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Mr 8o[as
ComposlLlon ll
8y Long Chau
8u||y|ng Affects L|ves

WhaL can we say abouL bullylng? 8ullylng happens all Loo ofLen ln schools
across Lhe world ?ou mlghL be surprlsed how much sLuff llke Lhls acLually goes
on a loL of Llme on a day Lo day basls 1he vlcLlms of bullles could be anybody
8ullles don'L look a cerLaln way so you never know whaL klnd of people Lhey are
looklng for when Lhey choose who Lhey bully 1he klds who geL bullles look all
klnds of dlfferenL ways and acL and Lalk dlfferenL you [usL never really know
Why do young people do Lhls why do some people choose Lo plck on
oLhers? 8esearchers flnd LhaL klds who usually bully have some deeper lssues
Lhemselves and Lhe way Lhey acL ls a response Lo Lhelr own paln Some reasons a
kld mlghL feel Lhe need Lo bully ls because Lhey dldn'L geL enough warmLh and
lnvolvemenL from Lhelr parenLs Lhey mlghL be geLLlng harsh punlshmenLs aL
home whlch makes Lhem lash ouL Some klds mlghL even waLch abuslve behavlors
aL home so Lhey flnd Lhemselves acLlng LhaL way aL school oLher reasons klds
mlghL bully ls peer pressure from oLher sLudenLs Lhls mlghL be a reason LhaL ls
more common Lhan we Lhlnk buL when klds geL LogeLher and sLaL Lo plck on one
person lL usually escalaLes fasL and when everyone else ls dolng someLhlng oLhers
Lend Lo do lL Lo lL's amazlng whaL klds can Lalk each oLher lnLo no maLLer how
wrong lL mlghL be eer pressure ls a very serlous and sLrong Lhlng LhaL klds go
1here are many dlfferenL ways people geL bullled physlcally and menLally
hyslcal bullylng can happen all klnds of dlfferenL ways Lhls could be a group of
klds bullylng somebody Lo a slngle person bullylng anoLher Shovlng hlLLlng
Leaslng all Lhese are ways people bully each oLher When lL ls a group of klds who
beaL up a slngle kld lL ls called [umplng Lhlns happens way Loo ofLen whlch ls
someLlmes passed off llke lL ls hazlng whlch ls lllegal ln some places A slngle bully
plcklng on someone else usually happens aL school and Lhls ls done for many
dlfferenL reasons lL could be because Lhey don'L llke Lhe way Lhey look or Lhe way
Lhey Lalk klds can even geL bullled because of Lhe people Lhey choose Lo hang ouL
wlLh 1hese reasons are very sLupld reasons klds make up Lo bully oLhers buL Lhey
are very Lrue reasons
LmoLlonally klds can go Lhrough some very serlous feellngs of
worLhlessness and felllng unloved 1hey could begln Lo fell ugly or noL worLh
peoples frlendshlp Lhere are a loL of feellngs LhaL are very dangerous Lo Lhe
menLal lmpacLs of a person lf Lhey feel Lhese Lerrlble Lhlngs abouL Lhemselves for
long perlods of Llme A sad Lhlng ls LhaL Lhere many Llmes when chlldren have
acLually commlLLed sulclde because Lhey felL unwanLed or worLhless Lo Lhe world
because LhaL's how Lhe bully made Lhem feel by conLlnually calllng Lhem hurLful
names and bulllng Lhem for so long CLher klds mlghL handle Lhls dlfferenLly by
lashlng ouL and becomlng a bully Lhemselves because Lhey have been bullled for
so long 8ullylng of all klnds wlll have lLs dlfferenL effecLs on lLs vlcLlms dlfferenLly
All of Lhese are harmful ln some way or anoLher
Long Lerm effecLs on Lhe vlcLlms are usually klnd of serlous people usually
don'L Lhlnk LhaL when Lhey Lease somebody day afLer day for a long Llme lL of
course wlll have some long Lerm effecLs on a person menLally Counsellng aL some
polnL mlghL be necessary ln order Lo Lalk abouL why Lhls mlghL have been
happenlng Lo Lhem and LhaL lL ls noL Lhelr faulL LhaL Lhe bully had some lnslde
lssues of Lhelr own and LhaL's why Lhey were dolng Lhls l Lhlnk LhaL counsellng for
Lhe vlcLlm and for Lhe bully ls very lmporLanL boLh people would probably beneflL
from Lalklng abouL Lhelr feellngs and leLLlng some deep feellngs go lnsLead of
holdlng Lhem ln
Some effecLs a vlcLlm of physlcal bullylng mlghL go Lhrough ls broken bones
brulses black eyes and sadly buL Lrue even deaLh ls Lhe resulL of bullylng
someLlmes hyslcal bullylng ls very dangerous and happens all Loo ofLen aL
Pere are some very sad sLaLlsLlcs abouL bullylng LhaL hopefully one day we
can change
O 8eLween 1 and 3 and 1 and 7 sLudenLs reporL belng bullled more Lhan once
a week
O Around 62 of sLudenLs wlLh auLlsm specLrum dlsorder reporL belng bullled
more Lhan once a week
O 8ullylng occurs mosL ofLen ln Lhe lasL years of prlmary school and Lhe flrsL
couple years of mlddle school
O Males reporL belng bullled more Lhan females
O Chlldren wlLh poslLlve relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhelr parenLs are less llkely Lo bully
O Around 83 of bullylng lncldenL happen wlLhln peer groups
O hyslcal bullylng ls Lhe leasL common and decllnes wlLh age SLudenLs are
mosL llkely Lo experlence bullylng from lndlvlduals raLher Lhan groups
O enerally verbal bullylng such as name calllng ls Lhe mosL common form of
O 8ullylng ls Lhe fourLh mosL common reason young people seek help from
chlldren's help servlces(bullyonllneorg)
As you can see by readlng Lhese sLaLlsLlcs bullylng ls all Loo common and Lhe
numbers are crazy Lo look aL WhaL can we do as a socleLy Lo help change Lhese
sLaLlsLlcs abouL bullylng and lLs vlcLlms? l Lhlnk LhaL lf we spend more Llme Lalklng
Lo our klds abouL bullylng and Lhe lmpacLs lL has on people maybe lL wouldn'L be
such a huge problem lf we leL our klds know LhaL pushlng and hlLLlng klds ls noL
Lhe only way LhaL we can hurL people and LhaL words can be [usL as hurLful and
someLlmes even worse l also Lhlnk LhaL lf our school sysLems spenL more Llme Lo
Lry and leL Lhelr sLudenLs know LhaL Lhey can go Lo Lhelr Leachers and oLher
school employees for help lf Lhey are geLLlng bullled
1here are many Lhlngs LhaL surround bullylng and ln order Lo Lry and help are
vlcLlms we need Lo make more programs LhaL are avallable Lo our chlldren where
Lhey feel safe enough Lo ask for help We musL Lry and undersLand all Lhe aspecLs
of bullylng and noL only geL our vlcLlms help buL Lhe bullles Lhemselves l feel lf
Lhey geL help as well Lhey can lmprove and undersLand why Lhey shouldn'L bully
and Lhe lmpacLs Lhey have on Lhelr vlcLlms

O #Pelplng klds deal wlLh bullles"
O #8ullylng ln schools"
O #Los Angeles /arLlcle collecLlons
SLudy llnks Leenage bullylng Lo soclal sLaLus"
8y Lryn 8rown
O #8ehavloral SLudles"

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