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Answer the following questions:
1.Name the national festivals of India?
Ans: The national festivals of India are:
Independence Day
Republic Day
Gandhi Jayanthi

2.What do you understand by India with its rich heritage

of diversity?
Ans: India is a country with a rich heritage of
diversity. People in India belongs to various religions,
speak different language, wear different types of
clothes, eat different kinds of food etc. However
despite of all this, we unite together as Indians. We
share the same national symbols, national virtues and

3.Give one way in which Kerala and Ladakh are

Ans: Kerala is famous for its spices and Ladakh is
famous for its wool.

4.What is Ladakh known as?

Ans : Ladakh is also known as little Tibet.
5.Mention the different religions practiced in Kerala?
Ans: The different religions practised in Kerala are:
Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism.

6.India’s diversity has always recognised as a source of

its strength. Explain.
Ans: India’s diversity has always recognised as a
source of its strength. When our country was
struggling against the British rule, people from
different cultural, religious and regional backgrounds
came forward together to oppose the British rule in
India. Although Indians were different in their culture
and tradition, they worked together to decide joined
actions, they went to jail together and found so many
ways to oppose the British rule. So our diversity is our
strength too.

7.How are history and geography tied in the cultural life

of a region? Explain with example.
Ans: Kerala and Ladakh are quite different in terms of
their geographical features. It was the geography of
Kerala which made the possibility of spice cultivation
there and similarly Ladakh flourished in the business
of wool.
The history of both regions has been affected with
similar cultural influence. Both the regions were
influenced by Chinese and Arab traders.
Thus we can say that the history and geography are
often tied in the cultural life of a region.

8.What does diversity add to our lives?

Ans: Diversity is observed in religious functions, in
festival, in language etc. It teaches us to live and adjust
ourselves in a broad society. We learn how to respect
all human beings despite of any difference and it
makes us tolerant.

9.Differentiate the two states Kerala and Ladakh.

1.Kerala is a coastal 1.Ladakh is a desert in
region. the mountains in the
2.The fertile land and eastern part of
climate is suitable Jammu and Kasmir.
for farming. 2.People here keep
3.Majority of people sheep, goats, cows
in Kerala eats rice, etc for their living.
fish and vegetables. 3.They eat meat
4.They prefer to and milk products.
wear cotton clothes. 4.They wear
5.Usually people woollen clothes.
are engaged in 5.The people rear
fishing sheep for its wool.
and farming. 6.It is famous for
6.It is famous for pashmina shawls.
its spices.

10. Write a short note on the culture and tradition of

your own native state.
a.Geographical features
Ans: do by yourself

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