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The train is due to arrive at 5 .00=The train is expected to arrive.




Future Tenses

Future Perfect Simple and Future Continuous

Future Perfect Simple

Will/won’t + have + past participle

I will have packed my bags by 6 o’lock.

We will have left the flat before 15 September.

My lesson will have finished by the time he arrives.

By the time he arrives, my lesson will have finished.

This time tomorrow, I will have left the country.

A situation will finish AT or BEFORE a certain time in the future.(result)


Will/won’t + BE + …….ing

At 5.00 I will be still packing my bags.

I will be swimming in the Pacific Ocean before next Saturday.

This time tomorrow I will be flying to Paris.

By the time he arrives, I will be flying to Paris.

Next week I will be swimming in the Pacific Ocean.

This time tomorrow, I will be still sleeping.

An action is still in progress at a certain time in the future.(is still continuing)

By this time/by 9.00/Friday/the end of the week-до това време

Sunbathe-правя слънчеви бани

Introduce-представям,въвеждам за първи път

I am still tidying up my flat.

I will be still tidying up my flat this time next week.


Open-air concert-концерт на открито

Go to bed

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