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1. Read through the marking key

2. Do not dilute the key for purposes of maintaining the same standards. The key is quite
comprehensible and objective.
3. The allocation of marks is shown after each question, and the Grading and conversion
table to 15 marks are on the last page.

1. (a). Traditional education was not very open to change and innovation, therefore, it
was ?
(b). It promoted conformity and adherence to past traditions, rather than a spirit of.
(3 marks)
2. (a). There was some kind of organised learning during seclusion periods prior to
initiation. (Two words). (1 mark)
3. Mention four things the young learnt in traditional society during the instruction in
the history and traditions of the clan and of the tribe. (4 marks)

4. Explain briefly what the following meant when traditional education was said to be:
(4 marks)

5. Education is not the same as schooling; it is a life-long process conducted by many

agencies; it could refer to the following: (4 marks).

6. The UNIP government in 1967 set up a body called the Commission for Technical
Education and Vocational Training. In 1972 this body was transformed into the. (2

7. State the policy of the Federal Government on education in the period 1953 – 1963
(1 mark)
8. Identify the four major historical periods that provide a framework for considering
educational provision in Zambia before 1964. (4 marks)

9. Give two differences between the 1976 reform recommendations and the
adoptedness of 1977 in terms of educational organisation. (4 marks)

10. The ideology behind the Phelps-strokes fund and its use was that of promoting a
utilitarian type of education for Africans and African-Americans to enhance .(two
words) (2 marks).

11. The recommendations of the Phelps- stokes Commission on African education

fitted well with British colonial policy because they encouraged: (6 ,marks)

(a). An elementary form of education that would not make African education
compete with the whites. (True/False)

(b). Agriculture and handicrafts for simple life of the Africans (True/False)

(c). Moral and spiritual education to ensure that Africans were subservient to
colonial authority. (True/False)

(d). A curriculum that would not arouse many wants in the Africans.

(e). The creation of an African elite that would fight for independence.

(f). African civilisation in preparation for eventual independence (True/False)

12. The Native Education Advisory Board dealt with matters about . (2 marks)

13. Name the four players that partnered in the provision of formal education in
Northern Rhodesia in the period 1924 to 1964. (4 marks)

14. The human resource development strategies adopted in the early 1960s by Zambia and
other developing countries were based predominantly on one type of educational planning.
This was the. (1 mark)

15. Give 4 reasons why countries like Zambia failed to meet the targets set by the Addis
Ababa conference. (4 marks)
16. After 1991 the law of 1998, Act No. 13 of that year TEVETA was formed to (2 marks)

17. The participants at the Dakar Conference on Education agreed that it was unacceptable in
the year 2000: (3 marks)

18. In 1991 a National Conference on Education For All was convened at .(2 marks)

19. Some of the following statements are either true or false. By ticking or circling the
appropriate word (True or False) answer the following : (5 marks)

(a). The 1977 Educational Reform Policy document prepared that every 9 -year old child
should go to grade 1. (True/False)

(b). Grades 8 and 9 were to be increased at the same pace as grade 1 to 7. (True/False)

(c). The 1977 Educational Reforms provided for expansion and provision of a wide range of
continuing education programmes. (True/False)

(d). The 1977 Reforms recommended for the construction of new buildings which were
simple, durable and mainly from local building materials. (True/False)

(e). The 1977 Reforms recommended all new schools being built should have no teachers’
houses. (True/False)

20. Make two statements of fact on “Educating Our Future”. (2 marks).

21. (a). What does BESSIP stand for? (1 mark)

(b).State two aims of BESSIP. (2 marks)

22. Mention four (4) components of BESSIP. (4 marks).

23. What ideology was being promoted in Zambia at independence which made the
government establish state control in all areas of public life, including education?(1 mark)

24. What term is used in education to refer to a policy that empowers the citizen to establish
and control their own schools in Zambia? (1 mark)

25. Briefly explain the difference between partnership and cost-sharing in educational
context. (2 marks)
26. One of the factors of gender disparities in education that has been cited is patriarchal

(a). Define patriarchal ideologies. (1 mark)

(b). Give an example of such an ideology drawn from an education illustration (1 mark).

27. What reason did both the missionaries and the colonial government advance for not
promoting the education of the girl-child in Northern Rhodesia during the colonial era? (1

28. From the following eight items choose any four (4) that you may consider as the
measures that the government of Zambia has taken to address gender imbalances in
education. (4 marks)

(a). Creating more schools and school places for girls.

(b). Abolishing traditional education and introducing modern education.

(c). Promote equality in access to, participation in and successful completion of education at
all levels, irrespective of gender.

(d).Government has made all national policies to include gender.

(e). Parents who fail to educate their daughters are reprimanded by the government.

(f). Government has integrated gender concerns into all development.

(g). Renewed the customs interventions and culture of the people .

(h). Promote women even when they don’t deliver the goods.

29. Mention the three main values invoked in rationales for decentralisation. (3 marks)

30. List four (4) political rationales for decentralisation (4 marks)

31. The decentralisation of the education system in Zambia has led to the creation of:. (3

32. The three key documents that inform policy on education development in Zambia are: (3
33. Under the newly restructured Ministry of Education, there are five (5) directorates which
are responsible for.(3 marks)

34. What do the following acronyms stand for? (5 marks)

(a). DEBS...

(b). HRDO..

(c). PRSP...

(d). PSRP

(e). SESO..



1. Two of the main periods in the formation of modern Zambia are:-



2. Who were the first Europeans to enter Northern Rhodesia?


2. Name the person who made several trips to Northern Rhodesia between 1851 and
3. The principal actor in the founding of Northern Rhodesia was a man called
4. The Native schools Proclamation of 1918 was opposed by the missionaries because it
gave the company ............................................ over schools and teachers.
5. The form of education which existed before the 1880s was
6. In this type of education, the most important methods of instruction were through
..................................., ....................................... and
7. The only school run by the Government up to 1924 was the
8. What do the following acronyms stand for?
ii. PEM
iii. LMS
iv. PMMS
9. In which year did the BSA company give up power to the colonial office in London?
10. A). What was the subsidy on the educational work of the missions called?

B). The training and employment of visiting teachers led to the development of
.................... schools.

C). The tasks of visiting teachers were to improve bush schools or out schools in
terms of
11. Place a tick against any group of people in the following list if you believe that they
are under-served in terms of education:
• The poor
• Street and working children
• Rural and remote populations
• Linguistic minorities
• People under occupation
• Refugees
• Those displaced by war
• Indigenous people
• Girls and women
• Nomads and migrant workers.
12. Professor Kelly mentions 4 crises of education, mention TWO of these
• The crisis of................................................................................
• The crisis of................................................................................
13. What did the UN declare the 1960s to be?.............................................
14. Why was there a need to search for a HRD strategy in Africa in the 1960s?
• ....................................................................................................
• ....................................................................................................
15. What are the two aims of education at the primary level in the First National
Development Plan (1966 – 1970)?

a. ..........................................................

b. ...........................................................

16. In expanding the secondary school sector between Jan 1972 – Dec 1976 two strategies
were adopted. What were they?
• ......................................................................................
• ......................................................................................
17. What were the two educational achievements at the secondary level by 1975?
• ......................................................................................
• ......................................................................................
18. Briefly distinguish between gender and sex.
19. Give one justification for raising concerns about gender issues.
20. Identify one critical gender disparity prevalent in education.
21. Give one reason why the education of girls/women is important in a country like
22. What two school based obstacles prevent girls from gaining the full benefits of
education as boys.
• ......................................................................................
• ......................................................................................
23. Identify one negative aspect of Zambian customs and traditions which negatively
influence girls education.
24. Define “Partnership” in education.
25. What does decentralisation refer to in education?
26. What is the justification for the introduction of decentralisation in the Ministry of
27. What are education boards?
28. List one advantage and one disadvantage of decentralisation in the education sector in
29. What are equity and equality in education?
30. Mention one source of disparities in schooling.
31. Identify one type out of the underprivileged groups in Zambian education.
32. The statistical figures in the primary education sector in the 1990s show the following
• Gross enrolment ratio declined from 98% in 1996 to 90% in 1999.
• Net enrolment ratio declined from 81% in 1996 to 76% in 1999.
• In 1999, out of a population of 7 – 13 year old children of 1, 729, 000, 1, 312,
013 were enrolled in school.

Which of the following statements best describes this condition of education?

i. The educational system became equitable.

ii. The educational system was both accessible and equitable.
iii. The criteria of selection in the educational system was efficient.
iv. The educational system became inaccessible.
33. The principle of universal Free education is associated with ............ and
Use the following phrases to fill in the blank spaces above.
i. Dakar World Education Forum
ii. Universal Free Primary Education
iii. World Conference on education for All
iv. Jomtien
34. More emphasis is placed on investment in Basic Education because:
i. It is the first level of education
ii. It is a human right
iii. It is right and proper to do so
iv. It takes less resources than secondary and higher education
35. An inclusive educational system is both
i. Accessible and equitable
ii. Expanded and improved
iii. Flexible and qualitative
iv. Efficient and participatory
36. Education opportunities of the poor can be enhanced by reducing ..... and ..... that
make education expensive for them.
i. Direct and indirect costs
ii. School uniforms and PTA levies
iii. Costs of text books and buildings
iv. Transport and school fees costs
37. The major difference between Focus on Learning and Educating Our Future is





1. The Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNUT) provides workers education to

its members usually through seminars and workshops. What type of education
would encompass the education cited above?
a. Formal education
b. Informal education
c. Non-formal education
d. Education for conditions of service.
2. How did the 1966 Education Act address the attitudinal problem of the majority of
the Zambians at independence who perceived Education as an expensive venture
and a preserve of the elites?
a. By promoting the culture of overdependence on the state amongst the
b. By abolishing school fees and integrate the dual education system
c. By preventing communities from tackling their own educational problems
d. By compelling voluntary agencies to surrender their institutions of
learning to the state
3. What was the main focus of the 1976 Education Reform Draft document?
a. To combine work and study
b. To promote capitalism as an ideology
c. To develop an African elite
d. To develop production unit in schools
4. What term is used to refer to a principle in education that allows individuals and
other organisations to participate in the provision of education side by side with
a. Decentralisation
b. Privatisation
c. Devolution of power
d. Liberalisation.
5. Which policy document came up with the principle cited on question 4?
a. Focus on Learning of 1992
b. 1977 Educational reforms
c. 1996 Educating Our Future
d. 1995 Beijing Platform report
6. Who was the chairperson of the Phelps –Stokes Commission?
a. Dr. Thomas Jesse Jones
b. Dr. J.H. Dillard
c. Dr. A.C. Shantz
d. Dr. James Aggrey


7. Define Education according to UNESCO .........................................

8. Give two reasons why European education was given priority in the dual system
of education that existed in Northern Rhodesia before
9. Plagiarism is an academic offence. Briefly explain what plagiarism
10. State the two Latin terms from where the term ‘education’ was derived.................
11. Localisation of the curriculum was one of the areas of concern for the 1977
Educational reforms. In one sentence explain the meaning of the phrase
“localisation of the curriculum”.
12. Mention one benefit of curriculum localisation which the Phelps-stokes
commission had emphasised in
13. State two main aims of early missionary education (2
14. Give two reasons why missionary education was resisted by the local people in
the areas they operated (2
15. List three (3) recommendations of the Phelps-Stokes Commission (3
16. Mention the three (3) tasks the commission was charged with when they visited
East and Central Africa...
17. List any of the two reasons for decentralisation as a policy response (2
18. Mention any two targets of the Addis Ababa conference (2 marks)


19. Education in Northern Rhodesia was first started by some missionaries.
20. Education, Schooling and Learning are synonymous in
21. In-text citation is the recommended way of presenting quotations in
22. Non-formal education is flexible both in organisation and
23. Good education amongst the adults is that which takes the form of
24. Unemployment was one of the problems that Zambia faced at
25. The 1976 Educational Reform draft document was rejected amongst other reasons
for being too socialistic in
26. The Dual Education system in Northern Rhodesia was meant to promote the
affairs of the

End of Test

13 APRIL, 2007 TEST


1. What major educational developments, reforms or conferences took place in

Zambia in the following years?
a. 1924
b. 1961
c. 1977
d. 1996
2. Identify the four major historical periods that provide a frame work for
considering educational provision in Zambia before 1964.
3. State the four groups which were interested in education in Northern Rhodesia.
4. Mention four long-term targets that were set at the Addis Ababa conference.
5. Indicate whether the statements below are false or true:
a. Since the early 1990s there has been very little increase in primary school
b. Formal education is any organised educational activity outside the
established formal system with the intention of serving identified learning
clienteles and learning objectives.
c. Secondary school education increased fourfold between 1964 and 1970.
d. First lectures at the Great East Road campus were conducted in March,
6. In the 1960s Technical and Vocational Training faced the following two major



7. The structure of the Educational formal system is......

a. 7:4:5

b. 7:5:4

c. 7:4:4

d. 7:5:5

8. Internationally “basic education” means the education that equips learners with the
basic ............................... (one word), ....................................... (one word) and
...................................which enables them to take charge of their lives and free them to learn

9. In the 1970s and 1980s primary enrolments increased rapidly in such a way that
schools began using .............................. (one word) and........................... (one word) sessions.

10. How can government solve the school-learner problem?

By.................. (one word) the primary school curriculum, and by..................the

secondary school curriculum (one word).

11. ...................... (one word) in education, training, health and other social services is
among the most crucial actions needed to achieve rapid, efficient and sustainable

12. a. Equity refers to ................ (one word) or........... in the distribution of resources.

b. Equity is a normative concept describing ..............................

c. Equality is a positive concept describing ................................

d. The equal treatment of equals is called...................................

e. The unequal treatment of unequals is called............................

f. The type of equity which lies between (d) and (e) is called..................

13. Briefly explain the difference between partnership and cost-sharing in the
educational context.

14. When decision-making authority is found mostly at the Ministry of Education

Headquarters in Lusaka, it leads to ...................(one word), .................(one word) and lack of
................... (one word).

15. The THREE main values invoked as rationales for decentralisation are..............

16. The FOUR political rationales for decentralisation are .......................................

17. The decentralisation of the education system in Zambia has led to the creation
of.............. (three points).

18. What do the following acronyms stand for?





19. Circle the correct answer:

a) The 1976 Draft statement on Educational reforms was known as Education for
Research. True/False.
b) The second draft statement on educational reforms recommended for 7 years
of full-time primary education. True/False.
c) The second draft statement on educational reforms recommended to frustrate
the professional development of teachers. True/False.
d) The 1977 Educational Reform document recommended the construction of
teachers’ homes from expensive foreign materials. True/False.
e) 1976 also marked the start of localising school Certificate Examinations.
f) The first year of the launch of the first basic schools was in the

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