Edu 1010 Education and Development Nexus-One

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Department of Educational Administration and
Policy studies
School of Education
University of Zambia
The Notions of “Development” and “Education”
What is development?
Development has to do with economic progress and
improvement in the overall quality of life.
Development implies change, improvement,
increasing complexity and specialization
Development implies change in social, economic and
political institutions and individuals
Development involves reduction in poverty,
unemployment and inequality
 Development seeks people to do more, know more and have
 Development emphasizes economic social, community and
individual aspects
 Changes include capital resources, more wealth, assets and
 Access to education health, housing, water, sanitation and
 It is about good roads, transportation, electricity, local
industries, small scale businesses and political participation.
 Development brings about changes in individual values,
attitudes, aspirations and decision making
 Development is multidimensional process, involving,
reorganization if not total transformation of the entire social and
economic system
 The Notion of Education
 What is Education?
 Education is an organised and sustained communication
process designed to bring about learning.
 Education has three components: formal, non formal and
informal. These three forms of education are interrelated such
that it is not always easy to attribute effects to anyone of them.
• Is there a link Between Education and Development?
 Development is usually linked to formal education
 Formal education is an integral part of the social aspect of the
development and therefore without it, there can be no
 Formal education is necessary for the production of human
resources for effective functioning of the economy
 Formal education has impact on health, fertility, population and
democratic participation.
 Formal education fosters agricultural productivity
 It inculcates attitudes and values that are relevant to social
change and economic growth
 Formal education promotes social mobility
 Can education bring about development in the 21st
 education should be one of the key aspects to national
 Other aspects include job creation.
 Education cannot alone develop society.
 It takes too long to see its effects
 Education as a tool of society cannot do more than what society
can allow
 Education is but one vehicle of change and not an independent
driving force.
 It depends on who is driving it and where the driver wants to go
 For education to bring about development, more resources
must be invested in it.
 It requires a string fight against illiteracy and ignorance
 The education system must be restructured in such a way that it
meets obstacles from society, from the system itself and from
the economy.
 Education can thus speed up the process of development if it:
i. Promote respect for learning and pursuit of truth
ii. Training for high level manpower requirements
iii. Training for problem solving
 These different aspects of education can however only be met if we
put in place education needs such as:
i. Better teachers
ii. Better curriculum
iii. Adequate and appropriate teaching and learning materials
iv. Better evaluation and examination systems.
 This is the only way through which education can bring about
national development.
Educational Development Developments 1964-2020
 The following may be a summary of the educational
development in Zambia:
 1966 education Act
 Establishment of the University of Zambia 1966
 1976 Education for Development Draft Statement
 1977 Education Reforms and Recommendations
 1986 Education Reforms Implementation Project
 Establishment of the Copperbelt University, 1987
 World Conference on Education for All, 1990
 Focus on Learning Policy Document, 1992
 Decentralisation of Education in Zambia, 1995
 Educating Our Future 1996
 Re-Entry Policy, 1997
 1999 University Act
 Free Basic Education Policy, 2002
 Ministry of Education Strategic Plan 2003-2007
 Zambia Vision 2030 - 2006
 Fifth National Development plans- 2006
 Abolition of Grade Nine Examination fees, 2011
 Sixth National Development Plans -2011
 Revised Sixth national Development Plans
 Education Act of 2011
 Higher Education Bill of 2013
 Teaching Professions Act of 2013
 2013 New Curriculum Framework – two career path ways
 Construction of New Universities and Conversion of Public Colleges
into Universities
• Higher Education loans and Scholarship Act of no.31 of 2016
• Seventh National Development Plan – 2017
• Education Skills Sector Plan
Current Challenges in the Education System
 Implementation of the vocational curricular is still a challenge
 Decline in the general quality of education
 Limited access to secondary and tertiary education levels
 Not highly motivated teaching staff
 Content and supply, Demand for and management of education
still affected by HIV/AIDS
 High levels of educated and uneducated unemployment
 Covid-19 and Education

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