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N O W E R 1995 1 IO5

Transmission-Line Electric Field Induction in

Humans Using Charge Simulation Method
Mazen Abdel-Salam, Fellow, IEEE, and Hassan Mohamed Abdallah, Senior Member, IEEE

Absfrmt-This paper is simed at determining the distribution

of the fields, induced charges, and currents on a human body
standing in the high elechic fields produced by high voltage
f' 0

overhead t r a n s m n lines. This method of analysis is based

on the charge simulation technique. This will serve to explain
the biological studies of possible long-term expasure effects to : ' ' :' -0 5
electric fields. H
1 ,,,,,,, / ,,,,, !,,/,,,,,,,,,,,R-
Simulation l i n e charge

T HE calculation of the electric fields around three-phase

overhead transmission lines has been discussed thor-
oughly [I]. The electric field at the ground level is, practically
x x n Contour p o i n t

Fig. 1. Equivalent stressed plate-to-ground plane arrangement.

speaking, uniform and vertical to the ground plane. Underneath

the conductors of 525-kV lines, the maximum electric field
at the ground plane is about 9 kV/m [2]. The corresponding not significantly alter the charges on the transmission line
maximum field values beneath the conductors of 275 kV and conductors. A rough estimation of the short-circuit current
132 kV lines are about 6 kV/m and 2 kV/m, respectively, with was also proposed [2] which was found proportional to the
still lower values for lower voltage distribution lines [3]. In body's potential and capacitance to ground. Again, the body
the presence of a human body beneath the line conductors, was considered to have a negligible effect on the source of
the electric field is highly perturbed with an enhancement of the electric field and the surface charge on the transmission
the field strength by a factor that may reach eight or even line conductors.
more [4]. The induced currents in a human body due to such The object of this paper is to present a method for deter-
enhanced fields may exceed the safe limits [2]. mining not only the power-frequency field and charge at the
surface of a human body underneath high voltage overhead
In the vicinity of ac power lines, a 60-cycle electric field
lines, but also the induced currents in the body.
exists in the space between the energized conductors and
ground. Linemen engaged in maintaining these lines work in
this field. For a man insulated from the ground, the body will 11. METHOD OF ANALYSIS
acquire a potential depending upon his position in the field
and the field strength. Accordingly, a displacement current A. Assumptions
enters one side of the body, flows through it, and lines of force 1) The electric field at the ground level undemeath the
emanate from the other side to ground. Under these conditions, overhead transmission line is practically uniform and directed
he will assume a potential other than ground and receive a vertically to the ground plane. Therefore, the field between a
small disturbing shock with the associated short-circuit current stressed horizontal metal plate and the ground plane is con-
when he touches a grounded object. sidered analogous to the ground-level electric field produced
A simplified derivation of the induced charge on an un- by the overhead transmission lines. In this way, the stressed
grounded body undemeath ac power lines was proposed [2]. plate replaces the line conductors.
The induced charge was found to depend on the unperturbed 2) The large conductivity and the large relative equivalent
electric field and the properties of the human body, including dielectric constant of the human body, about 0.1 S/m and about
height above ground and body capacitance to ground. The 1OOOOO respectively [4], cause the extemal power-frequency
derivation is based on the assumption that the body will electric field near the human body to be perpendicular to
the surface [4]. This is why the human body is treated as
a conducting body.
Manuscript received January 20, 1994: revised July 24. 1995.
M. Abdel-Salam is with the Electrical Engineering Department, Assiut
University, Assiut, Egypt. B. Model
H. M. Abdallah is with the Biomedical Technology Department, King Saud
University, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia. For energized transmission line, the surface charge on the
IEEE Log Number 9414809. stressed plate is simulated by a set of 2NI unknown infinite
0018-9294/95$04.00 0 1995 IEEE

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Also,the field components E,., and E=,at the contour point

t' i are the vectorial sum of the field contributions from all the
simulationcharges Qj,j = 1, . . . ,2N1+ N2, and are expressed
IL as [61


line charges extending along the line length (Fig. 1). The
human body is modeled by a sphere for the head, a thin
cylinder for the neck, a thick cylinder for the waist/mtch, and where E, is the normal component of the electric field
another thick cylinder, but of lesser radius, for the legs (Fig. 2). calculated at the boundary point, and E, is the permittivity
The surface charge on the human is simulated by another set of of free space. E, is equal to the total field at the boundary
Nz unknown ring charges. Images of the simulation charges point on the human body in light of the fact that the human
with respect to the ground plane are considered. Symmetry is treated as a conducting body.
about the Z-axis reduces the number of unknown charges to At the boundary point, the induced current density J , normal
N I Nz. to the surface and just inside the boundary, is expressed as

J = wu = we,E, (6)
C. Boundary Conditions
Contour points are chosen on the stressed plate and on the where w is the angular frequency of the voltage applied to the
human body to satisfy the pertinent boundary conditions: stressed plate representing the transmission line conductors.
1) The potential calculated at the contour points chosen on The induced current Ik just inside the boundary of a part
the stressed plate is equal to the applied voltage V. of the body, say kth, is obtained by integrating J over the
2) The potential calculated at the contour points chosen on surface area SI, of this part
the human body is equal to: a) the unknown induced
voltage for an insulated body, orb) zero for a grounded
body. (7)
3) The sum of the charges simulating the human is equal
to zero for the insulated (ungrounded) body only.
On the other hand, the current density distribution inside the
body depends on the material constants assigned to the human
organs filling the volume of the body.
D. Describing Equations
The potential 4%at contour point z is the sum of the
potential contributionsfrom all the simulationcharges Q3,j = E. su,.jaceElectric ~ ~ l d ,
1 , . . ,2N1 Nz, and is expressed as [5], [61 Charge, and Induced Current
Satisfaction of the boundary points at the chosen contour
2N1+N2 points using (1) results in a set of equations whose solution
4c = Ps,3Q3 ( l ) determines the charges simulating the body as well as the
3=1 induced potential on the insulated body. Once the simulation
charges are determined, the electric field, the induced charge,
where Ps,l is the potential coefficient of the charge Q3 and current at the surface of the human body are determined
calculated at the zth contour point (Appendix I). using (2t(7).

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I 'r
(Eo =10 kV/m) n m m AYE COND Z2.2m

top of hcad 0.716

middle of ncck 0.424 P'


middle of waisr/crotch 2.1 0.186

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) 362- and (h) 550-kV overhead transmission-line configurations.
middle of legs 1.2 0.106


Induced Nmnui (uA)

Position middle of raist/crotch

top of head I 21 I 18

middle of neck

middle of waistlmtch
a io 20 40 M BO 70 BO
middle of lcgs 157 Dlstance x from tronsmlsslon-line center, m

Gmcnded p a l UndaMwl m-wline

4 8 0
The height of the stressed plate H over the ground plane
is five times the height of the human body h to make sure
I - middle of leaf I
that the field at the stressed plate remains unperturbed with
- middle of wonnt/crotch
the presence of the human body. The width 2 0 of the plate is
long enough to make sure that the plate edge effect is minor
at the position of the body, so D is chosen equal to H.
Typical values [2] for the human body dimensions are 9 cm
for the head radius, 6 cm for the neck radius, 20 cm for the
waistkrotch radius, and 15 cm for the leg radius (Fig. 2). The
length of the neck = 6 cm, the length of the waist/crotch = 0 10 20 M 40 50 60 70 EO
60 cm, and the length of the legs = 90 cm, for a person of Distance x from transmission-line center, m
175 cm height. (h)
Fig. 4. Induced current in a grounded human as dependent on his position
underneath (a) a 362-kVtransmission line and (b) a 550kV transmission line.


Table I gives the field enhancement factor and the charge body are larger than those for the insulated body. This is in
density values along the body of a grounded human standing agreement with previous findings [2].
in an unperturbed field E,. The enhancement factor at the top Underneath transmission-line configurations (Fig. 3) the
of the head agreed well with the values reported before [3]. electric field changes from point to point [7] and the induced
Table II gives the induced current distributionin the body of current in the human body changes accordingly. Figs. 4 and
a person standing in a 60-Hzunperturbed field E, (= IO kV/m) 5 show the induced current distribution through the body
for grounded and insulated bodies. The body is insulated by of grounded and insulated persons underneath the three-
shoes of 2-cm thickness. phase transmission line configurations of Fig. 3. The body
It is quite clear that the induced current values increase is insulated by shoes of 2-cm thickness. The induced current
along the length of the body, starting from the head downwards follows the pattern of the electric field distribution underneath
to the legs. Moreover, the induced currents for the grounded the transmission line [7].

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Fig. 6. Ring charge in r-z coordinates.

Distance x from transmission-line center, m where


a1 = J(ra + Tj)2 + a.( - Zj)2

. . f f 2 = d(ra + Tj)2 + + z,)2


+ 2
= - middle of laps ml = -
- middls of xdst/uobh ffl
-- middle of neck m2 =-
.. top of hsod a2
=20- ,--.
, .\
I .

,o---- ,'
..... \
..., ..., -_.. .,-- - _ _ _ and T(m) is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind [SI
and E is the permittivity of air.
0 ,
--..--I7.z.: :.::.=.7.z,-",z"-
I v--.E-. r)
0 IO 20 40 50 60 70 BO
Dlstance x from transmlsslon-line center, m
(bt B. Infinite Line Charge
Fig. 5. (a) Induced current in an insulated human as dependent on his p s i - di tneme
t,,,, coefficient P , , ~calculated at the ith point
tion undemeath (a) a 362-kV transmission line and (b) a 550-kVuansmission
line. of coordinates ( T ~zi)
, for a line charge located at ( r j ,zj) and
its image is expressed as

A method is proposed for determining the distribution of
the elecmc fields, induced charges, and currents in a human
body standing in high elecmc fields produced by high-voltage
overhead transmission lines. This method is based on the
charge simulation technique. The calculated field enhancement
factor at the top of the head of the human agreed well
with those reported before. The calculated induced current in A. Ring Charge
grounded and insulated humans conform with those reported
earlier. With reference to Fig. 6, the field coefficients fYt,> and
fz,,,calculated at the ith point p of coordinates (ri,2;) for
a ring charge of radius rj located at z = z j and its image
APPENDIX I are expressed as
PO^^ c o m c m Pi,j

A. Ring Charge (T; - +

r,? (z1 - zj)2)r(ml) - P 3 3 m l )
fP,,) =-
With reference to Fig. 6, the potential coefficient Pi,*calcu- 4::
lated at the ith point pof coordinates ( T ~z,)
, for a ring charge
of radius r, located at z = z, and its image is expressed as
- (7: - T-: + (2;+ z,)2)r(m2) - P;r(mz)

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where Mpzen Abdel-Salam (SM78-F‘93), was horn in

Egypt. He received the BSc. degree in 1967, the
M.Sc. degree in 1970, and the Ph.D. degree in 1973,
all in electrical engineering from the University of
Cairo, Egypt.
In 1%7, he was with the Academy of Science
and Technology, Cairo, as a Research Assistant. In
and r(m)is kind 1973, he joined the faculty of Electrical Engineering
at Assiut University, Egypt, as an Assistant Profes-
PI. sor, and in October 1977, he became an Asmiate
Professor. Dnrine the academic vem of 1977-1979,
he was an Alexander-van-Humholdt Feliow in the El&trical Engineering
B. Infinite Line Charge Depmmnt, Technical University of Munich, Germany, and the Electrical
Engineering Department, University of Liverpool. England. In September
me field c.ficients fr,,, and fz,,, at the ith 1979, he began work as a Researcher with General Electric Company,
. .V Of COOrdinateS (T;.- , z ; ) for a line charge located at
mint \ .I 1
Pittsfield. MA. In J”-+ 1982, he xioined Assiut University as a R&ssor
of Electrical Power Engineering. Dm&g the academic years of 1982-1984,
, and its image are expressed as
( ~ jzj)
he was a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of Jordan, Amman. During the academic years of 1984-1986, he was a
Visiting Full Rofessor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Michigan
(Tt - T3) Technological University, Houghton. From 199%1994, he was a Professor
of Elech’ic Power E n g i n d g in the Department of Electrical Engineering
at King Fahd University of Petrolwm and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- (Ti
(Ti - T j ) 2
- Tj)
+ +
- “3)
2j)2 I (12)
He had obtained research fellowships at the Military Technical University of
Hambnrg, Germany, in 1984, at the University of Leeds, U.K., in 1988, at
Kaiserslautem University, Germany in 1989, and at Michigan Technological
University in 1990. He is currently a Professor of Electric Power Engineering,
Assiut University. His rescareh activities include corona studies, digital
calculation of electric fields, investigations of high-voltage phenomena, low-
+ 23)
- i.(
(Ti - T j ) 2 + (.i + % j ) 2 I
’ (I3)
voltage distribution networks, and control of electrical machines. He is a
ceauthor of High Voltage Engineering--Theory and Practice (New York
Marcel Dekker, 1990).
Dr. Abdel-Salam was the Founderl&mnker of the Middle East Power
System Conference (MEPCON) that washeld in Bgypt, January 1989. He is
ACKNOWLEDGMENT a Member of the Electrostatic Pmeesses Committee of the IEEE Industrial
Applications Society. He received the Egyptian National Prize in 1987 for
The authorswish to employers contributions to applied electrostatics and in 1993 for contributions to high-
for the support they received during the progress of the voltages applications in industry. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical
work. The authors also wish to thank the reviewers for their En&&-London, England.
comments which enhanced the clarity of the paper.


M. Abdel-Salam and M. T. El-Mohands, “Electric field around parallel

dc and multi-Dhase ac transmission lines.” IEEE Tram. Elm. Imul.. vol. Ha~sanMohsmed AbdPIlah (M’83SM83) was
28, pp. 114<1152. 1990. ham in Egypt on November 28, 1943. He received
the B.Sc. degree in 1966, and the MSc. degree
121 EPRI, ‘Transmission line reference book 345 kV and ahave,” USA,
1983. Dn. 365-369. in 1970 in electrical engineering from.Assiut Uni-
r31 B. I. Maddock, I. C. Male, and W. T. Noms, “50 Hz elechic and versity. Assiut, Egypt. He joined the University of
magnetic fields near power “ission circuits and so“ associated Southampton as a Ph.D. student in 1972. and he
exposure and health studies,” in Pmc. Inr. Con$ Elect. M a p . Fields received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
Med. Bid., London, U.K., 1985, pp. 112-116. in 1978.
[41 T. Matsumoto, “Measurement for human exposure to AC elecnic fields,” In 1966, he was with Assiut University as a
in P m . Int. Symp. HVEng., Braunschweig, Germany, Aug. 1987. paper Demonstrator in the Electrical Engineering Depan-
a? 3.*.1
_..,.‘ ment of Assiut Universitv. From December 1978 to
[SI M. Abdel-Salam, “High voltage engineering theory and practice,” in September lW9, he worked as a Research Officer with the School of Electrical
Electric Fie&, M . Khalifa, Ed. New York:Marcel D e k , 1990, pp. Engineering, University of Bath,Bath, U.K. From January 1980 to November
30-36. 1983, he served as an Assistant Professor with the Electrical Engineering
[6] H. Singer, H. Steinhigler, and P.Weiss, “A charge simulation methods Department of Assiut University. From December 1983 to September 1984,
for the calculation of high voltage fields.’’ IEEE Trans. Power Applicat. he was an Associate Professor with the Electrical Engineering Department
Sysf., vol. PAS-93, pp. 3660-3668, 1974. of Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.From September 1984
[7] lEEE Tutorial Course, ‘The elecUostatic and elecUomagnetic effects of to September 1988, he was an Associate Professor with the Electrical
ac transmission lines,” 79 EH0145-3-PwQ 1979. Engineering Department of Bahrain University, Bahrain.Currently, he is an
[SI P. Silvester, Modem Ekcrmmagnetic Fields. Englewood Cliffs, N I Associate Professor with the Biomedical Technology Department, King Sand
Prentice-Hall, 1968, Appendices. University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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