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ED 706 – Theory Building in Applied Discipline
1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

Directions: Answer as required.

a. In your own point of view, how is the course theory building in applied discipline
relevance or significant in your workplace? In your career and profession?
(15 pts.)

- In my professional journey, the course on theory building in applied discipline has proven to
be immensely relevant and significant in my workplace. This course has equipped me with a
profound understanding of the underlying principles and frameworks that govern the dynamics
of my field. By delving into the intricacies of theory building, I've gained a heightened ability to
critically analyze and interpret the challenges and opportunities that arise in my profession. This
theoretical foundation serves as a compass, guiding my decision-making processes and allowing
me to devise innovative solutions to complex problems. Moreover, the course has heightened my
strategic thinking, enabling me to foresee trends, adapt to changes, and contribute meaningfully
to the advancement of my career and the overall development of my workplace. In essence,
theory building has not only provided intellectual enrichment but has become an indispensable
tool for navigating the practical intricacies of my professional landscape.

b. Relate the relevant theories, concepts, principles and doctrines that you have
internalized in the previous presentations by you and your classmates. Use the
matrix below. (20 pts.)

Theories Doctrine Concepts Principles

Systems Theory Legal Doctrine Interdisciplinary Ethical Principles

Systems Theory:

Relevance: This theory is crucial for understanding the interconnectedness and interdependence
of various elements within a system. In our presentations, we discussed how systems theory
applies to complex problem-solving in applied disciplines.

Legal Doctrine:

Application: Understanding legal doctrines is fundamental for professionals in applied

disciplines. This knowledge helps in navigating legal frameworks and ensuring practices align
with established legal principles.

Interdisciplinary Approach:

Conceptual Framework: The concept of an interdisciplinary approach emphasizes the integration

of knowledge from multiple disciplines. In our discussions, we explored how this approach
enhances problem-solving and innovation by drawing on diverse perspectives.

Ethical Principles:

Guiding Principles: Ethical principles guide decision-making and conduct in any applied
discipline. We delved into the ethical considerations relevant to our field, discussing concepts
like confidentiality, integrity, and responsibility.

c. How do you interpret the statement theoretically consistent and logically

founded? Cite phases of your theory building you have internalize to
substantiate your answer. (15 pts.)

- The phrase "theoretically consistent and logically founded" suggests that a particular theory or
argument adheres to a coherent and systematic framework without internal contradictions. It
implies that the theory is logically sound, with propositions that follow a rational and
interconnected structure.

In the context of theory building, this phrase aligns with fundamental principles in the process of
constructing a theory. The following are the interpretation and cite phases of theory building
to substantiate the answer:
1. Theoretical Consistency: - This refers to the coherence and compatibility of the elements
within the theory. Each concept, proposition, and assumption should align with the overarching
framework of the theory.

- Theory Building Phase: Internalizing and conceptualizing the foundational elements of the
theory, ensuring that each component contributes to a unified and consistent structure.

2. Logical Foundation: A logically founded theory implies that the sequence of arguments,
deductions, and inferences within the theory is rational and follows a logical progression.

- Theory Building Phase: The logical foundation is established during the deductive and
inductive reasoning phases. Deductive reasoning ensures that conclusions logically flow from
premises, while inductive reasoning involves deriving general principles from specific

3. Internal Coherence: The theory should have internal coherence, meaning that different parts
of the theory support and reinforce each other without introducing contradictions.

- Theory Building Phase: Internal coherence is fostered during the integration of concepts and
the formulation of propositions. This phase involves ensuring that each element fits seamlessly
into the broader theoretical framework.

4. Empirical Validation: A theoretically consistent and logically founded theory often aligns
with empirical evidence. The theory's propositions should be testable and verifiable through
observation and experimentation.

- Theory Building Phase: Empirical validation occurs during the testing and refinement phase.
The theory is subjected to empirical scrutiny, and adjustments are made based on observed

In summary, "theoretically consistent and logically founded" reflects the rigorous process of
theory building, encompassing the integration of concepts, logical reasoning, internal coherence,
and empirical validation. The citation of these phases helps substantiate the interpretation by
highlighting the key steps in constructing a robust and reliable theoretical framework.

d. Give at least 5 learning theories that you considered best in the context of
teaching and learning process. Tell why you choose the same? (10 pts.)
- In the context of the teaching and learning process within the field of Theory Building in
Applied Discipline, several learning theories can be considered. Here are five prominent ones,
along with reasons for their relevance:

1. Constructivism:

- Why: Constructivism emphasizes the role of learners in actively constructing their

understanding of the world. In applied disciplines, learners often need to not only absorb
information but also apply it in practical contexts. Constructivism aligns with the idea that
learning is an active process where learners build upon their existing knowledge and experiences.

2. Experiential Learning (Kolb's xperiential Learning Theory):

- Why: In applied disciplines, hands-on experience is crucial. Kolb's theory posits that learning
is a process involving four stages - concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract
conceptualization, and active experimentation. This aligns well with disciplines where learning
through doing, reflecting, and applying knowledge is essential.

3. Problem-Based Learning (PBL):

- Why: PBL is particularly effective in applied disciplines because it places learners in

problem-solving situations that mimic real-world scenarios. It encourages collaboration, critical
thinking, and the application of knowledge to solve practical problems, mirroring the challenges
learners might face in their professional contexts.

4. Social Learning Theory:

- Why: Learning often occurs through observation, imitation, and social interaction. In applied
disciplines, where teamwork and communication are crucial, social learning theory, as proposed
by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the importance of social context in the learning process.
Observing others and participating in collaborative activities can enhance the learning

5. Cognitive Load Theory:

- Why: In applied disciplines, learners often need to manage complex information. Cognitive
Load Theory focuses on the limitations of working memory and suggests that instructional
design should consider how information is presented to avoid overwhelming learners. This
theory is particularly relevant in disciplines where learners need to process and apply intricate
These learning theories provide a foundation for understanding how individuals acquire
and apply knowledge in applied disciplines. By considering these theories, educators can design
effective teaching strategies that align with the nature of the discipline and the needs of the

e. How do you compare conceptual framework versus theoretical framework?

Give its differences and correlation. Give illustrative example and explain. (15

- The conceptual framework and theoretical framework are two essential components in
research, particularly in the subject of Theory Building in Applied Discipline. While they share a
common goal of providing a structure for understanding and guiding research, they differ in
their nature and functions. The conceptual framework is a broad, often visually represented
structure that outlines the main concepts or variables of the study and their interrelationships. It
serves as a roadmap for the researcher to understand the key elements and their connections.
On the other hand, the theoretical framework is more focused on existing theories that support
or explain the phenomena under investigation. It provides a set of principles or propositions that
guide the study and help formulate hypotheses. The conceptual framework is like a map of the
terrain, showing the researcher where to go, while the theoretical framework provides the
theories that explain the underlying dynamics of that terrain.

Let's consider an example in the field of education, particularly in the context of technology
integration in the classroom. The conceptual framework might include key concepts like
'technology integration,' 'teacher pedagogy,' and 'student engagement,' visually connecting these
elements to illustrate their relationships. Meanwhile, the theoretical framework could draw from
educational theories like Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development or the Technology
Acceptance Model, explaining how these theories support or inform the relationships outlined in
the conceptual framework. In this way, the conceptual framework provides a holistic view of the
research landscape, while the theoretical framework dives into established theories to underpin
the study's hypotheses and explanations, creating a symbiotic relationship between the two.

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