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[chamber Visit 2 Ps | He diccuseed ~ follow i things i ap and discussed about working abeut criminal | matters, He gave Knowledge absul crime Gi) | eridance Bs cheerrabion and -fack® related o Case In tthe | chamber s fe One of the client Came sto the | Chamber to disegsing about thar cote. Sb athe convertabion they ore telling abouk the Ahe video footage of murder is aVailable which [shows “thot the actused was walting oultide the home of Vicim. the faker of victim tomer ok er _[Lepntetions happens bekween them! after this oF home hen the Wetim comes cut frorn home the penn with “ho Wheeler come te hum and etke with the KWfe and the ich [fell on the Around. He Collected the Feotage from the lied and Keep in his Ustedy also =a he police about she Khife. he aloo inqut the cbente abouk the other persons who wit spesed this evend- and he wrote Cometty'n Ws wis dfary, and asked aboub “the ateused, is the parte atdlead him 1S Rhown § the reams which they ave “Hinkiny € ahy other comversahon opent teave the Chamber. After cHeart teaver they tok a Cdminal predure code Manus) and hare ack. and Seer the charge gheek, a3 t £

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