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Application of PDF methods to compressible turbulent flows

B. J. Delaruea) and S. B. Pope

Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853
~Received 30 September 1996; accepted 13 May 1997!
A particle method applying the probability density function ~PDF! approach to turbulent
compressible flows is presented. The method is applied to several turbulent flows, including the
compressible mixing layer, and good agreement is obtained with experimental data. The PDF
equation is solved using a Lagrangian/Monte Carlo method. To accurately account for the effects of
compressibility on the flow, the velocity PDF formulation is extended to include thermodynamic
variables such as the pressure and the internal energy. The mean pressure, the determination of
which has been the object of active research over the last few years, is obtained directly from the
particle properties. It is therefore not necessary to link the PDF solver with a finite-volume type
solver. The stochastic differential equations ~SDE! which model the evolution of particle properties
are based on existing second-order closures for compressible turbulence, limited in application to
low turbulent Mach number flows. Tests are conducted in decaying isotropic turbulence to compare
the performances of the PDF method with the Reynolds-stress closures from which it is derived, and
in homogeneous shear flows, at which stage comparison with direct numerical simulation ~DNS!
data is conducted. The model is then applied to the plane compressible mixing layer, reproducing
the well-known decrease in the spreading rate with increasing compressibility. It must be
emphasized that the goal of this paper is not as much to assess the performance of models of
compressibility effects, as it is to present an innovative and consistent PDF formulation designed for
turbulent inhomogeneous compressible flows, with the aim of extending it further to deal with
supersonic reacting flows. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. @S1070-6631~97!01709-1#

I. INTRODUCTION ties such as the mean pressure, to flows with weak pressure
Over the past few years, renewed interest in supersonic Only recently have PDF methods been applied to flows
aircraft and high-speed combustion has emphasized the need with pressure-induced density variations,25–27 requiring in
for research in the field of compressible turbulence. Impor- general ~except reference 27! coupling with a finite-volume
tant theoretical results have been established and reviewed,1 solver of some kind. The problem of determining the mean
allowing a better understanding of the complex phenomena pressure directly from the particle properties ~i.e., without a
involved in compressible turbulence. Extensive experimental finite-volume solver! is closely related to the difficulties en-
work has been conducted, especially in the case of the plane countered in trying to extend PDF formulation to complex
compressible mixing layer.2–9 In the turbulence modelling compressible flows.
community, the limitations of existing incompressible turbu- The objective of the present work is to extend the exist-
lence models have been established.10 Second-order closures ing PDF models to compressible reacting flows with arbi-
have been designed to represent explicit compressibility ef- trary pressure gradients, with the aim of developing a stand-
fects, such as the compressible dissipation and the pressure– alone method to solve for the joint PDF of all relevant flow
dilatation correlation.11–18 The need for future research, in variables, including the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic
both understanding and modelling the effects of compress- energy, without coupling with a pressure algorithm. By do-
ibility on turbulence, has been clearly established.10,19 ing so we hope to exploit fully, in a simple and computation-
For flows involving combustion, probability density ally efficient way, the remarkable potential offered by PDF
function ~PDF! methods have demonstrated their ability to methods to solve for complex turbulent reacting flows.
treat the important processes of reaction and convection For the definition of the method, henceforth, we restrict
exactly,20 making transport and reaction models used in or- ourselves to nonreacting flows. It is believed, however, that
dinary PDE solvers unnecessary. The modelled transport extension of the method to account for the reaction will be
equation for the joint PDF of velocity and composition has straightforward. The method has been successfully imple-
been successfully solved, using sets of stochastic particles mented for homogeneous compressible flows ~hence it deals
with time-evolving properties to model fluid particles.21,22 with unsteady flows without coupling with a finite-volume
Recent works include the development of models for the solver, a feature displayed only by recent work using
velocity-dissipation joint PDF.23,24 However, the majority of smoothed particle hydrodynamics27!, and statistically station-
applications is limited to low Mach number flows and, with- ary inhomogeneous flows. A unique feature of the method is
out coupling to a finite-volume type solver to obtain quanti- the inclusion in the joint PDF of two extra thermodynamic
variables, namely the pressure and the internal energy.
Present address: Electricité de France, Laboratoire National d’Hydraulique, Hence, all statistics of the flow, including the mean pressure,
78401 Chatou, France. can be determined directly from the particle properties. A

2704 Phys. Fluids 9 (9), September 1997 1070-6631/97/9(9)/2704/12/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics

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finite-volume type solver is therefore unnecessary. In addi- where « s 5 n ^ v i8 v i8 & is the standard solenoidal dissipation,
tion, models have been derived from existing Reynolds stress 8 2 & is the so-called dilatation dissipation,
and « d 54/3n ^ u i,i
closures to account for the compressible dissipation and the which is clearly zero in incompressible flows, and strictly
pressure–dilatation correlation. positive in compressible flows, thus amounting to extra dis-
In section II we review some general effects of com- sipation. We see that in ~1! three explicit terms arising from
pressibility on turbulent flows, as well as second-order clo- compressibility need to be modelled: « d , P d , and the last
sures from which our PDF formulation is inspired. It is em- term, which arises because the Reynolds averages ^ u i9 & of
phasized that the purpose of this work is neither to develop Favre fluctuations are nonzero. The last term is probably
new models for compressibility effects on turbulence, nor to very small in flows without large pressure gradients and
test existing models, but to develop an innovative and con- away from walls. We therefore choose to neglect it. We
sistent PDF formulation designed for high-speed combus- need, however, to model the other two.
tion. In section III we detail the PDF formulation which is For the dilatation dissipation, we use the model of Sarkar
the object of this work, summarizing briefly the general idea et al.11 relating « d to « s in the following way:
behind PDF methods, then defining our stochastic variables
and the corresponding stochastic differential equations « d 5C d M 2t « s , ~2!
~SDE!. In section IV we present results for homogeneous where M 2t 52k/ ã 2 is the turbulent Mach number squared, ã
flows. In section V, we extend the model to inhomogeneous being the mean speed of sound. This model was developed
flows. At this point a comparison is made between model for M t !1. The constant C d is of order 1. Equation ~2! relates
results and experimental data in the supersonic mixing layer the dilatation dissipation to the solenoidal dissipation. It has
case. been argued11,14 that the energy cascade responsible for the
latter is moderately affected by compressibility, therefore
II. MODELS FOR THE EFFECTS OF standard incompressible models for the solenoidal dissipa-
COMPRESSIBILITY ON TURBULENCE tion can be used in the present situation.
In compressible reacting flows, density variations arise For the pressure dilatation, we use Zeman’s model,15
because of variations in chemical composition, and of tem- which can be summarized in the following two equations:
perature and pressure fluctuations. While all these effects
1 D ^ p 82&
contribute to create nonzero dilatation rates, only the latter P d 52 , ~3!
are termed compressibility effects. In the following discus- 2 g ^ p & Dt
sion, we consider an inert flow and therefore ignore the ef- D ^ p 82& ^ p 8 2 & 2 p 2e
fects of a chemical reaction on the density. 52 . ~4!
Consider the equation for turbulent kinetic energy in Dt ta
compressible flow: The first equation is valid in homogeneous turbulence for

5T1 P1P d 2 ^ r & «2 ^ u 9i &
]xi S M t !1, and for high Reynolds and Péclet numbers. The sec-
ond equation is fully modelled, relying on the results of
Sarkar et al.,11,28 and stating that pressure variance relaxes to

] ^t i j&
]x j D, ~1!
an equilibrium level p e on the acoustic time scale t a . These
two model quantities are defined in Zeman.15 The pressure–
dilatation is expected to be important in nonequilibrium
where flows, namely in flows with a strong dependence on initial

] 1
]xi 2S u 9j u 9j u i9 1 ^ p 8 u i9 & 2 ^ u 9j t 8i j &
^r&˜ D conditions, for instance decaying isotropic turbulence. It is
expected to be of lesser importance in equilibrium flows, for
instance most free shear flows without shocks. To date, most
is the transport term, models for P d 12,15,16 are restricted to weakly inhomogeneous
] Ũ i The models for both « d and P d are restricted to flows
i9 u 9j
P52 ^ r & u˜
]x j with M t !1. In our calculations, for example, in mixing lay-
is the production term, ers with free stream Mach numbers as high as 6.5, we never

encountered values of M t above 0.5, which has been consid-
] u 8i ered to fall within the range of applicability of these models.
P d5 p 8
]xi The above discussion is centered exclusively on model-
ling from the point of view of the turbulent kinetic energy
is the trace of the pressure-rate of strain correlation, also
equation, and not from the Reynolds stresses equation. The
called pressure dilatation, and « is the viscous dissipation. In
models we have chosen will affect the turbulence in an iso-
~1!, the brackets correspond to Reynolds averages and the
tropic manner. Though it is known at this point19,10 that com-
primes to fluctuations about these averages, while the tildes
pressibility also, and probably chiefly, affects the turbulence
and double primes stand for Favre averages and fluctuations,
by modifying the deviatoric pressure-rate of strain correla-
respectively. It has been shown11,14 that the viscous dissipa-
tion so that the redistribution of energy does not function as
tion can be split into two terms:
well when the compressibility level is high, resulting in in-
«5« s 1« d , creased anisotropies in the normal stresses and decreased an-

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 9, September 1997 B. J. Delarue and S. B. Pope 2705

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isotropy in the shear stresses,19 we have chosen not to and pressure fluxes are all in closed form and hence the
modify our incompressible models for the pressure-rate of equations for the thermodynamic variables require no addi-
strain correlation. As of yet, no general model is available for tional models.
this term, and it is still the object of ongoing research. Fur-
thermore, the above models — in particular the dilatation III. THE PDF FORMULATION
dissipation model — have been shown to reproduce well-
A. The Eulerian mass–density function
known compressibility effects on turbulence such as the de-
crease in the spreading rate of a mixing layer when com- In a turbulent compressible flow, we may look at the
pressibility increases.29 It must be said, however, that recent flow properties U, v ~turbulent frequency!, e, and p at any
results show that the decrease in the growth rate comes fixed location x and time t as random variables. If we denote
mainly from the pressure-rate of strain correlation.30 It is the sample space variables associated with these random
therefore necessary to keep in mind that the models we are flow variables with a hat ( ˆ ), we define the one-point Eule-
using may not be valid for a wide variety of flows, and may rian mass–density function F as
not be representing the dominant physical effects of com-
pressibility on turbulence. Let us emphasize at this point, F ~ Û, v̂ ,ê,p̂;x,t ! 5 r ~ ê,p̂ ! ^ d ~ U ~ x,t ! 2Û ! d ~ v ~ x,t !
however, that the emphasis of this work is not on modelling,
2 v̂ ! d ~ e ~ x,t ! 2ê ! d ~ p ~ x,t ! 2p̂ ! & .
but on extending the domain of applicability of PDF methods
to compressible flows. As better models are developed for ~7!
the effects of compressibility on turbulence, it will be In this definition d is the Dirac delta function.
straightforward to incorporate them in our PDF formulation. Statistics of the flow are computed with the moments of
To complete this section, we need to discuss the equa- F . Three important properties of F are
tions for the two thermodynamic variables necessary to de-
scribe the state of the fluid. The continuity equation plays a
different role in PDF/Monte Carlo methods than in second-
E F dÛd v̂ d p̂dê5 ^ r ~ x,t ! & , ~8!

order closure methods. Its satisfaction is a requirement if the
particle ensemble — introduced in the next section — is to F Q * ~ Û, v̂ ,p̂,ê ! dÛd v̂ d p̂dê5 ^ r ~ x,t ! Q ~ x,t ! &
be a consistent representation of the fluid,20 and not a means
for obtaining the fluid density if the velocity field is known. 5 ^ r & Q̃, ~9!
Therefore we do need two thermodynamic variables, both
different from the density, to describe the flow. For reasons
that will be given in the next section, we choose the pressure, E F ^ Q u Û, v̂ ,ê,p̂ & dÛd v̂ d p̂dê5 ^ r & Q̃. ~10!
p, and the specific internal energy, e.
In the above system Q * is any function of the flow variables
The evolution equations for the means, ^ p & and ẽ , can U, v , e, p, and Q5Q(x,t) is defined as
be derived from the first law of thermodynamics and the
equation of state for an ideal gas. They are Q ~ x,t ! 5Q * ~ U ~ x,t ! , v ~ x,t ! ,e ~ x,t ! ,p ~ x,t !! .
If in eq. ~9! we replace Q * by Q * / r , we see that the inte-
]^p& ]^p& gration over the sample space yields the Reynolds average,
1 ^ U i& 5 ^ r & ~ g 21 ! «2 g ^ p &^ D & 2 ~ g 21 ! P d
]t ]xi instead of the Favre average:

] ^ p 8 u 8i &
, ~5! E F
r ~ ê,p̂ !
Q * ~ Û, v̂ ,p̂,ê ! dÛd v̂ d p̂dê5 K L
rQ 5^Q&.

Therefore, knowing F we can switch freely between Favre

] ẽ ] ẽ i9 e 9
] ^ r & u˜
and Reynolds averages. Hence, as alluded to in the previous
^r& 1^r&U
˜i 5 ^ r & «2 ^ p &^ D & 2P d 2 .
]t ]xi ]xi section, no modelling of the mass fluxes is necessary.
B. Particle representation
The fluid is an ideal gas, g being the ratio of specific heats,
and D5U i,i is the dilatation rate. In the above equations, we In a Monte Carlo simulation of a flow with constant total
neglected terms corresponding to molecular heat flux and mass M , F is represented by an ensemble of N stochastic
mean viscous stress, both of which will be negligible in the particles, each of mass Dm5M /N, which model fluid par-
flows of interest in this paper. The turbulent pressure fluxes ticles. The assumption of constant total mass does not affect
in ~5! and energy fluxes in ~6! are unclosed. In addition, we the generality of the following analysis. In an actual numeri-
need to determine the Reynolds average of the dilatation rate cal implementation, both the particle number N and the par-
D. In second-order closure methods, the mean velocity equa- ticle mass Dm are allowed to vary, but taking this into ac-
tions only involve Favre averages of the velocity, and it is count at this point would make the analysis unnecessarily
necessary to model the turbulent mass fluxes ^ r 8 u i8 & to complicated.
switch between Favre and Reynolds averaging. Using the In our representation, each stochastic particle i has a
PDF formulation detailed in the next section, no modelling position x (i) , a velocity U (i) , a turbulent frequency v (i) , a
effort is required in this respect. The turbulent mass, energy, pressure p (i) , and a specific internal energy e (i) . All these

2706 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 9, September 1997 B. J. Delarue and S. B. Pope

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properties depend only on time t, and evolve according to Therefore d v * is known if d p * and de * are known. Equa-
modelled evolution equations. The discrete Lagrangian tion ~16!, as was stated above, is derived from the first law of
mass–density function is defined as thermodynamics: the first term on the right-hand side is the
N heat added through dissipative work, and the second term is
F N ~ Û, v̂ ,ê,p̂,x;t ! 5Dm ( d ~ U ~ i !2Û ! d ~ v ~ i !2 v̂ !
the pressure work.
The dissipation « is equal to kV(11C d M 2t ), where V is
a quantity derived from the turbulent frequency v * . More
3 d ~ e ~ i ! 2ê ! d ~ p ~ i ! 2p̂ ! d ~ x ~ i ! 2x ! . detail on V is to be found in Jayesh and Pope,31 and the
~11! evolution equation for v * is given at the end of this section.
No model is incorporated in eq. ~16! to account for molecu-
The moments of F N give the statistics of particle prop- lar transport. We are restricting our analysis to flows with
erties. We require these to model statistics of the flow. high Reynolds and Péclet numbers.
Each stochastic particle is supposed, at the location The pressure equation is fully modelled. We write it in a
which it is occupying, to represent a single realization of the general form:
flow. Therefore all particles are statistically equivalent, and
we can define the particle mass–density q as d p * 5 p * ~ Adt1BdW ! . ~18!
We see that this SDE involves a Wiener process W(t),
q5Dm ( ^ d ~ x ~ i !2x ! & 5M ^ d ~ x * 2x ! & ,
~12! which has the following properties:

where x * is the position of any stochastic particle in 1,...,N. ^ dW & 50,

This quantity is analogous to the fluid density r .
^ dW 2 & 5dt.
For the particle system to be a valid representation of the
flow, we require the correspondence For a more exhaustive review of the properties of the Wiener
process, see Pope.20 The two model coefficients A and B are
f̃ 5 ^ F N & /q, ~13! given by

where f̃ 5F / ^ r & is the Eulerian density-weighted joint PDF
« B2 1 ] ^ U i&
of fluid properties. This expression implies that the mean of A5 1 11 2 g 1 ~ g 21 ! V A ~ p * 2 ^ p & ! ,
a particle property conditional upon the particle location, ob- e* 2 g ]xi
tained by computing the moments of ^ F N & /q, is equal to the ~19!
Favre average of the corresponding fluid property at that lo-
p 2e 1 1 1
cation. Or, if a (x,t) is a fluid property, and a * (t) the cor- B 25 . ~20!
responding stochastic particle property, then we have t a u ~ ^ r & ã ! ẽ

^ a * u x & 5 a ~ x̃,t ! , ~14! In the above equations, V A , p e , and t a are given by

Zeman15 and u 512 g 21 .
where the left-hand side is an abbreviation for the condi-
The coefficients A and B in ~19! and ~20! are determined
tional expectation ^ a * (t) u x * (t)5x & .
so that the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) the
specific volume v * satisfies, in the mean, the mean continu-
ity equation, and (ii) the pressure dilatation correlation has
C. Evolution equations for the particle properties the same form as in Zeman’s model,15 obtained by combin-
In this section we give the evolution equations for all ing eqs. ~3! and ~4!:
particle properties x * , e * , p * , U * , and v * . These are writ-
^ p 8 2 & 2 p 2e
ten as stochastic differential equations ~SDE! in which P d5 . ~21!
d a * 5d a * (t) denotes the infinitesimal increment 2 t a ^ r & ã 2
a * (t1dt)2 a * (t) for any stochastic particle property a * .
This amounts to having the pressure variance evolve accord-
The particles model fluid particles, and hence move with
ing to eq. ~4!, to first order in M 2t and in homogeneous flows.
their own velocity:
However, in arbitrary flows, as we will see, the PDF pressure
dx * 5U * dt. ~15! variance equation is quite different, but the expression for
P d is still eq. ~21!.
The internal energy evolves according to the first law of
The form of Zeman’s model for the pressure–dilatation
is quite complicated. If a simpler, algebraic model such as
de * 5«dt2p * d v * . ~16! Sarkar’s12 were to be used, the expressions for A and B
would also become simpler. In the most general case, if f d is
In the above equation, v * refers to the specific volume of the the function of known flow statistics which gives the
stochastic particle, related to e * and p * through the equation pressure–dilatation, then we can rewrite A as
of state, which for an ideal gas with constant specific heats
reads as « ] ^ U i& fd
A5 2g 2g ~ p *2 ^ p & !,
p * v * 5 ~ g 21 ! e * . ~17! e* ]xi ^ r &^ p 8 2 &

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 9, September 1997 B. J. Delarue and S. B. Pope 2707

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and B can be taken to be zero. These modifications are valid according to Zeman’s model in both cases, and the turbulent
for any function f d , including eq. ~21!. In the special case pressure and energy fluxes in closed form. The modelled
where the expression for this function contains terms which turbulent kinetic energy equation reads as

are always negative — such as the term in p e in Zeman’s
]k ]k ] 1
model — these terms will be preferably incorporated in B, ^r& 1 ^ r & Ũ i 52 9j u 9j u 9i
^ r & u˜
resulting in a nonzero value for this model coefficient. This ]t ]xi ]xi 2
is the approach taken in this paper. If, however, none of the
] Ũ j
terms in f d is consistently negative, as is the case in Sarkar’s 9i u 9j
2 ^ r & u˜ 1P d 2 ^ r & «.
model, B has to be zero, and A has to be given by the above ]xi
expression. (24)
A unique feature of this formulation is that averaging of As we can see, the only terms that are not accounted for in
the pressure work p * d v * over the stochastic particles yields this equation, let alone the terms we decided to neglect in the
the pressure dilatation correlation in closed form. The PDF first section, are the pressure and viscous transport terms.
formulation preserves the physical meaning of P d as the Finally, the modelled pressure variance equation reads as

mean of the fluctuating pressure work p 8 d v 8 . Hence, once
the evolution equations for p * and e * are specified, no ad- 1 1
] ^ p 82& ] ^ p 82&
ditional modelling is required to obtain the pressure dilata- 2 2
1 ^ U i&
tion. ]t ]xi
There is a variety of ways to select the two thermody-
namic variables needed to describe the state of the fluid.32,33 ]^p& 1 ]
52 g ^ p 8 2 &^ D & 2 ^ p 8 u 8i & 2 ^ p 8 2 u 8i &
The choice of e and p is advantageous for the following ]xi 2 ]xi
reasons. There is a straightforward correspondence between
the specific internal energy and the temperature in reacting p 8,
2 g ^ p & P d 1 ^ r & ~ g 21 ! « ˜ ~25!
flows, and the evolution equation for e * can be derived from which we can compare with the true pressure variance evo-
simple physical principles. The choice of p allows us to con- lution equation:1

trol the pressure variance ^ p 8 2 & so that it evolves according
1 1
to ~4! in homogeneous turbulence and for low M t , and there- ] ^ p 82& ] ^ p 82&
fore to represent the energy associated with pressure fluctua- 2 2
1 ^ U i&
tions in compressible flow in the same way as Zeman’s ]t ]xi
model represents it.
]^p& 1 ]
The velocity evolves according to the simplified Lange- 52 g ^ p 8 2 &^ D & 2 ^ p 8 u 8i & 2 ^ p 8 2 u 8i &
vin model,34 modified to account for the presence of P d in ]xi 2 ]xi
the turbulent kinetic energy equation: 2 g 21
2 g ^ p & P d2 ^ p 82D 8& . ~26!

1 ]^p& 1 Pd 3
i 52
dU * dt1 2« 11 C 0 ~U* As alluded to earlier, our model equation ~25! is more com-
^r& ]xi 2k ^ r & 2 i
plete than eq. ~4! in inhomogeneous flows. It is very close to
2Ũ i ! dt1 ~ C 0 « ! 1/2dW i . ~22! eq. ~26! ~in which we omitted terms coming from molecular
transport!. The only difference lies in the last term of each
Accounts of the performance of this model can be found in equation, which we will prove to be negligible in ~25!, and
Pope.35 The value of the model constant C 0 is 2.1. which scales like M 2t ^ p & P d in ~26!, and is therefore negli-
Finally, the turbulent frequency evolves according to the gible compared to the ^ p & P d term. For the sake of clarity,
model equation of Jayesh and Pope:31 we omitted in ~25! terms of order M 2t or higher which we
already know to be negligible.
d v * 52 ~ v * 2 ṽ ! C 3 Vdt2 ṽv * S v dt IV. IMPLEMENTATION IN HOMOGENEOUS
1 ~ 2 s 2 ṽv * C 3 V ! 1/2dW. ~23!
A. Decaying isotropic turbulence
Details on the model and a brief review of its performance The purpose of this section is to compare the perfor-
can be found in Jayesh and Pope.31 mances of our formulation to those of a classical Reynolds
The stochastic differential equations detailed above stress closure using Zeman’s and Sarkar’s models. The only
@~15!, ~16!, ~18!, ~22!, and ~23!# yield an evolution equation difference between PDF and second-order closure, in homo-
for F N /q with no unclosed terms, which constitutes a model geneous isotropic turbulence, is that the pressure–dilatation
for the evolution equation of the one-point density-weighted P d is related to ^ p 8 2 & by eq. ~3! in the latter case, whereas it
joint PDF f̃ . The equations for the moments of F N /q con- is obtained through direct averaging of p * d v * in the former
stitute model equations for the corresponding moments of f̃ . case. Since, as was said before, the model has been designed
For instance, the evolution equation for ^ e * u x & is strictly so as to have the same expression for P d @eq. ~21!# in both
identical to ~6!, and the evolution equation for cases, we need to check that ^ p 8 2 & also has the same value,
^ p & 5 ^ p * v * u x & / ^ v * u x & is identical to ~5!, with P d modelled or that the last term in eq. ~25! is small compared to P d — in

2708 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 9, September 1997 B. J. Delarue and S. B. Pope

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FIG. 1. Turbulent Mach number and normalized pressure variance versus FIG. 2. Turbulent Mach number and normalized pressure variance versus
time for the initial level of pressure fluctuations P 0 50.05 and various val- time for the initial turbulent Mach number M to 50.05 and various values of
ues of the initial turbulent Mach number M to . the initial level of pressure fluctuations P 0 .

which case the evolution equations ~4! and ~25! will be vir-
tually identical. Our results ~Figs. 1 and 2! show that the data by Sarkar et al.13 Though this reference contains seven
agreement between the values of the pressure variance and different run conditions, there is only one set of initial con-
other statistics of the flow ~here M t ) in both methods is ditions consistent with our modelling assumptions.
excellent. Our method therefore provides an excellent PDF Figure 4 shows a reasonable agreement with the data.
equivalent of a Reynolds-stress closure incorporating Zem- These results are to be considered with much care, consider-
an’s and Sarkar’s models. ing the limitations mentioned in section II. In particular, the
Figure 3 shows that the Favre and Reynolds averages reduction in the shear stress anisotropy which leads to a re-
can both be obtained with our method. Even in this case
there is a significant difference between both quantities ~dis-
played here for the specific internal energy, which is propor-
tional to the temperature!.
Decaying turbulence exhibits a strong dependence on
initial conditions. For our problem, initial conditions depend
upon two parameters only, because the initial level of density
fluctuations is set to zero: the initial turbulent Mach number
M t0 , and the initial level of pressure fluctuations P 0 . Figure
1 corresponds to low P 0 and high M t0 , figure 2 to the op-
posite situation. In both situations we observe a rapid ex-
change between pressure fluctuations and kinetic energy on
the acoustic time scale t a , due to P d , followed by viscous
decay of the turbulence.

B. Homogeneous shear flow

In this section, the mean shear S5Ũ 1,2 has a constant FIG. 3. Reynolds versus Favre averaged temperatures, in the case M to 50.5,
value set to (Sk/« s ) 0 57.2. We compare our results to DNS P 0 50.05.

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 9, September 1997 B. J. Delarue and S. B. Pope 2709

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where ^ p & is the mean pressure field, defined at grid points
throughout the domain, and obtained using a separate algo-
rithm. Hence our PDF formulation is implemented in the
framework of a so-called particle-mesh method. At this point
it is important to note that the method described below to
obtain the pressure is not a full Navier–Stokes solver. It is
based on the solution of an elliptic equation for the pressure
on a given grid, using information supplied by the set of
stochastic particles. Other statistics, for example, the mean
velocity, are not solved for in the same way, but are averaged
over the individual stochastic particle properties.
The evolution equation for p 8 * is derived from eq. ~18!:

d p 8 * 5d p * 2U * •¹ ^ p & dt, ~27!

FIG. 4. Turbulent kinetic energy versus normalized time. M to 50.3, where d p * is given by eq. ~18!. The average of the pressure
P 0 50.005. Solid line, PDF results based on Sarkar’s model for « d . Dashed fluctuations evolving according to ~27! is zero in steady
line, PDF results based on Ristorcelli’s model for « d . flows. The evolution equation for ^ p 8 2 & is not modified. The
sole difference between this approach and the approach de-
tailed in the previous sections is that the mean pressure ^ p &
duced production19 is not accounted for. The good agreement is obtained by a pressure algorithm which makes it possible
of fig. 4 is therefore attributable in part to an excessive dis- to filter out the statistical error. The resulting pressure field
sipation. However, since we aim to reproduce basic effects does, however, obey the steady-state version of eq. ~5!.
of compressibility such as the decreased growth rate of a To obtain the mean pressure, we base our approach on
compressible mixing layer, it is important that our model the steady-state mean continuity equation:
yields the correct evolution for the turbulent kinetic energy.
We also implemented a model by Ristorcelli17 for the ¹• ^ r U & 50. ~28!
compressible dissipation « d , which yields a better agree-
The idea of the algorithm is to correct the mean pressure ^ p &
ment. We nevertheless decided to retain the Sarkar et al.
at each time step dt and at each grid point by an amount
model11 in the following sections.
d ^ p & so that ~28! is satisfied at all times. The pressure cor-
rection brings about a density correction d r ~which we
V. INHOMOGENEOUS FLOWS: THE COMPRESSIBLE specify to take place at a constant specific energy!, and a
PLANE MIXING LAYER velocity correction d U. These corrections are given by the
following formulae:
A. The mean pressure problem
A basic problem in PDF/Monte Carlo methods over the 1
past decade has been the determination of the mean pressure dr5 d^p&, ~29!
~ g 21 ! ẽ
field. One issue is the reduction of statistical noise, inherent
to Monte Carlo simulations. Another one is the enforcement, 1
at the stochastic particle level, of mass conservation. Both d U52 ¹ ~ d ^ p & ! dt. ~30!
problems have been addressed36 through the use of a pres-
sure algorithm based on the steady-state mean continuity Substituting for r 1 d r and U1 d U in ~28!, we obtain the
equation to determine the mean pressure field. equation for d ^ p & :
In our case, the particle average of p * , which evolves
according to eq. ~5!, yields a pressure field which is ex-
tremely close to the true pressure field ^ p & , and addresses the
issue of mass conservation at the particle level — the analy-
¹• g
ã 2
d ^ p & 2¹ 2 ~ d ^ p & ! dt52¹• ^ r U & . ~31!

sis is rather lengthy and outside the scope of this paper. This equation is solved at each time step for d ^ p & . The par-
However, this particle averaged field contains considerable ticular form of the 9-point Laplacian operator in this particle-
statistical noise, and we have to modify our approach in in- mesh discretization makes it necessary to filter the solution
homogeneous flows to eliminate this problem. The following to remove an instability whose wavelength is twice the grid
analysis is valid in steady flows only. size. This is done by using a simple centered filter, where the
In the modified formulation, each particle is no longer value of the solution at a grid point is replaced by the
assigned a full pressure p * , but a fluctuating pressure p 8 * weighted average of the values at the point and its north,
such that south, east, and west neighbors. The solution is finally
^ p 8 & 50. smoothed to reduce statistical error, by using a standard
fourth-order artificial viscosity method. The mean pressure
The total pressure is recovered using
^ p & is then updated. In the process, mass conservation is
p * 5 ^ p & 1p 8 * , enforced at the particle level. The particular way in which

2710 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 9, September 1997 B. J. Delarue and S. B. Pope

Downloaded 22 Sep 2004 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
the density is corrected ~at constant temperature! is arbitrary
but does not have any influence on the steady-state pressure
or density fields.
The first term in the left-hand side of eq. ~31! accounts
for all compressibility effects on the mean pressure field,
including shocks and steady acoustic waves. The second
term is analogous to the Laplacian operator in the Poisson
equation for pressure in incompressible flows. It can be
shown that the first term is of order M 2 compared to the
second, where M is a characteristic Mach number. Therefore
in the limit of small M , we recover the Poisson equation for
pressure. In this approach, the pressure is considered as the
agent through which mass conservation is enforced.
With this new approach, the pressure–dilatation correla-
tion is still the average of the fluctuating pressure work, and
FIG. 5. Growth rate reduction with increasing M c . The big symbols are for
the pressure variance evolution equation is unmodified. Fur- the present calculations, for both the momentum and the 0.1–0.9 thick-
thermore, the mean pressure field ^ p & , although smoother, nesses. The figure was partly reproduced from Ref. 33.
still satisfies the steady-state version of eq. ~5!. Therefore the
only limitation that we have introduced is the restriction of
the method to steady compressible flows. fined, and much less unique, in highly compressible flows. In
our case, however, the parameter M c defined by ~32! can
always be substituted for M 1 if the thermodynamic proper-
B. Growth rate calculations
ties are matched in both streams, to the effect that the growth
The dimensional parameters needed to describe a mixing rate ratio d 8 / d 80 is a weaker function of U 2 /U 1 . M c will
layer between two streams made of ideal gases are the free- therefore correlate very well the effects of compressibility on
stream velocities U i , pressures p i , densities r i , specific the shear layer growth rate, independently of the velocity
heat ratios g i , and specific gas constants R i , where i51,2 ratio.
correspond to the high- and low-speed streams, respectively. Figure 5 shows the present calculated growth rates com-
The corresponding nondimensional parameters are pared to experimental data and computer simulations. The
velocity ratios varied, for these calculations, between 0.2 and
g2 p2 r2 R2 U2
, , , ,g , ,M . 0.5. Our results are close to those of Sarkar and
g1 p1 r1 R1 1 U1 1 Lakshmanan,29 as can be expected since the compressiblity
For our growth rate calculations, we set the first four param- effects — namely, the compressible dissipation — are mod-
eters to 1, and take g 1 51.4. Under these conditions it is elled in the same way. In an attempt to bring the calculated
convenient, in place of M 1 , to use the convective Mach num- growth rates closer to the general scatter than Sarkar and
ber M c defined as3,37 Lakshmanan did, the value of C d that we chose was 2, and
theirs was 1, which accounts for the slight discrepancy be-
U 1 2U 2 tween the two curves. Overall, our results still lie in the
M c5 , ~32!
2a upper region of the scatter.
where a is the speed of sound, identical in both streams. The Figures 6 and 7 show the effect of convective Mach
spreading rate of the shear layer in the self-similar region is number on the self-similar turbulence profiles, here ^ u 8 2 &
a nondimensional constant, and therefore it is related to the and ^ u 8 v 8 & . The velocity ratio was set to 0.5 for all the runs,
only varying nondimensional parameters by

d 85
5f S
,M .
U1 c D ~33!

The mixing layer width d is defined as the 0.1–0.9 thickness,

which is the distance between the points at which the mean
velocity is U 2 10.1DU and U 2 10.9DU, respectively. To
measure the effects of compressibility on d 8 , we measure the
quantity d 8 / d 08 where d 08 is the incompressible growth rate at
the same velocity ratio, obtained by setting M c to zero in
~33!. Replacing M 1 by M c in the initial set of nondimen-
sional parameters has the effect that d 8 / d 08 is a very weak
function of the velocity ratio.3
It is emphasized at this point that the above dimensional
analysis contains no large-scale structures considerations. It
has been found6 that the convective Mach number, whose
existence depends on such structures,3,37 is not always de- FIG. 6. The effect of M c on self-similar streamwise turbulence intensity.

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 9, September 1997 B. J. Delarue and S. B. Pope 2711

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FIG. 7. The effect of M c on self-similar Reynolds shear stress.
FIG. 8. Mean streamwise velocity profiles in the self-similar region.

therefore only M c varies. Compressibility reduces the inten-

sity of the turbulence in a symmetric way, over the whole the self-similar region, for a subset of cases: case 1 for
width of the layer. Shown for comparison are the incom- Samimy et al., cases 2 and 4 for Dutton et al., and the PDF
pressible profiles (M c 50) for the same velocity ratio. We runs corresponding to the Samimy cases. The other cases are
can see that the growth rate reduction is attributable, with our not shown for the sake of not overloading the plot. As is
model, to an overall decrease in the turbulence intensity evident on the figure, the profiles collapse very well on a
across the layer. single curve. It was observed, in both the PDF calculations
and the experiments, that the mean streamwise velocity pro-
C. Comparison with experimental data files became self-similar earlier than the turbulent stress pro-
In this section we compare our results with experimental
Figures 9 and 10 show the streamwise turbulence inten-
data by Samimy et al.4,5,7 and Dutton et al.8,9 Although
sity for the PDF calculations and the experiments. It is found
growth rate measurements are abundant in the literature, it is
that the agreement is excellent with the Samimy et al. re-
not so for mean and turbulent velocity profiles. The above
sults, but not as good for the Dutton et al. results. In fact,
references were the only ones known to the authors at the
Dutton et al. found that the streamwise turbulent intensity
time of writing.
showed very little variation with M c , which was not the case
In both sets of experiments, the convective Mach num-
for Samimy et al. Our results are closer to the findings of
ber was varied simultaneously with the pressure ratio, den-
Samimy et al., though the model does not seem to reproduce
sity ratio, and velocity ratio. Though Dutton et al. studied
the preferential decrease in turbulence intensity in the high-
seven cases in all, and Samimy et al. three, we chose two
speed side.
cases out of each set with similar convective Mach numbers:
Figures 11 and 12 show the Reynolds shear stress for the
0.46 and 0.86 in the Dutton et al. experiments ~cases 2 and
PDF calculations and the experiments. Again, the agreement
48,9! and 0.51 and 0.86 in the Samimy et al. experiments
is very good with the Samimy et al. data, and not as good for
~cases 1 and 34,7!. For each case we ran the PDF code with
the Dutton et al. set, though better than in the previous plot.
the corresponding set of nondimensional parameters. Our re-
sults will therefore allow us not only to assess the perfor-
mance of the PDF model, but also to compare both sets of
experimental results. The nondimensional parameters corre-
sponding to each case are summarized in table I.
Figure 8 shows the mean streamwise velocity profiles, in

TABLE I. Nondimensional parameters for Samimy et al. and Dutton et al.


Case Samimy 1 Dutton 2 Samimy 3 Dutton 4

U 2 /U 1 0.36 0.57 0.25 0.16

p 2 /p 1 1.03 1 1 1
r2 /r1 0.64 1.55 0.37 0.60
R 2 /R 1 1 1 1 1
g2 /g1 1 1 1 1
g1 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
M 1 ,M 2 1.80, 0.51 1.91, 1.36 3.01, 0.45 2.35, 0.30
Mc 0.51 0.46 0.86 0.86 FIG. 9. Streamwise turbulent intensity. A comparison between PDF calcu-
lations and Samimy et al. data.

2712 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 9, September 1997 B. J. Delarue and S. B. Pope

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FIG. 10. Streamwise turbulent intensity. A comparison between the PDF FIG. 12. Reynolds shear stress. A comparison between the PDF calculation
calculations and Dutton et al. data. and Dutton et al. data.

This is to be expected, since it has been shown38 that in reasonable run times. Samimy and Elliott used 4096
compressible mixing layers the normalized Reynolds shear samples. A minimum number of samples for this moment
stress scales with the normalized growth rate. The closer would be around four times as much.4 Therefore in both the
agreement, in this case, between our calculations and the calculations and the experiments the minimum number of
Dutton et al. data is therefore a consequence of the agree- samples was not reached, and statistical error is still impor-
ment between our growth rate calculations and the general tant.
scatter, as shown in fig. 5. Figure 14 shows the correlation coefficient between the
Figure 13 shows the lateral convection of turbulent ki- streamwise and the lateral turbulent velocity fluctuations.
netic energy. It is a third moment, and therefore easily cal- Both experiments show that the correlation coefficient is
culated if one knows the one-point density-weighted joint weakly affected by compressibility. We compared in this
case the results with different PDF calculations, done at
PDF f̃ . The agreement between our calculations and experi-
M c 50 and M c 51.15. It is found that not only does the
mental results is reasonable, but not as good as for the sec-
correlation coefficient vary weakly with M c , it is also very
ond moments: the PDF model seems to underpredict the im-
close to the incompressible value across the whole layer.
portance of this transport term. This might contribute to the
Future turbulence models for compressibility effects should
observed smaller value of the turbulence intensity in the
therefore attempt to reproduce this result, which is common
edges of the layer in the PDF calculations, as is evident in
to both sets of experiments.
figs. 9 and 10. We should, however, mention the importance
Overall, it is found that the agreement with experimental
of statistical noise in both our calculations and the experi-
data is very good for the Samimy et al. set, and reasonable
ments, which becomes larger as one measures higher-order
for the Dutton et al. set. The limited amount of available
moments. The sampling region over which the third moment
data, however, precludes us from drawing extensive conclu-
was calculated contained approximately 10000 particles,
which is the maximum that could be reached while achieving

FIG. 11. Reynolds shear stress. A comparison between the PDF calculation FIG. 13. Lateral convection of turbulent kinetic energy in the self-similar
and Samimy et al. data. region.

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