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Time : 3 Hours} Note : This question paper consists of three sections A, B and C. I. -Very Short Answer Type Questions : 10x 2=20 i) Attempt ALL questions. if) Each question carries TWO marks. aR TE P If A= {o.2,2.3,5] and f:A— Bisa surjection defined by £@ = cos x then find B. |. Refer to Page No. 17, Q. No. 2 Answer. g xo forallx¢ R, then 2.- TFG) = 2x=1, g6) = find of) &). Sol. Refer to Page No. 21, Q. No. 25 Answer: 3. Construct a 3 x 2 matrix whose elements are defined by ay = 5|1-3i Sol, Refer to Page No. 38, Q. No. 10 Answer. 4, Find the adjoint and inverse of the matrix [i | 4 6] ~ Sol, Refer to Page No. 41, Q. No. 22 Answer. 5, Find the vector equation of the plane pass- ing through the points J - 2) +5k, —5j -k and - 31455. Sol, Refer to Page No. 70, Q. No. 11 Answer. ° @& Let a= 27+ 4) - 5k, b=T+j+k and €=]+ 2k. Find the unit vector in the opposite direction of a+b +¢. Sol. Refer to Page No. 69, Q. No. 7 Answer. GUESS PAPER - 2 PART = Hl: MATHEMATICS = I(A) (E.M.) ir. Mathematics - 1A 13. [Max. Maggy So! en = :) Wie a=i—j—k and b=2i - 3}, 1 find the projection vector of B on a 2 \ its magnitude. Sol. Refer to Page No. 83, Q.No. 6 Answe, | | 8. Ifacos 0—b sin, =¢, then show tha », asin @ +b cos @ = Sol. Refer to Page No. 98, Q..No. 9 Answer, 9. Find the range of 7.cos x= 24 sinx+5, | Sol. Refer to Page No. 102, Q. No. 34Answer, 10. Ifcosh x= 8 find the values of @cosh @x) Gi sinh 2x). Refer to Page No..125, Q. No. 1 Answer. SECTION : Il. Short Answer Type Questions : 5x4 a2 i) Attempt ANY FIVE questions. if) Each question carries FOUR mark: g Sol. a bb If A= |a2 by c| is a non-singul as bs es inatrix, then A is invertiable and AgjA a A= Get Av Refer to Page No. 53, Q. No. 7 Answer. if 7, j, k are unit vectors along the pc tive directions of the coordinate ax then show that the four points 47 +5] +k,-j-K, 31 +9) + 4k and 41 + 4j + 4k are coplana Refer to Page No. 72, Q. No. 2 Answer. Lea iL. Sol. 12. Sol. 13. Sol. 4. Sol. 21 Sol. 22, Sol. 24, Sol. method, . . Prove that the angle '' between any two diagonals of a cube is given by éos0 = 2 Refer to Page No. 87, Q. No. 1 Answer. If a, b, ¢ are non zero real numbers and a, Bare the solutions of acos 0 +b sin 0 =c then show that sin o.+ sin B = —22¢ and +b? Blas ¢ sina-sinps Soe a+b? Refer to Page No. 106, Q. No. 9 Answer, Solve V2! (sinx + cosx) = /3. | Refer to Page No. 116, Q, No. 3 Answer. Itan“'x + tany + tanz = x, then prove that x+y z= xyz. . -Refer-to Page No: 123, Q. No. 11 Answer. atbi2c a » Showthat|| ¢ b+e+2a ob ©... 8 gtaseb Refer to Page No. 52, Q. No.4 Answer. Giiess/Paper=2) — 17. Sol. m1. 18. Sol. 19. Sol. Show that 1 1 1 1 SEES Refer to Page No, 132, Q. No. 10 Answer. ~~ SECTION - C Long Answer Type Questions : Bx7=35 i) Attempt ANY FIVE questions. if) Each question carries SEVEN marks. at +b? +c? ereRa tte If £:A—>B, g: B <> C are two bijective functions, then prove.that gof : A — Cis also a bijective function. Refer to Page No.23, Q. No.1 Answer. By using mathematical induction show that Vn eN, 1.2.34+2.3.4+3.4.5+ n+) @+2@+3)- 4 Refer to Page No. 27, Q. No. 1 Answer. upto n terms = =2@+b+9* Solve : 3x + 4y +5z= 18, 2x—y + 8z= 13 and 5x- 2y + 7z=20 by using the matrix inversion Refer to Page No. 56, Q. No. 12 Answer. If @, b, © be three vectors, then show that (a b) x Refer to Page No, 92, Q. No. 2:Answer, If A,B, Care angles in a triangle than prove that sin A + sinB + sinC=4 cos Lens Z.cosS- Refer to Page No. 115, Q. No.14 Answer. ltr, = Refer to Page No. 138, Q. No. 10 Answer. 2% = 3,15 = G and r= 1, then prove that a=3,b-=4 and ¢='5. .t)b-(B A 2

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