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Principles of Management (Unit-1)

1. Is Management Science or Art? (5)
*2. State the difference between management and administration? (10 or 8)
*3. Discuss the nature and features of management? (5 or 10)
*4. Discuss the managerial skills or essential skill sets of the manager? (5 or 10)
*5. Theories of management (Administrative theory, Scientific Management theory and
Hawthorne experiment) (5 or 10)

Planning (Unit-2)
1. Planning is looking forward and controlling is looking backward.” Explain the concept.
Why controlling and planning are considered as the integral part of management.
*2. Process of planning and types of Planning?
3. Is planning limitation free?
4. State the managerial function in details. (PODSCORB)
5. Elements of controlling.
*6. Discuss the different pattern of organizational structure.
Short note on line and staff function, matrix organizational structure.

Staffing (Unit-3)
1. Delegation of Authority.
Elements of delegation
*State the difference between authority and responsibility.
2. Discuss the process of controlling.
3. Why staffing is important?
*4. Roles of manager (Mintzberg)
5. Short note on centralization and decentralization. (or difference)

Organizational Behavior (Unit-4)

*1. Discuss the model of organizational behavior. (5 or 10)
2. The elements of organizational behavior.

Learning (Unit-5)
1.Why learning is important?
Short note on managerial learning?
*2. Discuss the types of learning in details. (10)
Short note on classical conditioning theory, social learning theory.
3.Discuss the need of operant conditioning theory. (5)

Leadership (Unit-6)
*1. Discuss the different types of leader in details.
2. Short note on managerial grid theory.
3. Transactional and transformational leadership.
4. Democratic and situational leadership.

Personality and Perception (Unit-7)

1. Discuss the perceptual shortcut.
Discuss the perceptual error. (Halo effect, horn effect) (5-8)
2. What do you understand by ID, ego, super ego?
3. Ocean Model or Big 5 personality test and MBTI or 16 Personality test. (10)

Motivation (Unit-8)
1. How do you motivate or what are the behavioral prediction you will make if you know
that an employee had- a) Internal Locus of control b) High Mach score.
2. Maslow, Herbzberg, Vroom, Alderfer Theory.
3. Explain the Mc Clleland motivational theory. Contrast with Maslow and hierarchy
4. As a manager how do you control X and Y people. (Mc Gregor theory of X and Y) (Type
A and B personality).


Date Day Paper Code Paper Name Time
12th Feb Mon MBA- 101 Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviour 2.30 to 5.30
16th Feb Fri MBA- 102 Managerial Economics 2.30 to 5.30
17th Feb Sat MBA- 103 Statistics for Business Decisions 10am to 1pm
18th Feb Sun
19th Feb Mon MBA- 104 Accounting for Managerial Decisions 2.30 to 5.30
20th Feb Tue MBA- 105 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilities 2.30 to 5.30
21st Feb Wed MBA- 106 Business Communication 2.30 to 5.30
22nd Feb Thu MBA-108 Information Systems for Managers 2.30 to 4.30

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