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Employment - 29

Talk about employment in your country

You should mention:

how people usually find jobs in your country
if there are many unemployed in your country and why (not)
how working condition are
and what the best well-paid jobs are in your country and why

I am supposed to talk about employment. Nowadays, what is pretty demanding for Iranian
people is finding job. There are many ways to retrieve a job such as relationship with; having
high educational qualification, but what I prefer to talk about is situations vacant a common
way to find a job. As it can be seen on media the rate of unemployment is dramatically high
as a result of financial crisis causing many factories and businesses to be closed, and also
.most of them are still pending or suspended

Employed people are given some benefits such as maternity leave, sick leave, insurance,
retirement salary but to me the most prominent is yearly holiday which is given to employees
.whenever they request it

It is widely recognized that most of the engineers, architectures and lowers have a high salary
and income, but it is believed that medical specialist have by far the best income and salary.
The reason for it is not fully understood, it is often said that their responsibilities toward
.patient is extremely high

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