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IELTS Speaking Assignment

Task: Discuss the themes presented in the text regarding scientific advancements, space
exploration, breakthroughs in medicine, and the associated challenges and ethical
considerations. Use the following prompts to guide your discussion.
Part 1: Scientific Advancements (3-4 minutes)
1. Introduction:
 Summarize the key points related to scientific advancements presented in the text.
2. Quantum Physics:
 Discuss the fascinating world of quantum physics and its impact on our understanding
of the universe.
3. Synthetic Biology:
 Explore the field of synthetic biology and its potential for sustainable solutions.
Discuss the ethical concerns associated with manipulating living organisms.
4. Large Hadron Collider:
 Explain the significance of the Large Hadron Collider in exploring the fundamental
building blocks of matter.
Part 2: Space Exploration (3-4 minutes)
5. Introduction:
 Provide an overview of the information related to space exploration in the text.
6. Mars Rover Missions:
 Discuss the achievements of the Mars Rover missions and their contribution to our
understanding of Mars.
7. International Space Station (ISS):
 Explore the collaborative efforts on the ISS and its role in advancing scientific
experiments in microgravity.
8. Exoplanets and Cosmic Exploration:
 Describe the significance of discovering exoplanets and the prospects of
interplanetary travel and space colonization.
Part 3: Medical Breakthroughs (3-4 minutes)
9. Introduction:
 Summarize the breakthroughs in the field of medicine highlighted in the text.
10. Personalized Medicine:
 Discuss the impact of decoding the human genome and the potential of personalized
11. Robotics and AI in Surgery:
 Explore the revolutionary advancements in surgery facilitated by robotics and
artificial intelligence.
12. Telemedicine and Global Healthcare:
 Discuss the role of telemedicine in providing global access to healthcare and
connecting patients with medical professionals remotely.
Part 4: Challenges and Ethical Considerations (3-4 minutes)
13. Introduction:
 Highlight the challenges and ethical dilemmas associated with scientific progress
discussed in the text.
14. AI and Employment:
 Discuss concerns about artificial intelligence, accountability, and its potential impact
on employment.
15. Space Exploration and Environmental Sustainability:
 Explore the environmental concerns related to space exploration, including
sustainability and space debris.
16. Medical Ethics:
 Engage in a discussion about ethical considerations in medicine, including gene
editing and responsible research practices.

Conclusion (1-2 minutes)

17. Summary:
 Summarize the main points discussed during the assignment.
18. Closing Thoughts:
 Provide any closing thoughts on the delicate balance between scientific progress and
ethical responsibilities.
19. Discussion:
 Open the floor for a brief discussion on the topics covered. Encourage questions or
comments from the examiner.

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