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1. What are you interested in?
2. What is the most challenging thing about learning
3. Do you want to make friends online? Why or why not?
4. Do you like art? If yes, what kinds of art do you like?
Of course. I am quite fond of art. And the art genre that I like
the most is Sinh village paintings. It's a famous art form in the
place where I was born. When creating it, it has to go through
many stages from finding the materials to MAKING it to
creating the finished product. All of those stages are created by
skillful and meticulous artisan hands. This is an art form from
the old place of my birth, I will try to preserve it and bring it
closer with the people so that more and more people know
about it.

5. What kinds of things have sentimental value in your life?

The thing that has the most sentimental value to me is the
laptop my mother gave me when I entered the university. It is a
Dell brand computer, a fairly high value, but my mother still
buys it for my convenient for online learning today. I really love
this gift and I will keep it forever.
6. If you have a chance to collect anything, what will you
If I have a chance to collect anything, I will collect postcards of
my idols. You know, idols also help us learn a lot from them.
Watching them try, they succeed in helping us. We are
motivated to strive to be more and more successful. When I
collect idol postcards, I will stick THEM on the wall, look at
THEM every day. Looking at idols is a role model for me to
strive more and more, not just BECAUSE OF IDOLS but also for
myself. When I succeed, I get what I want.

7. Are you afraid to make a mistake? In what situations? Why?

Of course. Not only me, but almost everyone is afraid of making
mistakes. For example, I don't do well in the assigned work, I
don't submit the deadline on time. Because people trust me
that I don't do well in the assigned tasks. Besides, the teacher
assigned and recorded a specific deadline, but I did not submit
it on time, making the teacher unhappy. Therefore, we need to
overcome the mistakes to do make OURSELVES better and

8. Did you ever solve a problem in a creative way?

9. Do you have a fear/phobia?
10. What are some ways to help people with their fears/
phobias/ problems in life?
11. Did you ever take a risk? What kind of risk was it?
I don't know what the future will be like, but until now I have never
faced any challenge that requires taking risks. Since I am still a
student, my biggest task is to study well for later can find a good job
with a high salary. If I encounter any challenges in the future, I will
try to calmly find the best solution. Accept the challenge to get good
results, experience is also a good lesson of life.

12. Do you have any siblings or are you the only child?
13. How many children do you want to have? Why?
From my point of view, the ideal number of children to have in
a family is two children. So when I get married I want to have
two children. Because everything is so expensive nowadays,
children's education and living expenses both need quite a lot of
money. So RASING two children ARE appropriate and best.
Besides, two children playing together, talking together will be
more fun than being an only child. That way parents can also
14. Do you play any kinds of sports?

I don't play a lot of sports but I sometimes do play basketball. The

purpose of playing sports is to improve health, make the body supple
and increase height. Moreover, when I play sports, I can meet many
new friends, exchange and meet with them. And can talk together,
talk together about daily life. Therefore, can reduce stress from work
as well as in life.
PART 2 : DIALOGUE ( những đề highlight là đề ra thi năm
Đề 1:
- Student A: You are a person with a fear/phobia (fear of
water/height/darkness/snakes/spiders...). You decided to go to
the doctor for help. You have to explain your problems with
that fear/phobia.
- Student B: You are the doctor, and you have already had
experience treating people with phobias. You listen to student
A’s problems, then you give him some advice
Đề 2:
Tham gia vào một cuộc trao đổi sinh viên quốc tế và kể lại
những trải nghiệm đó với bạn của mình
Đề 3:
A: là only child nên cô đơn vì ba mẹ bận đi làm không có thời
gian dành cho con và tìm người xin lời khuyên
B: Người cho lời khuyên
Đề 4 :
Một vật kỉ niệm được chôn trong lòng đất 100 năm. Sau khi đào
nó lên thì đó là vật gì và có ý nghĩa như thế nào?
Đề 5:
Matt and Jessica are married. They have a four-year old
daughter named Katie. They are talking about having a second
- Student A, you are Matt. You want to have another child.
- Student B, you are Jessica. You are not sure if another child

Đề 6:
A: Student A, you are going to study abroad. You have to decide
what of the following items you would bring with you. You ask
your friend - student B, for help.
B: Student B, you help student A choose ONE item to bring
with him and give reasons for your choice.
ĐỀ 7 và 8

PART 3 ( highlight là đề ra thi năm ngoái)

ĐỀ 1:
Do you know anyone have a phobia ? How does it affect him ?
I know a lot of people with phobia, but one person with the biggest
phobia is a close friend of me. She has a phobia of emotional issues,
that is her boyfriend forsake her. She was originally a cheerful,
vivacious, smiling person and always brought positive energy to
everyone around her.But after being forsake by her boyfriend, she
became quiet, spoke less and didn't smile as much as
before.Futhermore, because she's like that, it makes everyone around
feel negative and sad because she's changed and is no longer an
optimistic, life-loving girl. Even though she became like that, I always
by her side to support her because she is my friend.

Đề 2:
Do doctors help people deal with fear ? Why or Why not ?
In my opinion, a doctor will help you overcome your fear because
they are doctors, they have expertise, they know what you need to do
to overcome it. They will suggest some solve for you to have can
overcome your own fears. For example, you can go out to participate
in fun activities, find someone you can confide in. Next, you should
travel to discover many new things that you have never seen before
and so on. Although the doctor offers solve to overcome, but only you
can overcome your fear, and only you can do it. No matter what, you
need to overcome it because this life is very good, you should live
happily, optimistically, that is a happy life.

Đề 3:
Tell about special possession
The special thing that I own is the Laptop that my mother gave me
when I passed the university entrance exam. For me, it is invaluable
for many reasons. First, under the worrying spreading of the Covid
epidemic, all students must attend online learning, so a laptop is
necessary for the current online learning situation. Secondly, now is
the 4.0 technology era, many people rely on laptops to do their work
and study. I can easily do homework and submit it before deadlines in
the fastest way to my teacher.Futhermore, I can access study materials
on the Internet with Laptop. With online learning nowadays, we can't
do without laptops. Finally, I always cherish it and keep it forever
because it is a gift my mother gave me. I really love my laptop.

Đề 4:
What sport is popular in your country ?
I am proud to have been born in a country where the football
movement is quite famous. Every year, the country of VietNam
organizes many football matches to exchange with other countries and
win many honorary prizes for THE country.
Đề 5:
Do you think there should be have more siblings in the family ?
Why or why not ?
For me, I don't want to have any more siblings. Because my life as an
only child is so glad right now. I am free to do the things I love every
day like watching TV with my favorite program, eat delicious food my
mother cooks without anyone competing with me.Futhermore,I can
have all my parents love without sharing it with anyone. I am really
happy I am an only child, living a free and comfortable life.
Đề 6:
Do you have any fears?
Honestly, I used to have fear about emotional issues when I broke up
with my boyfriend. I’m person happy, smiling person, but when I
broke up with my boyfriend I became quite and I was sad for a very
long time. But now I have overcome my fear and I feel very happy to
have friends who always accompany me. Never let fear affect your
mood, always be happy every day for this life great.
PART 3 Các thầy cô ôn tập :
1.Do you think it’s better for students to live at home with
their families, or away from home?
2. Is it important to have art classes at school? Why or why
3. Pack rats usually hold on to everything, not only their special
possessions. What is your advice to pack rats? How can they
learn to get rid of things or give them away?
4. Do you believe that good luck charms bring good luck to
5. What are some good ways to increase creativity at work?
6. Great ideas sometimes comes from mistakes”. Do you agree
with this
statement? Explain
7. Do you believe that psychologists can really help people with
their issue? Why or why not?
8. Who do you ask for advice when you face challenges?
9. Do you think it’s good to have only one child? Why or why
not? 10. What is the best motivation to take care of your
11. Should young people be encouraged to practice sports?
Why or not ?


ĐỀ NĂM NGOÁI: Write a paragraph about 100- 120 in length


Đề các thầy cô ôn :

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