Plu-Mst-005, GRP Tanks Installation

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‫‪Reference No‬‬ ‫رقم المرجع‬

‫‪Project Management Office‬‬ ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬

‫‪360‬‬ ‫‪SM‬‬ ‫‪MS‬‬ ‫‪005‬‬
‫‪REV.‬‬ ‫‪Date‬‬ ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
‫‪00‬‬ ‫‪22-04-2022‬‬ ‫‪Work Method Statement‬‬

‫‪Contract No.‬‬ ‫‪PGC/CFD/572/60/2021/360‬‬ ‫رقمالمشروع‬

‫‪Construction Works of Buildings for Presidential Guard Special‬‬
‫‪Project / Contract Name‬‬ ‫اسمالمشروع ‪ /‬العقد‬
‫‪Contractor Name‬‬ ‫‪AL AIN GENERAL CONTRACTING COMPANY L.L.C.‬‬ ‫اسم المقاول‬
‫‪Location‬‬ ‫‪Ras Al Khaimah‬‬ ‫الموقع‬


‫‪Document Title‬‬ ‫عنوان الوثيقة‬
‫‪Discipline‬‬ ‫‪MECHANICAL‬‬ ‫التخصص‬
‫‪Floor Level‬‬ ‫‪ ABOVEGROUND‬مستوىالطابق‬ ‫‪PLUMBING‬‬ ‫‪Facility‬‬ ‫المبنى‬

‫‪CONTENTS‬‬ ‫المحتويـــــــــــــــــــــات‬

‫‪Introduction‬‬ ‫المقدمـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة‬ ‫‪1.0‬‬

‫‪Scope of Works‬‬ ‫نطــــــــــــــــــــــاق األعمــــــــــــــــــــــــال‬ ‫‪2.0‬‬

‫‪Sequence &Work Method‬‬ ‫طـــــــــريقة العمــــــــــــل و التسلســــــــل‬ ‫‪3.0‬‬

‫‪Work Program‬‬ ‫برنـامــــــــــــــــــج العمـــــــــــــــــــــــــــل‬ ‫‪4.0‬‬

‫‪Sub-Contractors‬‬ ‫المقاولـــــــــــــــين الفرعييــــــــــــــــــــن‬ ‫‪5.0‬‬

‫‪Equipment & Resource to be Used‬‬ ‫المعـــدات و المصـادر التي يجـب إستخدامــها‬ ‫‪6.0‬‬

‫‪Emergency Procedures‬‬ ‫إجـــــــــــــراءات الطــــــــــــــــــــــــوارئ‬ ‫‪7.0‬‬

‫‪Supervision by Consultant‬‬ ‫االشـــــــــــــــــرافمن طرف االستشـــــاري‬ ‫‪8.0‬‬

‫‪Monitoring of Work by Contractor‬‬ ‫مراقبـــــــــة العمــــــــل من طرف المقاول‬ ‫‪9.0‬‬

‫‪Work Environmental‬‬ ‫بيئــــــــــــــــــــــة العمــــــــــــــــــــــــــل‬ ‫‪10.0‬‬

‫‪Approval, Review and Briefing‬‬ ‫الموافقـــــــة‪ ,‬المراجعــــــة والخالصــــة‬ ‫‪11.0‬‬

‫‪Appendices‬‬ ‫الملحقــــــــــــــــــــــــــــات‬

‫‪Risk Assessments‬‬ ‫تقييـــــــــــم المخاطــــــــــــــــــــــــــــر‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫‪Drawings, BOQ and Specifications References‬‬ ‫مراجع المواصفـات و جدول الكميات ومخططــات‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫‪1|P a g e‬‬
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

As Pare OSHAD COP 53.1 OHS

1.0- Introduction 1.0 - ‫المقدمــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــة‬

 This method statement describes the sequence of activities involved for GRP tank installation
works to be performed by Al Ain General Contracting Company LLC.
 This method statement will be applicable for Contract No. PGC/CFD/572/60/2021/360

2.0- Scope of Works 2.0- ‫نطــــــــــــــــــــــــاق األعمــــــــــــــــــــــــــال‬

 Scope of the works shall include;

 The sequence of activities involved for installing GRP tanks

3.0- Sequence &Work Method 3.0 - ‫طـــــــــريقة العمــــــــــــل و التسلســــــــل‬

3.0 Methodology
3.1 Loading, Unloading & Handling Instructions

The Components of the tank shall be stacked on pallets and shall be transported on a trailer. It is to
be noted that the maximum height of the trailer after loading the pallets on it shall not exceed 5.4 m
height. Normal trailers are 1.2 m height so the balance height can be used for stacking of the
pallets. It is very important to decide on the mode of transportation. Stack the panels and
accessories on a pallet as per the packing list. Wrap and strap the pallet and mark it with all details
required. After packing inspection, the trailers are placed in position for loading, bring the Forklift
which can pick a load up to minimum 3000 Refer to the below drawing showing the Centre of gravity
and direction of lifting the tank with the forks.

2|P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

The clear horizontal spacing for moving around should be at least 1.5 times the width of the pallet.
Now lift the pallet with the help of forklift up to 0.5m height and bring it near the trailer.

Once the forklift is close to the trailer, lift it up to at least 400mm above the trailer bed. Bring the
forks slowly down until it touches the floor of the pick up or trailer. Check the pallet is seated
properly and then bring the forks slightly down and move the forklift back slowly until the forks are
out of the pallet. Do not remove the forks from the pallets until the pallet is placed in its proper
position and is fully supported.

Once all the pallets are stacked on the trailer, tie them to the trailer with nylon belts and ensure the
pallets are safe from any jerk while transportation.

Follow the same procedure for unloading as for loading. Before proceeding with the unloading of the
pallets, ensure the place where the pallets are to be unloaded is clear of all obstructions and there
is enough space for maneuvering for the forklift.

3.2 Precautions for Loading and Unloading

Pallets cannot be stacked on each other while transporting. Even after placing on a leveled platform
it is recommended not to stack on the other.
While moving the pallet the minimum clearance should be pallet width plus 500mm or height plus
500mm, whichever is greater.
The owner or his representative must take care to entertain the experienced workers/drivers so that
the Panels is not dropped or damaged during delivery, unloading and handling on the job site.
Before unloading it should be made sure that all tools or obstructions which might damage the
Panel to be removed and the panel unloaded and kept on level surface free from debris, rocky
Ensure the working conditions of all lifting tools are satisfactory.
Use the straps of appropriate materials to hold down the panels from moving on the trailer bed due
to sudden braking.
Ensure the straps are strong enough to hold the pallet on the trailer bed from moving.
Always strap the panels to the pallets. The panel is light and will be blown about by wind. This may
result in death or serious injury.

3|P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

3.3 Preservation & Storage Instructions


Panels should be stored on a level surface free from sharp protrusions and adequately supported to
prevent local damage.

The storage location should be selected to minimize the risk of accidental impact damage from
forklift trucks, cranes and heavy vehicles.

All tank openings should be closed with covers and rubber gaskets to prevent the sand ingress.
Panels should be covered with tarpaulin covers to avoid worse effects on sand storms, while storing
and the covers are to be provided with proper ventilation.

The Panels is to be arranged in such places that periodic inspection on tanks can be done.

Panels may be required to be strapped to the ground if stored in an open windy area. Panels should
be lifted by using fork lift or by strapping them around their pallet.

1. Structural Steel should be stored on a level surface free from sharp protrusions and
adequately supported to prevent local damage
2. The storage location should be selected to minimize the risk of accidental impact damage
from forklift trucks, cranes and heavy vehicles.
3. All structural steel components to be preserved and stored on wooden plank of 4”x 4”.
4. Cardboard to be placed on edges to avoid scratches on the galvanized surface. Belts to be
used for loading and unloading in order to prevent any damage to the material.
5. After unloading of material at the storage place, It is to be ensured that the material is safe
against chemical attack.
3.4 Pre-Installation
o Prior to commencement of installation, make sure of the following.
o Approved drawing, material, tools, method of statements all in place.
o Ensure that the foundation is ready as per the requirement and it has been
approved by the consultant.
o Ensure proper coordination with the installation of other services.

4|P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

o Ensure to coordinate with civil team for setting up of proper foundation and
anchor bolt as per the approved submittals.

o Safety measure is followed.

3.5 Installation
As a first stage, prepare the foundation, allow a minimum space of 50cm all around the tank
Use galvanized steel (10cm I beam). This steel skid fixed on the top of foundation
Dome shaped bottom panel with a drain panel facilities complete and fast drainage. The concave
drain panel has been designed to ensure the periodic cleaning and inspection of tank. Panel joints
sealed with special sealing tape after bolted together (10mm nut bolt).
Fourth stage wall panel fixing layer by layer (1x1m) and all joints sealed with special sealing tape
after bolted together with a flat bar and flange bar.
Fifth stage Roof panel fixed – convex shaped – All surfaces of the panel will be smooth and crevice
free to provide hygienic finish and be dimensionally accurate with sharply special sealing tape after
10mm stainless steel bolted together. Manholes should be equipped with a locking device, providing
easy internal entrance and preventing drain water in flow (internal entrance more than 800mm).
Providing air vent UPVC, non-corrosive and insect proof.

Thread bar system will use for internal reinforcement. After fixing all the panels will start fixing the
10mm stainless steel thread bar inside the tank. First 1meter height joint panel will make 10mm 4
holes and also in the opposite side of the tank. Thread bar will fix with a steel plate stainless steel
inside and galvanized plate outside bolted at both ends. Same procedure will be repeated in each
layer of tank. Lastly will fix the L shape plate inside the tank and galvanized plate outside bolted
together for every 1-meter corner of the tank.
Where the partitions are required, they must be of full height using standard panels and providing

5|P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

bottom extra support.

3.6 Testing
The GRP Water Storage tanks shall be tested by the manufacturer representative with guide lines
and as per specification. Test Report shall be submitted for Consultant approval.

4.0- Work Program 4.0- ‫برنـامــــــــــــــــــج العمـــــــــــــــــــــــــــل‬

Work Program:
Works shall be performed generally in accordance with the Approved Programme and with:
i. Start Date: As per latest revision of base line programme
ii. Finish Date: As per latest revision of base line programme
iii. Shift Pattern: Day Shift

5.0- Sub-Contractors 5.0- ‫المقـــــــــاولــــــــين الفرعييـــــــــــــــــن‬


6.0- Equipment & Resources to be Used 6.0- ‫المعـــدات و المصـادر التـــي يجـب إستخدامــها‬
No. Equipment Description No. Equipment Description
1 Toolbox 15 Angle supports
2 Ladder/scaffolding 16 Channel
3 Measuring tape 17 Pipe support
4 Drilling machine 18 Marker
5 Panel UV resistant 19 Level
6 Steel skid 20 Pipe wrench
7 Bolts and nuts SS 21 Hand & power tools
8 External I-beam support 22 Adequate power source
9 PVC flanges inlet, outlet, overflow and drain 23 Scraper/ spatula or filling knife
10 Air vent 24 Sling belts
11 Joint sealant 25 Double insulated electrical cables with
industrial socket
12 Ladder internal & external 26 Heavy equipment i.e crane, forklift etc
13 sealant 27 scaffolding
14 Level indicator 28 Safety requirements tools such as safety
shoes, safety helmet, safety glasses,
fluorescent vest and safety gloves to ensure
maximum ability to safe work and safety

7.0- Emergency Procedures 7.0- ‫إجـــــــــــــــراءات الطـــــوارئ‬

Proposed control measures to reduce the risks. ‫التدابير المسبقة للحد من المخاطر‬

6|P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

Permits Required Yes No Assessments Required (attach if “Yes) Yes No
Hot works  Cosh 
Crane Check List  Noise 
Excavation  Manual handling 
Confined space entry  Other (state)
Riser Shafts 

Further Control Measures / Security Requirements

Training Certification Required Yes No Training Certification Required Yes No
Scaffold  Mobile Elevating Platform 
Forklift  Mobile Access Tower 
Dumper  Banks man 
Excavator  Abrasive Wheels 
Overall assessment of risk prior to the Low Moderate Substantial High
implementation of control measure
Emergency Arrangement ‫ترتيبات الطوارئ‬
First Aid Measures Required Rescue / Security Measures Required


Rescue Spillage Control Required


8.0- Supervision by Consultant 8.0 - ‫االشـــــــــــــــــراف من طرف االستشـــــاري‬

 Work inspection request shall be received by consultant prior to start of activity at site.
 Consultant representative shall check and approve the equipment certificates and personnel
qualifications to perform the job at site.
 Consultant representative shall check and witness randomly with regard to the installation of
material at site.

7|P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

 Any Non-compliance and Risk assessment the consultant representative have all the
discretion to stop the work at site at any given moment.

9.0- Monitoring of Work by Contractor 9.0 –‫مراقبـــــــــــــــة العمــــــــــــــل من طرف المقاول‬

9.0 Responsibilities
9.1 Project Manager (PM):
a. Overall responsible for the safe execution of the works.
b. Plan the materials, plant and equipment required for this activity.
c. Obtain all relevant approvals for Local Authority Requirements.
d. Obtain required permits from Engineering Department.
e. Ensure that all work procedures are followed correctly to the satisfaction of the Client,
Consultant and Local Authorities.
f. Point of contact for co-ordinating with Local Authorities on behalf of ALGECO.

9.2 Project Engineer / Site Engineer / Foreman:

a. Responsible for the safe execution of the works at site
b. Supervision of personnel.
c. Compliance of the works to the approved drawings, Specifications, and to the
satisfaction of the Client / Consultant and Local Authority requirements.
a. Responsible for the execution, monitoring and supervision of the works.
b. Providing task related TBT (Toolbox Talk) to personnel.
c. Implementing and monitoring Quality and OHSE requirements.
d. Report to the Project Manager on a regular basis.
9.3 Surveyor:
a. Responsible for the setting out, marking co-ordinates and level prior to and during the
works in accordance with the approved drawings.
b. Report to the Project Manager on a regular basis.
9.4 QA/QC Engineer / Inspector
a. Responsible for the development of the QA/QC Plan and procedures for this activity.
b. Assist and advise the Project Manager to implement the QA/QC system and

8|P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

c. Ensure the requirements of the Specification are incorporated in the Method Statement.
d. Maintain all QA / QC documents and records specific to the works carried out, and
submit as required by the Consultant / Client.
e. Responsible to ensure that the developed quality management system and procedures
are implemented satisfactorily for this activity
f. Documents / records are maintained for this activity.
g. Report to the Project Manager on a regular basis.

9.5 Civil Engineer / Technical Engineer:

a. Responsible to rectify and modify shop drawings and submit to consultant for review
and approval.
b. Prepare materials sample and submittal to consultant for approval.
c. Assist Project Manager for any development and modification for the shop drawings
and submit RFI (Request for Information) if necessary, to consultant for review and
9.6 OHSE Manager:
a. Responsible for the development of the OHSE system including Plan, OHSE
Procedures, Task Risk Assessment and requirement of adequate PPE in order to
execute the activity safely.
b. Advise and assist the Project Manager for implementing the OHSE system.
c. Report to the Project Director on a regular basis.

9.7 OHSE Engineers / Officers:

a. Responsible for the development of the OHSE system including Plan, OHSE
Procedures, Task Risk Assessment and requirement of adequate PPE in order to
execute the activity safely.
b. Advise and assist the Project Manager for implementing the OHSE system.
a. Report to the Project Manager / Coordinator on a regular basis.
b. Duties and responsibilities include planning and scheduling the safety provisions of the
works at project sites with the Construction Team.
c. Work closely with the Project Manager to assist / advise OHSE measures at the
d. Inspecting and recording the site safety activities and advising the site personnel for
safe work at sites.
e. Inspecting the welfare facilities of the working crew at sites.

9|P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

f. Inspecting the traffic management arrangements at sites.

g. OHSE Engineers / Officers will be reporting to the OHSE HOD on a regular basis.

10.0- Work Environmental 10.0 - ‫بيئــــــــــــــــــــة العمـــــــــــــــــــــل‬


Appendices ‫الملحقــــــــــات‬
1.Risk Assessments 1.‫تقييمــــــــــــــــــات المخاطـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــر‬
Hazard Identification Yes No Hazard Identification Yes No
Slip and Trips  Coshh 
Manual Handling  Noise 
Hand Tolls  Work at Heights 
Excavations  Dust/Fumes 
Machinery/Lifting Equipment  Lighting 
Fire  rd
3 party (Contractor) 
Fall of Material  Environmental 
Electrical  Other
Who Might Be Harmed?
Own Personnel Yes No Office Staff or Visitors Yes No
Other Contractors’ Yes No Members of the Public Yes No
First Aid Reportable Major Disablement Fatal
Potential Severity of Injury or Illness
1 2-5 6-20 21-100 10+
Number of workers exposed to hazard
Happens Happens Happens on Happens Certain to
Probability of injury or illness rarely each Year most jobs regularly happen

Overall assessment of risk prior to the Low Moderate Substantial High

implementation of control measure

2. Drawings, BOQ and Specifications References 2. ‫مراجع المواصفـات و جدول الكميات ومخططــات‬
No. Ref. to B.O.Q / Spec. Ref. QY. Unit Material Description
Specification Ref: 22 12 00
No. Drawing Reference Drawing Title
1. Building C1 - Water Supply Layout-Roof Floor Layout
10 | P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

2. PGC-ASC-180016-P2-C-D1-P-2007 Building D1 &D2 - Water Supply Layout- Roof Floor Layout
3. PGC-ASC-180016-P2-C-H1-P-2003 Building H1 – Water Supply Layout - Ground Floor Layout

The company certifies that all information above found to
be in compliance with the Contract documents.
Al Ain General Contracting Company L.L.C. ‫الشركة‬

contractor ‫التاريخ‬ ‫النوقيع‬ ‫األسم‬

22-04-2022 Date Signature Name

Approval, Review and Briefing ‫الموافقـــــــة والمراجعـــــــــة والخالصــــــة‬

Site Engineer / Services
HSE Manager ‫مدير الصحة والسالمة‬ ‫ مهندسالخدمات‬/ ‫مهندسالموقع‬
Comments ‫مالحظات‬ Comments ‫مالحظات‬

‫االسم‬ ‫االسم‬
Name Name
Resident Engineer Comments ‫مالحظاتالمهندسالمقيم‬
‫ فقطتعبىءإذاتماإلشارةعلىالمربعالمخصصأعالهبالشخصذاتالصلة‬:‫مالحظاتمديرالمشروع‬
Project Manager Comments: (to be filled ONLY if the escalation box above to the relevant person is Ticked)
Review Status (by Final Approver) )‫حالةالمراجعة (منخالآلخرموافقة‬
No Objection AS Noted = B ‫موافقمعالمالحظات‬
REVISE & RESUBMIT = C ‫يراجعويعادتقديمه‬
REJECTED = D ‫مرفوض‬
Comments raised to PM = E ‫مالحضات تم رفعها لمدير المشروع‬
Comments ‫مالحظات‬

11 | P a g e
Reference No ‫رقم المرجع‬
Project Management Office ‫مكتب أدارة المشاريع‬
360 SM MS 005
REV. Date ‫بيــــــان طــــــريقة العمــــــــل‬
00 22-04-2022 Work Method Statement

‫التاريخ‬ ‫التوقيع‬ ‫االسم‬

Date Signature Name

Project Manager ‫مدير المشاريع‬

Comments ‫مالحظات‬

‫التاريخ‬ ‫التوقيع‬ ‫االسم‬

Date Signature Name

12 | P a g e

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