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Question Bank for CIA 1


Part A
1. Illustrate the simplified model of symmetric encryption.
2. If the cipher text generated using Caesar shift cipher with key=5 is “RNXXNTS
NRUTXXNGQJ”, find the Plain text.
3. Compare a block cipher and a stream cipher.
4. Compute the Cipher text of “COMPUTERSCIENCE” using Caesar Cipher.
5. Memorize the properties of good ciphers.
6. State the features of CIA triad.
7. List the types of cryptanalytic attacks.
8. Classify the Cryptographic algorithms based on number of keys.
9. Compute the value of ϕ ( 37) and ϕ (21).
10. Identify the protocols used to improve the security of Wireless devices and web sites.
11. Summarize the purpose of S-boxes in DES.
12. Discuss about Encryption and Decryption.
13. Distinguish security Attack, mechanism and service.
14. Compare active attacks and passive attacks.
15. List the components of the encryption algorithm.
16. Compare Substitution and Transposition techniques.
17. Infer the role of Authenticity and Accountability in Information Security. 18.
Compute the Cipher text of “COMPUTER” using Monoalphabetic Substitution
Cipher with your own key sequence.
19. List the Challenges of Information Security.
20. State the meaning for Threat.
21. Identify the issues with Men-in-middle attack.
22. Identify and brief the security service type which prevents the issues of either sender
or receiver from denying a transmitted message.
23. Sketch the structure of Vernam Cipher.
24. Memorize the relationship between Number of round and Key size in AES algorithm.
25. Interpret the methods to increase the complexity of the algorithm in Feistel cipher.
26. Compare Symmetric key Encryption and Public Key Encryption techniques. 27.
Illustrate with an example a Brute-force attack.
28. Compute the cipher text for the plain text “GOOD” and key “AEFE” using Vignere
29. Compare the symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography.
30. Encrypt the following text using Caesar substitution technique with key 4. Plain text:
31. Indicate the key expansion process in AES.
32. Identify the attacks on authentication.
33. Classify the Cryptographic algorithms based on number of keys.
34. Compare the S-Box in DES with the S-Box in AES.
35. List and brief a few of the active attacks.
36. Differentiate diffusion from confusion in the cryptographic
system. 37. Examine if Euler’s Theorem hold true for a=2 and n=10.
38. Examine if 2 is a primitive root of 5.
39. Interpret if Fermat’s Theorem holds true for P=13 and a=11.
Part B
1. Explain OSI Security Architecture model with suitable example
2. Propose a OSI security architecture and Consider an ATM in which the users provide a
PIN and card for account access. Give examples of Confidentiality, Availability, and
Integrity requirements with the ATM.
3. Describe the CIA Triad and its usage in network security.
4. Tabulate the Playfair and Hill cipher substitution Techniques in detail with definition
and example.
5. Illustrate the Symmetric Cipher Model and explain the terms used there and write the
equation for encryption and decryption outputs.
6. Demonstrate the different Cryptanalytic Attacks used by Cryptanalysis and hacking.
Conclude your statement with easiest and hardest in the list.
7. Perform Encryption and Decryption for the following plain text and key using Hill
Cipher. Plain Text: short example Key: hill
8. Perform Encryption and Decryption for the following plain text and key using
Playfair Cipher. Plain Text: test this process Key: engineering
9. Apply the Playfair cypher algorithm to encrypt the text “COMMUNICATION” with
the secret Key “COMPILER”
10. Encrypt the following plain text “meet me at the school house “using play fair cipher
using the keyword “MONARCHY”.
11. Briefly define the monoalphabetic cipher. What is the difference between a
monoalphabetic cipher and a polyalphabetic cipher?
12. Describe the Feistel Cipher with their structure.
13. Illustrate the general structure of data encryption standard and elaborate on the single
round function of DES.
14. Formulate the single round of DES algorithm and the key generation process.
Generate the first-round output of the cipher text for given plain text M =
0123456789EFCDAB (values in hexadecimal) with 56 bits key K =
133457799BBCDFF1 (values in hexadecimal)
15. The oldest type of symmetric cryptography that is being used is the DES. Depict the
Flow Diagram of DES algorithm for encrypting the data and explain. 16. Identify the
Feistel cipher structure and elaborate Feistel encryption 17. Illustrate the Asymmetric
key cryptography for confidentiality and authentication separately and combined
18. Draw the general structure of AES and explain each component in detail 19.
Suppose that the following depicts the input key to the AES algorithm. Each Column is
denoted as a word w. By this way, the input is represented as w0 w1 w2 w3. How is the
key for round-2 of AES encryption process generated? (Use appropriate diagram and
explain each step)
K0 K4 K8 K12

K1 K5 K9 K13

K2 K6 K10 K14
K3 K7 K11 K15

20. Write about the following in AES cipher:

a. Substitute Bytes Transformation
b. ShiftRows Transformation
c. MixColumns Transformation
d. AddRound Key Transformation
21. Discover the Multiple Encryption technique and justify Triple DES provides high
strength compared with others.
22. State and Explain Fermats theorem along with totient function.
23. Demonstrate Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem with meaning of modulus and relative
prime numbers.
24. Discover the theorems used in Testing of primality.
25. Illustrate the Euclidean Algorithm with flowchart and find the GCD(25,200) using the
26. Discuss Miller-Rabin Algorithm with example.
27. Apply the Miller–Rabin Algorithm procedure to check the given number is prime or
not. Given Number is 199.
28. Illustrate the step-by-step procedure for ElGamal public cryptosystem 29. Illustrate
the RSA algorithm and perform encryption and decryption for p =17, q = 11, e = 7 and m
= 88.
30. Illustrate the Asymmetric key cryptosystem RSA cryptosystem with necessary
procedures and Equations. Generate Key pair and Cypher text for given message
M=14 and decrypt the same. Assume p = 5 and q = 11.
31. Solve the following equations using the Chinese remainder
theorem. a. X≡ 2(mod 3)
b. X≡ 3(mod 5)
c. X≡ 2(mod 7)
32. Alice and Bob use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique with a common prime
q = 19, and a primitive root α = 10
a. If Alice has a private key XA = 7, what is Alice’s public key YA?
b. If Bob has a private key XB =8, what is Bob’s public key YB?
c. Generate the shared secret key of both the parties.
33. Illustrate the principles of public key cryptosystem for secrecy and confidentiality of
34. Illustrate the Diffie Hellman Key exchange algorithm and derive the required
equations. Apply the procedure to generate the secrete key. Given prime number is q=
23 and assume the ��=�� as primitive root of ��.

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