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ED 706 – Theory Building in Applied Discipline
1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

Direction: Answer the following questions hereunder as required, submit your

final examination on or before January 15, 2024 to the office of your professor,
MBTHE, Cotabato city.

1. Present your knowledge and understanding towards the following:

a. Importance of theory building in research (5pts)

- Theory building in research is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a

conceptual framework that helps researchers organize and make sense of
empirical observations. A well-constructed theory offers a systematic way to
interpret and understand complex phenomena, guiding researchers in
formulating hypotheses and designing studies effectively. Additionally, theory
building contributes to the advancement of knowledge within an applied
discipline by offering a foundation for future research. It allows researchers to
identify gaps in existing knowledge, propose new ideas, and refine existing
concepts. Moreover, theories provide a basis for practical applications by
offering insights into real-world problems, informing decision-making
processes, and guiding interventions. Ultimately, the importance of theory
building lies in its ability to foster a deeper understanding of phenomena,
facilitate the development of evidence-based practices, and contribute to the
continuous growth and refinement of knowledge in applied disciplines.

b. Name best character of reliable theory (5pts)

- The hallmark of a reliable theory in the context of Theory Building in Applied

Discipline is its explanatory power. A robust theory should possess the ability
to elucidate and interpret a wide array of phenomena within the discipline it
addresses. It should offer a comprehensive framework that not only accounts
for existing knowledge but also has predictive capabilities, allowing for the
anticipation of future occurrences or outcomes. Furthermore, a reliable theory
should be testable and falsifiable, encouraging empirical validation through
research and experimentation. Clarity and precision in defining concepts and
relationships within the theory are also critical, ensuring that it provides a
solid foundation for further research and practical applications. Ultimately, a
trustworthy theory serves as a guiding beacon, offering insights, predictions,
and a structured understanding of the applied discipline it seeks to explain.

c. Tell something about theory building and its relevance in any field of
endeavour (5pts)

- Theory building is a crucial intellectual endeavor in any applied discipline as

it serves as the foundation for understanding, explaining, and predicting
phenomena within that specific field. It involves the systematic development of
concepts, principles, and frameworks that organize and make sense of
empirical observations. The relevance of theory building lies in its ability to
provide a conceptual roadmap, offering practitioners and researchers a deeper
comprehension of the subject matter. In any applied discipline, a robust
theoretical framework not only guides empirical investigations but also fosters
innovation and problem-solving. It acts as a lens through which practitioners
can interpret complex scenarios, make informed decisions, and generate new
knowledge. Theory building, therefore, is indispensable in elevating the
sophistication and efficacy of practices within applied disciplines, facilitating a
more profound understanding of phenomena and enhancing the overall quality
of research and application.

d. Substantiate your ideas in both empirical and structured testing


- In the realm of Theory Building in Applied Discipline, substantiating ideas

involves a rigorous process of empirical and structured testing. Empirical
validation entails the collection and analysis of real-world data to confirm or
refute theoretical propositions. Through empirical research, practitioners can
observe, measure, and quantify phenomena within the applied discipline,
providing tangible evidence for the proposed theory. Additionally, structured
testing involves subjecting the theoretical framework to systematic evaluation,
often through controlled experiments or methodically designed studies. This
approach allows for the systematic examination of variables, ensuring the
reliability and validity of the developed theory. By combining empirical evidence
and structured testing, the robustness and applicability of the theory in the
specific applied discipline can be established, fostering confidence in its utility
and relevance within real-world contexts.
2. Enumerate four building blocks of theory construction or theory
building and explain each? (20pts)

- In the context of theory building in an applied discipline, four essential

building blocks play a crucial role in constructing robust theoretical
frameworks. Firstly, Conceptualization is foundational, involving the clear
definition and refinement of key concepts to establish a common
understanding within the discipline. Secondly, Operationalization transforms
abstract concepts into measurable variables, enabling empirical testing and
validation of the theory. Thirdly, Hypothesis Formulation articulates the
expected relationships between variables, providing testable predictions that
guide empirical research. Finally, Empirical Testing involves subjecting the
theory to rigorous examination through data collection and analysis,
facilitating the validation or refinement of the theoretical framework based on
real-world observations. Together, these building blocks form the cornerstone
of theory construction in applied disciplines, ensuring the development of
coherent, testable, and impactful frameworks.

3. Is typology a theory? Why? Differentiate theory from typology? (15pts)

- Typology is not a theory in itself; rather, it serves as a classification system or

a framework for organizing and categorizing phenomena based on shared
characteristics. While typologies are valuable tools for understanding patterns
and relationships within a field, they lack the explanatory power and
generalizability typically associated with a comprehensive theory. A theory, on
the other hand, involves a set of principles or propositions that explain and
predict phenomena, providing a deeper understanding of the underlying
mechanisms at play.

The key differentiation between theory and typology lies in their functions. A
theory aims to provide a systematic explanation of observed phenomena,
offering insights into the underlying principles and causal relationships. It is
characterized by its ability to generate hypotheses and make predictions,
contributing to a broader understanding of a subject. In contrast, typology
focuses on classification and categorization, organizing entities based on
shared characteristics without necessarily offering explanatory depth. While
both theory and typology play essential roles in research and applied
disciplines, they serve distinct purposes in contributing to our knowledge and
comprehension of a given field.
4. Tell something about Machiavellian theory? (10pts)

- The Machiavellian theory, derived from the political philosophy of Niccolò

Machiavelli, particularly outlined in his seminal work "The Prince," explores
pragmatic and strategic approaches to governance. Machiavelli's theory is often
associated with a realistic and sometimes ruthless perspective on political
leadership. Contrary to traditional moralistic ideals, Machiavelli contends that
rulers must prioritize pragmatism and practicality over ethical considerations
to maintain power and stability. The theory advocates the use of cunning,
manipulation, and force when necessary, emphasizing the importance of
adaptability and decisiveness in leadership. While controversial, the
Machiavellian theory has left a lasting impact on the understanding of political
strategy and the complexities of leadership in applied disciplines, influencing
discussions on power dynamics, decision-making, and the relationship
between ethics and practicality in various fields.

5. Give at least 5 theories of learning and explain each? (25pts)

- Five (5) prominent theories of learning within the context of Theory Building
in Applied Discipline:

1. Behaviorism: Behaviorism posits that learning is a result of observable

changes in behavior, emphasizing external stimuli and reinforcement. This
theory, associated with B.F. Skinner, focuses on shaping and reinforcing
desired behaviors through positive and negative reinforcement, shaping the
learner's responses to stimuli.

2. Cognitivism: Cognitivism, represented by theorists like Jean Piaget, centers

on mental processes such as memory, problem-solving, and decision-making
as the foundation of learning. It explores how individuals actively construct
knowledge through mental structures and processes, emphasizing the
importance of cognitive development.

3. Constructivism: Originating from thinkers like Lev Vygotsky,

Constructivism suggests that learning is an active, social process where
individuals build knowledge by interacting with their environment and peers. It
underscores the significance of collaboration, social interaction, and hands-on
experiences in the learning process.
4. Humanism: Humanistic theories, associated with Carl Rogers and Abraham
Maslow, prioritize the individual's subjective experience, personal growth, and
self-actualization. Learning is viewed as a self-directed and holistic process,
with educators fostering a supportive environment that encourages learners to
pursue their interests and passions.

5. Connectivism: In the digital age, George Siemens and Stephen Downes

introduced Connectivism, proposing that learning is a networked process
facilitated by technology. It emphasizes the importance of making connections,
both with information sources and other learners, to navigate the complexities
of the rapidly evolving information landscape.

These theories offer diverse perspectives on how learning occurs, providing a

foundation for the development and implementation of effective educational
strategies within applied disciplines.

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