time in the morning.
However, avoid drinking ALL your meals, Limit your shakes to
BEFORE & POST WORKOUT... You should be eating at least 3
Meals+ 3 Shakes perday - eating less will cause your body to store
body fat instead of burning it!

FAIL TO PLAN, PLAN TO FAIL. You should have a plan laid out for
your meals and workouts. Prepare your meals, ideally the night
before your exercise day or prep for 1-3 days in advance .This will
avoid ALL excuses and prevent falling off your plan.

Eat your Greens... Yes, your parents were right to force you to eat
veggies - not only are they full of essential vitamins and minerals
but the fiber you get from vegetables are ESSENTIAL in fat loss
and aid in digestion. The more vegetables you eat the BETTER. If
you cannot fathom eating too much veggies ,buy a good quality
greens powder supplement from your local health food store.

We all have a bad day where everything goes wrong which is fine
BUT learn from that and prepare BETTER for next time...

CONSISTENCY is key to great results, you cannot achieve anything

if you give less than 100%! Track your progress (progress pics) the
best way is to take pictures weekly on the same day and time, best
time is always first thing in the MORNING on an empty stomach.

Most importantly, ENJOY the process and stay positive ,because

being negative is counterproductive and never helps.


Whenever you train (am or pm) have your pre-workout* if you take
pre-workouts* (AT LEAST 30 - 45min) BEFORE you workout. Then
have your post workout SHAKE immediately after your session.
You can then have your next meal 1 or 2 hours after your workout.
Just move, adjust or swap meals around to suit your day/workout

If you have a meal, leave yourself at least 1 hour before training.

Post workout you can drink/eat right after your session. It doesn’t
matter what time you train - the same rules applies.

On ZERO CARB DAYS increase your veggie consumption to buffer
up your meal and also vegetables (especially broccoli, cauliflower,
spinach, asparagus etc) are full of fiber, so it will help keep you
feeling fuller for longer.

ZERO/LOW CARBDAYS - Keep good fats higher than normal,

foods like avocado, nuts and even olive oil over your salad are
great sources of good healthy fats. Using rice cakes and more
starchy carbs (sweet potatoes) helps on LOW CARB DAYS.

Spice up your meals, there is no reason to keep it plain and

simple, we have included a ‘COOKING TIPS’ guide to help make
foods more interesting. However keeping things simple can make
life easier and less complicated.

Variety is the ‘SPICE OF LIFE’. Use the FOOD BREAK DOWN we have
provided to swap and rotate your sources of food, this will stop you
getting bored of eating the same foods....ALL THE TIME.

When in doubt KEEP IT SIMPLE... Yes eating the same foods 3 - 4x's a
day sounds bland BUT it keeps you on track and makes prepping
meals that much easier.

To curb cravings make sure to spread your snacks and/or Protein

Shakes evenly throughout the day. (meal, shake, meal, shake, etc). Try
saving your last meal for at least an hour or two before you go to sleep.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive, with a little planning, you

can enjoy healthy, superfood-rich meals without spending a fortune
every week on meal prep. Use grocery store ads and
coupons to stay within budget.

Shopping online for your food items is easier and also always
cheaper in most cases. There are a lot of apps (InstaCart, Amazon
Fresh, etc.) that compare to supermarket prices with free delivery
it’s a win win.

Eating the same foods can get monotonous and boring so
here are a few tips to make it less boring and more interest-
ing. Go to your local supermarket and in the spices and
herbs section buy all the varieties you can find. Make sure
they are just crushed or mixed herbs and spices (no sugar
added etc.) You can even buy brands like ‘ Flavor God’
online. Use those herbs and spices when cooking, for
example add some paprika and chili flakes to your oven
baked sweet potatoes.

Change sources of protein and veggies weekly. If you have

chicken and fish everyday change it to beef and ground
turkey for another week. Same goes for vegetables. There
are literally 100’s of various veggies to choose from so why
eat the same?

For complex carbs, there are many options as well, i.e. rice,
couscous, quinoa, oatmeal, etc. with many different
varieties of spice mixes, just make sure sugar isn’t included
or corn syrup! You can use unsweetened almond milk
instead of water for mixing if you choose.

Try baking your chicken in a bowl with chopped tomatoes

and adding spices like cumin, basil, and chili to it. Roast
your veggies (asparagus, carrots,bell peppers etc) on the
grill, lightly baste them with butter/olive oil. Bake your dark
poultry meats (legs and thighs) by marinating your meats
(steak) overnight as this means the flavor will be even more

You can also chop up your marinated meats and store for
later use in a freezer bag. Make your own frozen meals.
Double your recipes and freeze half of them for use at a
later time. Freeze the foods in microwave-safe containers.

1. Frozen Veggies – you can buy almost all veg frozen and put in
freezer just as good as fresh and is cheaper/lasts longer.
2. Carton of egg whites which can be bought at grocery store or
online in bulk.
3. Frozen berries – cheaper than fresh berries • (sugarfree)
4. Nut Butter – cashews, almonds, peanut. (Nuts’n’more or Meridian
are good brands)
5. Food Dr or Dr. Zaks: Bread – high in fiber and protein, low in carbs/-

1. Food containers (BPA free ideal) – buy at least 6 tupperware- the
more the better.
2.Protein shakers – for mixing your protein powder. You can blend
shakes or get the blender ball type shakers.
3. Zip lock bags or plastic wrap for freezing foods, steaming bags,
baking bags.
4. Get a pillbox for your vitamins and supplements.


PLAN YOUR WEEK AHEAD OF TIME. Write down a weekly schedule
of what you are planning to eat on what days.
Make sure at the beginning of the week you have adequate clean
containers, protein shakers etc. Always have a shaker with you in case
of emergency and keep protein in it, simply add water when you
require a meal. Check which meats need to be defrosted each night
and pull out of freezer.
Buy some groundgreens such as wheatgrass, spirulina etc. to add to
your protein shake for extra fiber and nutrients.
Pre-prep as many items as you can, at the beginning of the week I
like to pre-chop and wash vegetables such as celery, carrot, capsi-
cum, snow peas, they can be left in the fridge and thrown into meals
easily. Pre-cook lean meats and eye/weight out your portions into
containers for later.

Steady State cardio is a continuous, steady effort, as opposed
to an interval cardio workout where you vary your energy
output but extremely satisfying and rewarding.

This form of cardio is the most comfortable

to perform, its the form of cardio most gym
goers personally use. This less taxing cardio
will still burn fat, but only a small amount
of it. So for those who have a higher fat %,
we suggest our rigorous HIIT cardio which
will guarantee that’ll you burn more body
fat quicker. Sidenote: those have a more
petite/slim build looking for more body and
shape the HIIT cardio (ie. sprints, stairstep-
per, plyometrics) will help build rather than
decrease in body/curves.



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