2-2 - Topic 4 - Questions

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Compiled & designed by Vu Tuong Thinh, M.A.

in Applied Linguistics

Topic 4: Talk about your eating habits.

Further discussion questions for topic 4

1. What food are you crazy about? Why?

I’m crazy about seafood + tên món ăn + because/since/as + it/they taste(s) delicious.

2. How often do you eat it?

I often eat seafood every week

every day/week/weekend/month | whenever I crave it/them | whenever I have money | whenever my

mother cooks it/them for me | whenever I cook…

3. Where do you eat it? With whom?

I eat seafood in a restaurant with my girlfriend

at home

in + a restaurant (near my house) | a food stall (near my house) | my school canteen | my school


4. Can you describe it?

Sure. / Certainly.

5. What is it made of?

It’s made of + tên nguyên liệu.

6. How does it look/taste/smell?

It looks terrific.

It tastes great.

It smells delicious.

7. What food aren’t you crazy about? Why?

I don’t care for cake. Because I am avoiding sugar

I’m not crazy about + tên món ăn, for + it is / they are + too +

spicy/salty/sour/oily/greasy/foul/smelly/stinky/astringent/bitter/bland/dry… (trước bé cuối phải có


8. What food did you use to be crazy about but now aren’t? Why?

I used to be crazy about + tên món ăn, but now I’m not because of several/health reasons.
9. What do you often eat for your daily meals?

I often eat (cooked) rice with meat, poultry or fish/seafood.

10. What kind of nutrition does that food provide?

It provides (a lot of) calcium, carbs/carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins (for my body).

11. Are you a healthy or unhealthy eater?

I’m a healthy eater.

I’m an unhealthy eater.

12. What are examples of healthy/unhealthy eating habits?

Healthy eating habits include/are eating slowly and moderately, avoiding foods (which are) high in

fat, sugar, and salt, and consuming a lot of vegetables (and fruit).

Unhealthy eating habits include/are overeating, eating late, eating while watching TV, and so on.

13. What are examples of healthy/unhealthy food?

Healthy food includes/is vegetables, fruit, grains, fish and white meat.

Unhealthy food includes/is fast food, junk food, sweets, sugar, and red meat.

14. Is your eating habit (now) better or worse than it used to be?

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

15. What are some things about your eating habits you want to change?

I want to eat more vegetables and fruit.

I want to eat more white meat and fish.

I want to cut back on fast/junk food.

16. What are some different types of diet you have heard of?

The Mushroom Diet, the Vegan Diet, the Atkins Diet, and the Juice Fast.

17. What type of diet would you like to try? Why?

I would like to try the + một trong những loại hình ở câu 16 + because/since/as + it’s good for health

/ weight loss.

18. Do you think people from your country usually eat healthy food?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

19. What do they often eat?

They often eat (cooked) rice with meat, poultry or fish/seafood.

They often eat fast/junk food.

20. Do you eat a lot of small portions or a few large portions of food every day?

I eat a lot of small portions of food every day.

I eat a few large portions of food every day.

21. Do you think that a person’s eating habits affect how long they will live?

Yes, I do.

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