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UWT=2 , ; atieme Fondamentats ond _Desinitions _ ‘on : Yatroduction- A vedio antenna xnay be deSined as We structure associated with Ye °S “SZ esns = 20:03, exc: Uone aster wext revorion @= O'= ZAP & ZO-5* WOBwW = 27O = 2Z+20-5° = AV Ans. >) Fer FNRW, EW@=o, O= CSO CS2@ =? 526 =O TOS90°D2O= od FNGTW=208 =9C0° (G} Sotid Angte - A Sotid angte WV is G meosuse oS Ye amount of We Siekd of view Seow Some past! astay fpolmh tot a aiven cwect covers Ot th a ymeasuse of how ase Yne cect alppea*s to an cvsevver fooling Ssom Ynot Paint? The St Lwr of Solid angle is ste*adian. Beom Asvea ov Ban Solid Anate WL A)~ coven coich att ¥ Beam asea is Ye Solid anate yne Power ~wodiated Ly Ye antenna Wwourd stream TS OP COr&) maintained Zs YaxinnuT Value ouer ULa ond war zero etsewhere: Tne wit oF beam owea is Stevadion: \ wad = $243 SQuare Aegeee: A stesacdian = _2B ov Sac{. [- Pnterd) sine ae ao aa Eopivatent ames Solid male Sa | EZ o)sine-Ae-dh $=0 Foro ; i Actual aw= sine 40 do ss [tet Beam Asea Jha = One ye base aaa wrese Oe and dyp are Soe Sue Vals Power beam cid in Awo Psincipal panes % The ~adicked weam of Phe antenna Comes GU form AN ANQle ext kne eet cee angle, whese tne powey OOSLS wh erent oa Soid beam = A. © . TAL Fina We nevmbern of scyrare degsee in tye solid anete UL on O sPhesical Susfacs Yok is between @=28 ond O=48 Cov FE and 5 Host Laritude) and belween b=3d and b= 76 (38 and 70 east Longitude) \sotation das Sine dode St nef 5* sino Ao dd 9=0 “=o ee = 48 to 70 22° ko AC 10 ao C sing de Jyusé 9 =2.0 re ao wy [-cs loo [76-383 [-es ao — (08260) Ao pro 766 40 039) ad th KOI Yao? So} uo Vl ° W Ny N \ = 0:\2\ stesadian = O\NWAKASLSBS = 397 Score Aegtee oa JL=397 Cn An ontenma has a Sietd \pottern @ivern bY E(@) = co#@ fox CS OE30° Find Ye beam area of Yih pattem. 4 20 wv we ngs ( ( E(er sine do dd =0 ‘g=0 Gwen, EC@dr= cost @ er todd Cot a) pooee Beam Asea a, 2 as” ( [cos*6] sino do dd @=0 O=0 R fez (ae { % o@ sing dO an tess) @=0 st | Lex eet batll => sino do =—dt —Sin = Fos @=0) t= e=3,) 4=0 ° an so) cta= | ae feerae> o=0 k an s\° | - (i. , | -2neCh) = 2S Ml M = \2S Stesadbon, fodiotion Sstensity- me power xodioted bY an antenna pers unis solid angte Mow Tntensity U Cwatts pev OX World ex sauare deqsee)- Pn (Oo) = ULOS) _ SCO) VCO mox S(O Omax whese S(O¢) th Ye Pointing vector aelpenda oN We dartance Seow antenna - : % S$ Varsien inversaty aD Ye Square of Ve. ds tang) ¥ Radian Imrensity U is independent of Ye durtance in Sav SieXd of Owrenna . Beam Essiciency- he Gotat) beam oxea Uta o¥ beam Solid ANOLE Consists of ne voaim beam area cox Saticdh angle) SL plu Ye minov Lobe avea Cox Said anale) lin. Rene a = ttm + Sin 9 Catlad re yadio Steradian * The cotio of Ye maw beam avea to We Aotal Dears asen th called Ye (wan) beam efficiency Ems Beam ES\uency Fd aero * The waco of wrmov-Lolbe avea Gian to whe Fotag beam aceon by catted stsay Factor. Ew aim s stsay factor - SLA =m lle J Win + Sta) a = TM SUS s Ct +m aaa Wa Ra wa ~ -e Divectwity Cd) and Gand) Disechdrty of an ontenna is oO pasornever wich yneasawes the degree to which Ye ~sadiation emitted is concentsated in a Singte divecrion: Divechary of an antenna is defined as Ane. Xatio oF fre Woximum power density © (O71 b) max YOHS to its average volua que a sheve as cosexued” iw We Saw Sie€d oF aN ontenna- D= P (8) ymax P(O>) avg ‘ sn \ se dvectinty DZ gern ,0=0 i = PG d) Sin AO POO AR Jyco 3 ¥ We diveidty of an antenna is weRated to bean, osea aA w- = +m f Wa ve dixediuity Con be aloo Aehrad a) Ye “soto of osea of a spnese CAT Sx) Yo We beam avec Wa of Wwe anyenno % Pr ideal isctsdpic antenna Cola = 47 ss) Wow Qowest divecidty D=l- MR actucl artennn? Nave AiweUNY |rectex Yoon CD71 ) Antenna Gaim- Gan of artenna In Ye ratio of the vocation intensity tn a given disection to Ye wadienon iwrensity Yat would b Ovtained if the power accelted wy We astenna ° WX ~odicted isotvobicatty . © a ee WW Acanswitting omtenna Simic Losses includes \powev Sed to Yne avtenna Which is not ~wacdiated but Neots Ye onteana steucture- A mismatch In feeding, Ye antenna atso seduce Ye Qavn. ¥ We solic of antenna BUM (G) to We divechuty ©F bh vac as antenna efficiency factor: G=K pj K= Avtewna to BLCoUeY detect. X SNR Conde jmlpsoved bY Various meYnodS, Such as \n cseasing the Signal stsengtr seducing, Ye vnor'ne Reveg , Sittex|no, out unwanted noise of ning exrov Corsechoy Feclnnoeen * SNR aloo determines Ye macdimum possible auncwnt OF data ywat com be tsansmitted ek @iven chandee. Ther sefationsi Shaynon —Hastteq Yneorenm, x Tne vost Common way to exlpress swe is decivee. ec Yaty ove a P MW descrirsect by wich th a Logawitnmic scate Prat Toke TY easiey to compase Rasge ax small Valter SNR CAG) = lo WQ,, ) Noise Figure ~(F) Noise Hause M Yne rneasuse of degsadation of Ye Signat to woise watto (SNR) in a device. St 2) the ~sorlo Of Yme SNR ok Ye input to Ye SWR at Ms. cue (swedr BSUS swe Se NO % Noise Fiquve sth used Ao evaluate We pesos mance oF An ampufin ov a cadio wecatum- Lowey Valea of noise Raure indicates better bexformanc. Co Noise Figure Fa SS Awtemna Vembesatuse - Antenna tempesatuxe I a measure TTT 05 Ye OSC being \produced bY AW antenna in a Given environment: Roy owect Whose tempevatuse in above Me absolute zero Badiotes EM enesay:. Tr an antenna u susvounded bY Noise souxcer, Which ceeates Nase power at the Orvema texminale jhe power vrodioted bY O bsignr body Pg, when intescebted by an avtenna AeMexaren Worse powey Pp at its texminats: The Rawivatent Temperature associated wr Ye veceived Power Pa ok Ye antenna Aecminals in calked artewna Nembpexatuxe Ta os Ye objecta whese Pyp=K Ta dF BS = Bardwrvdyn 13 Ks Rottzwnam’s Constam av3ae ‘AIO DIK ¥ Arena oise Jerdpexature in not Wwe physica® tenlesature os Ye anhenno. Thur tembesatuse depends on Ye gain, Fadiarion pattern ond Yne noise Wat arvtenna picks ub F6OM SUSTOUNdIMgys eHViToMMent. Actenna Tesbevature ft a : v i dg = (814) (8) %) sine do AT an i, { whese Q (©) g)= Radiation Patew of antenna» Tb) = Temperature dorsiburon of antenna ba gect OW As Surrey bin BY sin SO Trwin = Winimom derectole Temperaaxe of Me system. Signa’ -yo- Noise woo SNR = Artenna Texipesature Te = To C NF-) Vo = Refesenw Temperature (swe? NES Noise HQuve = (ARO = Sof No siyN pues a

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