Article Writing

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How to form a hook (attention grabber) for any topic easily?

It goes without saying 2 3
It is inevitable that
It is indisputable/undeniable that convenient – efficient – practical - instrumental
It is certainly true apprehensive aspects – factors – trends
worrying – concerning – intimidating activities – notions - issues
In today’s world, prevalent – trendy – ubiquitous problems – habits - practices
In today’s contemporary society, (the topic) is feasible – challenging means of – sources of
Without a shadow of doubt, one of the most exciting – exhilarating – intriguing – enjoyable methods of – skills -
Without a second thought, compelling – amusing – fun – thrilling
integral – essential – pivotal – fundamental - indispensable
Nowadays, Today, Lately, In recent years,
Recently,In the last few years,
In the last decade,
Since the dawn of civilization,
Over the consecutive years,
4 5
for almost all people, particularly teenagers , as it offers a great opportunity to…
for a wide range of people which allows them to maintain…
for most young people which contributes to a better…
for an array of people , for it conduces to serious adverse effects.
in various countries worldwide for the great avails / conveniences it offers
around the globe for the great jeopardy / menace / detrimental effects it presents

e.g. It goes without saying that reading is one of the most feasible activities for almost all people, as it allows them to broaden their horizons.
e.g. Without a shadow of doubt, doing sports is one of the most enjoyable and essential practices for an array of people which contributes to a
healthier lifestyle.
e.g. In today’s world, global warming is one of the most intimidating issues in many countries around the globe, for the great menace it presents.
How to write an Effective Introduction?

1. Attention Grabber (Hook)

2. Fillers ( Importance – effect – consequence – background information) of the topic.
3. Thesis statement
1-Attention Grabber

It is certainly true that (the topic) is one of the most essential aspects of life for various
Have you ever [ pondered – contemplated about ] how life would be without...?
How could we possibly deny or ignore the great importance / significance of …
What would happen if…… + past tense
Don't you think it's about time / it's high time … subject + past tense

e.g. Don't you think it's about time / it's high time people started to …

Wouldn't the world be a happier place if…?

Without a second thought, ……… has been one of the central issues recently.
Nowadays, a frequent issue we have to grapple with (cope with) is…
It goes without saying that [ the topic: e.g. having a job] is a requisite for a successful and
stable life / for almost all people.

Time Fixers: (Fixes the tense of the entire article)

 Nowadays,
 These days,
 Until now,
 Every day, every year,
 Recently,
 In recent years,
 For many years,
 In the past,
 For past few years,
 Ten years ago,
 Since + specific time

Generalisation Phrases:

 Almost all
 The vast majority of
 A large number of
 Hardly any
 Not many
 In almost all cases
 In the majority of cases

The importance of the topic

The effect - consequences of the topic
Compare to the past or to anything

e.g. Friendship is such a special bond between people through which they share their
happy and sad moments.
e.g. Internet is an essential means of communication & entertainment for people in the
modern society.
e.g. Due to the lack of education and the growing population, there has been a great
shortage of job opportunities
e.g. Compared to other countries, African countries has the highest rate of unemployment.
e.g. The advancement of technology could be of great avail in many life aspects.
e.g. Despite the affluence living in a city could to bring, it is also coupled with some
inescapable drawbacks.
e.g. Indeed, the idea of introducing state-of-the-art robots to household is hailed by many
people; however, (skeptics / others) say it has too many shortcomings.

Thesis statement

It is worth mentioning not only (Point 1 ) and (point 2), but also (point 3).
Not only is it worth mentioning (point 1) , but also (point 2).
If we talk about (the topic), it is really important to mention (Point 1 ), (point 2) ;besides,
(point 3).
Talking about (the topic), it is quite important to highlight (Point 1) ; in addition to (Point 1).

** Or you can use Although / Despite, if the talking points are opposing to each other.

Sample Introductions:

1) Have you ever fantasised being in the limelight, walking on the red carpet, surrounded
by posh people and talking to the paparazzi? It is no brainer that a great number of
people long for the affluence and glamour of being a megastar, but one should not
forget the possible burden it begets.
2) A common issue that parents have to grapple with these days is persuading their
children to cut down the time they spend out with their friends. It is the bitter truth
that such efforts mostly end in vain due to the simple fact that adolescents are
manipulated by their peers.
3) It will not be an exaggeration to say that the advent of the internet has to be one of
the biggest boons of a student's life. With the internet at our disposal our everyday
struggles like bewildering homework can become a thing of the past. However, not
everyone is convinced about its benefits.
1. Attention Grabber (Hook)
2. Fillers ( Importance – effect- consequence) of the topic
3. Thesis statement

Attention Grabber

It is certainly true that (the topic) is one of the most essential aspects of life for various
Have you ever wondered how life would be without...?
No one can deny or ignore the great importance / significance of …


 Have you ever wondered / pondered how life would be without friendship?
 It is certainly true that nowadays many people aspire to have a stable, decent job to support
their demands and families.
 No one can deny or ignore the great importance / significance of education.


The importance of the topic

The effect - consequences of the topic
Compare to the past or to anything

e.g. Friendship is such a special bond between people through which they share their
happy and sad moments.
e.g. Internet is an essential means of communication & entertainment for people in the
modern society.
e.g. Due to the lack of education and the growing population, there has been a great
shortage of job opportunities
e.g. Compared to other countries, African countries has the highest rate of unemployment.

Thesis statement

It is worth mentioning not only (Point 1 ) and (point 2), but also (point 3).
If we talk about (the topic), it is really important to mention (Point 1 ), (point 2);besides,
(point 3).
Start body 1 with any of these phrases:
It is certainly true that…
On one hand, + Topic sentence
It is undeniably true that…

Start body 1 with any of these phrases:

On the other hand,
Inspite of all this, + Topic sentence
Despite all the above mentioned,

Powerful Topic Sentences


 There are quite various / compelling / plausible reasons why …

 There are multiple compelling / plausible reasons why…

Bad Effects:

 There are various adverse effects/ impacts/ consequences/ shortcomings for…

Good Effects:

 There are quite numerous positive impacts / conveniences / positives / avails for…


 ----- Obviously involves various benefits / merits / advantages.

 (body 2) Inspite of these drawbacks, there are quite endless benefits / merits /
advantages for ….


 ----- Obviously involves various drawbacks / demerits / disadvantages.

 (body 2) Despite these great benefits, there are quite several drawbacks / demerits /
disadvantages for ….


------- is profoundly essential in many ways for almost all people.

--------- is part and parcel of people’s daily lives.

--------- is of great significance in many ways.

--------- is sheer important for many reasons.

--------- is of paramount importance in many aspects.

--------- is quite pivotal for several reasons.

Task: Write topic sentences on the below topics:

1. Bad effects of junk food


2. Good effects of the internet


3. Importance of playing sports


4. Importance of education

5. Advantages of travelling

6. Reasons for having friends


7. Disadvantages of excessively using the internet


8. The negative impact of friends


9. Dangers of playing extreme sports


10. Types of friends


Body Paragraph Structure





Transition Phrases

Reason 1 Support Reason 2 (transition Words)

First and foremost, For instance, Besides,
To begin with, For example, In addition,
To embark on, A good example of this is Additionally
First of all, As an example, Furthermore,
Use Pronouns Support 2 Reason 2 (transition
This means that… In fact, What's more,
This is because… Actually, On top of that,
These benefits … Inevitably, Above all,
Complex sentences Contrast Another point is that
Although / Even Although / Even though It is certainly true that
Despite / Inspite of Despite / Inspite of Needless to say,
If / Unless However, It is also argued that
Which – who – Whereas Another aspect worth
where considering
Not only…, but While

Complex Sentences

Contrast Conditionals Time Relative Clauses

Although If After Which
even though ‫ اال لو‬Unless Before Who
Instead of ‫بشرط‬On condition that While Where
Despite ‫ طالما‬As long as Whenever When
Inspite of ‫ في حالة‬In case Wherever That
‫ بما ان‬Because / Since While Whose
Transition Phrases

You have to use them when starting any sentence.

 The 1st idea = First and foremost, To begin with, To start off, To start with, First, Firstly,
 Give an example = For instance, For example, A clear example of this is, As an example,
 Stress the importance = It goes without saying that--- / When it comes to…
 A new idea (AND) = Another reason is that ---- / Another adverse effect is--- / Another
potential risk for (-) is--- / Another point worth elaboration is the ---- / It is also believed that
---- / Another point to consider is… / What is more, / On top of that…/ Moreover,
Furthermore, Besides, In addition,
 So / conclusion = Therefore, Hence, That’s why

Fill in the blanks with the suitable transition phrases:

There are multiple drawbacks for mobile phones, particularly, for students.

-------------------------------------, they are great distracters for learners in class.

------------------------------------, they may play games or check their social media in

class, which would affect their concentration. ------------------------- students use

mobiles at school, it is argued that students may use it in cheating in exams.

-------------------------------------, they can not only access the internet for information,

but also check any saved notes. -----------------------------, mobiles shouldn’t be

allowed in class.

----------------------------- these drawbacks, other people believe that smart devices are

a great help for learning. -----------------------------, students can use the internet for

their researches and assignments. ----------------------------- is that mobiles are very

convenient (suitable) in case of emergencies. -----------------------------, a student may

need to call his parents if he forgot something important like a calculator or a book.

-----------------------------, students may easily access the internet on their smart

phones which may be a great source of information if they have any researches or

assignments. -----------------------------, cell phones may have great benefits in school.


1. Linker: To sum up / To conclude / All in all / In conclusion,

2. Sum up the ideas: very brief phrases to sum up the ideas
3. Your opinion Connective
 In my opinion,
 It seems to me that... / As I see it,
 I strongly reckon that...

 In my opinion, the best way to resolve this issue is spread general awareness
through awareness campaigns about...
 As I see it, it is high time people started to...
 From my perspective, a wise balance should be made in regards to …
 I strongly reckon that if people use --- wisely, they would make the utmost
benefit from it.
 From my point of view, people ought to control their use of (internet) to avoid
any possible drawbacks and take the utmost benefit ‫ االستفادة القصوى‬from it.

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