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Strategic Management

June 2023 Examination

1. You are a business person who has access to capital and want to build a global
advertising empire. Create a strategic plan to build your business; do you think that
acquisitions could be a strategic option? Justify your answer properly

Ans :


Building a worldwide promoting domain requires cautious preparation and execution. As a

money manager with admittance to capital, I would make a well thought out plan that
spotlights on recognizing and benefiting from arising patterns in the publicizing business.
Acquisitions could be an essential choice, however they ought to be painstakingly assessed in
view of their capability to drive development and productivity.

Concept and application

Smart course of action

Characterize the Business' Objectives and Goals

The most important phase in building a worldwide publicizing domain is to characterize the
business' objectives and goals. These ought to be explicit, quantifiable, feasible, important,
and time-bound (Savvy). For instance, a business could define the objective of turning into
the biggest computerized promoting organization on the planet in five years or less.

Lead a SWOT Examination

The following stage is to lead a SWOT investigation. This investigation will assist the
business with distinguishing its assets, shortcomings, open doors, and dangers. By
understanding these variables, the business can foster a system that use its assets and
potential open doors, while tending to its shortcomings and dangers.

Distinguish Arising Patterns in the Promoting Business

The promoting business is continually developing, and a business should remain in front of
arising patterns. A portion of the vital patterns in the business include:

Expanded demand for customized and designated publicizing

Development in automatic publicizing

Ascent of online entertainment forces to be reckoned with

Expanded utilization of man-made brainpower and AI in publicizing

Development in versatile publicizing

Foster a Smart course of action

In view of the SWOT examination and arising patterns, the business can foster a well defined
course of action. This plan ought to frame the means the business will take to accomplish its
objectives and goals. It ought to incorporate a timetable, a financial plan, and a reasonable
arrangement of execution markers.

Carry out the Arrangement

When the smart course of action has been created, the business can start executing it. This
might include recruiting new staff, putting resources into new innovation, or growing new
items or administrations. The business ought to screen its advancement intently and change
its arrangement on a case by case basis.

Acquisitions as an Essential Choice

Acquisitions can be an essential choice for building a worldwide promoting domain. A

portion of the possible advantages and downsides to this methodology are:

Advantages of Acquisitions
Expanded Portion of the overall industry

Gaining different organizations can assist a business with expanding its portion of the overall
industry. By buying an organization that has a huge client base or a solid standing in a
specific market, the securing organization can expand its span and impact.

Admittance to New Innovation and Skill

Procuring different organizations can likewise give a business admittance to new innovation
and mastery. For instance, a business could obtain an organization that has fostered a new
automatic publicizing stage or has skill in powerhouse promoting.

Cost Reserve funds

Acquisitions can likewise bring about cost investment funds. For instance, the obtaining
organization might have the option to wipe out repetitive staff or merge activities, decreasing
above costs.


At last, acquisitions can assist a business with differentiating its tasks. By securing an
organization in an alternate industry or geographic district, a business can diminish its
reliance on any one market.

Downsides of Acquisitions

Combination Difficulties

Acquisitions can be trying to incorporate. Various organizations might have various societies,
frameworks, and cycles, which can make coordination troublesome.

Significant expenses

Acquisitions can likewise be costly. The getting organization might have to pay a premium to
buy the other organization, and there might be extra expenses related with incorporation.

Legitimate and Administrative Issues

Acquisitions can likewise be confounded by lawful and administrative issues. For instance,
the getting organization might have to get administrative endorsement prior to finishing the
Reputational Chance

At last, acquisitions can convey reputational risk. On the off chance that the obtaining goes
poorly, it can harm the getting organization's standing and brand.

Assessment of Acquisitions

Whether acquisitions are

Whether acquisitions are a suitable procedure for building a worldwide publicizing realm will
rely upon the particular conditions of the business. It is vital to painstakingly assess potential
procurement targets in light of their essential fit with the business' objectives and goals. The
accompanying advances can assist with guaranteeing that acquisitions are a practical

Lead A reasonable level of investment

Prior to getting another organization, it means a lot to direct expected level of effort to assess
the organization's monetary and functional exhibition. This will assist with distinguishing any
possible dangers or difficulties related with the procurement.

Survey Key Fit

The procuring organization ought to assess the essential attack of the objective organization
with its own objectives and goals. This incorporates assessing the objective organization's
item or administration contributions, client base, and geographic reach.

Assess Possible Collaborations

The getting organization ought to likewise assess potential collaborations that could result
from the securing. For instance, assuming the objective organization has skill in a specific
region that the procuring organization misses the mark on, securing could assist with
reinforcing the general capacities of the consolidated substance.

Consider Reconciliation Difficulties

The getting organization ought to likewise consider potential reconciliation challenges, like
social contrasts and contrasts in frameworks and cycles. These difficulties can influence the
progress of the securing and ought to be painstakingly assessed prior to continuing.
Foster an Arrangement for Reconciliation

To guarantee the outcome of an obtaining, fostering an itemized plan for integration is

significant. This plan ought to frame the means that will be taken to coordinate the two
organizations and guarantee that the joined element is working productively and really.


Building a worldwide promoting realm requires a very much created masterful arrangement
that considers arising patterns in the business, as well as potential key choices like
acquisitions. While acquisitions can give a scope of advantages, they likewise accompany
potential disadvantages that ought to be painstakingly assessed. By following a cautious
assessment cycle and fostering a nitty gritty mix plan, organizations can guarantee that
acquisitions are a practical system for accomplishing their objectives and goals.

2. The Indian Super League is India’s leading soccer league but is struggling with
viewership? What could be the reasons for this lack of consumer interest? What
strategies would you recommend to the league management if you were its strategy

Ans :


The Indian Super Association (ISL) is India's driving proficient football association.
Regardless of huge speculations and endeavors to work on the nature of the association, the
ISL has battled with viewership as of late. In this article, I will investigate a portion of the
explanations behind this absence of buyer premium and prescribe techniques for the
association the executives to further develop viewership.

Concept and application

Purposes behind Absence of Purchaser Interest

Restricted Star Power

One of the fundamental purposes behind the absence of shopper interest in the ISL is the
restricted star force of the association. Not at all like other significant football associations,
for example, the English Head Association or the Spanish La Liga, the ISL has attempted to
draw in top worldwide ability. This has prompted an absence of energy and interest among
football fans, who might like to watch different associations where they can see their number
one players.

Restricted Media Inclusion

One more justification behind the absence of buyer interest in the ISL is restricted media
inclusion. Regardless of endeavors by the association the board to advance the association,
numerous football fans in India may not know about the ISL or might not approach the games
because of restricted broadcast inclusion.

Absence of Custom

The ISL is a somewhat new association, having been laid out in 2013. This implies that it
comes up short on history and custom of other significant football associations, which can
make it less interesting to fans who esteem the inheritance and legacy of the game.

Nature of Play

At last, the nature of play in the ISL has been censured by some football fans and specialists.
While the association has put forth attempts to work fair and square of contest, it actually
falls behind other significant football associations concerning specialized ability, strategic
complexity, and generally nature of play.

Suggested Systems for the Association The board

Center around Drawing in Top Global Ability

To further develop the star force of the association, the ISL ought to zero in on drawing in top
worldwide ability. This could include expanding pay rates and impetuses for top players, as
well as putting resources into exploring and enlistment endeavors to recognize and sign top
ability from around the world.

Expand Media Inclusion

To increment buyer interest in the ISL, the association the board ought to zero in on
expanding media inclusion. This could include collaborating with significant telecasters to
build the quantity of games that are broadcast, as well as putting resources into computerized
stages to expand the range of the association and give more happy to fans.

Construct Custom and History

To make a more grounded feeling of custom and history, the ISL ought to zero in on building
a more grounded association with nearby networks and drawing in with fans in significant
ways. This could include making drives to help youth football improvement, advancing
nearby culture and customs, and commending the historical backdrop of the game in India.

Work on Nature of Play

To work on the nature of play in the ISL, the association the executives ought to zero in on
putting resources into player advancement and training. This could include collaborating with
top global clubs and mentors to give preparing and mentorship potential open doors to
players and mentors in the association. The association could likewise put resources into
creating youth foundations to support ability and advance a culture of specialized greatness
and strategic complexity.


The ISL can possibly turn into a significant football association in India and rival other
significant football associations all over the planet. To accomplish this, the association the
board ought to zero in on tending to the key difficulties that are restricting buyer interest,
including restricted star power, restricted media inclusion, absence of custom, and nature of
play. By carrying out the suggested methodologies, the ISL can work on its standing and
become a really engaging and energizing association for football fans in India and all over the
3. Inox and PVR recently merged together to create India’s largest theatre groups, the
combined entity now has 1500 theatres across the country. This is 20% of the current
market size and nearly 50% of the revenue.

If you were an owner of a single screen theatre in a city where Inox PVR have multiple
screens what strategies would you adopt to compete.

b. Analyze the state of India’s movie theatre industry and what the industry needs to do
to evolve going forward in this highly competitive technology driven media and
entertainment industry.
Ans: 3(a)

The media and media outlet in India is quickly developing, driven by changing customer
inclinations and progressions in innovation. One of the central participants in this industry is
the cinema business, which is confronting a scope of difficulties as it looks to stay serious in
this exceptionally unique landscape. The new consolidation of Inox and PVR to make India's
biggest venue bunch has additionally disturbed the market, with the joined element presently
representing almost half of the income. Thus, little theater proprietors are confronting critical
difficulties in contending with the bigger players. This paper will investigate procedures that
little theater proprietors can take on to rival Inox PVR in urban areas with various screens, as
well as break down the province of India's cinema industry and prescribe methodologies for
advancement to stay cutthroat in this profoundly aggressive innovation driven media and
media outlet.

Concept and application

a. Systems to Rival Inox PVR in a City with Numerous Screens

As a proprietor of a solitary screen theater in a city where Inox PVR has numerous screens,
the opposition can challenge. In any case, there are a few methodologies that can be
embraced to rival the bigger players in the business:

Center around Specialty Markets

One procedure could be to zero in on specialty advertises that are not being taken care of by
bigger players. For instance, the theater could zero in on screening free movies, unfamiliar
movies, or movies from provincial ventures that may not be displayed at Inox PVR's

Offer an Extraordinary Encounter

Another system could be to offer an exceptional and separated experience that can't be
recreated at Inox PVR's multiplexes. This could include offering extraordinary conveniences,
for example, extravagance seating, connoisseur snacks, or customized administration, or
making an exceptional feel that separates the theater.

Cost Seriously

A third procedure could be to value the theater seriously to draw in clients who are searching
for additional reasonable choices. The theater could offer limits, advancements, or
dependability projects to draw in and hold clients.

Influence Web-based Entertainment

At last, the theater could use online entertainment to construct areas of strength for an and
draw in with clients. By making serious areas of strength for a presence and drawing in with
clients through web-based entertainment stages, the theater can fabricate a faithful pursuing
and create whiz around its contributions.

b. Investigation of the Territory of India's Cinema Industry and Methodologies for


India's cinema industry has been confronting a scope of difficulties lately, including
expanded rivalry from computerized stages and changing shopper inclinations. To develop
and stay serious in this quickly evolving landscape, the business needs to zero in on a few

Embrace Innovation

To stay cutthroat, the cinema business requirements to embrace innovation and develop to
improve the general client experience. This could include putting resources into cutting edge
varying media gear, versatile tagging, and advanced publicizing, as well as utilizing
information and examination to customize the film going experience.

Center around Separated Contributions

To stand out in a profoundly cutthroat market, cinemas need to offer separated and special
encounters that can't be repeated by computerized stages. This could include offering very
good quality conveniences, for example, extravagance seating and connoisseur snacks, or
making vivid encounters, for example, 4D and VR screenings.
Expand Past Conventional Business sectors

To contact new crowds and develop income streams, the cinema business requirements to
expand past customary business sectors and embrace new open doors. This could include
collaborating with content makers and merchants to bring specialty content to theaters, or
investigating new plans of action, like live occasions and experiential advertising.

Fabricate More grounded Organizations

To stay serious, the cinema business requirements to assemble more grounded associations
with content makers, wholesalers, and different players in the environment. By cooperating to
make convincing substance and encounters, the business can reinforce its situation and drive


The cinema business in India is confronting critical difficulties, including expanded rivalry
from advanced stages and changing buyer inclinations. To stay cutthroat and advance in this
profoundly serious innovation driven media and media outlet, the business needs to embrace
innovation, center around separated contributions, expand past conventional business sectors,
and construct more grounded organizations. By taking on these systems, the business can stay
significant and fill in the years to come.

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