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Organlzing Commlttee

St6ering Commlttee
t prot. Dr. K. Mizuno (Chairman)
,-; n
Pro{. Dr. Cecep Kusmana
Prof. Dr. Supiandi Sabiham
9rof. Dr. Bambang Sr.rbiyanto

Prof. Dr. Cecep Kusmana

Dr. Keisuke Hoshikawa

Prof. Dr. Bambang Hero Sahario Dr. Stryong Santoso
Dr. And Gunewan Dr. Basukl Strnawlnata
Dr. Sublyakto Dr. hvan Saskiauan
Dr. lskandar Lubis Dr. Suhardja
Dr. Sdaeman Dr. Arief Hartono
lr. Heru Bagus Pulunggono, M.Agr

Prof. Dr. Cecep Kusmana
Dr. Arzyana Sunkar
br. Syaifr.d Anwar

Dr. Ernan Hustiad

Dr. Wahyu Dwlanto

lr. Alwl, MS.
Dian Rahayu, S.Hut
Ruri Risnarvati, S.Hut
Ardiansyah, S.Hul
Poppy Oktad[yanl. S.Htn
Menyta Septlyanl
BOCOR. 23-24 J^NUARY 2m9


Frlday, 23 Jifiuary 2009

08.00 - 09.00 Registration
Opening Remarks
Chairman of Organizing Speaker:
09.00 - 09.10
Committee Prof. Dr. Cecep Kusmana
09.10 - 09.20 President of HAKU
Prof. Dr. Suiliandi Sabiham
09.00 - 09.50 First Secretary ol Japanesa Speaker:
09.20 - 09.30
Embassy Mr. Ken Nogrchi
09.30 - 09c0 Chairman ol LlPl President ol
Prof. Dr. Umar Anggara Jenie
09.40 - c9.50 Vice President of IPB
Miftah Anas Faul
09.50 - 10.15 Break
10.r5 - r0.30 Teleconference
Dr. HiroshiMatsumoto
Prof. Dr. Supiandi Sabiham
Keynote Speech Session 1
Dr. SyaifulAnwar
Water and Forest:
10.30- 11.10 Comparative studies of water
10.30 - 10.50 resource management frun
Prof.lsamu Yamada
the point of foresl conseruation
in the tropics and other world
Water resource management Speaker:
10.s0 - 1 1.10
in relation to biodiversity Prof. Peter E. Hehanussa
11.10 - 13.30 Break (Friday Prayer)/Lunch
13.30 - 14.O0 Discussion
Prof . Bambang Su6lyanto
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote Speech Session 2
Dr. Wahyu [hrianto
Director of RISH or
Representative (Water
- 14.25 Speaker:
14.OO resource management in
Prof. Tsuda Toshitaka
relation to globallrerd and
climate change).

IPB (lnlegrated watershed Speaker:

14.25 - 14.50
managerrlent in lndonesia) Pro{. Dr. Naik Sinukaban

')/ua (v{)*rr,,o.')/Enogrn,-,t , ftt ({qilrw* .tWon (&b""


14.50- 15.20 Discussion

15.20- 15.50 Break
lt Moderaton
Dr. Sugeng Santoso
l{Al$Corqress Rapporteur:
Dr. lskadar Lubis
Wat BespottsibilitY RePort bY Speaker:
15.50- 1240 15.50- 1625 Chalrman of HAKU Period Prof. SupiandiSabiham
2fl07- 20OB & Discussion
Election of Meeting's
16.25 - 16.40
Chairman of HAKU Election
,6.40 - 17.20 pedod 2008 -2009
Perspective Organization ol Speaker:
17.20- 17.& Kyoto University Alurn rry Mr. Kawaguchl

Saturdan 2'l January 2fi)9

09.00 - 10.30 Paper Presentation and Discusslon

l. Group A:
Dr. Okamoto
Presentation of papers (4
Mr. Kozang Osamu
09.0s10.00 Speaker:
Topic: Water resource
Dr. Soebandono
management PolicY in
Dr. Dmyati
Southeast Asian region Mr. KatsuyuklShlmlzu

10.0G 10.30 Discussion

ll. Group B: Dr. Eman Rustiadi
Presentation of paPers (4 Rapporteur:
speakers) Dr. Sulaeman
09.0&10.00 Speaker :
Topic:Water resource Ms. Ratih Dewanti
managemsnt in the global Dr. Abdul Rauf
trend and climate change Mr. Yoictrl Fujihara
Ms. Marthina D. Utaml
10.0s- 10.30 Discussion

lll. Group C: Moderator:

Presentation of papers (4 Dr. Suhardja
speakers) Rapporteur:
Dr. BasukiStrnawlnata
o9.0s10.00 Speaker:
Topic: Water resource
managernent in relation to Mr. Alwi
integrated watersM Mr. Nana M. Aril Jaya
management Mr. St*mizu Takeshi

to.tx)- 10.30 Discusslon

*l{t, @)urr* l}lfrnny"*n r, .fn flnrt/wt t' jWon @Tg*"


10.30 - 11.00
General Disctssion and Pro{. Kono
11.00 - 12.OOf Corrcludirg Hemarks (VVraP Reporter:
Up Session) Prof. Bambang Hero Saharlo

12.00 - 12.15
Person ln Charge:
12.r5 - 13.00 Dr. Arzyana Stnkar

,N*-, (ail*r*,lWnoX,*t" fa d'u't'l'a* 'Zfron @b*



Preface. .....................1

Ooeninq Remarks
Prof. Cecep Kusmana (Chairman of Organizing Committee)............ .'....................11

Prof. Supianil S"Oin.m (Chairman of I-IAKU lndonesia 2OO7-2OO})

Nougucfri Ken (First Secretary of JapaneseEmbassy). ..-.-.....-......v|i
Miftah Anas Fauzi (Vice President of IPB)..... ............-...1x
Dr. Hiroshi Matsumoto (President Of Kyoto University) .-..'.-.rl

Term of Reference ............ ...............1

Kevnote Soeech
Session 1: Water and Forest: Comparatlve Studles ol Water Besource Management
from the Polnt of Forest Conservatlon ln the Troplcs and Other World -
lsamu Yamada... ........2

Water Resources Sustalnablllty, Vlrtual Water, Blodlverstty Functlone and

Productlvlty - Peter E. Hehanussa and Gadis S. Haryanl ...-.....-....21

Session 2: An Overvlew of Colaboratlve Beeearch Programs at BISH Observatlons of

Equatorlal Atmosphere Dynamlca'Toshltaka Tsuda .................22

lntegrated Watershed Management for Sustalnablltty of Water Resources,

lndonesla (Case Study ln Besal Watershed Lampung lndoneslal - Nalk
Sinukabanand Jamartin Sihite.... ...'......'.......23

Concurrent Sesslons
Group A: Houslng Devetopment versus Water Resourceg Conservatlon' Dr. Muh
Dimyati. '.........35

Actual l/Vater Use of A Large - Scale Beservolr lrrlgatlon System ln

Northwest Thalland - Katsuyuki Shimizu.. '...............35

Group B: How to Ensure the Stablltty of Water Resources under Cllmate Change'A.
Raul, H. Pawitan, C. Kusmana and T. June. .................42

Cllmate Change lmpacts on the ttydrology and Water Regourcee ol the

Seyhan Hlver Baeln ln Turkey - Y. Fujihara, K. Tanaka, T. Watanabe, T.
Nagano, And T. Kojiri
pRocEEDrNo oFTHE 40 KYoro t NwERSITY - sourgEAsr AsIAN FoRui

Water Run-Up and lnundatlon Slmulatlons of Storm Surges along the

Southern Coast of Java - Nining Sari Ningsih, Marthina Dian Utami, and Safwan
Hadi........ ................63

Group G Land Use lmpact to Avalhblltty and Water Resource Qualtty ln Watershed -

La Ode Alwiand SittiMarwah............. ........76

Potenthl Aplicatlons of The Swat Model ln lntegrated Watershed

Management and Water Besources Managmenet ln lndonesla (Case Study
at Clsadane Upper Cathment, Wesl Java, lndonesla) - Nana Mulyana, Yuli
Suharnot, and Cecep ........86

An lnvestlgatlon on Sedlment Felated Problems for Watershed

Management ln The Brantas Rlver Basln, lndonesla - Takeshi Shimizu.......gil

Suooortlnq Paoer
The Hydrologlcal Response on Palred Waterehed ' Hatma Suryatmojo .......103

Water Fesources Development For Upland Sugarcane Plantatlon - Putu Sudira and
Sukirno.... ........113

The Effects of Cllmate Change On Waler Resources Development - Putu

Sudira...... .............123

ldentfilng Vlsual Characterlstlcs of lkonos lmage Featurlng Aesthetlc Quality of

Urban l-andscape - AndiGunawan dan Julina Punvaningsih.............. ............131

The Effect of Treee Coverlng and Canopy Forms On Aesthetlc Qualtty of Some Type of
Bullding - Harry Nopiyantoand AndiGunawan.. ............135

The Effect of Crop Plante Vertlcal Structure On Aesthetlc Quallty of Agrlcultural

Landscape - Jimi Stepanusand AndiGunawan.. '..........140

Selectlon of Lowland Blce Cultlvars That Have Potential Tolerane to Water - Flooding
Eko Sulistyono, lskandar Lubis, and Suwamo.......... .......145

Role of Vegetatlon ln Forest Hydrology - Cecep Kusmana and Arzyana Sunkar.........153


The Effect of Trees Coverlng and Canopy Forms On Aesthetlc Quallty of Some
Type of Bulldlng
tlarry Noplyantor and Andl Gunawanz
^ 'Sintang Hesident Region Devetopment Agenrry, West Kalimantan, lndonesia
'De$rtment of l-andsrary Atchitedure, BogorAgrbuttural University (lPB), lndonesia

The city development in lndonesia directs to less control situation both physically and visual
aesthetically. At last, height, architectural, tayout and building become the power of its architec(ttrat
will cause more impact visually or aesthetically in urban area. The study ol cig tree stand has done to
decreass the visual impact aesthetically. The main puryose combine the tree stand dosing to the
building on other building is to beautify the building, other building and urban landscape generally.
This research utilized experimental methocl and comp..rterized simulation. Daniel and Boster
(1976) svaluated aesthetic quality with Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method. This closing, and (3)
the form of tree caropy. Tl',e type of building consists of 4 variable, high, medium, simple, and
slumped building. The level of covedng tress consist of 5 variable, without covering lrees,20o/o,40!o,
60o/",80Y" correring trees to the building at the tree lwel. The tree canopy form consists of 3 variaUe,
rounded, columnar and conicle shape. This parameter is test using Anova.
Generally, the research shows that the covering of trees stand can effect anery aesthetic
quali$ landscape with building background. lt can be seen that tha higher the level of covering stand
to the building the higher tha aesthetic quality. ln this research, the crown of the tree not show
differences to the aesthetic quality significanfly. The magnitude of the aesthetic quality depend on the
level of covering and typ6s of bullding.
Keywords: scenic beauty estimation, aesthetic quality,types of building, canopy form, urban

Nowadays, the city dwelopnent ol ln lndonesia was toward to the uncontrolled situation
whether physically or its visual aesthetic. Height, architecture character, layout, and building become
the power of its archltec't. These powor sometimes become uncontrolled so can be eftec.ted visually
and decrease the aesthetic quality of ultan area generally.
The urban environment was the important environment to be concemed cause urban was the
central of society and goremment activity, wtrether social ac'tivity, transportation, e@nomic, cutture
etc. Therefore, in order to make the activity in the city become cornfortable it had to consider the
present of vegetation element as ono of city landscape element According to Booth (1983) has its
function as climate ameliorations, as redu@r of noise, director, tackling the smell, shaper, and
security. ln additlon, Carpenter, Walker and Larphear (1975) explain that vegeta0on elernent also has
great influence toward the increaslng of aesthotic qualfiy in urban area. ln addition, how far the
irrcrease of aesthetic quality that lnfluenced by the present of vegetation was not lot becorne the object
of sludy. The research related with the lnfluence of vegelation toward urban aesthetic quality tras to
done considering the urban furrction nowadays has become tourisrn area where aesthetic was lhe
important part of the city attractive.
This research has done to analyze the influerw cd corering vegetation and form of crown tree
on varlous form ol building toward aesthetlc quality d urban lardscape.

q/{* @fe,,* tr""*rt &, &di*e .%ik* @*-, -135-



According to Daniel and Boster (1976) the mean of scsrc beautybase on premise that beauty
was one lnteractive concspt. The beauty of scenery was not only eyesight but atso as part of
nneafi. The beauty of mct sconery depend on human estimation, atthough it hard to estimate
obfecdvefy. Tho researcfr utilized the Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method. This method induded
mlima$on category base on preference, wfiich use questioner to find out respondent preferenc€ about
lan<bcape. Sodety prderence stmaton for various type of landscape done by give estimation
throrgh land*ape ptnto slide rafrq system/lDanlel and Boster, 1976). The estimations using the
photo equal as good as estimation using tha sconety directly (Kapan, 1988).
ln thls resoarch 3 (three) parameter was observe, that is (1) kind of building, (2) lwel of
covedng Fes and, (3) crown tree form. The type of building parameter consist of 4 (four) variable that
is, high, medrm, slmple and dwnped building. The corering tree level parameter consist 5 (five)
vadable that is, wltftout,covedng trees or 07",20oh, 40/",60oh,80o/" ctrrering trees to the building at
treos level. The tree canopy forms consisl of 3 variaHes that is rounded, columnar and conicalform.
The simu{ation of the treafnent was using photograph. The photograph base that used was
taken frorn various places ln Jakarta and Bogor (Fig. 1). The photography was done with photography
norms corsiderlng ths dominancy and propcrtion of the landscape. Base on the treatment that
menton before, yielded 60 slmulation photo. These photos put in slide series that presented in front of
50 respondents. EsUmadon was done for every photo by scored 1-10. The sc'ore 1 show that scenery
ln the photo rvery disllke', while score 10 show *very like". Every slide was presented I second.

High Building Medium Building

Simf,e Building Slumped Building

Figure 1. Base photo that r.rcad in this research.

- 135 @/{b @e.r* %""!,*tt -6 q"rdA*e ffcorn


After the scoring result was get from reryondent scoring, the aesthetic quality estimatE with
the Seenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) that explained by Daniel and Baster (1976). Ttris anatyzes base
on z average s@re (normal) for wery lardscape. SBE score estimate utilize tho formria:
Where a, ,r?s Z average landscape x (x=1,2,3....60) and 4, was tha Z average lanctscape standad.
fom and type of
Furthermore, to investigate the influence of p€rcentage of covering vegetation, crovun
building, the reo parameter was tested using Arrcva (Sumertajaya and Ma$lh 2005). To lrvestgate
how far the influence each parameter was tesled using Ouncans.

Resufts and Dlacusslon

The result of this research shows that aesthetic quality in varlous rypo of buildng covered with
vegetation was very vary. Some of building landscape seems attractive with the pres€nt of trees with
different types of crown. Generally, the beauty pattem on four types of buitding show almost similar
tendency, where the landscape with 0% (without vegetation) on a/ery building smred has the torlost
assthetic quality. Gradually, aesthetics quality lncreasing equals with the lncreaslng vegetadon
covedng porcentage on every type of building. The treatnent of crown form also has thE same pattem




(a) Rourded Canopy

O/'d/* fu.* %^"--." -% q***e.%o* ryr- -137-

BOCOR 23.24 2OO9


{t o

r/*aJr.. i*rr*ri rrrrgr iq.rur.r

t.) conilffiopy
1. Corering Canopy Ooh 3. Covering Canopy rCI%
2. Cwerlng Canopy 20% 4. Corerlng Canopy 80%
Flgure 2. SBE bulldng landscape score toward crown form and covering percentage.

Flgures 2 shovfs yleld d esdmaUon aestheUc quallty for wery bullding landscapes sc€nery
totally. 6G,80"6 corerlng larel has great lnfluenced on the high bulldlng landscape. lt marked wlth
positfue SBE score whlch means aesthetic quality was abore the average. The pattems also slmllar ln
all crowns form. For the conlcal and columnar crown form the corering level also gave the posltfue
influences to medlum and slmple type of bullding, but the slmllar thlngs can not be seen ln slumped
bullding. The general pattem thal shows ln plcture 2 slmllar with Siregar (2006) resoarch, but on hls
research the hlghest aestheilc quality was on the 60% coverlng vegetation percentage. ln this
research, luxurlous bulldlng character very responsive toward tha present of vegetadon around it that
causo lncreaslng of aestheffc quality.
The lnfluence of vegetaflon on slumped bullding landscape s6ems lncrEase wlthln the
increase of corerlng vegetaflon percentago. ln addidon, the lncreaslng could not Jack up the SBE
score above 0, except for tree vegetafon with rounded crown form w'ith 80% corerlng percentage.
Thls probably caused by the rourded crown form seem @ntras and domlnats the slumped photo
background so prodtm harmonlous landscape settlngs.
Base on staUstlc test (p;95%) treatnent vegeta0on coverlng percentage has real lnfluence to
the aesthetlc quallty landscape. The advarped tosts show that influence 6S80"/o coverlng rpt sfpws
any real dfferencee. Vegetation lnfluence to the landscape aesthetic can be soen on the 407o
corerlng perc8ntage. A landscapo wlth or w,lthoutvegetatlon w{llseem banen and hot so people score
the landscape lotner than the lardscapo with enough vogotason (Gunawan, 20os).
The lnfluence t,"e d
building tourard aestheUc quality statstically (p:95%) slrcua reat
differences. ln addilion, the qualig of Hgh, medurn and simple buitding nd sfrows real differencas
base on Duncan's advance test. Aesthetlc quality landscape slumped building has very real
differences with the other three buildng. Unwell regulated form of buildng, not proportional layout, ard
very low quality buildirq was the character that not sr&port the aesthetic qualig landscapa (Gunawan,

- 138 A/{b @e,* g{:*""g*r.,t *fh qrrd*a,%* @*"-

BOGO& 23-2l+ TANUARY 2m9

2005). For the interactbn lnfluence b€ture€n covering vegetation percontage paramder and tlpo of
building not show any realdifferences.

fnetoredng vegetation percontag€ trae real lrdtsp toward aesfietb qrrallty landscape.
lnfluerrce of tlpe of br.rildng not shorys arry real differances exoept ln dunped bu$dng landscape. ln
this research there was no lntaracton lnfluenca botn€en the coverlng veggtaton percentagg and t)rpe
of building toward aesthotic quality lan<lscape. The crorrun feerform lndlrpd not sttorrs very significant
differences toward aesthetic quality landscape. The magnltudes oi asthetlc quality (SBE score) was
more inlluence by the lorel of corering vegetaffon percontages and typo of btdldlngs.

Booth, N.K. 1983. Basic Element CI tandscape Arcfiltectural Deslgn. Wardand Press. llllonls.
Carpenter, P.L.,T.D. Walker and F.O. Larphear. 1975. Plant ln The tandscape, W.H. Freeman. San
Fransisco.48l p.
Gunawan. A. 2005. Evaluasl Kualltas Estetika Larskap Kotra Bogor. Jumal tanskap lndonesia.
Departemen Arsitektur Lanskap. lnstitut Pertanlan Bogor.
Daniel, T.C. Boster, R.S. 1976. Measuring Landscape EstheUcs: The Scenlc Beauty Estimation
Method, New Jersey. USDA lorest servlce. 65p.
Kaplan. S. 1988. Where cognition and effect meet : a tfporetical analysls of preference. P 5S63. ln
Jack L. N, ed. EnvironmentalAeslhetlcs. Cambrldge Universlty Press. New York.
Siregar, F. 20o4'. Pengaruh Vegetasl Terhadap Kualltas Estetlks parh tanskap Permukiman.
Departemen Budidaya Pertanian. Fakdtas Pertanlan. lPB. CIdak dptbllkaslkan).
Sumertajaya, l.M dan Mattjilq A.A. 2006. Perancangan Percobaan Dengan Apllkasl SAS dan
MINITAB. IPB Press. Bogor.

q/{* @e,* %*rf**t -fb @rdd,%* ry"" -139-


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