Avee Joy B. Dayaganon, RMT, MSMT

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Nutrition and Dietetics and Hotel and Restaurant Management

Factors Affecting Parasite Infestation and

Most Common Parasites from Food Handlers
in Eateries at Bankerohan Public Market
Avee Joy B. Dayaganon, RMT, MSMT
University of the Immaculate Conception

Jemimah Keziah C. Española

Dawn Marie A. Gallego
Dinah Emelie G. Sanchez
University of the Immaculate Conception
Medical Laboratory Science Program


arasites are any living things that live in or on another organism.
The parasite, which may spend all or only part of its existence
with the host, obtains food and/or shelter from the host and
contributes nothing to its welfare. This study aimed to identify the most
common parasite that is acquired by food handlers at Bankerohan Public
Market, Davao City. The respondents were given stool containers for
random sampling. Survey questionnaire was given to the respondents
to determine their health status and hygienic and food preparation
practices. Direct Fecal Smear (DFS) and Formalin Ether Concentration
Technique (FECT) were the methods used for the determination of the
presence of parasites through microscopic examination. Data revealed
that 23.53% of the total numbers of respondents were positive using
Direct Fecal Smear, and 35.29% of them were diagnosed the same
using Formalin Ether Concentration Technique (FECT). Results showed
that Hookworm, Giargia lamblia, Trichiuris trichura, Endolimax nana.
Ascaris lumbricoides and Blastocystis hominis are the gastrointestinal
parasites detected using the two methods of examinations. Of these, the
rate of hookworm was the highest with infection rate of 5.88% using DFS
and 11.76% using FECT, while cases of A.lumbricoides infection were
also high at 5.88% using DFS and 8.82% using FECT. The researchers
recommend that health sectors should strictly implement proper

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sanitation practices upon food handling and continue disseminate

information about proper waste disposal to educate the community
and strengthen the awareness regarding the occurrence of parasitic
infection. Likewise, it is suggested that the barangay health workers
should augment their health education and hold free consultation to
food handlers regarding proper handling of foods that could greatly
affect overall health of their consumers.

Keywords: Medical laboratory science, parasite, host, infection, food

handlers, proper hygiene, descriptive-comparative, Davao City


When someone sees a person with complete physical features, you

would perceive that the person is healthy. But this idea does not totally
mean that the person is in good health. There could be a monster
living inside in every human body and one of these conditions is called
parasitism. The parasites live in or on the host, and usually cause harm
in the body that will lead to different kinds of diseases. (Belizario, et
al. 1998).

Parasitic organisms can be acquired through eating or drinking

contaminated food and water. Some can be acquired through skin
penetration and inhalation. Infection may be due to lack of sanitation
and also due to consumption of undercooked food containing the
infective stage of the parasite (Microsoft Encarta, 2009).

Intestinal parasitic infections remain as an important public health

problem in the Philippines causing malabsorption, diarrhea, and other
states of poor health. Food handlers play a significant role in the
transmission of parasites to consumer (Esparar, et al. 2005).

The City of Davao is the largest city in the Island of Mindanao

in the Philippines and Bankerohan Public Market is the major market

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in the city. It is located in the downtown area, right after the famous
Bankerohan bridge or better known as the Generoso bridge. The public
market is considered as the “bagsakan” center. Most of the products
from the different parts of the city are transported here. Many small
scale restaurants can be found within the area and their primary
costumers are students from the nearby university, jeepney and tricycle
drivers and nearby residents (Healthy Living, 2011).

This study aimed to identify the most common parasites that are
acquired by food handlers at Bankerohan Public Market and to influence
other health professionals to obtain a thorough understanding of the
parasitic diseases in human communities in order to create strategies in
the prevention of public health problems.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Food Handlers
Presence of
Hygiene practices parasites

Figure 1. Framework of the study

The independent variables in the study are the food handlers

in different eateries in Bankerohan Public Market and their hygiene
practices in relation to the presence of parasites which is the dependent
variable. Stool examination which includes Direct Fecal Smear (DFS)
and Formalin Ether Concentration Technique (FECT) are the methods
used in the investigation of the presence or absence of the intestinal
parasites and the determination of the infection rate of food handlers
on location based on hygiene practices.

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The study aimed to determine the specific parasites infecting

among the food handlers in Bankerohan Public Market, Davao City.
Standard laboratory procedures were used to assess the infection rate
among the food handlers. Also, the factors affecting the incidence of
parasitic infections were evaluated using a standardized questionnaire.


Research Design

This study utilized a quantitative research design in the determination

of the most common parasites present in the stool samples of food handlers
in Bankerohan Public Market. The researchers gathered stool samples from
34 randomly selected food handlers and processed these using standard
laboratory procedures at the UIC Microbiology 1 Laboratory.

Research site and specimen

The locale of the study is the vicinity around Bankerohan Public

Market, Davao City which includes eateries. The area is suitable for this
kind of study due to observable dumpy places that can be a source of

Instrumentation and experimentation

The researchers utilized a standardized questionnaire, and

conducted interviews that served as a process for collecting data from
selected food handlers of the different eateries in Bankerohan Public
Market, Davao City. In the determination of parasites from stool samples,
standard laboratory procedures were used namely Direct Fecal Smear
(DFS) and Formalin Ether Concentration Technique (FECT). Inferential
statistics was employed in determining the significant differences of the
data obtained during analysis.

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Table 1. A Comparison between Two Methods of Fecal Analysis for

Detection of Different Species of Gastro Intestinal Parasites

Formalin Ether Concentration

Direct Fecal Smear
No. of % from total No. of % from total
Positives number of samples Positives number of samples

Hookworm 2 5.88 4 11.76

G.lamblia 1 2.94 0 0.00
T.trchiura 1 2.94 1 2.94
E.nana 1 2.94 1 2.94
A.lumbricoides 2 5.88 3 8.82
B.hominis 1 2.94 3 8.82
Total 8 23.54 12 35.29

Results showed that hookworm, G. lamblia, T. trichiura, E. nana,

A.lumbricoides and B. hominis are the gastro-intestinal parasites detected
using two methods of analyses. Of this, the rate of hookworm was the
highest (5.88% and 11.76%) using the direct fecal smear (DFS) and
formalin ether concentration technique (FECT) analyses, respectively.
Meanwhile, cases of A. lumbricoides infection were also high at 5.88%
in DFS and 8.82% using FECT.

On the other hand, cases of G. lamblia, T. trichiura, E. nana and

B. hominis were similar (1:34) to each other in direct fecal smear test.
The findings in cases of T. trichiura and E. nana infection were found
similar in proportion (1:34) through FECT. However, higher rate of B.
hominis cases were shown in FECT method and zero case of G. lamblia.

Overall findings revealed that 23.53% of the total food handlers

were found positive with gastrointestinal parasites when tested with
DFS and 35.29% using FECT.

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Table 2. Percentage of Most Common Parasite

Found among the 34 Food Handlers

Number of Infected
Parasites Percentage
Food Handlers

Hookworm 4 11.76%
G.lamblia 1 2.94%
T.trchiura 1 2.94%
E.nana 2 5.88%
A.lumbricoides 3 8.82%
B.hominis 3 8.82%

Table 2 showed the percentage of each parasite found to be present

in the stool samples from the 34 food handlers. Hookworm parasite
has the highest percentage (11.76%). A. lumbricoides and B. hominis
followed with a rate of 8.82%.

During the survey, it was found out that the area is near the
sewage dumping site, and may have contributed to the high incidence
of hookworm infection among the food handlers.

Table 3. Testing the Significant Relationship on Cases

of Parasite Infection (using DFS) and Practice
of Proper Hygiene among Food Handlers

Practice of
Cases of Parasitic Proper Hygiene Chi Square p- value Decision*

Positive 0 8 29.558 0.0001 Significant

Negative 27 0

*Calculation was performed at the 0.05 level of significance

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Result showed that there is a significant relationship (p<0.05)

between cases of parasites and practices of proper hygiene among
food handlers. Though it was revealed that most of food handlers
interviewed replied “yes” to key points in food sanitation and personal
hygiene, but the eateries of all the food handlers interviewed are near
the dumping garbage sites and sewage canal which could result to
parasite infestation when personal sanitation and food preparation are
not strictly monitored for strict implementation.

Table 4. Testing the Significant Relationship on Cases

of Parasite Infection (using FECT) and Practice
of Proper Hygiene among Food Handlers

Practice of
Cases of Parasitic Proper Hygiene Chi Square p- value Decision*

Positive 0 12 32.577 0.0001 Significant

Negative 25 0

*Calculation was performed at the 0.05 level of significance

Results showed that there is a significant relationship (p<0.05)

between the cases of parasite infection and personal hygiene practices
among the food handlers. This proved that positive cases of parasite
infections can be associated with proper hygiene (e.g. cleanliness of
working environment). Therefore, strong health teachings on personal
and environmental sanitation must be done to prevent or reduce
Parasitosis among them.

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In conclusion, the results of the data revealed that hookworm,

G.lamblia, T. trichiura, E. nana, A. lumbricoides and B. hominis are the
specific parasites infecting among the food handlers in Bankerohan
Public Market, Davao City. The infection rate of parasitosis among the
food handlers revealed 23.53% after their stool samples were examined
using DFS and 35.29% with FECT. The data using the standardized
questionnaire revealed that improper sanitary practices and the location
of the eateries near the dumping sites are the factors affecting the rate
of infection.


The researchers recommend for a further research on the significant

relationship of sewage dumping site to the parasitic infection of the food
handlers. Additional methods must be employed such as kato katz and
kato thick technique to increase the recovery rate of parasites. For food
establishments, they must strictly ask for a health card before accepting
applicants to ensure consumer safety and minimize spread of infection.
Health organizations must perform regular visit to food establishment
to ensure that food handlers abide the rules and regulations concerning
appropriate health practices.


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