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A. Background of The Problem

Communication, rooted in vocabulary, has been integral to humanity

since ancient times. In learning a foreign language like English, vocabulary
plays a pivotal role, impacting reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills.
Despite its importance, learners often face challenges such as word class
distinction, translation difficulties, and comprehension issues. To address these,
teachers must create engaging learning environments. Video media,
particularly through platforms like TikTok, offers an effective and enjoyable
method for English language learning. TikTok's popularity among teenagers
makes it a promising tool to break monotony and boost student engagement in
learning vocabulary. Researchers are intrigued by the potential of TikTok in
revolutionizing English vocabulary learning, aiming to provide a dynamic and
accessible approach for students.

B. The Statement of The Problem

The statement of the problem for this research is: Does the
effectiveness of using the TikTok application have an effect on the english
vocabulary mastery of second grade students junior high school at SMP Islam
Tahfidz Qur’an of Bima city?

C. The Purpose of Study

The purpose of study is: To describe the effectiveness of using the

TikTok application have an effect on the English Vocabulary Mastery of
second grade students junior high school at SMP Islam Tahfidz Qur’an of
Bima City.


vocabulary refers to a collection of words that enable students to

comprehend the teaching and learning process in class. By memorizing an
extensive vocabulary, students can enhance their ability to communicate
effectively. Therefore, vocabulary plays a crucial role in expanding students’
knowledge and improving their performance in class.

There are two types of vocabulary: active and passive. Learning new
words requires exercise and context to form connections in the brain, which
allows individuals to remember and use them when speaking or writing. Active
vocabulary refers to words that can be used regularly, while passive vocabulary
includes words that are understood but not often used.

Aspects of vocabulary consist of use, spelling, meaning, and

pronunciation. These aspects are very important in mastering vocabulary.

1. The Problem of Vocabulary

Firstly, different vocabularies have different levels of return for

learning. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that learners have a good grasp of
the high frequency words of the language before moving on to less frequent
ones. Secondly, the way vocabulary is sequenced in most language teaching
courses makes vocabulary learning more challenging than it should be.
Grouping, opposites, synonyms, and items in a lexical set together can cause
interference and confusion for learners. This problem can be easily avoided.
Thirdly, careful design of both vocabulary and other skill activities can
significantly increase vocabulary learning opportunities and the quality of
vocabulary learning.

B. TikTok

TikTok is a very popular platform among teenagers and the younger

generation.By utilizing this media in English language learning, teachers can
attract students' interest and increase their involvement in the learning process.
Teachers can use TikTok to show their students how English is used in real-life
situations, such as through conversations, everyday scenarios, or relevant
content. This can help students gain a better understanding of how words and
phrases are applied in different contexts.

TikTok can be an option for people, teachers, or tutors to learn

English in Indonesia excitingly and pleasingly. They can be creative with
various features available on Tik Tok and apply them to learning the English
language. As we can see, Tiktok allows us to read content that includes
vocabulary, sentences, and quizzes, allowing pupils to improve their
vocabulary proficiency. There are various reasons why Tiktok's popularity has
been continuously rising, particularly among the younger population.


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