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Introduction to Advertising


21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

What Why How

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

What is Advertising?

Latin advertere ‘turn towards’

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising


Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods

and services by an identified sponsor

Advertising is a tool of
marketing along with the
product and its packaging,
price, distribution &
personnel selling.

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

What is Marketing?

Marketing is the activity, set of

institutions, and processes for

creating, communicating, delivering,

and exchanging offerings that have

value for customers, clients, partners,

and society at large.

American Marketing Association

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

What is Marketing?

“The science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering

value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit.

Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires.

It defines, measures and quantifies the size of the identified

market and the profit potential.

It pinpoints which segments the company is capable of serving

best and it designs and promotes the appropriate products and

Dr Philip Kotler

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising
21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising
What is Marketing?

Systematic planning, implementation, and control of a mix of

activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the
mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products or services.

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

What is Marketing?

Systematic planning, implementation, and control of a mix of

activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the
mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products or services.

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

What is Marketing Communications?

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising
The main difference between these two business practices is
that advertising is a part of marketing.

A successful marketing strategy typically dedicates resources

to advertising at multiple levels, placing corporate marketing
communications in various types of media.

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

Types of

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

Types of

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

What does advertising do?

Communicates information

Creates ground for personal selling

Educates people

Creates and extends demand

Creates an image for the product or service

Builds goodwill

Helps obtain dealer support

Counters competition

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

Why Advertising?

Increasing the sales of the product/service

Creating and maintaining a brand identity or brand image.

Communicating a change in the existing product line.

Introduction of a new product or service.

Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or the company

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising
Early 20th Century

19th Century
agencies producing
18th Century Business Revolution advertising
/ Advertising messages- copy and
Advertising Brokers agencies
17th Century art themselves
Publicis Groupe’ - Born
Newspapers in
in 1842 - A History of 1920s - Agencies
15th /16th
London started
advertising that could plan and
carrying Print Ads
execute campaigns
Advent of Print
Medieval world

Word of Mouth

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

By the thirteenth century commercial scribes had become the go-to people
for a book. To attract clients, the professionals running these “bookstores”
made advertisement sheets, like this one. They were usually put on display
outside the shop’s entrance: clients looked at the samples and choose a letter
type for the book they were about to order. This one is from the shop of
Herman Strepel in Münster, Germany, and dates from c. 1447. Herman did an
excellent marketing job because he wrote the names of the letter types in
gold next to the samples.

Pic: The Hague, Koninklijke Biblliotheek, 76 D 45. More about commercial

book production in medieval times in this blog.

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

Pic: 1468 during the times of William Caxton when he promoted a book that
had his first printed advertisement.

A slip that was printed by William Caxton, England’s first printer. On it he

praises a book he just produced, the Sarum Ordinal, a manual for priests. The
sheet describes the book and then states that “you can get a copy at the Red
Pale" (the name of his shop) in Westminster, London.

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

Print Innovation

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

Liberty Mutual
created an ad
that it hopes will
stick in the
memories of car
buyers. - Credit
Print Innovation by Goodby
Silverstein &
examples Partners

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

Bulova: world's first television advertisement

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

Coca-Cola Ads - Journey from 1960s to 2020

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

The process of creating, interpreting, and negotiating.

It can be verbal, nonverbal, or textual. It can be aural, visual, or even physical.

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

The ‘How’ of Advertising

1960 | Berlo’s SCMR Model

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

Berlo’s Model

21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising


21-10-2023 Session 2023 24 Priyanka K V | SACAC Advertising

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