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Modern History - Prelims Questions DPP - 04

1. Consider the following statements: Select the correct answer using the code given
1. The British were the first to initiate below.
European rule in India. (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2
2. The Portuguese were the last European (c) 3 only (d) 2 and 3
power to leave India.
Which of the statements given above is/are 4. Which among the following Portuguese rulers
correct? had established Portuguese strongholds in
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only India as well as maintained a good rapport
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 with the Vijayanagara Empire?
(a) Vasco Da Gama

2. With reference to the arrivals of the (b) Alfonso De Albuquerque

Europeans in India, which of the following (c) Francisco D’ Almeida
statements are correct? (d) Pedro Alvares Cabral
1. Portuguese came to India in the late 15th
5. With reference to the Modern History of
2. The French were the second European to India, which of the following pairs is/are
arrive in India. correct?
3. Captain Hawkins of England visited the Battle Won by
court of Jahangir.
1. Battle of Plassey : British
Select the correct answer using the code given
2. Battle of Bedara : Dutch
3. Battle of Wandiwash : French
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 only
Select the correct answer using the codes
(c) 2 only (d) 1 and 3 only
given below:
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 3 only
3. In the first quarter of the seventeenth century,
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
in which of the following was/were the
factory/factories of the English East India
Company located? (UPSC Prelims, 2021)
1. Broach
2. Chicacole
3. Trichinopoly


1. (b) 4. (b)
2. (d) 5. (a)
3. (a)

Hints and Solutions

1. (b) 3. (a)
Option (b) is correct: Option (a) is correct:
In the Western Coast, the English India
The Portuguese, the first Europeans to come to
Company established their factories at Agra,
India, were also the last to leave this land. It
Ahmadabad, Baroda and Broach by 1619,
was 1961 before the Government of India
under the control of the president and council
recaptured Goa, Daman and Diu from them.
of the Surat factory which was established in
Vasco Da Gama (1498) found a sea route to
the year 1612. In the South-eastern Coast the
India through the Cape of Good Hope. He
East India Company established their factories
reached Calicut in May 1498.
at Masulipatam in 1611 and Armagaon near
Pulicat in 1626. In Eastern India, East India
2. (d) Company established their factories at
Option (d) is correct: Hariharpur and Balasore (now Odisha) in
1633, at Hugli in 1651, followed by setting up
Statement 1 is correct: Vasco-da-Gama
factories at Patna, Dacca, Kasimbazar in
reached Calicut via the Cape of Good Hope in
Bengal and Bihar respectively.
1498 and was warmly welcomed by Zamorin
(Ruler of Calicut). 4. (b)
Statement 2 is not correct: French were the Option (b) is correct:
last among the European companies to enter About Alfonso De Albuquerque:
India. In 1664, during the reign of Louis XIV,  Alfonso De Albuquerque established a
the efforts of his minister Colbert resulted in Portuguese stronghold on the mainland in
the formation of the French trading company. India and made the Portuguese flag
The first French factory in India was supreme on the Indian Ocean.
established at Surat in 1667 by Francois  He conquered Goa in 1510 from Bijapur
Caron which was followed by the factory at (abolition of Sati) and established their
Masulipattam by Marcara in 1669 after domination from Hormuz in the
acquiring permission from the ruler of Persian Gulf to Malacca in Malaya.
Golconda. The foundations of Pondicherry Goa became the first bit of Indian
were led by Martin in 1673. The trading post territory to be under a European power
at Chandranagar was established at the place since the time of Alexander.
given by the Nawab of Bengal Shaista Khan.  Albuquerque developed a good
Statement 3 is correct: Captain Hawkins relationship with Vijayanagar because
arrived in the court of Jahangir in April both had a common enemy that was the
1609 itself. But the mission to establish a Deccan Sultanate.
factory at Surat didn’t succeed due to  In 1520 Krishna Dev Raya also gifted a
opposition from the Portuguese, and Hawkins fort. Both kingdoms sent embassies to
left Agra in November 1611. each other. Trade flourished and
especially horse trade in which horses
were supplied to Vijaynagar from

5. (a) Pair 2 is not correct: In 1759 at the Battle of

Option (a) is correct: Bedara The British defeated the Dutch.

Pair 1 is correct: In 1757 at the Battle of Pair 3 is not correct: In 1760 at the Battle of
Plassey the British defeated Nawab of Wandiwash (Tamil Nadu) the British
Bengal, Siraj ud Daula and from this point the defeated the French.
rise of the British empire started.


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