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Operations Management

June 2023 Examination

1) As a business owner, one of the most critical decisions you will make is choosing a
location for your business setup. What are the various decision criteria for deciding a
location for a business setup, and how do they apply to setting up an electric vehicle
charging station? Assume any size for the setup.

The electric vehicle (EV) industry has grown rapidly overall over the past five years, and the
benefits of the EV are turning out to be progressively more unmistakable, considering that it
can give lower contamination emanations and a more affordable cost for energy utilizations.
Notwithstanding, there are various elements that impede the advancement of the EV business,
including mileage (battery), the charging time, and charging comfort as well as the buying cost
of EVs, the presentation of the vehicle, and battery reusing, among others

Proprietors need to choose an area for their firm to work in, at the hour of setting up, when it
needs to expand tasks, and when the ongoing area demonstrates unacceptable for reasons
unknown. Area is significant in light of the fact that it can influence the association's expenses,
benefits, effectiveness and the market base it contacts.

Concept and application:

Choosing a region in light of the accompanying determination rules:

Each city has its exceptional difficulties (that is not information to you!). As your city is sorting
out some way to accomplish manageability objectives, city pioneers could begin to investigate
electric vehicle (EV) charging foundation.
1. Survey Accessible Motivating forces in Your Locale
Putting resources into EV charging framework is simpler and surprisingly financially savvy.
Numerous administration substances, states, and service organizations offer discounts, awards,
and tax breaks to urban areas and districts hoping to jolt. This an extraordinary method for
assisting you with offloading the expenses of conveying EV charging stations.
2. Right-Size Your Arrangement to Help the Legitimate Driver Use Case
Finding the right harmony between Level 2 and DC quick chargers is vital to your organization
achievement. Towns and regions situated between two significant urban areas can profit from
introducing on the way quick charging foundation. DC quick chargers commonly range from
50 kW to 350 kW and are intended to help drivers covering longer distances get from point A
to point B in the most limited time conceivable. Then again, Level 2 charging stations are great
for satisfying the requirements of EV drivers inside the city. Level 2 chargers normally meet
drivers where they'll spend an hour or more, for example, in civil parking garages, curbside
parking spaces, retail regions and working environments.
3. Conclude the EV Charging Proprietorship Model that Works for You
Who said you can't create income from EV charging? Shifting proprietorship models are
accessible for metropolitan focuses and provincial regions seeking satisfy the developing need
for EV charging arrangements. Each enjoys its own benefits and downsides - you simply need
to decide how much you need to be engaged with the undertaking. Would you like to keep up
with full responsibility for charging stations and produce income while dealing with support
and working costs? Or on the other hand do you incline toward the true serenity that
accompanies a turnkey approach?
4. Recognize Ideal Areas for Charging Framework
With regards to distinguishing where to introduce EV charging stations, urban communities
and districts have numerous choices. Freely accessible city-possessed properties like libraries,
civil parking garages and carports are an extraordinary spot to begin, as well as high-traffic
regions like parks, shopping centers, shopping malls, or spots in nearness to the midtown
center. Beside area, ensure the chose locales have legitimate lighting, to guarantee a protected
and helpful charging experience for drivers. EV chargers have a moderately little impression
and could in fact be introduced on streetlamp posts, considering a great many designs.
5. Fairly give charging access
To the extent that fair EV charging access goes, curbside charging is an answer worth
considering. Numerous drivers in urban communities across America live in condominiums or
apartment complexes and don't approach a committed parking space. Giving admittance to
public charging arrangements there decreases a boundary to EV reception.

It's turning out to be progressively fundamental for organizations across ventures to introduce
business electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to meet the developing requirements of
purchasers and inhabitants. The ground breaking organizations deciding to introduce EV
charging stations at their working environments are receiving various rewards and situating
themselves as early adopters representing things to come of transportation.
Notwithstanding industry, EV charging arrangements exist for each kind of business.
Notwithstanding, introducing nearby EV chargers is a convoluted cycle, and the test lies in
knowing which arrangement is ideal for your association.

2) Explain in detail the various types of plant layout concepts that are available in
operations management. Give examples of where each of these types can be employed
respectively. Briefly explain a layout applicable for a cloud kitchen format vis-à-vis a
dine-in restaurant, highlighting the good points and bottlenecks, if any.



Moore characterized plant format as, "The arrangement of or the demonstration of arranging,
an ideal course of action of offices, including faculty, working gear, extra room, materials
handling hardware and any remaining supporting administrations alongside the plan of the best
construction to oblige these offices".

Concept and application:

Sorts of plant design

1. Item Format

Item format is utilized to accomplish a smooth and fast progression of huge volumes of items
or clients through a framework. This is caused conceivable by exceptionally standardized items
or administrations which to require profoundly standardized, monotonous handling tasks. A
task is separated into a progression of standardized undertakings, allowing specialization of
both work and gear. The huge volumes handled by these frameworks normally make it
affordable to put significant amounts of cash in hardware and in work plan. Since only one or
scarcely any very much like things are involved, it is plausible to orchestrate a whole design to
compare to the innovative handling prerequisites of the item or administration included.

2. Process Format

These format are intended to work with handling things or offering types of assistance which
present varieties in their handling prerequisites. The handling units are coordinated by
capabilities into divisions with the understanding that specific abilities and offices are
accessible in every office. Comparable supplies and tasks are gathered together. For instance,
turning, processing, foundry, heat treatment. Things which require these tasks are habitually
moved in clusters to the divisions in a grouping directed by specialized contemplations.
Various items may cal for various handling prerequisites and different grouping of tasks.
Therefore, factor way material handling gear is expected to handle assortment of courses and

3. Fixed Format

In this format, the material remaining parts in a decent position, however hardware, devices
handling gear, laborers are brought to the spot the material. This is rather than both item and
cycle formats. Such a format might be favored when the gear and the hardware is little in
number and size, and where the laborers are exceptionally talented to play out the different
little positions on the item. Fixed position designs are utilized in huge development projects,
transport building, airplane producing and so forth.

Potential designs for a cloud kitchen are composed as follows:

Kitchen region: The kitchen region should be set up productively for food planning and
gathering. The plan ought to simplify it for laborers to go between different segments, for
example, the readiness table, cooking region, and plating region.

Food capacity and stock control: To diminish food wastage and increment income, cloud
kitchens depend essentially on stock control. The kitchen design ought to have adequate space
for food and supply stockpiling, as well as clear marking and association methodology.
Conveyance station: A conveyance station ought to be integrated into the design since
conveyances are the primary type of administration for a cloud kitchen. To save travel time
and increment conveyance adequacy, the conveyance station ought to be set near the kitchen

Joining of innovation: Request taking, installment handling, and request following are to a
great extent dependent on innovation in cloud kitchens. Tablets, retail location frameworks,
and other mechanical devices used in the conveyance just café model ought to have space in
the kitchen design.

Valid statements of a cloud kitchen design are composed as follows:

Lower above costs: For some restaurateurs, cloud kitchens are a more reasonable choice to
feast in eateries since they don't need similar interest before house decorations and offices.

Improved conveyance adequacy: Cloud kitchens can help efficiency and benefit by speeding
up the request satisfaction process by advancing the kitchen design for conveyance.

Adaptability: Since cloud kitchens just proposition conveyance administrations to clients,

they can answer all the more rapidly to moving business sector demands since they don't require
as much actual space.

Bottlenecks of a cloud kitchen format are composed as follows:

Restricting shopper communication: Since cloud kitchens just proposition conveyance, they
miss the mark on friendly and local area building components of an eat in café, which can
lessen client commitment and empower rehash business.

Innovation reliance: In spite of the fact that innovation is a significant part of the cloud
kitchen model, it can likewise create specialized issues, particularly during snapshots of high
request volume.

Restricted brand openness: Cloud kitchens might experience difficulty expanding their
brand's perceivability and mindfulness past web-based directs without a trace of an actual area.

Designs for a cloud kitchen will be kitchen space, food capacity and stock control, conveyance
station, and combination of innovation.

Featured valid statements of a cloud kitchen are low above costs, upgraded conveyance
viability, and adaptability.

And bottlenecks of a cloud kitchen are restricting purchaser cooperation, innovation reliance,
and restricted brand openness.

3) A patisserie brand is planning to open a new mid-sized pastry shop near your locality.
Considering their expertise and knowledge in manufacturing and branding their product
offerings, they are confident of getting into the new pastry shop operations. You are
required to suggest the team on the following points:

a) What strategy would the pastry shop adopt for an Aggregate Operation Plan of
resources given a time frame of a year?

b) b) Discuss the concept of Q and P systems of ordering along with its issues in
inventory control for the pastry shop



An association can settle its strategies on the suggestion of demand figure. When strategies are
prepared, an association can do in reverse working from the last deals unit to unrefined substances
required. Along these lines yearly and quarterly plans are separated in the process of childbirth,
natural substance, working capital, and so forth necessities over a medium-range period (a half year
to year and a half). This course of working out creation prerequisites for a medium reach is called total

Applications and concepts:

There are 3 sorts of total preparation

Level procedure

This is otherwise called a creation smoothing plan or a steady arrangement.

It centers around keeping up with steady creation and HR in an organization. The normal demand rate
is accomplished by shifting the related factors like money and HR.

However this procedure keeps up with HR, it likewise stocks stock. There are likewise chances of not
gathering the normal targets, bringing about overabundances costing significantly more to the firm.

Pursue procedure

It is otherwise called an in the nick of time creation plan.

In the nick of time (JIT) is an assembling procedure intended to diminish squander by getting
merchandise just on a case by case basis. JIT was created in Japan to utilize restricted assets.

It centers around coordinating the expected demand with thorough creation. Tragically, however this
procedure expects to meet the market, it as a rule brings about focused representatives, which
increments wearing down.

This procedure is the most ideal to circumstances where the expense of changing the creation rate is
generally not high.

Half and half procedure

A half and half procedure in total arranging utilizes a mix of strategies to show up at the last creation

For instance, an organization might utilize a numerical model to compute the ideal creation plan and
then, at that point, change it in light of their real creation process criticism. The blend provides them
with the smartest possible situation - the exactness of a level methodology joined with the adaptability
of a pursuit technique.

The mixture methodology mixes both level and pursue systems for better and more productive
The mixture technique in total creation arranging adjusts creation rate, recruiting/terminating, and
stock level.

Assuming you estimate creation arranging with the assistance of total preparation, it evades the
necessity of additional representatives. It assists the association with setting aside cash and time. We
realize that holding overabundance stock demands more cash. Keeping up with the state of completed
products in the stockroom will be really difficult for the association. With the assistance of total
preparation, you can undoubtedly keep away from that.


Pursue Methodology is reasonable for another café; the group ought to dissect market demand to
decide the degree of position. It is important to match demand and creation in the business to stay
away from wastage and pointless labor force and stock for the period.



The P framework, then again, is an intermittent survey framework that includes evaluating stock levels
at fixed stretches and putting orders in view of the stock level around then. The reorder not entirely
set in stone by getting some margin for the request to show up and the ideal degree of wellbeing
stock. The upside of the P framework is that it very well may be more effective and may require less
observing than the Q framework. Notwithstanding, it could be more challenging to guarantee that
stock levels are consistently at the proper levels, which can prompt stockouts or overabundance stock.

In general, both the Q framework and P framework enjoy benefits and drawbacks and might be more
qualified for various sorts of organizations and stock administration needs. Picking the right situation
requires cautious thought of elements, for example, the kinds of items being requested, the
recurrence of orders, and the accessible assets for observing and overseeing stock.

Concept and application

Stock control is a basic part of dealing with a pastry kitchen shop really. It includes overseeing stock
degrees of unrefined components, fixings, and completed products to guarantee that they are
accessible when required and in the right amount. Be that as it may, there are a few normal needs
stock control in pastry kitchen shops, which can bring about wasteful utilization of assets and
diminished productivity.

A portion of these needs are:

Unfortunate stock following: Numerous pastry kitchen shops miss the mark on powerful stock global
positioning framework, which can prompt mistaken stock levels and inaccurate requesting. Without
an exact stock global positioning framework, pastry kitchen shops will be unable to follow stock levels
continuously, which can prompt stockouts or overabundance stock.

Deficient demand estimating: Exact guaging of client demand is fundamental for overseeing stock
levels actually. Bread kitchen shops that neglect to estimate demand accurately may wind up with
abundance stock that isn't selling or stockouts that outcome in lost deals. In this manner, it is crucial
for utilize precise guaging strategies to decide the demand for bread shop items.

Overloading or Understocking: One more typical issue in pastry kitchen shops is overloading or
understocking of stock. Overloading prompts expanded stock holding costs, as well as a gamble of
waste because of lapsed fixings or items. Then again, understocking may bring about lost deals and
disappointed clients.

Wasteful stock requesting: Wasteful stock requesting can happen when the pastry kitchen shop places
orders that are excessively enormous or excessively little, prompting overloading or understocking.
Unfortunate correspondence with providers or erroneous guaging can add to wasteful requesting,
which can bring about stock control issues.

Absence of stock examination: Without customary investigation of stock information, distinguishing

patterns or regions for improvement can challenge. Breaking down stock information can give
experiences into demand designs, stock turnover rates, and occasional patterns, which can assist with
upgrading stock levels and lessen costs.


To address these needs, pastry kitchen shops ought to embrace powerful stock control
methodologies, for example, executing a stock global positioning framework, guaging demand
precisely, and dissecting stock information routinely. Also, bread kitchen shops ought to set stock
levels and reorder focuses in view of client demand, screen stock turnover rates, and utilize effective
stock requesting techniques. By tending to these needs stock control, bread kitchen shops can keep
up with ideal stock levels, decrease expenses, and fulfill client need really.

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