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1. Article Ill, Section 3 of the Code of Ethics implores teachers to “behave with honor and dignity at all
times." Which of the following should a teacher NOT do according to the said section?

a. Respect all cultures present in the community

b. Refrain from joining and playing games that involve gambling

c. Take the initiative in organizing events in the community

✅d. Show up to school visibly drunk

2. The UN General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals for 2015- 2030, aiming to
address the challenges the world faces. Which of the following is NOT among them?

a. End poverty in all forms

b. Reduce inequality among countries

✅c. Promote the gap between the rich and the poor

d. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy

3. Which of the following influenced the present military training in our school system?

a. Athens

✅b. Sparta

c. Rome

d. Greece

4. Which of the following is NOT true regarding School-based Management?

a. School empowerment is the essence of SBM.

✅b. Only the school head matters in SBM.

c. Experimentation is welcome under SBM.

d. SBM is aligned with the principle

of subsidiarity.

5. Which of the following is NOT a feature of School-Based Management?

a. Powers devolved to schools

✅b. Total reliance on head office

c. School empowerment

d. Decentralized management

6. A pragmatic teacher believes that experience should follow learning. In which should a pragmatic
teacher focus on?

a. Reconsider existing educational goals, considering the current needs of the society.

b. Require learners' full mastery of the lessons.

✅c. Provide learners opportunities to apply theories and principles.

d. Encourage learners to

memorize factual knowledge

7. Under the National Competency Standards for School Heads, which domain focuses on recruitment,
hiring, and managing the performance of teachers and staff?

a. School Leadership

b. School Management and Operations

c. Instructional Leadership

✅d. HR Management and Professional Development

8. Which of the following best describes the aim of Philippine education during the Commonwealth
a. Predominantly religious

✅b. Nationalistic and democratic

c. Patterned after American curriculum

d. Designed after Japanese education

9. Paulo Freire warns teachers of the so-called “ banking concept" of education. In line with this, which
practice most aligns with the “banking concept"?

a. Project-based learning

b. Community-based learning

✅c. Rote memorization

d. Problem-based learning

10. To which domain in the School Heads' Competency Framework is supervising and evaluating
teachers' performance aligned?

a. Personal Excellence

b. Stakeholder's Engagement

c. Strategic Thinking and Innovation

✅d. Instructional Leadership

11. Which of the following does NOT describe school-based management?

a. School's stakeholders given greater control over the education process

b. Decentralized decision-making process

✅c. Schools under control of a centralized management

d. Schools empowered to make decisions

12. In the current education system, students who finish basic education are given the option to proceed
to higher education or focus on technical education. Under which president did this trifocalization of
education begin?

a. Benigno Aquino Il1

✅b. Fidel Ramos

c. Ferdinand Marcos, Sr.

d. Rodrigo Duterte

13. Based on the NCBSSH, what are expected of the school head as a school leader?

I. Developing and communicating vision,

mission, goals, and objectives

I. Data-based strategic planning

Ill. Building high-performing teams

a. I and Ill

b. I and Il

c. Il and Ill

✅d. I, Il, and Ill

14. Which of the following is implied from the statement "It takes a village to educate a child'?

a. Schools are suitable replacements for absentee parents.

b. Only having a PTA is sufficient for school-community partnership.

c. There is no need for the community to be involved with school matters.

✅d. Partnership between schools and the community should be institutionalized.

15. Schools are tasked for socialization. Which of the following best explains socialization?

a. Developing socialites to remain young forever

✅b. Learning the roles and values necessary to be able to participate in society.

c. Developing the youth to become socialites.

d. Developing speaking and reading skills

16. Which behavioral style in the Situational

Leadership Model is best for individuals who

are experienced, but not confident?

a. Delegating

b. Coaching

✅c. Supporting

d. Directing

17. What factor contributed to the great demand of teachers during the American regime?

a. Rationalist thought for the next generation

b. American literacy modelling

c. Democratic tutoring of the country

✅d. Opening of free public education

18. Is implementing School-Based Management an effective way to strengthen partnership between the
school and the community?

a. It depends on the school's size.

b. No.

c. It depends on the school's location.

✅d. Yes.

19. As a professional teacher, he/she must not show signs of ethnocentrism. What does this imply?
✅a. A teacher does not belittle other peoples' culture.

b. A teacher does not care about other people's culture.

c. A teacher believes his/her own culture to be superior to others'.

d. A teacher is ashamed of his/her own culture.

20. What philosophy is being emphasized when the teacher does his/her best to teach his students the
skills needed to adapt to change?

a. Perennialism

✅b. Pragmatism

c. Progressivism

d. Social Reconstructionism

21. The Department of Education believes that schools should provide fair, safe, and conducive learning
environment. Which philosophy embodies this tenet?

a. Empiricism

b. Perennialism

c. Essentialism

✅d. Behaviorism

22. Which of the following is a description of a manager?

a. Someone who focuses on developing a vision

b. Someone who focuses on the well-being of his subordinates

✅c. Someone who makes sure to do things right

d. Someone who leads by inspiration

23. Which of the following laws specifies that private entities are allowed to assist public schools in
certain areas such as construction of facilities and skills training?
a. Governance of Basic Education Act

b. Education Act of 1982

✅c. Adopt-a-School Program Act

d. Education for All 2015

24. Mr. Torrecampo, a high school manager, encourages people to donate and help his school by making
sure that every gift or donation is well-accounted for. What function of a school head best explains this

a. Visionary Principal

b. Builder of Networks and Support Systems

c. Curriculum Developer

✅d. Fiscal Resource Manager

25. Which form of violence is involved when a person's religion is used to control that person?

a. Physical violence

b. Emotional violence

✅c. Spiritual violence

d. Psychological violence

26. Which of the following best describes Career Stage 1 under the Philippine Professional Standards for
School Heads?

a. One who consistently exhibits mastery in their application of authority, responsibility, and
accountability expected of them

b. One who consistently display in- depth knowledge and understanding of the authority, responsibility,
and accountability expected of them

c. One who applies the required knowledge and understanding of the authority, responsibility, and
accountability expected of them

✅d. One who has acquired the minimum qualifications for the school head position
27. Before making a major decision, Ms. Santos, an elementary school principal, discusses any issues and
potential solution with the faculty members. Which leadership style best describes Ms. Santos?

a. Consultative

✅b. Democratic

c. Laissez-faire

d. Autocratic

28. Which of the following best describes

situational leadership?

✅a. A leader must adjust his/her leadership style based on the readiness and experiences of the

b. A leader must always choose authoritarian leadership since it is the most effective style.

c. A leader is, first and foremost, a servant.

d. A leader must choose the

leadership style that best fits him.

29. Which form of violence is involved when threats are used in order to gain control of a person
through fear?

a. Emotional violence

✅b. Psychological violence

c. Cultural violence

d. Physical violence

30. In this example of partnership between the school and the community, all education stakeholders
are engaged to contribute their time, effort, and resources in order to ensure that public school facilities
are prepared for the upcoming school year. What program is this?
a. School Governing Council Assembly

b. Palarong Pambansa

c. Parent-Teacher Association Assembly

✅d. Brigada Eskwela


1. Which is TRUE of the Alternative Learning System?

✅a. Learning system parallel to the formal system

b. Lower than the formal system Message

c. Excludes informal learning systen

d. More practical than the formal


2. Which teacher's personal trait is demonstrated if he is gender-sensitive and inclusive in his ways?

a. Sense of Humor

b. Passion

✅c. Fairness

d. Motivation

3. How can a teacher be a facilitator of learning?

a. By earning social recognition from

the community

✅b. By providing a conducive

learning atmosphere
c. By keeping community leaders

informed of school development


d. By relating professionally with

community officials

4. As provided for in the Education Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encouraged to set
higher standards of quality over the minimum required for state recognition?

a. Academic freedom

✅b. Voluntary accreditation

c. Granting of Special Permit

d. CPE

5. Which country, according to Global Teacher Status Index, gives the highest salary to teachers?

a. Switzerland

b. South Korea

c. Japan

✅d. Singapore

6. Teacher Rey has been in active service for 10 years when he decided to pursue higher studies. Under
RA 4670, what kind of leave of absence can he avail of?

a. Indefinite leave

✅b. Study leave

c. Vacation leave

d. Scholarship leave
7. How is professionalism manifested when a parent complains to a teacher for her son's failing grade?

a. Blames the son for his failure

✅b. Objectively shows how the failing grade came about and assures the parent that the

son is given all the academic help he needs.

c. Inquires on what home is doing to help son cope with his failure

d. Explain that failure is due to learner's indifferent attitude

8. Teacher Kevin has not practiced his profession for the past five years. Can he go back to teaching

✅a. No, unless he has enrolled in refresher course of 12 units

b. Yes, if nobody can take his place

c. No

d. Yes

9. Who is excluded in the definition of

professional teacher in the Code of Ethics?

a. The Principal

✅b. The Librarian

c. The Schools Division Superintendent

d. The Master Teacher

10. The new global landscape of the 21st century shows the following except one. Which one is not?

a. Learning environment can be any place

b. The are multiple ways of teaching

c. Teachers are ICT equipped

✅d. Learners are attuned to rote memorization

11. The PPST are teacher standards which have to be mastered only by beginning teachers. This
statement is ______.

a. True

b. None of the above

c. Doubtful

✅d. False

12. In all the ASEAN member countries, which

level of schooling is free and compulsory?

✅a. Primary

b. Middle School

c. Secondary

d. College

13. With PPST as guide, an ideal learning

environment should have the following

characteristic, EXCEPT

a. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner's behavior

✅b. Build many professional linkages.

c. The learning environment promotes fairness

d. Is safe and conducive for learning

14. The teacher who spends more than what is earned, thus becoming vulnerable to loan sharks lacks,

a. Ecoliteracy

b. Cyberliteracy
✅c. Financial Literacy

d. Media Literacy

15. Under the educational service contracting

scheme, students not accommodated in public

elementary and secondary schools because of

lack of classrooms, teachers and instructional

materials, enroll in private schools in their

respective communities with the government

paying for the students' tuition and other fee

instead of constructing additional buildings,

hiring new teachers, and purchasing more

teaching materials. This system is in line with

which educational goals?


a. Relevance

✅b. Access and equity

c. Adequacy

d. Access

16. Which is true of a professional?

✅a. Completed college/university degree

b. Abides by his personal Code of Ethics

c. Required of NC IV from TESDA

d. Demonstrates solely ethical competence

17. As provided for in the Education Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encouraged to set
higher standards of quality over the minimum required for state recognition?

a. Granting of Special Permit

b. Academic freedom

c. CPE

✅d. Voluntary accreditation

18. Which of the Pillars of Learning is being described by the phrase “unity in diversity"?

a. Learning to do

b. Learning to Know

c. Learning to be

✅d. Learning to live together

19. The Filipino teacher is a professional. What is/are expected of him/her?

I. Technically competent

I. Highly ethical and moral

Ill. Has superior IQ

IV. Popular among learners

a. I, Il, IV

✅b. l and II

c. lIl and Ill

d. land IV

20. With RA 9155, to which body were all the

functions, programs, and activities of the

Department of Education related to Sports

competition transferred?

a. Commission on Higher Education

b. Commission on Higher Education

✅c. Philippine Sports Commission

d.Technical Education Services Development Authority

21. How, in the performance of his/her duty, can a professional teacher support the state?

a. Campaign for the political administration candidate.

b. Doctor research findings to favor the state.

c. Use his position to influence learners to support his interest.

✅d. Instill nationalism in learners.

22. Which is a proof that a professional teacher demonstrates a genuine desire for CPD?

✅a. Goes through CPD even if it is not required by law

b. Do CPD for promotion

c. Go for CPD as mandated

d. Do CPD because everybody does

23. The phrase "think local, act global" means

✅a. Even if you will be teaching in your hometown, your competencies should be world class

b. You should use examples in your lessons from foreign countries

c. You should limit your lessons only to local knowledge, values and aspirations

d. You believe that the best examples are coming from abroad
24. Which statement is TRUE of society's demand from the professional teacher?

✅a. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the professional teacher.

b. The professional teacher is concerned only with classroom teaching.

c. Because the professional teacher is expected to campaign for the good candidate during election

d. The professional teacher is not expected to lead in community affairs in order not to jeopardize her

25. Mr. Sanchez is always willing to work overtime as requested by his superior due to exigency of the
service. What percentage of his regular remuneration after he has completed at least 6 hours of actual
teaching should be paid to him as additional compensation?

a. 20%

b. 30%

c. 35%

✅d. 25%

26. Teacher Janus is assigned in a rural area;

Teacher Vanessa in a depressed community;

Teacher lah in a hazardous area; and Teacher

Prince in a place where standard of living is

high. Who is entitled to a hardship allowance?

a. Teacher Prince

b. Teacher Vanessa

c. Teacher Janus

✅d. Teacher lah

27. Teacher A claims she cares for students. Which is/are a manifestation of genuine care?
I. Knows students

I. Creates a favorable learning atmosphere

Ill. Maintains professional distance with students

a. Il and Ill

b. I and ll

c. land Ill

✅d. I, Il and Ill

28. What should be the first and foremost concern of the professional teacher?

a. The progress of learners

✅b. The interest and welfare of learners

c. The happiness of the learners

d. The social adjustment of the learners

29. A teacher has the right to engage in legitimate income generation. Which is/are NOT legitimate
income generation?

I. Tutoring one's own pupil in school for a fee

I. Giving remedial teaching for a slow learner in class for a fee

Ill. Selling books to parents of failing pupils for a commission

a. Il only

✅b. I, Il and Ill

c. l only

d. Ill only

30. Based on elements of the profession, can the taxi driver be considered a professional?

a. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of the taxi driver.

✅b.No, because a driving is not a college university degree.

c. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest.

d. Yes, because there's such a term professional driver.


1. Teacher lah, as a Biology teacher tries to enrich the content of her lesson by identifying related
concepts in Math. What curriculum pattern did Teacher lah consider?

a. Separate subject

b. Broadfield

c. Core

✅d. Correlated

2. Which curriculum evaluation model is also know as the Countenance Model?

a. Cronbach's Model

b. The Tyler Model

✅c. Stake's Model

d. The Taba Model

3. Teacher Aziz attends to seminars, workshops and pursue graduate work. He is a/an _______.

✅a. Knower

b. Innovator

c. Writer

d. Evaluator
4. Which holds true when each level of subject matter is smoothly connected to the next level and
glaring gaps, wasteful overlaps in subject matter are avoided?

a. The curriculum must be sequenced.

b. The curriculum must be continued.

✅c. The curriculum must be articulated.

d. The curriculum must be integrated.

5. For curriculum change, What occurs when

teachers decide to change certain elements

with other elements, stress on rizal as a

patriot rather than as a literacy genius

a. Alteration

b. Perturbation

c. Restructuring

✅d. Substitution

6. What might you do when mapping out a curriculum?

a. Look at your district's calendar

b. Talk to colleagues about assessment

c. Consider your students' special needs

✅d. Develop strong essential questions

7. Considering that curriculum is a dynamic process, this person put premium in the role of teachers'
participation in developing the curriculum is _______.

a. Ralph Tyler

✅b. Hilda Taba

c. Galen Saylor

d. William Shakespeare

8. What is a modification?

a. A way of scaffolding a child's attainment of goals

b. An altered goal for a specific student

c. Another word for implementation

✅d. A strategy for mapping curriculum

9. Which of the following refers to an individual or group of individuals who have a direct and indirect
impact on curriculum development?

a. Incorporators

b. Stockholders

✅c. Stakeholders

d. Promoters

10. Which of the following is considered as the miniscule curriculum?

a. Syllabus

b. Textbook

c. Curriculum guide

✅d. Lesson plan

11. What refers to the matching between the

curriculum and assessment to be used for the


a. Delivery
b. Articulation

c. Auditing

✅d. Alignment

12. What is the core of classroom setting in every school?

a. Instruction

b. Research

✅c. Curriculum

d. Syllabus

13. What is the ultimate component which forms the learning objectives in the curriculum?

a. Learning strategies

b. Learning assessments

c. Learning as tools

✅d. Learning outcomes

14. To what is the Tyler Model of curriculum

evaluation focused on?

a. Assessment results

b. Responsiveness of students

✅c. Curriculum objectives

d. Instructional effectiveness

15. What is the purpose of curriculum evaluation?

a. To develop new students assessments for use in the classroom

b. To follow a model for curriculum reform

✅c. To determine whether or not new curriculum is meeting the objectives it says it will

d. To find a second, supplemental


16. Specialization in TLE under the K- 12

Curriculum starts in what grade level?

a. Grade 8

✅b. Grade 9

c. Grade 10

d. Grade 7

17. Ordinary people consider curriculum as _____

I. A list of subjects

II. Courses to complete

III. Subjects to undertake

a. I only

✅b. I, ll, and Ill

c. Il only

d. Ill only

18. What in the curriculum comprises the body of knowledge?

a. Learning process

b. Learning outcomes

c. Learning assessment
✅d. Learning content

19. What is the function of the curriculum models?

a. They serve no function

b.They are outdated and don't serve function

c. To organize what to teach and when

✅d. To provide framework for curriculum guides

20. In the school curriculum, who are all those can inclusively form part of curriculum planning
implementing and assessing?

a. Parents

b. Stakeholders

✅c. Teachers

d. District supervisors

21. What is curriculum implementation?

✅a. Putting a curriculum into practice

b. Assessing a curriculum

c. Developing a curriculum

d. Discussing a curriculum with families

22. On types of curriculum which comes from policies, standards and guidelines of government
professional organization or international bodies such as UNESCO?

a. Supported Curriculum

b. Written Curriculum

✅c. Recommended Curriculum

d. Learned Curriculum

23. What could be the content/topic when the teacher asked the learners to define curriculum and
complete a matrix on the difference between traditional and progressive curriculum?

✅a. Various curriculum perspectives

b. Historical and philosophical foundations of curriculum

c. Different elements that affect curriculum

d. Meaning of the curriculum

24. What kind of teaching-learning approach is adopted in teaching the same major subjects (English,
Math, and Science) in the K-to-12 curriculum?

a. Redundant teaching-learning

b. Differentiated teaching-learning

c. Higher order thinking teaching- learning

✅d. Spiral teaching-learning

25. In the CIPP curriculum evaluation model, CIPP stands for:

a. Context, instruction, practice, portfolio

✅b. Context, input, process, product

c. Content, input, product, presentation

d. Content, instruction, practice,


26. Which social phenomenon supports the axiom, “Curriculum development in an ongoing process?"

a. Social culture is rich and varied

b. Have and have-not compose society

✅c. Changes occur in society

d. Society is made up of people

27. When planning a curriculum, what should a teacher consider first?

✅a. Standards

b. Individual lessons

c. Supplies available

d. Instructional units

28. Every curriculum has this dimension. This is both unplanned and implicit but its instructional effects
are often evident in the students' behavior, values and dispositions. This dimension is referred to as

a. Learned curriculum

b. Recommended curriculum

✅c. Hidden curriculum

d. Taught curriculum

29. In a curriculum development class, the teacher asked the students to give an enriched definition of
the curriculum. Which among the following encompasses the true essence of the term?

a. Curriculum is a never ending process in education.

✅b. Curriculum is the sum total of all the

learning experiences in the teaching-learning process.

c. Curriculum is a list of subjects to take to complete a course.

d. Curriculum is a list of courses in

order to graduate.

30. Which of the following is true about the Tyler model?

a. It puts an emphasis on teachers

✅b. It outlines four major questions

c. It puts an emphasis on administration

d. It has seven steps

💛💜📍EXAMINATION: Formative 1 ProfEd

1. A group of people asserts that their culture is superior to another. This exemplifies:

a. Cultural conflict

b. Cultural gap

c. Norm conflict

✅d. Ethnocentrism

2. According to Piaget, children construct knowledge by transforming, organizing and re-organizing

previous knowledge. What does this imply for learning?

a. Give them adequate reward.

✅b. Let children explore their world and discover knowledge

c. Equip them with learning material

d. Give children experts as guide.

3. According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, between ages 12 and 15 children reach formal
operational stage. What are they capable of doing at this stage?

a. Intelligence is intuitive in nature

✅b. Can solve abstract problems and think deductively

c. Can focus on only one aspect of situation or event

d. Reasoning is neither inductive nor deductive

4. All are responsibilities of the Learning Resource/Audio-Visual/Educational Technology Center of a
school EXCEPT

a. Make available technology equipment for use of teachers an students.

b. Work with teachers in producing instructional materials

✅c. Accomplish the students' technology project for them.

d. Conduct training for teachers on

how to use technology tools.

5. Among the following terms in technology, which has the broadest concept of technology for the
whole educative system?

a. Computer technology

b. Audiovisuals

c. Instructional technology

✅d. Educational technology

6. An act known as the Philippine Teacher's Professionalization Act of 1994, to strengthen the regulation
and supervision of the practice of teaching provided in:

a. Republic Act No. 9293

b. Republic Act No. 4670

✅c. Republic Act No. 7836

d. Republic Act No. 7722

7. As positive correlation is to direct relation, to what relation is negative correlation?

a. Neutral relation

b. Definite relation

c. Indefinite relation
✅d. Inverse relation

8. Assessment of learning is a/an part of teaching-learning process.

a. enrichment

b. corollary

c. additive

✅d. integral

9. By way of language medium, which is best for students of diverse cultural backgrounds?

✅a. National language

b. Multi-lingual teaching

c. English and Filipino

d. Regional dialects

10. Classroom routines form the backbone of daily school activities, but which of the following is not
covered by such routines?

a. Submission of work

b. Distribution of papers

c. Seating arrangement

✅d. Lesson content

11. Does quarterly assessment have the same weight for all the subject areas in Grades 11 and 12?

a. For the academic tracks

✅b. No

c. It depends on schools

d. Yes
12. For Grace Goodell, how should the dictionary be used by students?

✅a. Only when necessary.

b. As a permanent study guise

c. Every time, everywhere

d. For all difficult words

13. For Visual spatial learners, Which tool can be applied for an effective learning?

a. Puzzle

b. Root wording

c. Interview segment

✅d. Graphic organizer

14. From the Constitution, what is the condition for allowing students to be taught religion in public

a. Catechists paid by government

b. Extra pay for teachers

c. Outside of school hours only

✅d. Upon written permission by parents

15. From the Households and School Matching Survey (HSMS) conducted in 1982, it was found out that
school factors have less influence on learning when compared to community and home backround
variables. Which is one implication of this finding?

a. DECS must create more teacher items.

b. The school must focus on master learning.

✅c. The school needs to strengthen its partnership with parents and community.

d. DECS should work for 1:1 child-book ratio.

16. How can new information be made more

meaningful to students?

✅a. Relating it to knowledge they already know

b. Valuing new knowledge

c. Increasing retention of new knowledge

d. Demonstrating novelty of new knowledge

17. How is “assessment for learning" different from "assessment of learning?"

a. It is for rating class performance

✅b. It is for enhancing learning

c. It is for determining student grades

d. It is for determining class standing

18. How many percent is given to performance task in Language, AP, and ESP for Grade 1-10?

✅a. 50%

b. 30%

c. 60%

d. 40%

19. How does a teacher explain the norm- referenced grading to parents?

I. Describes standard of mastery

I. Explains what each grade means in terms of

the standard of mastery

Ill. Shows each student grade in comparison

with the other students

✅a. Ill only

b. land Il

c. I only

d. ll only

20. In acquiring language competence, What is the process of attaching meaning to words?

✅a. Semantics

b. Pragmatics

c. Morphology

d. Syntax

21. In avoiding implying sickness or suffering, which of the following is the most preferable way to refer
to those with disabilities like polio?

a. @Polio victim"

✅b. “Had polio"

c. Suffers from polio

d. “Is polio-stricken"

22. In determining the materials and media to use, what consideration did Teacher Belinda adopt when
he chose materials that can arouse and sustain in curiosity?

a. Satisfaction

b. Relevance

c. Expectancy

✅d. Interest
23. In Erikson's Theory of Development, Which affirmation belongs to the stage of Identity versus

a. I feel competent

b. When people look at what I have done, I feel embarrassed

c. I get a good deal of pleasure from working

✅d. I wonder what sort of person I am

24. In the guided exploratory approach to

learning, Which is not the term used for Inquiry


✅a. Expository learning

b. Heuristic learning

c. Discovery learning

d. Problem-solving learning

25. In the process of integrating technology in instruction, which of the following points to the highest
kind of cognitive skills desired?

a. Engendering meaningful learning

b. Introducing social learning

✅c. Developing metacognition

d. Nurturing of class teamwork

26. It is a type of political culture where citizens view their active involvement in politics as both
desirable and effective. Citizens see their active involvement in politics as crucial to the life of

a. Subject culture

b. Parochial culture
c. Participant culture

✅d. Civic culture

27. Jerome Bruner taught that curriculum should revisit basic ideas and build on them until the student
grasped the full formal concept. Which curriculum is referred to?

a. Re-structured curriculum

b. Basic curriculum

c. Hidden curriculum

✅d. Spiral curriculum

28. Miss Jalara is evaluating an early literacy app for her kindergarteners. She is making sure the app is
uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of difficulty, and that icons represent what they
were intended to represent. Which criterion is she focusing on?

a. Motivation

b. Accuracy

✅c. Organization

d. Appropriateness

29. Multiple intelligences can be used to explain reading performance. Which group tend to be good

a. Existentially intelligent group

b. Kinesthetically intelligent group

✅c. Linguistically intelligent group

d. Spatially intelligent group

30. Of components of direct instruction, which involves teachers and students working together on a
skill or task and figuring out how to apply the strategy?
a. Application

✅b. Guided practice

c. Consolidation

d. Modeling

31. Of Piaget's Cognitive Concepts, which refer to the process of fitting a new experience to a previously
create cognitive structure or schema?

a. Schema

b. Equilibrium

✅c. Assimilation

d. Accommodation

32. Of the types of validity tests, what is concerned with the relation of test scores to performance at
some future time, e.g. Freshmen college test can show success in college?

✅a. Predictive validity

b. Curriculum validity

c. Criterion validity

d. Content validity

33. On categories of exceptionality in the young, what is difficulty in focusing and maintaining attention,
and/or recurrent hyperactive and impulsive behavior?

a. Emotional/conduct disorders

✅b. ADHD

c. Autism

d. Speech and communication disorders

34. On which educational philosophy is response

#1 anchored?

a. Progressivism

b. Existentialism

c. Essentialism

✅d. Behaviorism

35. Peter kisses the hand of his mother before

leaving and upon arrival from a long trip. His

younger son learned to do the same when he

left for US to study. This is an example of:

a. Value formation

b. Acculturation

c. Tradition

✅d. Enculturation

36. Piaget's Principles of cognitive learning, what is centration that likely causes mistakes in the learning

a. Allowing several points of view

b. Seeing through various perspectives

✅c. Being limited to a single point of view

d. Admitting other perspectives

37. Principal A wants his teachers to be

constructivist in their teaching orientation.

Which does he want his teachers to do?

a. Let his students construct meaningful sentences based on the lesson.

b. Require his students to come up with a construct of the lesson.

c. Give the meaning of what he presents.

✅d. Make his students derive meaning

from what is presented.

38. Research on teacher-effectiveness practices has shown that

a. questioning strategies are ineffective monitoring techniques

✅b. teaching procedures on classroom routines early in the school year are essential

c. directions should be few and best delivered in a casual manner

d. planning has little impact on

student learning

39. Rote learning in the teaching-learning process is best described as

a. Discovery

b. Motivated

✅c. Automated

d. In-depth

40. Teacher B discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in which
particular skills her pupils are weak which test should Teacher B give?

✅a. Diagnostic Test

b. Placement Test

c. Aptitude Test

d. Standardized Test
41. Teacher Joseph showed the whole mark of being an excellent teacher by being able to make out of
the box positive changes in the curriculum how. As a curricularist, he is an

a. Initiator

✅b. Innovator

c. Evaluator

d. Implementer

42. Teacher Princess claims, "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the
response." Which theory supports the claim of Teacher Princess?

✅a. Operant conditioning theory

b. Humanist theory

c. Social-cognitive theory

d. Cognitive development theory

43. Teaching English, teacher Michelle is careful about her lesson content. What quality of content did
he achieve when she made certain her information came with the "information explosion" which she
got in the Internet, such as how to effectively teach phonetics?

a. Interest

b. Balance

✅c. Significance

d. Learnability

44. The benefit of Reading Aloud is that children learn

a. to value the presence of their friends as they read together

b. to make predictions by examining, pictures and listening for clues

✅c. to use their imaginations to explore new ideas as they listen to books

d. new vocabulary in meaningful


45. The Education Act of 1982 categorically states that it is a teacher's to refrain from making deductions
in scholastic ratings for acts that are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarship.

a. right

✅b. Obligation

c. prerogative

d. responsibility

46. The PAFTE proposed a new curriculum to teacher education to make graduates globally competitive.
This may be classified as

a. Assessed curriculum

b. Hidden curriculum

c. Supported curriculum

✅d. Recommended curriculum

47. The starting point of teaching is.

a. Knowing the environment

b. Consider the subject matter

c. Consider the classroom

✅d. Knowing the nature of the learner

48. The teacher begins to use technology tools to deliver the curriculum content to the students.

a. Adoption

✅b. Entry

c. Transformation
d. Infusion

49. The use of technology in learning has been highly associated with the application of the

✅a. Progressivist learning philosophy

b. Essentialist learning philosophy

c. Behaviorist learning philosophy

d. Contructivist learning philosophy

50. This assesses Grade 1 learners Who may exhibit developmental advancement or delays.

a. Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Assessment

b. Developmentally Appropriate Practice

c. School Readiness Test Message

✅d. Multi-factored Assessment Tool

51. This is the more appropriate understanding of technology in education?

a. Channels and instruments

✅b. Methods and process

c. Inventions and equipment

d. Hardware, designs, and environment

52. This is the official list of DepEd teacher applicants who obtained a score of 70 and above.

✅a. Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA)

b. Key Reform Thrust (KRT)

c. Learning Action Cell (LAC)

d. Key Result Areas (KRA)

53. To enable all students to succeed, two simple approaches you should use are variety and choice.
What does this mean?

I. Make use of a variety of teaching


I. Consider learning styles and so allow

students some options on how to go about


Ill. Allow for more flexibility in activities.

IV. Do away with routines, rules, and


a. Il and Ill

b. I, Il, Ill, and IV

✅c. I, Il, and Ill

d. I and Il

54. To ensure that all Filipino children are

functionally literate, which mechanism is

meant to reach out to children who come from

a barangay without a school?

a. multi-level classroom

b. Sine Eskwela

✅c. mobile teacher

d. multi-grade classroom

55. Under which pillar of education is responsible for competence and skills of learners?
a. Learning to be.

b. Learning to live together

✅c. Learning to do

d. Learning to know

56. Using motivational assessment, what could be the noblest motive in students pursuing a lifetime
work and mission for the teaching profession?

a. Respected position in society

✅b. Social service to upcoming generations

c. Economic security and welfare

d. Promise of high rank and


57. What can be said of student performance in a negatively skewed class score distribution?

a. Most students performed well

b. Most students performed poorly

✅c. Few students performed well

d. All students had average


58. What can Teacher Judy assign in order to

assess the student's individual learning

experiences and performance using innovative

documentation, such as texts, photos and

other items and documents?

a. Field research
b. Journal

✅c. Portfolio

d. Audio-visual project

59. What comprises the spiral approach in teaching Math in K12 curriculum?

a. Teach Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry only to higher grades.

b. Teach Algebra, geometry and Trigonometry in Grades 8, 9 and 10 respectively.

✅c. Progressively teach Math concepts from Grade 1 and continue to Grade 10.

d. Give schools choice in teaching Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry.

60. What does a skewed score distribution mean?

a. The mean and the median are equal.

b. The mean, the median and the mode are equal.

c. The scores are normally distributed.

✅d. The scores are concentrated more at one end or the other end of the distribution.

61. What does it mean if student Pete got a 60% percentile rank in class?

a. He got 40% of the test wrongly

b. He scored less than 60% of the class

✅c. He scored better than 60% of the class

d. He got 60% of the test items correctly

62. What does the principle of individual differences require teachers to do?

a. Give less attention to gifted learners

✅b. Provide for a variety of learning activities

c. Treat all learners alike while teaching

d. Prepare modules for slow learner in class

63. What is a probable cause of a test item with a negative discrimination index?

a. Item not taught well

b. Subjective scoring

c. Academically poor students

✅d. Item vague and is open to many interpretations

64. What is an underlying assumption of the social learning theory?

✅a. People learn by observing others.

b. People learn by trial-and-error.

c. People are social by nature.

d. People learn by association.

65. What is being developed by allowing students in their own learning and thinking?

a. Constructivism

b. Reflection

✅c. Metacognition

d. Psychic awareness

66. What is Daniel Goleman's term for interpersonal effectiveness?

✅a. Emotional quotient EQ

b. PR index

c. Superior IQ
d. XY theory

67. What is most desirable in the use of technology in instruction?

✅a. Technology integration

b. Powerpoint presentation

c. Computer computation of grades

d. Grade sheet preparation

68. What is phonemic awareness?

a.Knowledge that words are composed of sounds

✅b. Sequence of phonics

c. Using morphology

d. Using syntax and semantics

69. What is referred to as the "looking glass self" of Cooley?

a. It is how I influence others.

b. It is how others affect me.

c. It is how others look at me.

✅d. It is how I look myself through the eyes of others.

70. What is the concrete proof that teacher as a public servant and or official has violated RA 6713
mandate to demonstrate modest lives appropriate to their positions and income?

✅a. Extravagance and instantaneous wealth

b. Inefficient use of public funds

c. Fettling undue patronage

d. Political party affiliation and preference

71. What is the core of the Teacher Education Development Program?

a. Student-centered learning

✅b. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

c. Technology integration in instruction

d. High order thinking skills or HOTS

72. What is the degree of moral certitude of Rey who entered into marriage only out of obedience to his
parents, but uncertain Whether he wanted marriage at all?

a. Probable

✅b. Doubtful

c. Certain

d. LaX

73. What is the final step in Grace Gooddell's

reading skills ladder?

a. Basic sight words

✅b. Reading from the Internet

c. Vocabulary reading

d. Phonetic analysis

74. What is the level of reading if a student is

judging that Shakespeare' Hamlet emotional

complex that caused her to be wish taking his

own life?

✅a. Evaluative reading

b. Objective reading

c. Literal reading

d. Applied reading

75. What is the most important reason why teachers preview materials to be used in class? To avoid
potential problems that

a. might occur while materials re in


b. To encourage viewers to be more


✅c. To ensure appropriateness of the materials with the objectives and target audience.

d. To gain confidence in using them.

76. What kind of humor is inappropriate for

defusing tension in the classroom?

a. Funny bloopers

b. Folk humor

✅c. Sex jokes

d. Comic humor

77. What quality makes digital visual materials better describes as “Virtual reality?"

✅a. Lifelike

b. Color and tone

c. Self-composed

d. Depth of field
78. What should be done with test item whose difficulty index is .98?

a. Reserve it for another group of students

b. Retain it

c. Revise it

✅d. Reject it

79. What type of portfolio is displayed when teachers want to see the penmanship skills of his students
at the beginning, middle and after the school year?

✅a. Development portfolio

b. Showcase Portfolio

c. Assessed Portfolio

d. Evaluation Portfolio

80. What was the grading system used before the implementation of DepEd Order no. 8 series of 2015?

✅a. Knowledge, Process, Understanding, and

Product/Performance (KPUP)

b. Understanding by Design

c. Written Work, Performance Task, and Quarterly Assessment

d. OBE

81. When classes began, Teacher Dan asked student in pairs to interview and introduce each other to
the class. How will this activity be classified according to Edgar Dale's cone of experience?

a. Dramatized experience

✅b. Purposeful experience

c. Verbal symbols

d. Demonstration
82. When instruction focuses on the mastery of content and the evaluation that follows measures only
the knowledge learned, such curriculum design is

a. Problem-centered

b. Teacher-centered

✅c. Subject-centered

d. Learner-centered

83. When you begin teaching with a generalization and then bringing details, which teaching method do
you employ?

✅a. Deductive

b. It depends on the type of your generalization

c. It depends on the quantity of the details you bring in

d. Inductive

84. Which assessment tool is most appropriate in the assessment of the internalization of a value?

✅a. Conflict story

b. Frequency inventory

c. A Semantic differential Message

d. Sentence completion

85. Which is the most basic in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

a. Actualization

b. Self-esteem

✅c. Socialization

d. Altruism
86. Which is/are features of a child-centered K to 12 curriulum?

I. Inclusive

II. Exclusive

Ill. Gender-sensitive

IV. Culture- Sensitive

a. land Ill

✅b. I, Ill and IV

c. l and II

d. Il and Ill

87. Which of the following is not an example of communicative tool?

a. Electronic mail

b. Teleconferencing

c. Chat

✅d. Multimedia encyclopedia

88. Which of the following is not John Dewey's contribution to the sociological foundation of education?

a. As a social process, education begins at birth

b. The school is a continuation of home

c. Facilitating learning along social conditions of the learner

✅d. True education is transmission of knowledge

89. Which of the following practices is NOT allowed in the Code of the Ethics for Professional Teachers?
Teachers shall ensure that

a. teaching upholds the highest


b. Teachers shall establish maintain

cordial relation with parents.

c. Teachers shall live with dignity in all places at all times

✅d. Teachers shall accept tutorial fees for the slow learners in her class.

90. Which of the following statements if correct about schema theory in reading

✅a. Individuals understand what they read as it relates to what they already know

b. Individuals understand what they read depending on their intelligence

c. All of the above

d. Individuals understand what they read based on rote memory

91. Which of these is not an indicator of a supportive learning environment?

a. warm and friendly atmosphere students take personal

b. responsibility for their learning and behavior

✅c. high drop-out rates

d. increase in student bonding activities in school

92. Which order follows the basic rule in framing interaction?

a. Ask the question, call on a student, pause

b. Call on a student, pause, ask the question

✅c. Ask the question, pause, call on a student

d. Call on a student, ask the question, pause

93. Which organization advanced insights of “ Learning to Treasure Within" for 21st century education?
a. Geneva International Conference

✅b. International Commission for the 21st Century

c. Asia Pacific Regional Bureau

d. Education for All Initiative

94. Which philosophy proclaims the "spiritual nature of man" and stresses that the human spirit, soul or
mind are the most important elements in life and "that the true, good and beautiful are permanently
part of the universe?"

a. Perennialism

b. Essentialism

✅c. Idealism

d. Realism

95. Which program directly embodies both the pre-service and in-service programs?

✅a. TEDP - Teacher Education Development Program

b. BESRA - Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda

c. BEC - Basic Education Curriculum

d. K-12 Program

96. Which Republic Act advances the welfare and socioeconomic status of public school teachers?

a. RA 9155

b. RA7722

c. RA 10533

✅d. RA 4670

97. Which statement is not true of human growth and development?

a. Development follows pattern.

b. Development is a product of maturation and learning.

c. Individual undergoes similar stages and development.

✅d. The rate of development is the same of every one.

98. Which type of parenting style is most beneficial to the development of children, according to

a. Authoritarian

b. Permissive

✅c. Authoritative

d. Uninvolved

99. With the power given to the school head,

which statement is correct? The school head is Not accountable for his school's

a. performance if his teachers refused to change for the better

b. Report grades to parents

c. Understandably not accountable because if his pupils do not perform because they come from
indigenous people's community

✅d. Accountable for his school's performance

100. You want to engage your students in a small group discussions. Which topic lends itself to a lively

a. the meaning of the law of supply and demand

b. rules on subject-verb agreement

c. the law of inertia

✅d. the exclusion of Pluto as a planet


1. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course teaching profession,
based on Bloom's revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive structure or processing are you?

a. Applying

b. Evaluating

✅c. Creating

d. Analyzing

2. Which thought activity or cognitive ability is tested in the essay question. Using Christian Ethics, how
can population be managed?

a. Summarizing

✅b. Applying

c. Related cause and effect

d. Justifying

3. Which of the following activities in the

curriculum help develop functional literacy to

its optimum?

I. Industry Immersion. Techvoc students are

sent to the food production company and

trained in processing meat, a culminating

activity in their food technology subject.

I. Service Learning. The Education students

render free teaching services to street kids

weekends as part of their Edukalye, an

extension program.

Ill. Research/ Capstone. The Criminology

students share the findings of their study wi

the city government for consideration

regarding traffic reduction management.

IV.Experiential/Participatory Learning. AB

Political Science students join a public forum

where they lay down their insights and

perspectives on the given issue being


a. I, Il and Ill

b. I, Ill and IV

✅c. I, Il, Ill and IV


4. To attain the 21st Century skills among learners, the following are relevant approaches and prospects
that schools should impose. If you arrange the following approaches based on effectiveness, in terms of
developing 21st Century skills, which one comes last?

✅a. Provide them information on direct instruction principles and perspectives

b. Expose them to a great deal of researches and other inquiry-based modalities using


c. Bring learners to the real world where actions is

d. Guide them in searching for truth and exploring their own learning experiences

5. To ensure lesson will go smoothly, Teacher Melvin listed down the steps he will undertake together
with those of the students. This practice relates to?

a. Teaching approach
b. Teaching technique

c. Teaching strategy

✅d. Teaching method

6. Among important characteristics for successful teaching, which connotes physical vigor, energy,
perseverance, ambition, industry, endurance, motivation, purposefulness, zealousness and quickness?

a. Emotional Stability

b. Refinement

✅c. Drive

d. Reliability

7. In which part of the lesson does the learner give a synthesis of the things learned?

a. Application

✅b. Generalization

c. Evaluation

d. Motivation

8. The new breed of teachers takes advantage of technology that enables them to understand,
integrate, create, communicate and compute printed and written materials. Which best describes the
21st Century teacher?

a. Multitasked

✅b. Multiliterate

c. Multispecialist

d. Multiskilled

9. What type of lesson is presented wherein the learner meets the learning experience through
understanding, analysis and generalizations of facts presented?

a. Drill
b. Deductive

c. Review

✅d. Development

10. The subject matter is the ASEAN Qualifications Framework (AQRF). The Asian History teacher teams
up with the Economics teacher, the Professional Education teacher for a thorough discussion of AQRF
from the perspective of other disciplines. Which describes the Asian History teacher's pedagogical

a. Inquiry-Based

b. Constructivist

✅c. Integrated

d. Reflective

11. The following are contexts and perspectives of 21st Century education as a paradigm shift from that
of the 20th Century, EXCEPT one. Which one is the exception?

a. Global classroom-oriented

✅b. Time-based

c. Integrated and interdisciplinary

d. Relevant and real-world

12. The K to 12 curriculum aims at raising the quality of Filipino learners and graduates While
empowering them for lifelong learning that requires functional literacy. Towards this end, the following
are the perspective of this new curriculum EXCEPT:

a. Making values development integral across disciplines

b. Providing experiential learning areas wherein learners can apply knowledge and life skills

c. Providing more focus on the total learning areas towards the development of metacognitive skills

✅d. Implementing a undisciplinary approach in treating every facet and component of the curriculum
13. If I intend my students to attain this competency: "effectively analyze and evaluate evidence,
arguments, claims and beliefs" (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving), which teaching strategy should I
need to employ?

I. Socio-drama: The students will present a scene that portrays a current social issue

Il. Dilemma; The students will examine and

resolve a given dilemma and report to class

their propositions

Ill. Jury trial: The teacher will lay down an

issue and two students will act as defense

lawyers who will weigh the two sides of it.

IV. Parliamentary procedure: The students will

be given an issue in which they will express

their thoughts using parliamentary


✅a. Il, Ill and IV

b. I, ll and Ill

c. I and II only

d. I, II, III, and IV

14. Of comprehension or thinking strategies, which is copying, underlining or shadowing learning


✅a. Complex rehearsal strategies

b. Complex elaboration strategies

c. Basic elaboration strategies

d. Affective strategies
15. In the context of 21st Century education, the teachers and the learners are branded as digital
immigrants and digital natives, respectively. How will you differentiate them in terms of aspects?

✅a. Manner of response: The teachers tend to reflect, while the learners usually react.

b. Learning perspective: The teachers prefer experiencing, while the learners opt for intellectualizing

c. Thinking style: The teachers think randomly, while the learners, sequentially

d. Use of sense: The teachers utilize emotion and touch, while the learners, hearing and seeing

16. Which instructional material is the best self-directed means of attaining functional literacy?

✅a. Community resources and real-life fields

b. Simulations laboratory apparatuses

c. Research survey facts and data

d. Audio-visual tools and films

17. Of the following, which is most effective for influencing human emotion for retention and discovery
of learning?

✅a. Use of inspirational tool (book, film, art, etc.)

b. Drills to augment retention

c. Telling of jokes in teaching

d. Emotional delivery of lessons

18. Which is/are characteristics of a culturally responsive teaching?

I. Crosses disciplines and cultures to engage

learners while respecting their cultural


II. Accommodates the dynamic mix of race,

ethnicity, class, gender, region, religion, and

family that contributes to every student's

cultural identity

Ill. Presents some cultures to be superior than

others to improve inferior cultures

a. Ill only

✅b. l and II

c. l and Ill

d. Il only

19. In the Outcomes-based instruction, the key point is the student's ______.

✅a. ability to demonstrate learning

b. ability to pass written and performance tests

c. master lesson or unit content

d. assess his/her own learning

20. The design of tracks and strands in the senior high school curriculum that stresses exit competencies
to be attained by every K to 12 completers strongly adheres to which 21st Century skill category?

a. Learning and Innovation

✅b. Life and Career

c. Leadership and Responsibility

d. Information, Media and Technology

21. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of information.
What then should teacher avoid?

a. Knowledge utilization

b. Summarizing lesson
✅c. Teaching to the test

d. Use of problem-solving method

22. Educational objectives are arranged from simple to complex. Why is this?

✅a. Each level is built upon and assumes acquisition of skills from the previous level.

b. Be idealistic and ambitious to begin with grandiose scheme for using taxonomy in all levels.

c. Objectives are broad and value-laden statements that lead to the philosophy of education.

d. These are guidelines to be taught and learned where teachers and students evaluate learning.

23. What are the possible causes of lack of reading comprehension skill among Grade 4 pupils?

I. The use of Mother-Tongue from grades 1-3

I. Inability to master the prerequisite skills in

reading in the previous level

Ill. reduced time allotment - for developing

reading skills

IV. Non-contextualized strategies and reading

materials to address indigenization

✅a. I, Il, Ill and IV

b. Ill and IV only

c. land Il only

d. Il and Ill only

24. Teacher lah wants to evaluate an issue by having the group act out of jury trial. Which technique will
she employ?

a. Majority-rule decision making

b. Panel
✅c. Simulation

d. Critiquing

25. Which is the most recommended mode of instructional delivery today that addresses gaps on
distance to increase learning opportunities?

a. Face-to-face meeting

b. Internet-based

c. Modular Approach

✅d. Blended Learning

26. If you were a criminal judge, what argument would you use to conclude that a public official is guilty
of plunder based on evidence (bank account, properties, assets) of unexplainable wealth?

a. Introspective

b. Metacognitive

✅c. Inductive

d. Deductive

27. Which is the most appropriate assessment technique for this given learning outcome: “Solve
problems in both conventional and innovative ways as a 21st Century skill".

a. Students will critique a documentary film on solutions to conflict in Mindanao

b. Students will answer the survey questionnaire on problem-solving skill assessment.

✅c. Students will make research capstone on developing a system that would reduce traffic along Sucat

d. Students will answer an essay on the topic: "A solution to Graft and Corruption".

28. The following concepts refer to the implications of 21st Century education for teachers EXCEPT one.
Which is the exception?
a. Teachers must instill curiosity in students because it is fundamental to lifelong learning.

b. Teachers must excite learners to become even more resourceful so that they will continue to learn
outside the formal school

c. Teachers must maintain students interest by helping them see the connection of what they learn for
life with the real world.

✅d. Teachers must be consistent in how they teach

29. The lesson presented in class must be selected and designed to respond to the learners' life survival
today and his career preparation in the future. This implies which critical attribute of 21st century

a. Technologies and Multimedia

✅b. Relevant and real world

c. Global classrooms

d. Integrated and interdisciplinary

30. The teacher instills to the students the Filipino value of respect for the elderly that is shown through
the provision of spaces in the building, granting of discount privileges and prioritizing them in the
grocery stores and LRT stations. What literacy is being implied?

✅a. Social Literacy

b. Media Literacy

c. Financial Literacy

d. Multicultural Literacy


1. What are Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams examples of?

a. Digital designing apps

✅b. Web-conferencing apps

c. Web inventory apps

d. Online financing apps

2. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT based on the idea of using an Portfolio in assessing
student learning?

a. An Portfolio contains students' reflections that discuss how they were able to accomplish the task and
what they have learned from

the lesson.

b. Although challenging, students' progress can be seen as they include exhibits of their work from the
initial attempts to half-way of finishing their work and to the finished product.

c. An Portfolio is very much similar to the physical portfolio for it contains essentially the same required
outputs although digital materials are easily uploaded in the former platform.

✅d. Although it contains evidence of students' work and documentations of their outputs, it maybe
limited to examination or quiz results.

3. Why should modern teachers need not necessarily be experts in technology but should rather be
experts of the habits of the mind?

a. They need to exhibit skills in the use of technology.

b. They need to understand and master the correct use of technological tools and applications.

c. They should understand how their learners learn.

✅d. They need to possess patterns of intellectual behaviors that lead to productive actions.

4. What value does the use of technology give teachers?

I. Provides support for teachers as facilitators

of learning

I. Transforms passive classroom to interactive

Ill. Enhances learners' communication skills

a. Il only

b. Ill only

c. I only

✅d. I. Il and Ill

5. In preparing lessons or methods for teaching. What is comprised by verbalization rather than

a. Pantomime

✅b. Discussion

c. Interpretative reading

d. Sociodramas

6. When did educational technology become part of teacher's conversation in a earning action cell (LAC)
with their peers?

a. During the digital age with the use of computers

b. After World War 2, when there were many inventions

✅c. During the 21th Century when there was a digital superhighway

d. During the time instructional support materials were used

7. What is the importance of an ICT Policy for teaching and learning?

a. It serves as a basis for closing internet cafes near the school.

✅b. It provides a road map in education where ICT is utilized.

c. It censors all the activities of schools so that it will be uniform in ICT use.

d. It is a requirement of the DICT in the Philippines.

8. All teachers in the 21st century should be _____.

✅a. digital citizens

b. digital immigrant

c. digital police

d. digital natives

9. If the teacher wants his/her learners to create an online journal, which do you think would be the
best tool to use?

a. Messenger

b. Wiki

✅c. Blog

d. Email

10. A friend would like to ask for your email password, because your ema address was used for an
urgent matter. As a rule in privacy, what action will you take?

I. Voluntarily give my password to my friend.

I. Deny the request of my friend even if it is


Ill. Open my email by myself and print the

email that is addressed to my friend.

✅a. Ill only

b. Il only

c. I, Il and Ill

d. I only

11. The following are guidelines in designing instructional materials EXCEPT

a. Consistency

✅b. Expenseness

c. Legibility

d. Quality

12. Since Millennial Learners are immersed in call phones, computers, Goodling, etc. the use of is critical
for use by modern teachers.

a. audiovisuals

b. bulletin board display

✅c. digital tools

d. media

13. A universal standard in the use of ICT in teaching and learning in the classroom requires all teachers
to EXCEPT one.

a. utilize the tools available in the environment

✅b. buy an expensive computer

c. understand the issues and safety policies

d. use gadgets when teaching

14. How can one become a global digital citizen?

a. By acting appropriately when seen by the people in the community

b. By behaving appropriately when the situation demands for it

✅c. By acting responsibly in both offline and online activities

d. By adopting a new identity in the virtual world

15. At this stage of the SAMR model, technology is directly substituted for a more traditional teaching
tool or method.
a. Modification

b. Redefinition

✅c. Substitution

d. Augmentation

16. Ms. lah dreams to invite a famous resource person from another country but she can't afford to
spend for the transportation of the said person. How could she integrate technology in her lesson and
enable her class listen to the person?

a. Podcasting

✅b. Web conferencing

c. Distant communication

d. Instant messaging

17. As a teacher, how will you appropriately use technology for teaching learning so that your learners
will benefit most?

a. Ask each student to buy a gadget that they can use.

b. Assign them to search in the web all the topics you are teaching.

✅c. Maximize the use the technology tools as your support in teaching.

d. Make your lessons an open source all the time.

18. Among the following terms in technology, which has the broadest concept of technology for the
whole educative system?

a. Instructional technology

b. Audiovisual

✅c. Educational technology

d. Computer technology
19. As a software, what is Microsoft Office an example of?

a. A computer inventory system

b. A computer finance system

✅c. A computer management system

d. A computer assessment system

20. The teacher encourages the innovative use of technology tools to facilitate higher-order learning
activities that may not be possible without the use of technology.

a. Adaptation

b. Infusion

c. Adoption

✅d. Transformation

21. Which of the following follows the principle of involving more senses for effective teaching- and-

a. Lecture lesson delivery

b. Rubrics assessment

c. Multi-media presentation

✅d. Demonstration of skills

22. Which online tool is a clear example using asynchronous mode?

a. Sites

b. Online chat

✅c. Blog

d. Blended learning
23. What does ADDIE stand for?

a. Analysis, Design, Delivery, Imagine, Evaluation

✅b. Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation

c. Analysis, Design, Deliver, Implementation, Evaluation

d. Analyze, Deliver, Design, Imagine, Examine

24. Which is a visual representation or an image such as a diagram, chart or picture representing
information or data.

a. Image

b. Visual aid

✅c. Infographic

d. ICT tool

25. All your learners are on Facebook. How can you ensure that they learn despite constant use of this
social networking site?

a. Prohibit them not to use Facebook again.

b. Post your photos and thoughts so they can comment on it.

c. Create a prank account and stalk them to discover what they say post on Facebook.

✅d. Create a Facebook page where you can post assignments supplementary materials of your lesson.

26. Which sentence states the correct idea about ASSURE?

a. ASSURE is a guide indicating the specific steps to be followed when writing a lesson plan.

b. ASSURE model ensures effective technology integration.

c. ASSURE clearly states the relevance of TPACK in instruction.

✅d. ASSURE is a framework containing the elements when planning

27. What can the Easy Test Maker do?

a. Write questions for the test.

b. Score essay test.

c. Create test with choices.

✅d. Make a test.

28. Which of the following issues on ICT is directly linked to climate change?

a. Privacy

b. Freedom of Expression

c. Surveillance

✅d. e-waste

29. Which of the following encompasses all these concepts?

✅a. Technology

b. Computers

c. Gadgets

d. Internet

30. In what way can parents help their children during Online learning?

a. By manipulating computers themselves

b. By always seating alongside their children

c. By joining the Online instruction

✅d. By providing advice if needed

31. What is used under the TPACK framework of teaching that is applied in modern post-industrial
a. Social media

b. Mass media

c. Audio-visuals

✅d. Technology

32. Among varied tasks, how can the Virtual Learning Management System help instruction?

✅a. Through posting assignments

b. Through face-to-face Learning

c. Through digital game activities

d. Through ending instructional tasks

33. Along Piaget"s principles, which can be effective by way of props and visual aids to help students
understand ideas?

a. Drawing and illustrating

✅b. Instructional media

c. Bulletin board display

d. Chalkboard writing

34. The DICT Policy statements include the creation of all the following programs, EXCEPT:

a. School WebBoard

b. eSkwela

c. eQuality Program

✅d. ICT Pedagogy

35. In preschool writing classes, why are crayons or big pencils useful?

✅a. They are easier to hold

b. They are non-toxic

c. They are attractive

d. They are colorful

36. Which collaborative tool will you want to keep track of the contribution each member of a group

a. Skype

b. Online Tool

✅c. Wikispace

d. Internet

37. Which element of an Portfolio is the most


a. Complete documentation of activities

b. Uploaded scenic images

✅c. Clearly stated intentions

d. Written reflections

38. With the hope of having easy money, Madelyn clicks on all promos tha up on her screen. By doing
so, which threatens her digital security?

a. Hacker

b. Password theft

✅c. Internet virus

d. Carpal tunnel

39. Which collaborative tool allows you to work with others using video conferencing or discussing with
other members of the group through a webcam?
a. Google from

✅b. Skype

c. Blog

d. Wikispace

40. When working inside a computer laboratory, all of the choices EXCEPT one is allowed. Which one is

a. Computer desks should be near each other to allow sharing information.

b. One external electrical outlet should have 5 computers connected.

c. Foods and drinks should be hand on the computer table.

✅d. Fire extinguishers should be made available.

41. Janus was required of a written report as his project in his class. To impress his teacher, he copied a
blog from the internet without citing the source. What did he violate?

a. Copyright infringement

✅b. Plagiarism

c. Theft

d. Hacking

42. In technology integration, what should be our primary concern?

✅a. It must be suited to the lesson objective.

b. It must stimulate and maintain student interest.

c. It must be updated and relevant to Filipino setting.

d. It must be new and user friendly.

43. What is one of the things Artificial Intelligence machineries cannot do that only humans can do or
✅a. Have affective feelings like friendship

b. Handle numbers and figures.

c. Transmit letters and correspondence

d. Lift heavy weights and material load

44. If you want to make comics online, which is NOT an appropriate tool to use!

a. MakeBeliefs Comix

✅b. Public Domain Photos

c. Pixton

d. Tondoo

45. What is most desirable in the use of technology in instruction?

a. PowerPoint presentation

b. Grade sheet preparation

c. Computer computation of grades

✅d. Technology integration

46. What role is the Library or Learning Resource Center fulfilling by helping students and teachers find
resource materials in other schools which are part of their consortium of schools?

✅a. Coordinating

b. Training

c. Instructing

d. Researching

47. How can learners benefit most in the use of technology?

I. Enhances global awareness and citizenship

I. Enables the students to participate in the

online gaming

Ill. Increases addiction in internet games

a. Ill only

✅b. I, ll and Ill

c. I onIy

d. Il only

48. Which of the following activity is best to do if a teacher wanted is so know how well the ‘students
understood the lesson about “Beauty and the Beast"?

✅a. Role-play

b. Game

c. Fieldtrip

d. Exhibit

49. Which statement cautions an online collaborator when posting personal views on an issue being
discussed by members of the group who may personally know each other only in online conversations?

✅a. Writing ideas is a personal act although there is a need to be warry in posting personal contact
information or too personal pictures.

b. Use information of blogs with print and online good reviews and use them as a model when posting
ideas to collaborate with others.

c. Students can use blogging for educational purposes and this is different from personal blogs.

d. Students should be guided on how to design the whole blog and upload materials that support critical

50. How did technology open new fields of educational research?

I. Enabled researchers to process data faster and more accurate

I. Created research tools with rigor to collect


Ill. Provided different ways of collecting information for evaluation

a. I only

b. Ill only

✅c. I, Il and Ill

d. Il only

51. Computer-assisted test gives immediate corrective feedback and it is most useful when

a. communicated in a judgmental way

✅b. immediate and frequent

c. subjective and valid judgment

d. reliable and subjective

52. What is netiquette?

a. Appropriate behavior in interacting with friends

b. Manners in dealing with people at parties

c. Appropriate behavior in catching fish

✅d. Manners in using the internet

53. Which digital literacy skill refers to the ability to locate information related to an assigned topic given
by a teacher in class?

a. Turning on the computer in order to search

b. Adding comments to blogs found online

c. Producing a digital story on the assigned topic

✅d. Using key words related to the topic

54. One of the constraints in the application of ICT for the enhancement standards among teachers and
students is

a. lack of awareness about the use of technology

✅b. connectivity of the school

c. availability of qualified teachers

d. training of technology teachers

55. It is a term to denote a whole range of technologies associated with processing information and with
sending and receiving messages.

a. Instructional systems design

b. Educational technology

c. Media technology

✅d. Information and communication technology

56. As teachers, what kind of web application or app do we need in order to be more efficient and
productive in our use of platforms in the Internet?

a. Inventory app

b. Management app

✅c. Instructional app

d. Financial app

57. Which ICT tool in education allows effective collaboration?

a. Browser

✅b. Web conferencing

c. Camera

d. Computing devices
58. When you plan to improve the next time you pursue a similar activity or task by studying further or,
collaborating with others, which part of Gibb's Reflective Cycle is being described?

a. Conclusion

b. Analysis

c. Description

✅d. Action Plan

59. Which characteristics are necessary for teachers to be able to adapt to the current demands of
teaching using the evolving digital tools?

I. Openness to learn

Il. Positive attitude

Ill. Curiosity

IV. Perseverance

a. Il and IV

✅b. I, Il, Ill and IV

c. I only

d. land Ill

60. Which is an appropriate tool to use when making a survey?

✅a. PoliDaddy

b. Corkboard Remember

c. EndNote

d. Padlet

61. Which of the following can best encourage participation by learners on the issue of family conflicts?
a. Graphs and charts

b. Photos

✅c. Role playing

d. PowerPoint presentation

62. Which of the following best describe Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) among teachers?

a. Their use of technology for technology's sake

b. Their use of technology for game leisure

✅c. Their use of technology for instruction

d. Their use of technology for social media

63. The following are the varied ways why ICT tools can be integrated teaching and learning. Which
statement gives the least relevant idea?

a. Permits easy accessibility and sharing of resources

✅b. Provides a specific tool

c. Allows effective collaboration

d. Facilitates easy processing of information

64. Mrs. Diaz is able to pay her household bills through bank transfer from bank account. Which element
of digital citizenship is she benefiting from?

a. Digital access

b. Digital communication

✅c. Digital commerce

d. Digital rights and responsibilities

65. Just as there are benefits in using social networking sites, there are also risks that accompany it.
Which statement is the best paraphrase?
a. One major risk is making friends with strangers who may actually be a predator or a cyberbully.

b. Teachers and parents or guardians are protective to the extent of disallowing youngsters to use the
internet and social networking sites.

c. Learners can continually connect as they collaborate to accomplish

c. a task or homework using a social networking website.

✅d. There are payoffs and pitfalls when one is active in social networking sites.

66. Which is a good example of tapping the learners' ingenuity in technology integration?

✅a. They will be made to create a digital story of a certain topic and present it in class.

b. They will be made to listen attentively to the presentation that the teacher prepared.

c. They will be made to comment on how to improve a certain presentation.

d. They will be made to bring computing tools to school such as mobile phones.

67. How can learners benefit most in the use of technology?

I. Enhances global awareness and citizenship

I. Enables the students to participate in the

online gaming

Ill. Increases addiction in internet games

a. land Ill

b. Il only

c. Ill only

✅d. I only

68. Which of the following is one on the best practices in using learning resources for indigenous

✅a. Observed cultural sensitivity and protocols

b. Dismissed indigenous artifacts and other cultural resources

c. Violated indigenous community property rights.

d. Highlighted English language in primary years

69. Which of the following best describes On-line


a. It uses the classroom facility

✅b. It uses the Internet

c. It uses paper and pencil

d. It uses blackboards and chalks

70. In our post-industrial age, What provides an unlimited source of materials for teaching-and-learning
in schools?

a. School Resource Center

b. School library

✅c. World Wide Web

d. School Research Center

71. “What | hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand." This means that pupils
learn best when they _____

✅a. take active part in the learning process

b. watch television

c. work with groups

d. learn independently

72. The following are learning management systems EXCEPT one. Which is it?
a. Schoology

b. Moodle

c. Edmodo

✅d. Google

73. Which is the ability to see information and media technology to find, evaluate, create and
communicate information that require cognitive and technical skills.

a. Digital Intelligence

✅b. Digital Literacy

c. Digital Aptitude

d. Digital Skills

74. Teacher B is a newly-hired teacher. She wants to discuss the lesson tree planting. What is the BEST
instructional material that she should use?

a. Diorama

✅b. Nature table

c. Writing board

d. Flip chart

75. Which of the following statements is NOT


a. 21st century learners are technology savvy.

b. Web based examination may be utilized as formative assessment.

c. The use of ICT in assessment give immediate feedback to teachers and learners.

✅d. The use of Portfolio is always beneficial to the learners.

76. The use of technology will enhance the 21st century skills along

I. development of tools

I. critical thinking and problem solving

Ill. designing learning environment and spaces

IV. all of the above

a. I. ll, Ill X

✅b. IV

c. Il

d. I only

77. The ICT competency standards for teachers include all the following EXCEPT one. Which one?

a. use of technology tools

b. ethical issues on the use of ICT

c. digital and non-digital technology

✅d. enhance financial literacy skills

78. How are Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) delivered to learners of all kinds (students, retirees,
those changing careers, etc.)?

✅a. Through the internet

b. Through correspondence

c. Through field training

d. Through classroom instruction

79. How will you characterize the use of PowerPoint presentation to deliver a lesson?

✅a. Technology

b. Academics
c. Culture

d. Machinery

80. One interesting instructional visual is Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience. Visualizing the cone which
represents his theory on the importance of sensory experiences, what are at the bottom and at the top
of the cone?

a. Dramatized experiences; study trips

✅b. Direct purposeful experience; verbal symbols

c. Demonstration; motion pictures

d. Contrived experiences; visual symbols


1. Managing a home is a developmental task of _____.

a. Middle adulthood

b. Adolescence

c. Later maturity

✅d. Early adulthood

2. This law was passed “to protect the fundamental human right of privacy of communication while
ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and growth"

a. RA 10533

✅b. RA 10173

c. RA 10513

d. RA 10713
3. Which statement about middle childhood is CORRECT?

a. Physical growth gets stunted

b. Physical growth stops

c. Children at middle childhood stage can easily distinguish logical from non-logical statements

✅d. Children at middle childhood stage have greater long-term memory than preschoolers

4. A mother can infect her child through the following, EXCEPT

a. during gestation, across the placenta

b. during delivery through contact with maternal blood or fluids

c. post-partum, through breastfeeding

✅d. maternal malnutrition

5. What are the signs of early onset of puberty among intermediate girls?

I. Change of voice

Il. Budding breast for girls

Ill. Onset of menstrual period

a. land Ill

✅b. Il and Ill

c. Ill only

d. I, Il, and Ill

6. Mary Ann and Edz won't develop into pimply teenagers overnight. It will take years before they
become one. This means _____.

✅a. Development is gradual

b. Development is contextual
c. Development is relatively orderly

d. Development is plastic

7. An authoritative teacher is one who does all, EXCEPT

a. models to the child how to take responsibility for one's actions

✅b. ensures having strong psychological control over the preschooler

c. expects behavior appropriate to the age level

d. demonstrates high responsiveness and high


8. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is metacognition. What does metacognition mean?

a. Ability to analyze and synthesize

b. Ability to do problem solving

✅c. Ability to identify one's own thinking processes and strategies

d. Ability to recall and explain

9. Is the human brain capable of learning before


a. Depends on baby's health condition

b. No

✅c. Yes

d. Depends on mother's intelligence

10. Diane decided to return the wallet she found in the library so that people will praise her honesty and
think she's such a nice girl. In what level and stage of moral development is shown?

a. Post-conventional, Stage 5
✅b. Conventional, Stage 3

c. Conventional, Stage 4

d. Preconventional, Stage 2

11. Toddlers are supposed to assert their independence in which stage in Erickson's psychosocial stage?

a. Trust vs mistrust

b. Initiative vs guilt

c. Industry vs inferiority

✅d. Autonomy vs Shame and doubt

12. Which is TRUE of action research?

a. Individuals of different ages are compared at one time

b. It determines cause-and effect relationships

c. It focuses on children's experiences in natural settings

✅d. The purpose of the study is to create changes

13. Jeric, a grade I pupil is better at arranging objects according to increasing or decreasing length.
Which ability is described?

✅a. Seriation

b. Generalization

c. Classification

d. Abstraction

14. Which statement on physical development of infants and toddlers is TRUE?

✅a. Development of the upper limbs before the lower limbs

b. Development of the lower limbs before the upper limbs

c. Development of muscular control of trunk and arms before the fingers

d. Simultaneous development of the upper and lower limbs

15. Vince cannot remember a single moment that happened to him from his infancy to the first few
years of his life. This is called

✅a. Childhood amnesia

b. Decay

c. Retrieval failure

d. Interference

16. What does a Grade VI teacher encourage when she tells students to think about the motives and
feelings of their group mates in the group projects?

a. Understanding

✅b. Perspective-taking

c. Egocentrism

d. Conservation

17. Which is TRUE of adolescents?

✅a. Lack sleep

b. Occupied with play

c. Don't desire an "ideal" body

d. Stop growing

18. In which life-span stage is the adolescent based on Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

a. Identity vs confusion

b. Industry vs inferiority
✅c. Intimacy vs isolation

d. Generativity vs stagnation

19. Which characteristics apply to children with secure attachment?

I. Afraid of people

Il. Emotionally open

Ill. Readily soothed

a. land Il

✅b. Il and Ill

c. land Ill

d. I, Il, and Ill

20. The toddler's speech is usually telegraphic. What does this mean?

a. Mispronounced words

✅b. Two to three-word utterances with articles and prepositions missing

c. Short and long utterances

d. Incomprehensible language

21. Which is an indicator of separation distress between 1 and 2 years of age?

a. Children aren't bothered by temporary disappearance of mother

b. Children are comfortable with strangers

c. Children cry at the sight of strangers

✅d. Children cry and cling when their attachment figure tries to leave

22. This includes the circumstances of the parents' work like location, schedules, etc.
a. Chronosystem

b. Mesosystem

✅c. Exosystem

d. Macrosystem

23. Teachers and caregivers can best help develop the emotional skills of preschoolers by all, EXCEPT

a. Play games that involve social interaction

b. Greeting each child by name

b. Developing routines at home and school that encourage working together

✅d. Emphasizing strict adherence to routine

24. When my youngest son was born, he immediately began to observe the world and make sense of it
through sucking, grasping, and looking. In which stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development is

a. Between sensorimotor and pre-operational stages

✅b. Sensorimotor stage

c. Pre-operational stage

d. Pre-sensorimotor stage

25. What are the signs of the early onset of puberty among intermediate girls?

✅a. On the average, girls are generally as much as two (2) years ahead of boys in terms of physical

b. Boys physically mature earlier than girls in the intermediate grades

c. They are past the “growth spurt"

d. There is no physical growth because this is before the “growth spurt"

26. The most appropriate activity for three-year old children to develop counting skills is
a. a well-designed worksheet on counting up to 25

✅b. counting objects of interest around the environment

c. identifying numerals repeatedly until mastered

d. working with counting flashcards

27. Whichever side the child's head is facing, the limbs on that side will straighten, while the opposite
limbs will curl

a. Curling reflex

b. Rooting reflex

✅c. Tonic neck reflex

d. Galant reflex

28. Erina can now button her shirt, write, and draw because of the development of this skill

a. Gross motor Skill

b. Dexterity skills

✅c. Fine motor skill

d. Motor skills

29. By the end of the sensorimotor period, the toddler understands object permanence. What does
object permanence mean? The understanding that objects

a. never change

✅b. continue to exist even when they cannot be seen

c. doesn't exist when they are no longer seen

d. change in shape and color

30. My Nursery pupils lean towards animism. As such they are very interested in stories where
a. the plot involves pet animals

b. lead characters are superheroes

✅c. inanimate objects like the sun or the bus talk and sing

d. scenes involve a lot of movement


1. It is a card that serves as a proof for availing of the benefits and privileges of person with disabilities.

a. SPED card

b. Discount card

✅c. PWD ID

d. Health card

2. Little Alberts experiment was conducted by.

a. John Dewey

b. Ivan Pavlov

c. BF Skinner

✅d. John Watson

3. The following are strategies for Development of Metacognition, except:

a. Evaluation

b. Monitoring

✅c. Regulate knowledge

d. Knowledge of self
4. Other term for Sign Learning theory is

a. Social Observational learning theory

b. Insight learning Theory

c. Purposive Behaviorism

✅d. Purposive Cognitivism

5. Reinforcing a series of behaviors to get a reward is called

✅a. Chaining

b. Stimulus generalization

c. Shaping

d. Extinction

6. Clarice is handling grade 5 student, she wants to create an activity that show how diverse her
students are that following factor should be consider in creating this activity except:

a. Ability

b. Gender

c. Socio economic status

✅d. Classroom setting

7. Fragile X syndrome is to intellectual disability while cerebral palsy is to

a. Learning Disability

✅b. Physical Disability

c. Mental Disability

d. Developmental Disability

8. An Act To Promote The Education Of The Blind In The Philippines.

a. RA. 7277

b. RA 5250

✅c. RA 3562


9. It is Republic Act No. which provide

persons with disability, the opportunity to

participate fully into the mainstream of society

by granting them at least twenty percent

(20%) discount in all basic services.

a. RA. 7277

b. RA 5250

c. RA 3562

✅d. RA 9442

10. The WICS model is a possible common basis for identifying gifted individuals (Sternberg, 2003c).
WICS is an acronym standing for

I. Wisdom

I. Intelligence

Ill. Creativity

IV. Synthesized

V. Symbolism

✅a. I, Ill, IV and V

b. I, Il, Ill and V

c. Il, Ill, IV, and V

d. Symbolism
11. Focus on objectively observable behaviors and discounts any independent activities of the mind.

a. Idealism

b. Existentialism

c. Cognitivism

✅d. Behaviorism

12. Eva, an 18-year-old college student, a consistent honor student and a part time model, is suffering
from an eating disorder that causes a severe and strong fear of gaining weight. What is this eating
disorder that altered view of being fat even when you are dangerously thin.

a. Pica Disorder

b. Purging Disorder

✅c. Anorexia

d. Bulimia

13. The following are requirements to become a good shadow teacher.

I. She is emphatic often more likely to connect with students and understand their

challenges, questions and behavioral trigger

I. knowledge about child development is a useful skill for shadow teachers because the may work with
students of different ages an ability levels.

Ill. Bachelor's degrees in related fields are useful if you want to become a shadow teacher

IV. Has knowledge in Psychotherapy and counseling

a. I, Il and IV

b. IV and Il

✅c. I, Il and Ill

d. I Ill and IV
14. Pica is an eating disorder in which a person eats things not usually considered food, which of the
following are mostly consumed by a person with Pica disorder.

✅a. Ice

b. Meat

c. Dairy product

d. Vegetables

15. If one develops, his capacity to discern the true nature of situation and has an imaginative power to
see into and understand immediately, he develop an

a. Perception learning

✅b. Insight learning

c. Purposive learning

d. Behavioral learning

16. People First Language refers to the individual first and the disability second, which sentence below is
a good example of People First Language.

a. She has autistic

b. Carmela has a birth defect

c. Anthon is crippled

✅d. Bob has a mental health condition

17. Anthon was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, according to Department of Health (DOH) its is type of
disability eligible for PWD benefits.

a. Learning Disability

b. Orthopedic Disability

✅c. Psychosocial Disability

d. Multiple Disability
18. The human brain id comprised of 3 parts, the hindbrain, midbrain and

a. Frontal

✅b. Forebrain

c. Corpus Callosum

d. Brainstem

19. Type of receptor that respond to change in temperature.

✅a. Thermoreceptors

b. Chemoreceptors

c. Nociceptors

d. Photoreceptors

20. You provide Jane praise ("good job") the first time she says "please" after about every 55, 60 or 65
minutes. This is an example of what kind of schedule of reinforcement.

✅a. Variable- interval ration

b. Variable- ratio

c. Fixed schedule

d. Fixed ratio

21. Angel, a nursery student of Miss. Amelia respond to the same activity Ms. Amelia gave every Friday
during P.E. time, they started with singing then dancing afterwards playing which she became more
familiar with every Friday. This is best explained by what type of learning?

✅a. Habituation

b. Operant Conditioning

c. Stimulation

d. Observation
22. People with disability encounter a range of barriers when they attempt to access health care except

a. Physical barriers

✅b. Spiritual barriers

c. Communication barriers

d. Attitudinal barriers

23. Common compulsive behaviors in OCD include:

I. Counting

I. Tapping

Ill. Twiddling

IV. Ordering or arranging things "just so".

a. land Il

b. Il, Ill and IV

c. land Ill

✅d. I, Il and IV

24. Andrea is a grade 7 students, her mental age is 8 and a chronological age of 12. According to DSM-IV
criteria for IQ level, she is consider.

✅a. Below Average

b. Genius

c. Average

d. Above Average

25. A Developmental Delay refers to a child who has not gained the developmental skills expected of
him or her, compared to others of the same age. Delays may occur in the areas of:
I. motor function

I. Speech and language

Ill. Cognitive

IV. Social skills

a. I, Il,and IV

b. land Il

✅c. I, Il. Ill and IV

d. Il and Ill

26. Jessa works directly with young students who have learning differences to improve their classroom
experience. She assist teacher in their activities and monitors a student's developmental progress. Jessa
is consider as a

a. Therapies

b. Psychologist

✅c. Shadow teacher

d. Teacher

27. Anthony who is in grade 4 has difficulties in recognizing shapes, charts, patters and even direction,
upon submission of a medical abstract, he was diagnosed with dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is recognized as a

a. Developmental Disability

b. Physical Disability

c. Giftedness

✅d. Learning Disability

28. It is consider as one of the Dimension of Behavior Problem characterized by physical aggression,
difficulty controlling anger, open disobedience and oppositionality.
✅a. Conduct disorder

b. Fragile X syndrome

c. Spinal Bifida

d. Multiple Disabilities

29. The following are diagnostic Criteria for ADHD except.

✅a. Repetitive movement like twiddling.

b. Persists for 6 months

c. Onset before 7 years old

d. No stressful life events

30. It is the most primitive part of the brain and controls the basic functions of life: breathing, heart rate,
swallowing, reflexes to sight or sound, sweating, blood pressure, sleep, hormonal maturation, and

a. Hypothalamus

b. Cerebellum

✅c. Brainstem

d. Pons

💛💜📍EXAMINATION: Formative 2 ProfEd

1. Before being able to fully learn to live and work together under the pillar of the 21st century
education, what must the learner attain for himself?

a. attain an altruistic mind

b. love his fellowmen

c. become self-actualized

✅d. find peace within oneself

2. What materials can be used when intended materials are not available?

a. Supplementary materials

✅b. Improvised materials

c. Audio-visual material

d. Digital materials

3. What was the main characteristic of education during the years of Hispanic colonization in the

a. Secular

✅b. Religion-oriented

c. Free

d. Adequate

4. Identify the characteristic that can make assessment difficult to apply, and therefore should be
avoided by teachers.

a. Provide interactive feedback on student performance

b. Setting definite variables as in rubrics

c. Applying assessment contextually

✅d. Discussing abstract concepts

5. The spiral progression approach in teaching Math in the K to 12 curriculum means that you teach
basic Math concepts from K to Grade 10 in increasing depth and breadth across the grades. This means
that Math teaching is

a. Integrated

b. Inclusive

✅c. Developmentally appropriate

d. Inquiry-based

6. Which of the following is not among the major targets of the child-friendly school system (CFSS)?

a. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in elementary schools

b. All grade six students pass the division, regional, and national tests

c. All children complete their elementary education within six years

✅d. All school children are friendly

7. What kind of curriculum is introduced to a learner centered learning environment?

a. Achievement oriented

b. Indigenized

✅c. Assessed and monitored

d. Competitive

8. “Moral example has a greater effect on pupils' discipline than laws and codes of punishment" is an
advice for teachers from

✅a. Confucius

b. Mencius

c. Lao Tzu

d. Mohammed

9. If students are reading a Science text, Which of the following techniques would be best for helping
them activate their prior knowledge?

a. Role play

b. Venn diagram

c. Story map
✅d. KWL Chart

10. Is it wise to orient our students and parents on our grading system?

a. Yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate customers, the students.

b. No, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential.

✅c. Yes, so that from the very start, students and their parents know how grades are derived

d. No, this will court a lot of complaints later.

11. How can you get a mean of 86 if the total grade of 4 subjects is 85?

a. 85

b. 84

c. 83

✅d. 90

12. Good readers make use of effective reading strategies. Which are examples effective reading

I. Predicting

Il. Inferring

Ill. Summarizing

IV. Visualizing

a. II, III, IV

b. I, II, Ill

c. I, Ill, IV

✅d. I, II, Ill, IV

13. When Philosophy started, man thought logically inside his mind forgetting external physical reality,
such that is believed "No one can step beside a river twice." What of reasoning is this?

a. Inductive reasoning

✅b. Metaphysical reasoning

c. Deductive reasoning

d. Positivistic reasoning

14. Which graphic organizer is most fit for sequencing?

✅a. flow chart

b. Venn diagram

c. hierarchy diagram

d. double cell diagram

15. The Audio-visual resource center regularly provides the teacher a list of websites, apps, and
instructional materials readily available in the city. This fulfills which functions of the center?

✅a. Laboratory of learning

b. Link community resources

c. Center of resources

d. Recreational reading center

16. Teacher N teaches in a remote barrio. In order not to incur salary deduction, she does not file her
leave of absence every time she gets absent. Anyway, she uses that amount, which is supposed to be
deducted from her salary on account of her absence, to buy pencils and paper for the poor pupils in her
class. Is Teacher N right?

a. Yes, she is not the only one benefited by her actions.

b. Yes, the amount is little compared to the millions of pesos stolen by corrupt government officials.

c. Yes, the poor students are benefited.

d. No, the end does not justify the means.

17. How does a novice learner acquire information?

a. Important information

b. Meaningful information

c. Selected information

✅d. All of the information

18. What kind of classroom management is applied in the case of Teacher Lenny who attends to every
situation as it comes, hoping to meet it as it comes without much foresight and preparation?

a. Reinforcing

b. Proactive

✅c. Reactive

d. Heading-on

19. Which of the following statements regarding professional teachers is the major difference in the
professionalizing of teachers and teaching as embodied in PD 1006 and R.A.7836?

a. Assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools Assigned at the
tertiary level in

b. both private and state colleges and universities

✅c. Holder of valid professional certificate of registration

d. Appointed on full time basis and on permanent status.

20. Which of the following is true of a case study?

a. It is always reliable and dependable

✅b. It applies specifically to a population

c. It requires data from other events

d. It is applicable to the universal population

21. I wasn't satisfied with student Vernie's answer and sol asked her to give more information. What did
I do?

a. Rephrasing

✅b. Probing

c. Asking non-directed questions

d. Prompting

22. This refers to the permanent record showing historical academic and co-curricular record of

✅a. Form 137

b. School Form 1

c. School Form 2

d. Form 138

23. This is the time the teacher actually spends in the classroom giving instruction by various means.

✅a. Teaching time

b. Academic learning time

c. Mandated time

d. Allocated time

24. Mr. Torres will have a multimedia presentation in his Science class. Which of the following should he

a. Consider technical quality.

✅b. Apply different computer effects per slide.

c. Present information through graphic organizers

d. Use contrasting colors for text and background.

25. One of the following quotations does not conform to the Christian doctrine of Education for
Humanitarianism. Which one is it? Whatever good things we do to

a. Whatever good things we do to our poor, helpless brothers, we do it for God.

b. Do unto others as you would like others do unto you

✅c. Not on bread alone is man to live but on every utterance that comes from mouth of God

d. Love they neighbor as thyself

26. When you wanted to genuinely clarify and point relative to an issue under a discussion in a meeting,
what will you do as a teacher?

a. Discuss with seatmates to gain support

✅b. Politely request for recognition to clarify your point.

c. Just keep quiet to avoid opposition

d. Oppose the other position

27. Which of the current classroom practices is influenced by Skinner's Operant Conditioning?

a. Connection between stimulus and response

b. Involuntary response to a stimulu

✅c. Reinforcement of correct practices

d. Progression of subordinate learning

28. Which influenced the military training requirements among students in the secondary and tertiary

a. Chinese

b. Orientals

✅c. Greeks
d. Romans

29. Of the three aspects of learning, which is not mentioned as needed so that the individual learner in
the 21st century can learn how to learn?

a. Ability to think

b. Concentration

✅c. Memory skills

d. Mathematical skills

30. In educating the whole person as demanded by the "Learning to be" pillar of the 21st century
education, where does the concept of meaning, purpose and engagement belong?

a. Spiritual values

b. Mind and body

✅c. Personal responsibility

d. Aesthetic sense

31. Mr. and Mrs. Gasat are very active and supportive parents in Don Antonio Elementary School. They
are always present in school activities however at home, they neglect to follow up the study habits of
their child, Vanessa, who happens to be failing in class. Which of the following statements describes the
parents correctly?

a. They have complied with their roles as parents.

b. They are concerned with their child's welfare.

✅c. They failed to support their child's academic development.

d. They are very supportive parents of the school.

32. What should the teacher require his students to do for finding out whether an aerial plant can live
on land?

a. Retrieve answers from the internet

✅b. Observe the aerial plant's survival after transferring to the soil

c. Research on past similar experiments

d. Copy and paste literature about the experiment

33. How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested?

a. Cultural relativism

b. Ethnocentrism

c. Cultural diversity

✅d. Xenocentrism

34. If Dr. Jose Rizal lives in the 21stcentury, what character expression and commitment would have
shown our generation?

a. inventor of techniques

b. citizen and producer

✅c. creative dreamer

d. member of family and community

35. The professional role of teachers has changed from "the sage on the stage" to "guide from the side".
This implies that

a. Teachers must project an “Almighty Omniscient." image.

✅b. Teachers must act more as facilitators of learning.

c. Teachers must cling to their power to improve roles.

d. Teachers stress on their role as teacher.

36. What research strategy is most appropriate to compare effectiveness of practice teaching in a
laboratory class inside the University in a public school setting?

a. Questionnaire
✅b. Naturalistic observation

c. Survey

d. Experimentation

37. Jayson wants to learn more English. Specifically, he wants to improve his listening skills. He has a CD
player, a tape recorder and has internet access. If you are an English teacher, what will you suggest?

I. CDs with English listening drills

Il. Tapes with English listening drills

Ill. Internet website such as Go4English, English Language Listening Lab Randall's listening Lab

a. Il and Ill

b. land Il

c. I or III

✅d. I, Il and Ill

38. Teacher Lemuel, a graduate of BSEd with Specialization in English teaches in a national high school in
her province. Since he has been rated outstanding in his performance, can he be exempted from taking
the LET?

a. Yes, that is a privilege that must be given to teachers whose performance is outstanding.

b. No, professional license is required of all teachers regardless of age and teaching performance

✅c. No, RA 7836 states that no person shall practice or offer to practice the teaching profession in the
Philippines or be appointed as teacher to any position calling for a teaching position without having
previously obtained a valid certificate and a valid license from the Commission.

d. Yes, if approved by PRC.

39. In doing a research, which is needed to be more valid?

a. Conclusion

✅b. Factual evidences

c. Assumptions

d. Hypothesis

40. Which assessment tool will you use so that performance results can be highly measurable?

a. Essay requirement

b. Test and Quizzes

✅c. Demonstration of skills

d. Journal writing

41. How will you make a child memorize the table of multiplication from the point of view of Pavlov?

a. Model the recitation of the table of multiplication

b. Reward the child with a candy for every correct recitation

✅c. Call the child's attention every time you recite the table for them

d. Make them understand the meaning of multiplication

42. What is the ultimate aim of classroom


✅a. To set up conditions that brings about effective teaching and learning

b. To make children realize that they cannot do everything they want

c. To remove the physical conditions in the room that distracts children's attention

d. To secure conformity to rules with ease

43. After the holidays, there was much chatter and sharing of stories in class. You are confronted with
behavioral management. You have a well-planned lesson which you cannot start. What is the best
strategy for the class to settle down so you can start the lesson?

a. Give a 10-item test to keep them quiet.

✅b. Give the class 10 minutes to share how they spent the holidays.

c. Ask the students what their New Year's resolutions are.

d. Give the students 10 minutes to write a paragraph on their New Year's resolution.

44. What practices help develop interpersonal sensitivity?

I. Communicating with the stakeholders

Il. Review of the content

Ill. Openness to positive criticism

IV. Objective analysis of public concerns

a. land Il only

✅b. I, Ill and IV

c. I, Il and Ill

d. I, Il and IV

45. Teacher Prince was assigned by her peer teacher to make a power point presentation to a large
combined class for the research paper of the drug use menace in school. The setting patterned that was
adopted effectively was

a. Circular pattern

b. Rectangular pattern

✅c. Traditional pattern

d. Horseshoe pattern

46. Which of these does NOT belong to the external factors that affect reading point of reference?

a. Peers

b. Financial reward

✅c. Enjoyment of reading

d. Parents

47. Which of the following would be the best choice if a teacher would like to focus on attitudinal

a. Field study

b. Dramatization

✅c. Role play

d. Simulation

48. Who coined the term “scaffolding"?

a. Pavlov

b. Vygotsky

c. Piaget

✅d. Bruner

49. How can the efforts of four agencies (DepEd, CHED, PRC, CSC) be best achieved for the training and
development of teachers?

a. Streamlining

✅b. Synchronization

c. Cost-reduction

d. Sharing of resources

50. Using the standardized test, a school can determine in order to give final grades or certification.

a. Degree of mastery

b. Remedial measures for improvement

✅c. End-of-school year achievement

d. Long serious problem

51. Which of the following question is best to ask to relate the lesson of water conservation to the lives
of students?

a. In what ways do people add to water wastage?

b. Which community observes water conservation?

c. What is the meaning of water conservation?

✅d. How can you help conserve water?

52. What is the right attitude of a modern teacher towards the varied philosophies in the human history
of ideas?

✅a. Adopt elements of philosophies that conform to the schools and country's' educational system.

b. Reject past philosophies for current philosophical thoughts.

c. Adopt all philosophical systems a good.

d. Adopt new philosophies and leave the old aside.

53. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when students defy
adult by arguing, contradicting, teasing, temper tantrums, and low level hostile behavior?

a. Withdrawal

✅b. Power seeking

c. Revenge seeking

d. Attention getting

54. What is the special program given to the students who can't read?

a. Language program

✅b. Reading program

c. Phonic program
d. Literary program

55. Teacher Mara sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely
disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based?

a. Reconstructivism

b. Existentialism

c. Progressivism

✅d. Behaviorism

56. This is my questioning behavior: I ask the question; I pause for a while then call on a student. Which
is this questioning practice?

a. Directing a question

b. Asking for non-volunteers

✅c. Asking non-directed question

d. Involving as many as possible

57. What two indicators promote purposive learning among the students?

I. General knowledge of teaching method

ll. Recognition of specific learning needs

Ill. Cultivation of good study habit

IV. Tutorial of learning principles

a. Il and Ill


b. I and Il

✅c. I and Ill

d. Ill and IV
58. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?

a. Allowing individual teachers to determine factors for rating

b. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for ratings

✅c. Using a common conversion table for translating test scores into ratings

d. Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to another

59. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself." says the voiceless voice from
within you. In the context of Freud's theory, which is at work?

a. id alone

✅b. superego alone

c. Id and ego interaction

d. ego alone

60. This powerful European country supplied arms to Afghanistan rebels who were fighting a terrorist
war in the Middle East. What was the principle of moral discernment applicable in this case?

a. Principle of lesser evil

b. Principle of double effect

✅c. Principle of moral cooperation

d. Principle of material cooperation

61. In introducing a new lesson, what is important to consider by way of lesson continuity.

a. introduce new lesson

✅b. relate new ideas to past lesson

c. have a pre-test for new lesson

d. prepare new audio visuals

62. Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of simulations that make students feel and
sense experience in the classroom?

✅a. Providing experiences that otherwise might not have

b. Reinforcing learning

c. Motivating students

d. Changing attitudes and feelings

63. Teacher Rey shared this lesson objective/learning outcome with her students: “Before the period
ends, all of you must be able to identify the topic sentence and supporting sentences of a given
paragraph." Teacher Rey drilled them on subject-verb agreement to ensure that they can write a good
paragraph then gave a ten-sentence paragraph for the students to determine subject-verb agreement
before the class period ended. Did Teacher Rey use the lesson objective/learning outcome as guide in
the development of her lesson?

✅a. No.

b. Very much, because she made use of a ten-sentence paragraph for the end-of-the-period quiz

c. A little, because subject-verb agreement is a must in paragraph writing

d. Yes.

64. Which is NOT a basic consideration in selecting and evaluating the content of an educational
technology tool?

a. Is there evidence of its effectiveness?

b. Does it match the content?

✅c. Can it be easily dismantled?

d. Will it motivate and maintain interest?

65. What does "teachers are persons in authority' imply?

a. Teachers have immunity from arrest.

b. Decisions made by teachers are deemed right.

c. Teachers cannot be charged.

✅d. No person can assault a teacher.

66. Of the following interventions, which is directly aimed at responding to the transitional gap between
academic achievement and employment?

a. identification of centers of excellence

b. voluntary accreditation of schools

c. deregulation of tuition fees

✅d. school networking with business and industry

67. Teacher Moana is a constructive teacher who allows her students to use technology tools to build
understanding rather than simply information. This level of technology integration is called

a. Transformation

b. Entry

c. Adaptation

✅d. Infusion

68. On which policy is RA 4670 known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers focused?

✅a. To promote and improve the social and economic status of public school teachers

b. Code of ethics for professional teachers

c. Recruitment shall take place after training

d. Right to establish or join organizations

69. Teacher Diego have been tasked to prepare the curriculum for the year. He writes daily guide in
implementing the curriculum. In this situation he is a/an

a. Innovator
b. Writer

c. Implementor

✅d. Planner

70. Mr. Sevilla requires his class to conduct research, write a research report and defend the same
before a panel of experts. In which level/s of processing will the students be engaged?

I. Retrieval

ll. Comprehension

Ill. Analysis

IV. Knowledge utilization

a. I, Ill and IV

b. Il, Ill and IV

✅c. I, II, Ill and IV

d. Ill and IV

71. The Transparency International's perception that the Philippines suffers a cultural malaise of
corruption, what component of our character needs to be further developed along the Learning to Be
Pillar of education in the 21st century?

a. Intellectual-emotional component

✅b. Ethical-spiritual component

c. Familial-social component

d. Physical-economic component

72. With school based management in mind, which does NOT belong?

a. Empowered principals

b. Stakeholders as a part

✅c. Central offices disconnected to schools for decentralization

d. Schools as primary unit

73. These are sectarian values EXCEPT ____.

✅a. Social justice

b. Christian charity

c. Islamic truth

d. Buddhist peace

74. The use of MTB-MLE will enable each learner to develop all EXCEPT one.

a. Learn English and connect to the world.

b. Learn Filipino and connect to the country.

✅c. Learn all languages to develop nationalism.

d. Learn the mother tongue and connect to the heritage.

75. What kind of sources do critical thinkers rely on for attaining truth or resolving problems?

✅a. credible

b. opinioned

c. biased

d. vested interest

76. What is the process for Piaget done during our growing years, acquiring new experiences and ideas?

a. Equilibrium

b. Schematization

✅c. Assimilation

d. Accommodation
77. What classroom approach is applied when Teacher Zeny uses a variety of techniques (rewards,
reinforcement, etc) to sustain interest and effective learning?

a. Group management approach

b. Business-academic approach

✅c. Behavior modification approach

d. Assertive approach

78. Eye wink, waving of hands and nodding of head are examples of _____.

a. Facial expression

b. Verbal communication

✅c. Gestures

d. Body language

79. The introduction of non-formal education in life with the Constitution provision on

✅a. promoting the rights of all citizens to make quality education accessible to all

b. acceptance, affection and achievement

c. affection, ability, attitudes

d. protection of teachers

80. A quote from Erik Erikson: "Healthy children will not fear life is their elders have integrity enough not
to fear death." How did Dr. Jose Rizal best showed he did not fear death?

a. His marriage to Josephine Bracken in his death cell

✅b. His Ultimo Adios and "morir est descanzar" (to die is to rest)

c. His attempt to travel to Cuba as a volunteer doctor

d. His work as a propagandist in a foreign land

81. For a school, which of the following is most significant in repairing shorelines with depleted coral

✅a. Outreach by educating the villagers on protection of coral reefs

b. Outreach by depositing rubber tires as artificial coral reefs

c. Implement reporting system against dynamite fishermen

d. Legislative lobby to disallow tourism in endangered shorelines

82. Teacher Judy would like to create a presentation material for her lesson on the types of curriculum.
To make her presentation effective, which of the following should she use?

a. Situating tool

b. Communicative tool

c. Informative tool

✅d. Productivity tool

83. Mr. de Leon starts a lesson in Social Studies by defining the term "migration". After which, he
explains that definition and goes on to give examples. Which teaching method did Mr. de Leon use?

a. Socratic method

✅b. Deductive method

c. Inductive method

d. Direct method

84. How is Erikson's epigenetic principle of unfolding of personality as it is applicable to learners best
described by other experts?

a. Like a journey

✅b. Like a rose bud

c. Like a growing tree

d. Like casting stone on a pond

85. Which of the following is NOT a function of scientific research?

a. To test assumptions

b. To test hypothesis

✅c. To Rely on Controlled methods

d. To determine cause-and-effect

86. Apart from a quantifiable data, what else can be used as basis for grading?

a. Acceptance criterion

b. Criterion rubrics

✅c. Performance criterion

d. Values criterion

87. Along Erickson's psychosocial theory, which statement is one of autonomy in early childhood?

✅a. I do things without worrying about them.

b. I worry that my parents will find about them.

c. As I do things I fell I made a mistake.

d. I am apologetic about what I've done.

88. Teacher Vanessa believes that students need not know the intended learning outcome of her lesson.
She proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them know what they are supposed to
learn for the day. Which principle of learning does Teacher Vanessa negate?

✅a. Effective learning begins with the setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.

b. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.

c. Learning process is an active process.

d. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

89. Teacher Ester wrote an objective, to interpret the meaning of a certain quotation. For content
validity, which should she ask?

a. Is her statement realistic?

b. Do you believe to the statement?

✅c. What is the authentic meaning of the statement?

d. What is true about the statement

90. A student got a numerical grade of 80. What is his descriptor for his level of proficiency?

a. Fairly satisfactory

✅b. Satisfactory

c. Did not meet expectations

d. Very satisfactory

91. From global competence as defined by international educators, which is the most appropriate
characteristic of globally competent individual?

a. foreign-language policy

✅b. adaptability to new work environment

c. open-mindedness to new culture

d. familiarity with new culture

92. These are the remarkable features of Montessori schools EXCEPT

a. Hands-on learning

b. Going out to field trips

✅c. Restricted class movements

d. Tactile learning materials

93. Which of the following best defines a morally mature person?

a. Cultural values clarification

b. Transmittal of one's moral viewpoint

c. Unhampered exercise of one's right

✅d. Knowledge and practice of universal moral values

94. Which is ethical for a teacher to do in a situation where he/she falls in love with a student or when a
student falls in love with his/her teacher?

a. The teacher avoids that learner.

b. The teacher resigns from his/her teaching job.

c. The teacher advises the student to discontinue with his/her studies

✅d. The teacher exercises discretion to avoid scandal and gossip and preferential treatment of that

95. These are the criteria to reduce error in judging test content, sampling and procedures for tests

a. Usability

b. Validity

✅c. Predictability

d. Reliability

96. A student was raised by authoritative parents. What will be his attitude in school?

a. Distant

b. Inferior
✅c. Independent

d. Quarrelsome

97. Compared with evaluation which is subjective, testing students is more objective because it is based

a. human judgment

b. class work

c. Homework

✅d. quantifiable data

98. Which is the ability to know without being frustrated by ambiguous ideas?

a. Focus

b. Shaping

✅c. Tolerance

d. Intuition

99. Which is an offshoot of the fourth pillar of learning, "learning to live together"?

a. Schools teach care for the environment

✅b. Schools teach respect for diversity

c. Schools celebrate United Nations Week.

d. Schools show concern to what happens to children after they leave school.

100. If a student passed all the subjects, he/she will be _____.

a. transfer to other school

b. taking remedial classes

c. retained in the same grade level

✅d. moving on to the next grade level


1. Which portfolio highlights occasions and great importance?

✅a. Celebration Portfolio

b. Competence Portfolio

c. Project Portfolio

d. Showcase Portfolio

2. Mr. Dimapayapa has difficulty in getting his class settled and ready for the daily lesson. Which of the
following should he do?

✅a. He should assign a group leader to monitor student's discipline.

b. They should have an entry pass before they get in.

c. He should have a seating arrangement/plan.

d. He should not let them in until they are ready.

3. When action research intends to influence thinking skills, sense of efficacy, willingness to share and
communicate attitudes towards process of change, which does it implore?

✅a. Sense of collaboration

b. Structured pedagogies

c. Knowledge transformation

d. Professional growth and development

4. Sir Carlo, a practice teacher, observed that some of his students are non-participative in his English
class. As his cooperating teacher, what will you advise him as the most effective way of dealing with
these students?
✅a. Employ engaging and enjoyable activities.

b. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor.

c. Give them the grades they deserve based on their performance.

d. Let them do what pleases them.

5. Which facilities are present in a health- promoting school environment?

I. Canteen that sells all kinds of food including junk food

II. Comfort rooms common for boys and girls

Ill. Sanitary drinking fountains

IV. Safe playground

✅a. Ill and IV

b. Il, Ill and IV

c. I, Il, Ill and IV

d. I and Il

6. Action research is a process that doesn't necessarily have to stop at any point. Action research is

a. terminal

✅b. cyclical

c. vertical

d. linear

7. According to RA 10912, how many units of CPD is required of a Professional Teacher for the renewal
of his/her professional license?

✅a. 45 units

b. 40 units
c. 20 units

d. 18 units

8. A student from your advisory class wishes to ask for his academic report card since it is a requirement
for his transfer to another school next school year. As his class adviser, which form will you prepare?

a. School Form 8

b. School Form 2

✅c. School Form 9

d. School Form 1

9. Which is a correct description of a formal research?

a. Formal research contains generic ideas in a simpler format.

✅b. Formal research identifies macro issues in education.

c. Formal research involves purposive samples.

d. Formal research is carried out in a quick time frame

10. As a beginning action researcher, what should be your primary task?

a. Reflect on the other problematic solutions.

b. Ask help from your mentor on how to solve the problem.

✅c. Identify the problem area that is the cause of concern in your practice.

d. Disregard the problem, after all you are still a student.

11. Which support processes prepare Field Study students and practice teachers in the experiential
learning program?

a. reflecting and experiencing

✅b. coaching and mentoring

c. grasping and transforming

d. teaching and learning

12. Miss Ana noticed that her student has been absent for three days already. She is worried and wants
to know the reason such absence. Which is the BEST way for her to do it?

a. Call the parent/guardian.

✅b. Write a letter to the parent.

c. Look at his/her Facebook account.

d. Report to the Guidance Counselor.

13. All of the following are primary concepts of action research EXCEPT ____.

a. It is a process, in which participants examine their own educational practice.

✅b. It has the potential to generate information and develop theories contributory to knowledge.

c. It focuses on immediate applications and emphasizes real problem in a local setting.

d. It is used by teachers, supervisors, and administrators to improve the quality of their decisions and

14. Which describes a research proposal?

I. It denotes future actions.

Il. It uses third person pronouns.

Ill. It reports the findings in the study.

IV. It states the plan of action of the researcher.

a. land IV

b. I only

✅c. I, Il and IV
d. Il and Ill

15. What form contains the per learner assessment of Body Mass Index?

a. School Form 10

b. School Form 2

c. School Form 6

✅d. School Form 8

16. Teacher Belle provides hands-on activities to her learners. She understands that these activities

a. develop self-esteem

b. promote independence

c. ensure teamwork and unity

✅d. let them enjoy and learn at the same time

17. Which is the culminating learning experience in the preparation of future teachers?

a. Action Research

b. Observations

✅c. Teaching Internship

d. Field Study

18. The following are advantages of demonstration classes. Which is not one of them?

a. It enables you to improve on your weakness.

✅b. It consumes time and causes expenses.

c. It leads to practical application of pedagogical theories.

d. It contributes to subject matter mastery.

19. Which of the following are the basis in determining the intended learning outcomes for Field Study?



III. CMO No. 74-80,82 s.2017

IV. LET Competencies

a. land Il

✅b. I. ll. Ill and IV

c. I, Il, and Ill

d. Ill only

20. Teacher Gabe wants to establish and maintain consistent standards of his learners' behavior. He
should do all EXCEPT ____.

a. give immediate feedback to reinforce appropriate behavior of learners

b. communicate and enforce school policies and procedures clearly and consistently

✅c. be open to exceptions each time a learner misbehaves in class

d. handle behavior problems promptly and with due respect to learner's rights

21. Which term refers to established ways of managing a classroom to ensure an organized and
systematic structure?

a. Positive Discipline

✅b. Classroom Management

c. Classroom Routine

d. Classroom Discipline

22. Sir Joseph is working on his action research. He briefs his respondents, reports and shares to his
school head his observations, findings, and conclusions. Which ethical practice does he apply?
a. Ethics of Hope

b. Ethics of Responsibility

c. Ethics of Caring

✅d. Ethics of Openness

23. A new teacher seeks your advice on the best time to establish classroom routines What will be your

a. During class discussion

✅b. At the start of the school year

c. At the end of the year

d. At the start of each class

24. What should be settled before you leave any school?

I. Forms required by the school

II. Financial matters

III. Papers and other requirements

a. Ill only

b. I only

✅c. I, Il and Ill

d. Il only

25. Ma'am Diana understands that learning is an active process. Which activity applies this principle?

✅a. She lets students learn to make an origami by making them follow the steps.

b. She teaches content from a multidisciplinary perspective.

c. She avoids drills which are out of context.

d. She groups students for projects, so project-making will become less expensive
26. As a practice teacher, why is it important for you to assist your Cooperating School in activities and
auxiliary services?

a. For you to get additional points

b. For you to help in the overall performance of the Cooperating School

c. For you to help lessen the task of your Cooperating Teacher

✅d. For you to immerse yourself in other teaching-related activities

27. What is the blueprint of the daily instructional activities of the teacher?

a. Learning Content

b. Learning Materials

c. Learning Resources

✅d. Learning Plan

28. What must be the primary consideration in preparing instructional materials?

✅a. the learners

b. the objectives

c. the learning contents

d. the cost

29. Which is the correct sequence of the phases of teaching internship?

I. Evaluation

II. Observation

III. Onsite Tasks

IV. Final Demonstration

V. Orientation Sessions
a. V-Il-Ill-IV-I

b. Orientation Sessions

✅c. Il-V-Ill-I-IV

d. V-Ill-Il-IV-I

e. V-Il-Ill-I-IV

30. In the conduct of action research, teacher-researchers become aware and critical of their practices
and are more prepared for innovations and improvements. With this in mind, which action research-
related process is referred to?

a. Pragmatism

b. Collaboration

✅c. Reflection

d. Inquiry

💛💜📍EXAMINATION: Formative 3 ProfEd

1. Teacher Aranas demonstrates how to work with math app that provides practice in adding mixed
fractions. The students then work independently with the app to provide them sufficient practice in
adding mixed fraction. This shows technology integration which is ____.

a. Transformation-active

✅b. Adoption-active

c. Entry-active

d. Infusion-active

2. Eye wink, waving of hands and nodding of head are examples of

a. Verbal communication

✅b. Gestures
c. Body language

d. Facial expression

3. Using the standardized test, a school can determine _____ in order to give final grades or certification.

a. Degree of mastery

✅b. End-of-school year achievement

c. Remedial measures for improvement

d. Long serious problem

4. In doing a research, which is needed to be more valid?

✅a. Factual evidences

b. Assumptions

c. Hypothesis

d. Conclusion

5. Teacher Carl, a Social Studies teacher, wants his Grade 7 students to express their opinions,
sentiments, and ideas regarding a certain government issue in the national level. Which of the following
can he BEST use to facilitate such?

✅a. Forum

b. Group messaging

c. E-mail

d. Blog

6. How are institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards over and above the minimum
requirement for state recognition?

a. Faculty development

✅b. Voluntary Accreditation

c. Scholastic achievement

d. Academic Freedom

7. Miss Gasat is planning technology integration in her science lesson on states of matter. She is applying
her pedagogical knowledge when she ___.

a. Researches further on plasma as another state of matter

b. Learn how to scan picture to include in her presentation

c. Studies how to attach a video to her audio-visual presentation

✅d. Looks into the characteristics and interests of the learners in order to choose activities that would
match them

8. Mr. Oliver is evaluating a website for his Literature class. He is making sure that factual pieces of
information found on the site are well documented and pictures and diagrams are properly labeled. He
is also checking that there are no misspelled words nor grammar errors. Which criterion is focusing on?

✅a. Accuracy

b. Clarity

c. Motivation

d. Appropriateness

9. Teacher Vanessa was assigned by her peer teacher to make a power point presentation to a large
combined class for the research paper of the drug use menace in school. The setting patterned that was
adopted effectively was

a. Circular pattern

b. Horseshoe pattern

✅c. Traditional pattern

d. Rectangular pattern
10. Under the 21st Century Life and Career Skills, which enables a person to respond to the change of

a. Social and Cross-Cultural skills

b. Productivity and Accountability

c. Leadership and Responsibility

✅d. Flexibility and Adaptability

11. Based on elements of the profession, can the taxi driver be considered a professional?

a. Yes, because there's such a term professional driver.

✅b. No, because a driving is not a college/university degree.

c. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of the taxi driver.

d. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest.

12. The subject matter is the ASEAN Qualifications Framework (AQRF). The Asian History teacher teams
up with the Economics teacher, the Professional Education teacher for a thorough discussion of AQRF
from the perspective of other disciplines. Which describes the Asian History teacher's pedagogical

✅a. Integrated

b. Constructivist

c. Reflective

d. Inquiry-Based

13. When you wanted to genuinely clarify and point relative to an issue under a discussion in a meeting,
what will you do as a teacher?

a. Oppose the other position

✅b. Politely request for recognition to clarify your point.

c. Just keep quiet to avoid opposition

d. Discuss with seatmates to gain support

14. Which rubric CANNOT provide specific feedback for improvement?

✅a. Holistic

b. General analytic

c. Analytic rubric

d. Developmental rubric

15. Which of the following would be the best choice if a teacher would like to focus on attitudinal

a. Dramatization

✅b. Role play

c. Field study

d. Simulation

16. The teacher who spends more than what is earned, thus becoming vulnerable to loan sharks lacks

✅a. Financial literacy

b. EcO-literacy

c. Media lIteracy

d. Cyberliteracy

17. Teacher Belinda avoids out-of-context drills. Instead she used real world problems for her students
to solve. Doing so makes Teacher Beth is ___ in approach.

a. Developmentally appropriate

b. Constructivist

c. Reflective
✅d. Inquiry-based

18. Teacher B wants to make use of simulated life condition suitable for animals and plants living on
land. Which does she use?

a. Poster

b. Aquarium

✅c. Terrarium

d. Model

19. Who coined the term “scaffolding"?

a. Pavlov

✅b. Bruner

c. Vygotsky

d. Piaget

20. The introduction of mother tongue as a subject and as a language of instruction is in support of ___

I. The preservation and promotion of Filipino culture heritage

II. The learning of English as second language

Ill. To improve learners’ performance

a. I and III

b. II and III

✅c. I, II and III

21. When a school believes that curriculum should highly focus on Math, Science and other fundamental
intellectual disciplines, this school believes in the curriculum view of ___.

a. John Dewey
b. Phillip Phenix

✅c. Arthur Bestor

d. Hollins Caswell

22. In order for the students to clearly understand the structure and content of the teacher's
presentation, the teachers should have?

✅a. A short preview

b. A short conclusion

c. A summary

d. Several years of experience as presenter

23. Teacher Clarence wanted her students to rate their own work using the scoring rubric which she
explained to the class before the students began with their task. Based on revised Bloom's taxonomy, in
which level of cognitive processing are the students?

a. Analyzing

✅b. Evaluating

c. Synthesizing

d. Applying

24. For meaningful teaching and learning, it is best to connect the lesson to the life of students by
integrating a relevant value in the lesson. Which principle is applied?

a. Share lesson objectives/ intended learning outcomes with students

✅b. Lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3 domains cognitive, skill and
affective or cognitive and affective or skill and affective.

c. Begin with the end in mind.

d. Write SMART lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes.

25. Outside the acceptable and effective ways with dealing of the disciplines is/are

a. Dialogue

b. Award merit

c. Verbal reinforces

✅d. Additional homework

26. How can you consider a person professional?

a. Skilled

✅b. Graduate of degree/University

c. Abide by his personal code of ethics

d. Having ethical competence

27. Which run against the Filipino family value of sacrifice?

a. Delayed satisfaction of desires

b. Tolerance of pain and mistakes

✅c. Inability to forgive

d. Willingness to forgive

28. Good readers make use of effective reading strategies. Which are examples effective reading

I. Predicting

I. Inferring

Ill. Summarizing

IV. Visualizing

a. l, III, IV

b. I, ll, Ill
✅c. I, II, IlI, IV

d. I, Ill, IV

29. In introducing new lesson, what is important to consider by way of lesson continuity?

a. Introduce new lesson.

b. Prepare the instructional materials

✅c. Relate past lesson to new lesson.

d. Prepare new audio visual

30. In the instructional process, as the teacher completes the instruction on the lesson, what serves as
the basis of new lesson?

a. Instructional tool

b. Appropriate methodology

✅c. New information

d. Knowledge base

31. For real-world application the teacher can apply

a. Demonstration

b. Simulation

c. Drills

✅d. Performance

32. Every Individual is a unique individual," adheres to what principle:

✅a. Individual Differences

b. Every person is unique

c. Each of us has uniqueness

d. We are born different

33. What is an OBE/OBTL practice in Teacher Algie's class?

a. Teacher Jing gave the answers

✅b. None at all

c. The seatwork

d. Students' correcting their own answers

34. Compared with evaluation which is subjective, testing students is more objective because it is based

a. class work

✅b. quantifiable data

c. human judgment

d. Homework

35. Which statement about student diversity is CORRECT

a. The less diversity the better for the teacher and students.

b. Student diversity is solely due to students varied culture.

c. Teachers should not accept diversity of students.

✅d. Teachers should value and accept diversity of students.

36. The more senses that are involved, the better the learning. What does this imply?

a. Use visual aids.

b. Use audio aids.

c. Use audio-visual aids.

✅d. Use multi-sensory aids.

37. Owing to issues in friendship, family ties, gender rights, etc. _____ is a value-rich subject that
provides a wide opportunity for value formation of learners.

a. Filipino

✅b. Social Science

c. Islamic Subject

d. English

38. What is the special program given to the students who can't read?

✅a. Reading program

b. Phonic program

c. Language program

d. Literary program

39. During problem solving method, the teacher's primary role is

a. Lecturer

✅b. Clarifier

c. Director

d. Judge

40. As an investigative tool, assessment can help discover various aspects of students learning but these
does not include ___.

a. what students can do

b. What learning gaps students have

✅c. What students expect to learn

d. What students already know

41. Which of the following processes usually comes first in developing curriculum?

a. Evaluating educational experiences

b. Organization of learning experiences

✅c. Identifying learning goals and objectives

d. Selection of educational content

42. If Teacher Algie develops lesson the OBTL way, What should she do?

a. Make students arrive at the answers.

b. Correct the seatwork.

✅c. Make students understand what they are expected to know and able to do after the lesson.

d. Make seatwork as homework.

43. This is my questioning behavior: I ask the question; I pause for a while then call on a student. Which
is this questioning practice?

✅a. Asking non-directed question

b. Asking for non-volunteers

c. Directing a question

d. Involving as many as possible

44. Which of the following best implements research - based learning?

✅a. Information data gathering

b. Intensive seat work

c. Power Point

d. Whole class discussion

45. In K to 12, how is the final grade per subject for grades 11 and 12 obtained?
a. Get the average of the grades for the 4 quarters

✅b. Get the average of the grades for the 2 quarters

c. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 2 semesters

d. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 4 semesters

46. Mr. Sevilla requires his class to conduct research, write a research report and defend the same
before a panel of experts. In which levels of processing will the students be engaged?

I. Retrieval

I. Comprehension

Ill. Analysis

IV. Knowledge utilization

a. Il, Ill and IV

✅b. I, Ill and IV

c. Ill and IV

d. I, Il, Ill and IV

47. Teacher Vanessa believes that students need not know the intended learning outcome of her lesson.
She proceeds to her learning activities at once without letting them know what they are supposed to
learn for the day. Which principle of learning does Teacher Vanessa negate?

a. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.

b. Learning process is an active process.

c. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

✅d. Effective learning begins with the setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.

48. Teacher Algie proceed to her lesson without stating the intended learning outcomes for the hour.
She asked her students to work on Seatwok # 3 found in the Math Workbook, pp.3-4. After 40 minutes,
the students corrected their own answers as Teacher Algie dictated the answer.What is the proof that
Professional Teachers demonstrate genuine desire for CPD?
a. Go through it because everyone else does

✅b. Do it even if it is not required

c. Go through it for promotion

d. Do as it is mandated

49. How is content validity best assessed in the assignment to illustrate the law of demand and supply?

a. Instances showing demand supplying demand

b. Diagram of demand and supply trend

✅c. Illustration of demand and supply flow

d. Correct definitions of demand and supply

50. Teacher Prince noticed that in group work, students just leave the work to the leader and so vowed
never to give group work again. Against which principle of learning is Teacher Prince's decision?

✅a. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

b. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.

c. Learning is an active process.

d. Effective learning begins With setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.

51. Which type of test measures students thinking organizing and written communication skills?

a. Short answer

✅b. Essay

c. Extemporaneous speech

d. Completion type

52. Teacher lah wants her pupils to display their work where each one has worked. What type of
portfolio is the Teacher lah expecting to see?
a. Evaluation

b. Assessment

c. Development

✅d. Showcase

53. Which test measure is basic to select and connect ideas?

a. Matching type

b. Multiple choice

c. Outlining

✅d. Mapping

54. Identify the characteristic that can make assessment difficult to apply, and therefore should be
avoided by teachers.

a. Provide interactive feedback on student performance

✅b. Discussing abstract concepts

c. Applying assessment contextuall

d. Setting definite variables as in rubrics

55. Teacher wants to evaluate the child writing performance at the beginning, middle and after school
year. Which type of portfolio should the teacher use?

a. Showcase portfolio

b. Assessment portfolio

✅c. Development portfolio

d. Evaluation portfolio

56. Miss Mary is preparing slides for her lesson demonstration; she remembers to supply the rule of six.
Most likely she will
a. Identify six important points to discuss and use about six minute to explain each point.

b. Limit her presentation to six with six sentences on each slide.

c. Include six paragraphs presented in six slides.

✅d. Have six lines on each slide with each line having not more than six words.

57. In his desire to finish the content of the course syllabus, Sir Janus just lectures while students listen.
Which principle of learning does Sir Janus violate?

a. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.

b. Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.

✅c. Learning is an active process.

d. Learning is the discovery if the personal meaning of ideas.

58. Which level of knowledge is manifested when a learner is able to answer the question, "What was
most confusing to me about the material explored in class today?"

a. Conceptual knowledge

b. Procedural knowledge

c. Factual knowledge

✅d. Metacognitive knowledge

59. Which is negatively skewed distribution?

✅a. More got high score

b. Even from left to right

c. More students are underachiever

d. More got low score

60. Which social service is available in the computer?

a. Wikipedia

✅b. Facebook

c. Google

d. I-pad

61. In classroom curriculum implementation, which is referred to as the "Green Flag"?

✅a. Student interest

b. Too much chalkboard talk

c. Rigid Movement

d. Content delivery blast

62. Which of the following provides open environment for discussing opinions without fear of being
wrong or ridiculed for an unpopular opinion?

a. Debate

b. Symposium

c. Committee

✅d. Buzz Session

63. It is a type of play in which children watch other children instead of playing with each other.

a. Parallel Play

b. Solitary Play

c. Associative Play

✅d. Onlooker Play

64. What does achievement test measure in previous learning?

✅a. Quality and quantity

b. Attitude and aptitude

c. Motivational level

d. Teaching coverage

65. Teacher Janus talked all period. He taught the class the steps to undertake in the conduct of an
action research. He also showed a poorly done action research. He explained why it is poorly done and
finally showed a model action research. Which teaching approach describes Teacher Janus' lesson
development? Was Teacher Janus' learner-centered?

a. Yes, he made things easy for the learners.

✅b. No, he was more subject matter-centered and teacher-centered.

c. No, because his subject matter was highly technical.

d. Yes, he taught for all learners.

66. Along Erickson's psychosocial theory, which statement is one of autonomy in early childhood?

✅a. I worry that my parents will find about them.

b. As I do things I fell I made a mistake.

c. I am apologetic about what I've done.

d. do things without worrying about them.

67. Once the grading period is done and all grades are recorded to whom the teacher will present the

a. Registrar

✅b. Students

c. Parent

d. Principal
68. In conducting item analysis, teacher Hazel found out that more on the lower group got item No. 6
correctly. This means that the item

a. Has a positive discriminating power

b. Is highly reliable

✅c. Has a negative discriminating power

d. Has lower validity

69. Which pillar of learning describes the phrase “Unity in Diversity"?

a. Learning to do

✅b. Learning to live together

c. Learning to know

d. Learning to be

70. A student got a numerical grade of 80. What is his descriptor for his level of proficiency?

✅a. Satisfactory

b. Fairly satisfactory

c. Very satisfactory

d. Did not meet expectation

71. If you are afraid to be different from the rest even if you are convinced that you are right makes you
far from being a/an

✅a. Existentialist

b. Pragmatist

c. Utilitarianist

d. Rationalist
72. How will you describe activities which involve questions and answers leading to discovery of an
answer or solution?

a. Interactive

b. Interdisciplinary

✅c. Integrative

d. Innovative

73. Which environment provides connecting schools where there's respect, support and communication

a. Healthy environment

b. Safe environment

c. Secure environment

✅d. Positive environment

74. Teacher Dhelia's lesson was on "what a man can do to arrest climate change." She made the
students do the talking, arguing and synthesizing. The lecture was made after the students' lively
discussion. To what approach did Teacher Dada use?

a. Teacher-centered approach

✅b. Student-centered approach

c. School-centered approach

d. Subject-centered approach

75. Which of these does NOT belong to the external factors that affect reading point of reference?

a. Peers

b. Financial reward

c. Parents

✅d. Enjoyment of reading

76. Teacher wants to test student's acquisition of declarative knowledge. Which test is the most

a. Essay

b. Performance test

c. Completion test

✅d. Short answer

77. Teacher Vel Marie said: "This is the rule on how to multiply fractions. To illustrate, let's give
examples." Then she gave fractions to the class for them to multiply. How did Teacher Vel Marie

✅a. Deductively

b. Inductively

c. Deductively then Inductively

d. Inductively then deductively

78. How can you get a mean of 86 if the total grade of 4 subjects is 85?

a. 85

✅b. 90

c. 83

d. 84

79. MOOCs are considered massive because ____

✅a. They can accommodate a big number of learners.

b. They need a big amount of computer storage to be able to avail of a course.

c. They can only be provided by big universities.

d. They were designed and created by a big group of experts.

80. Which promotes a healthy environment among schools?

I. Canteen selling all kinds of food including junk food

I. Comfort rooms are the same for boys and girls

Ill. Sanitary drinking fountain

IV. Safe playground

a. I only

✅b. Ill and IV

c. B. Il and Ill

d. I and IV

81. The class was taught how to conduct an action research and was required an end-of-the-term
written research report. The class was taught how to do the research report and was shown as an
Analytic Scoring Rubric for them to know how they will be graded. The class took the Scoring Rubric as
guide in the making of their research report. They were a motivated to pass an excellent research report
and as a group checked now and then if the were true to the qualities of an excellent research report as
seen in the scoring rubric. What form of assessment is described?

✅a. Assessment AS Learning

b. Assessment FOR Learning

c. Assessment FOR and AS Learning

d. Assessment OF Learning

82. What kind of learning does this Cyril Houle's quotation, "If you teach a person what to learn, you are
preparing that person for the past, if you teach the person how to learn, you are preparing them for the
future" mean?

a. Technology with learning

b. Learning with audio-visual

✅c. Metacognitive learning

d. Learning with graphs

83. Which instructional activities may serve to reflect the teacher's philosophy of teaching?

I. Setting of learning outcomes

I. Choice of teaching methods

Ill. Engaging in routine activities

✅a. I only

b. Il and Ill

c. land Il

d. land Ill

84. Assessment of learning is an ____ part of the teaching-learning process

✅a. Integral

b. Enrichment

c. Auxiliary

d. Add on

85. These are the criteria to reduce error in judging test content, sampling and procedures for tests

a. Usability

b. Reliability

✅c. Predictability

d. Validity

86. Apart from a quantifiable data, what else can be used as basis for grading?

✅a. Performance criterion

b. Values criterion

c. Acceptance criterion

d. Criterion rubrics

87. Which characteristics are necessary to be able to adapt to current demands of teaching using digital

I. Openness to learn

II. Positive attitude

Ill. Curiosity

IV. Perseverance

b. I, Il, Ill and IV

c. I only

✅d. Il and IV

e. | and Il

88. The school conducted a general student election for the Supreme Student Council. The election is
patterned after the COMELEC system. The school is using what kind of technique?

a. Dramatization

b. Symposium

✅c. Simulation

d. Panel discussion

89. Teacher Algie proceed to her lesson without stating the intended learning outcomes for the hour.
She asked her students to work on Seatwok # 3 found in the Math Workbook, pp. 3-4. After 40 minutes,
the students corrected their own answers as Teacher Algie dictated the answer. What is the nursery of
the states

✅a. School
b. Home

c. Convents

d. Hospital

90. Implementation means putting into practice the experiences which has been written in all except

a. Syllabi

✅b. Internet resource sites

c. Course outline

d. Curriculum guides

91. The teacher published the following researches, books, materials, manuals and other instructional

a. Evaluator

b. Innovator

✅c. Writer

d. Planner

92. This is the time the teacher actually spends in the classroom giving instruction by various means.

✅a. Teaching time

b. Academic learning time

c. Allocated time

d. Mandated time

93. What material is best to use if intended material is not available?

✅a. Improvised material

b. Supplementary material

c. Digital material

d. Audio-visual material

94. How does a novice learner acquire information?

✅a. All of the information

b. Selected information

c. Meaningful information

d. Important information

95. A student passes a book report poorly written but ornately presented in a folder to make up for the
poor quality of book report content. Which Filipino traits does this practice prove?

✅a. “Porma" over substance

b. Substance over “Porma"

c. Art over Science

d. Arts over academics

96. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is metacognition. What does METACOGNITION mean?

a. Ability to analyze and synthesize

b. Ability to recall and explain

✅c. Ability to identify one's own thinking process and strategies

d. Ability to problem solving

97. In K-12, does quarterly assessment have equal percentage weight for all tracks in Grade 11 and 12?

a. Yes

b. Yes for academic track subjects

c. No for academic track subjects

✅d. No

98. The teacher would like to focus on WELLNESS" which needs to be developed among individual
learners and so she gives focus on ____.

a. Pleasure values

✅b. Vital values

c. Spiritual values

d. Holy values

99. Teacher Rey shared this lesson objective/learning outcome with her students: “Before the period
ends, all of you must be able to identify the topic sentence and supporting sentences of a given
paragraph." Teacher Rey drilled them on subject-verb agreement to ensure that they can write a good
paragraph then gave a ten-sentence paragraph for the students to determine subject-verb agreement
before the class period ended. Did Teacher Rey use the lesson objective/learning outcome as guide in
the development of her lesson? Message

a. Yes.

b. Very much, because she made use of a ten-sentence paragraph for the end-of-the-period quiz

✅c. No,

d. A little, because subject-verb agreement is a must in paragraph writing

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