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MUS7131 Principal Study 2: Instrumental and Vocal Performance Tutor Report

Name of student: Ivonne Porras Ocampo

Principal Study: Voice - Soprano

Name of tutor providing report: Yvonne Sandison

Capacity in which report provided (delete as appropriate):

Principal Study Tutor

To the Tutor: Please fill the boxes, ensuring that your comments relate to the student’s
current achievement against each of the module’s Learning Outcomes (LO’s). In doing so,
please refer to the marking criteria on page 2 and highlight relevant boxes. Please note that
it is perfectly acceptable to highlight individual descriptors across one or more mark bands.

LO1. Display a professional approach fitting to the performance context (i.e. whether on
stage or in an audition), demonstrating effective programming choices where appropriate.

Ivonne has made considerable progress over the past year and she is now displaying greater
stability and consistency in her performance. She is extremely professional in her approach to her
work and her programme choices are imaginative and interesting. Ivonne has a strong instinct for
what suits her vocal timbre and expressive and sincere personality.

LO2. Demonstrate secure technical control which enables fluency and stamina in
This has been the most pleasing aspect of Ivonne’s progress. She has been extremely receptive in
exploring technical concepts, particularly in working with the breath. She is now finding the vocal
security and freedom which enables her to express herself with fluency and increasing stamina.
Her tone is warm, bright and flexible and her higher register is beginning to soar.

LO3. Communicate sound musicianship, coherent interpretative decisions, stylistic

awareness, and an ability to sustain the listener’s interest.

Ivonne has an innate sense of style allied to excellent musicianship. She has a very good ear for
the nuance of language Most of all she sings from the heart. Since finding greater vocal freedom
she has been able to allow herself to fully engage with the music, text and mood to touch the
listener and create some very special moments.

LO4. Engage collaboratively with performance partners where appropriate.

Ivonne has worked very well with her accompanists. Her sense of what she wants to communicate
allows her to take a strong lead and to engage well collaboratively.

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