Izra Binti Abdullah - WTC

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Date : 08/05/2024




Certificate No. : TPT-C6397828-K1
Period of Takaful : 07/06/2024 - 08/06/2024

We are pleased to extend our warmest welcome to you for being a part of our family.

We enclose herewith the following document for your action:-

Certificate Schedule
This important document summarizes the details of your certificate and we suggest that you keep this document for
reference. kindly be informed that the details stated in the certificate schedule is based on the information you have
declared to us at the time of application. We advise that you check the document carefully and it there is any
discrepancy, please inform us immediately. Our consultant will be glad to serve you.

For any enquiries on the above or any of your products, feel free to call Etiqa Oneline at 1 300 13 8888 or email us at
info@etiqa.com.my. In case of any claim, you may call our Claims Careline at +603 2161 0270 for fast and efficient claim
service. Again, we welcome you to the Etiqa family.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Etiqa General Takaful Berhad
Talian Khidmat Bantuan / Helpline No. +603 2785 6565 C6397828


Notis Penting /Important Notice

1. Sekiranya anda memerlukan sebarang bantuan atau maklumat perjalanan, kecemasan perubatan semasa perjalanan, atau untuk makluman tuntutan, sila hubungi
kami di Talian Khidmat Bantuan Perjalanan dan Perubatan 24 Jam If you require any assistance or information on travel, medical emergency during the trip, or on
claims notification, please call our 24-Hour Travel and Medical Assistance Helpline No.

2. Di dalam sijil perlindungan ini, melainkan jika dinyatakan sebaliknya, perkataan 'saya, kami, anda' adalah bermaksud peserta di mana yang berkenaan / In this
certificate of cover, unless stated otherwise, the words 'I/we, you/your, me/us and my/our' means participant wherever applicable.

3. Anda boleh membatalkan sijil anda pada bila-bila masa dengan memberikan kami notis bertulis. Semasa pembatalan, segala pembayaran balik sumbangan akan
berdasarkan syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan di dalam sijil / You may cancel your certificate at any time by giving us a written notice. Upon cancellation, any refund of
contribution would be based on the conditions stipulated in the certificate.

4. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan atau memerlukan maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi 1300 13 8888 di dalam Malaysia atau e-mel ke info@etiqa.com.my.
Jika anda mempunyai aduan, pertikaian atau maklum balas, sila hubungi Unit Aduan Etiqa General Takaful di e-mel complaint_cmu@etiqa.com.my, hubungi talian
1300 13 8888 dalam Malaysia atau di talian +603 2780 4500 daripada luar Negara, faksimile di +603 2297 1919, atau secara pos kepada Unit Pengurusan Aduan,
Tingkat 6, Menara B, Dataran Maybank, No. 1, Jalan Maarof, 59000 Kuala Lumpur / If you have an enquiry or require further information, please contact 1300 13 8888
within Malaysia or e-mail at info@etiqa.com.my. If you have a complaint, dispute, or feedback, please contact Etiqa General Takaful Complaints Unit on email at
complaint_cmu@etiqa.com.my, telephone within Malaysia on 1300 13 8888 or from overseas on +603 2780 4500, facsimile on +603 22971919, or by post at
Complaints Management Unit, Level 6, Tower B, Dataran Maybank, No.1, Jalan Maarof, 59000 Kuala Lumpur.

5. Bagi pertikaian berkaitan dengan keputusan Etiqa General Takaful, secara alternatif, anda boleh menghubungi Ombudsman Perkhidmatan Kewangan (dahulu dikenali
sebagai Biro Pengantaraan Kewangan) melalui e-mel enquiry@ofs.org.my, hubungi talian +603 2272 2811, faksimile di +603 2272 1577, atau melalui pos ke Tingkat
14, Blok Utama, Menara Takaful Malaysia, No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 50000 Kuala Lumpur. Pertanyaan, aduan, pertikaian dan maklum balas boleh juga dihantar
ke Bank Negara Malaysia melalui e-mel ke bnmtelelink@bnm.gov.my, hubungi talian 1300 88 5465, faksimile di +603 2174 1515, atau secara pos kepada Pengarah,
Jabatan LINK & Pejabat Wilayah, Bank Negara Malaysia, Jalan Dato' Onn, 50480 Kuala Lumpur /For a dispute with a decision of Etiqa General Takaful, you may
alternatively contact the Ombudsman for Financial Services (formerly known as Financial Mediation Bureau) on e-mail at enquiry@ofs.org.my, telephone on +603 2272
2811, facsimile on +603 2272 1577, or by post at Level 14, Main Block, Menara Takaful Malaysia, No 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 50000 Kuala Lumpur. Enquiries,
complaints, disputes, and feedback may also be sent to Bank Negara Malaysia by email at bnmtelelink@bnm.gov.my, telephone on 1300 88 5465, facsimile on +603
2174 1515, or by post to Director, Jabatan LINK & Pejabat Wilayah, Bank Negara Malaysia, Jalan Dato' Onn, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.

6. Sekiranya berlaku kemalangan, sila beritahu Etiqa General Takaful segera secara bertulis atau menghubungi Bantuan Tuntutan Etiqa di 1300 88 1007. Sila lawati
laman web kami di www.etiqa.com.my untuk memuat turun borang tuntutan. Sila lengkapkan dan serahkan borang tuntutan secepat mungkin bersama-sama dengan
dokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan untuk menyokong tuntutan tersebut ke cawangan kami yang berhampiran dengan anda / In the event of accident, please
immediately notify Etiqa General Takaful in writing or call Etiqa Claims Assist at 1300 88 1007. Please visit our website at www.etiqa.com.my to download the claim
form. Please then complete the claim form, and submit together with related documents, to your nearest branch.

Butir-butir Orang Yang Dilindungi / Details of Covered Person

Nama Orang Utama Yang Dilindungi / Name of Main Covered Person: Nombor Kad Pengenalan / Nombor Pasport:
IC Number / Passport Number:
IZRA BINTI ABDULLAH 850404-02-5118

Orang Lain Yang Dilindungi / Other Covered Persons:

Nama Penuh Nombor Kad Pengenalan/ Hubungan
No. Full Name Nombor Passport Relationship
IC Number / Passport Number

Butir-Butir Perlindungan / Details of Coverage

1. Tempoh Takaful / Period of Takaful Dari / From: 07/06/2024 Hingga / To: 08/06/2024

2. Negara-negara dilawati / Country(ies) to visit: Kawasan / Area: 1 2 3 4

Kawasan 1 (Domestik) / Area 1 (Domestic) Malaysia

Kawasan 2 (Negara Asia seperti yang dinyatakan) / Area 2 Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau,
(Selected Asian Countries) Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sikkim, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,
Thailand, Timor Leste dan Vietnam. / Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong,
India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sikkim, Singapore,
South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam.

Kawasan 3 / Area 3 Seluruh Dunia kecuali Malaysia, Nepal, USA dan Kanada / Worldwide excluding Malaysia, Nepal,
USA and Canada.

Kawasan 4 / Area 4 Seluruh Dunia termasuk Nepal, USA dan Kanada (kecuali Malaysia) /Worldwide including Nepal,
USA and Canada (excluding Malaysia)

Nota/Note: Negara-negara yang dikecualikan /Excluded countries

i.Perjalanan dalam, ke atau melalui negara-negara atau kawasan-kawasan yang tertakluk kepada peperangan, konflik, atau kuarantin bagi penyakit berjangkit /Travel in, to
or through countries or regions which are subject to war, conflict, or quarantine for contagious disease
ii.Perjalanan dalam, ke atau melalui Iraq, Korea Utara, Palestin, Syria atau Ukraine / Travel in, to or through Iraq, North Korea, Palestine, Syria or Ukraine

3. Jenis Sijil / Type of Certificate:: Satu Perjalanan / Per Trip

4. Jenis Pelan / Type of Plan: Antarabangsa (Perak) / International (Silver)
5. Jenis Skim / Type of schema: Individu / Individual
6. Sumbangan yang dibayar / Contribution Paid : RM 25.00 ( termasuk Duti Setem / inclusive of Stamp Duty )
7. Aktiviti-aktiviti berbahaya /Extreme Sports : Yes No

8. Perlindungan COVID-19 /COVID-19 Cover : Yes No

Arahan Pembayaran / Payment Instruction
Jenis Akaun / Account Type: ______________________________ Nombor Akaun / Account Number: ______________________________

Jenis Kad Kredit / Credit Card Type: ______________________________ No. Kad Kredit / Credit Card No: ______________________________

Tarikh Tamat / Expiry Date:
Bulan / Month Tahun / Year
Akuan Oleh Orang Yang Dilindungi / Declaration by Covered Person
1. Saya/Kami mengaku tidak melakukan perjalanan untuk tujuan mendapatkan rawatan perubatan atau perjalanan yang bertentangan dengan nasihat mana-mana ahli
perubatan /I am / We are not travelling for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment or travelling against the advice of any medical practitioner.

2. Saya/Kami bersetuju untuk mendedahkan kepada Etiqa General Takaful secara berterusan, sepenuhnya dan dengan jujur, tentang apa-apa perkara yang mungkin
berlaku di antara masa penyerahan permohonan ini sehingga masa sijil dikeluarkan, yang memerlukan jawapan dalam permohonan ini atau soal selidik perlu diubah
atau kadar dan terma perlu diubah, atau yang mana saya/kami tahu bahawa ianya adalah relevan kepada Etiqa General Takaful dalam membuat keputusan sama ada
menerima atau tidak risiko ini, atau seorang yang munasabah dalam keadaan itu mungkin dijangka untuk tahu ianya adalah relevan /I/We agree to continue to disclose
to Etiqa General Takaful fully and truthfully any matter which may arise between the time of submission of this application to the time of issuance of the certificate,
which would require the answers in this application or questionnaires be amended, or the rates and terms to be varied, and which I/we know to be relevant to Etiqa
General Takaful's decision on whether to accept the risk, or a reasonable man in the circumstances could be expected to know to be relevant.

3. Saya/Kami telah membaca dan memahami isi kandungan permohonan ini termasuk semua amaran dan notis di dalamnya. Saya/kami sepenuhnya, dengan benar dan
secara sukarela menjawab semua soalan dalam permohonan ini dan soal selidik, jika ada, selepas sepenuhnya memahami soalan-soalan tersebut / I/We have read
and understood the contents of this application including all warnings and notices therein. I/we have fully, truthfully and voluntarily answered all the questions in this
application and questionnaires, if any, after having fully understood the questions.

4. Saya/Kami bersetuju bahawa semua jawapan diberikan oleh saya/kami. Jika apa-apa jawapan atau kenyataan berkaitan dengan permohonan ini adalah bukan tulisan
saya/kami, saya/kami mengaku bahawa saya/kami telah menyemak jawapan atau pernyataan ini atau yang sama telah dibacakan kepada kami, dan saya/kami
mengesahkan bahawa jawapan atau kenyataan ini adalah lengkap, betul dan benar, dan saya/kami terikat dengan jawapan saya/kami. Saya/kami mengesahkan
bahawa saya/kami tidak memberikan ejen Etiqa General Takaful apa-apa maklumat lain kecuali yang terdapat dalam jawapan saya/kami dalam permohonan ini /I/We
agree that all the answers are mine/ours and/or given by me/us. If any answers or statements in connection with this application are not in my/our own handwriting,
I/we declare that I/we have checked these answers or statements or the same have been read to us, and I/we have certified that these answers or statements are
complete, correct and true and I/we am/are bound by my/our answers. I/we confirm that I/we have not provided Etiqa General Takaful's agent with any other
information except that found in my/our answers in this application.
5. Saya/Kami mengesahkan bahawa saya/kami memahami sepenuhnya bahawa jawapan saya/kami dan/atau kenyataan yang diberikan dalam permohonan ini atau soal
selidik dan apa-apa dokumen lain yang berkaitan dilengkapkan oleh saya/kami, akan menjadi sebahagian daripada kontrak dan Etiqa General Takaful akan
bergantung kepada dokumen tersebut dalam memutuskan sama ada untuk menerima permohonan saya/kami / I/We confirm that I/we fully understand that my/our
answers and/or statements given in this application or questionnaires and any other relevant documents completed by me/us, shall be an integral part of the contract
and that Etiqa General Takaful will completely rely on them in deciding whether to accept my/our application.

6. Saya/Kami bersetuju bahawa jika mana-mana jawapan saya/kami atau pernyataan atau maklumat yang diberikan oleh saya/kami didapati palsu atau mengelirukan,
atau jika saya/kami gagal mendedahkan seperti yang dikehendaki di atas, Etiqa General Takaful bebas untuk menamatkan sijil atau menjalankan mana-mana remedi
yang disediakan untuk Etiqa General Takaful mengikut Jadual 9 Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 / I/We agree that if any of my/our answers or statements or
information given by me/us is found to be false or misleading, or if I/we have failed to disclose as required above, Etiqa General Takaful is at liberty to terminate the
certificate or exercise any of the remedies available to Etiqa General Takaful according to Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013.

7. Saya/Kami memahami dan bersetuju bahawa perlindungan takaful yang saya/kami pohon hendaklah hanya berkuat kuasa pada tarikh KONTRAK SIJIL
DIKELUARKAN oleh Etiqa General Takaful mengikut resit sumbangan penuh yang dikeluarkan oleh Etiqa General Takaful. Jika sumbangan awal dibayar melalui cek,
saya/kami faham bahawa perlindungan takaful hanya akan bermula selepas cek telah dijelaskan / I/We understand and agree that the takaful coverage I/we have
applied shall only take effect on the date the TAKAFUL CERTIFICATE HAS BEEN ISSUED by Etiqa General Takaful which follows receipt by Etiqa General Takaful of
the full contribution. If the initial contribution is paid via cheque, I/we understand that the takaful coverage will only commence after the cheque has been cleared.

8. Saya/Kami seterusnya mengaku bahawa ejen Etiqa General Takaful telah menyampaikan dan sepenuhnya menjelaskan kepada saya/kami dalam bahasa yang
saya/kami faham bahawa maklumat yang terkandung dalam Helaian Pendedahan Produk dan risalah (jika ada) berkenaan dengan produk ini dan manfaatnya, ciri-ciri
seperti yang dinyatakan di dalamnya dan saya/kami membuat pengakuan ini dengan penuh pengetahuan dan sedar bentuk dan kesan maklumat yang disampaikan
kepada saya/kami / I/We further declare that Etiqa General Takaful's agent has presented and fully explained to me/us in the language that I/we understand the
information contained in the Product Disclosure Sheet and brochure (if any) in respect of the products and its benefit(s), features as described therein and I/we make
this declaration with full knowledge and awareness the nature and effect of the information presented to me/us.

9. Saya/Kami bersetuju untuk menyertai skim Takaful am ini berdasarkan prinsip Takaful. Saya/Kami bersetuju dengan konsep Tabarru' (derma) bagi tujuan bantuan
bersama peserta lain dan dengan sumbangan ini, saya/kami berhak mendapat perlindungan Takaful yang dinyatakan dalam terma-terma dan syarat-syarat kontrak
Takaful ini / I/We agree to participate in this General Takaful scheme based on the principle of Takaful. I/We agree to the concept of Tabarru' (donation) for the
purposes of mutual support of other participants and with this contribution, I/We are entitled to the Takaful cover expressed in the terms and conditions of this Takaful

10. Saya/Kami bersetuju untuk membayar Fi Wakalah (seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Helaian Pendedahan Produk dan seperti yang dinyatakan di dalam Sijil Takaful)
kepada Etiqa General Takaful, sebagai potongan daripada sumbangan,untuk menampung perbelanjaan mengurus dan mengagihkan skim Takaful Am / I/We agree to
pay the Wakalah Fee (as shown in the Product Disclosure Sheet and as mentioned in the Takaful Certificate) to Etiqa General Takaful, as a deduction from
contributions, to cover the expenses of managing and distributing the General Takaful scheme.
Saya/Kami faham bahawa pada akhir setiap tahun kewangan, lebihan (jika ada) daripada Dana Takaful Am (Dana) akan ditentukan oleh Etiqa General Takaful.
Saya/Kami bersetuju bahawa 50% daripada lebihan yang boleh diagih (jika ada) akan dibayar kepada Etiqa General Takaful kerana mengendali dan menguruskan
Dana tersebut berdasarkan kontrak Ju'alah, dan baki 50% akan dikongsi di kalangan peserta yang sijil belum ditamatkan dan yang tidak membuat sebarang tuntutan
dalam tahun kewangan / I/We understand that at the end of each financial year, the surplus (if any) from the General Takaful Fund (Fund) will be determined by Etiqa
General Takaful. I/We agree that 50% of the distributed surplus (if any) will be paid to Etiqa General Takaful for operating and managing the Fund based on the
contract of Ju'alah, and the balance of 50% will be shared amongst participants whose certificates have not terminated and who have not made any claim within the
financial year.
Saya/Kami seterusnya bersetuju bahawa jika lebihan atau apa-apa jumlah yang dibayar kurang dari Ringgit Malaysia Sepuluh (RM10.00) ia akan dimasukkan ke
dalam tabung kebajikan yang akan digunakan sebagai 'amal jariah' bagi pihak peserta. / I/We further agree that if the surplus or any sum payable is less than Ringgit
Malaysia Ten (RM10.00) it will be credited into charity fund which will be utilized as 'amal jariah' on behalf of the participants.

Tandatangan Orang Utama Yang Dilindungi// Disaksikan oleh Ejen Takaful / Witnessed by Takaful Agent
Pemegang Akaun/ Pemegang Kad Kredit
Signature of Main Covered Person /
Account Holder / Credit Card Holder

Kod Ejen / Agent Code: N0005235

Tarikh / Date: 08/05/2024

For and on behalf of

Etiqa General Takaful Berhad
1 This certificate is eligible for stamp duty exemption


Takaful wholly for purposes unrelated to your trade, business or profession)
Where You have applied for this Takaful wholly for purposes unrelated to Your trade, business or profession, You had a duty to take reasonable care
not to make a misrepresentation in answering the questions in the Application Form (or when You applied for this Takaful) i.e. You should have
answered the questions fully and accurately. Failure to have taken reasonable care in answering the questions may result in avoidance of Your
contract of Takaful, refusal or reduction of Your claim(s), change of terms or termination of Your contract of Takaful in accordance with the remedies in
Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013. You were also required to disclose any other matter that You knew to be relevant to our
decision in accepting the risks and determining the rates and terms to be applied.

You also have a duty to tell Us immediately if at any time after Your contract of Takaful has been entered into, varied or renewed with Us any of the
information given in the Application Form (or when You applied for this Takaful) is inaccurate or has changed.


Personal Data shall have the same meaning as described to it as under section 4 of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.
Personal Data refers to the personal data furnished by the Person Covered, the Participant, or an authorized third party related to the Certificate of
Personal Data does not include information on an individual which is in the public domain.

Your and Our Data Protection Obligations and Rights

We shall be able to process Personal Data according to the section 4 of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. We shall be able to disclose Personal
Data provided by You, as the context may require, to:
1)Etiqa General Insurance Berhad, Etiqa General Takaful Berhad, Etiqa Life International (L) Ltd or Etiqa Offshore Insurance (L) Ltd;
2)Other entities within the Maybank Group;
3)Our authorized agents and service providers with whom We have contractual agreements for some of Our functions, services and activities;
4)Other insurance or Takaful companies and distribution partners (such as, banks, Islamic banks, insurance brokers, Takaful brokers, reinsurance
companies, Retakaful companies);
5)Industry trade associations such as Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM), Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) and Malaysian Takaful
Association (MTA);
6)Our merchants and strategic partners;
7)Any parties authorized by You (from time to time); or
8)Enforcement regulatory and governmental agencies as permitted or required by law, authorized by any order of court or to meet obligations to
regulatory authorities.
You will keep Us updated in respect of all such Personal Data as soon as is practicable.
We shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage due to any inaccuracy or incompleteness in the Personal Data provided to Us.
We may from time to time request that You provide other Personal Data required for the purposes of this Master Certificate.
Prior to providing Us with the Personal Data of an Covered Person, or another individual, You must inform that individual of Our privacy notice.
For the detailed privacy notice on how We collect, use, process, protect and disclose Personal Data, please visit Our branches, contact Etiqa Oneline
at 1300 13 8888, or refer to Our website at www.etiqa.com.my


We may vary the terms of the Certificate of Takaful if there are changes in taxation, regulations or legislation, or a directive is issued by any
government authority, which imposes responsibilities on either party or which affects any of the terms of the Certificate of Takaful. The changes will be
determined by Us to be appropriate and equitable. We will notify the effected Participant or Persons Covered in writing, when the terms in the
Certificate of Takaful need to be changed.


1.Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this takaful agreement, this takaful agreement excludes all actual or alleged loss, liability,
damage, compensation, injury, sickness, disease, death, medical payment, defense cost, cost, expense or any other amount incurred by or accruing to
the Participant, directly or indirectly and regardless of any other cause contributing concurrently or in any sequence, originating from, caused by,
arising out of, contributed to by, resulting from, or otherwise in connection with a Communicable Disease or the fear or threat (whether actual or
perceived) of a Communicable Disease.
2.As used herein, a Communicable Disease means any disease which can be transmitted by means of any substance or agent from any organism to
another organism where:
2.1 the substance or agent includes, but is not limited to, a virus, bacterium, parasite or other organism or any variation thereof, whether deemed living
or not, and
2.2 the method of transmission, whether direct or indirect, includes but is not limited to, airborne transmission, bodily fluid transmission, transmission
from or to any surface or object, solid, liquid or gas or between organisms, and
2.3 the disease, substance or agent can cause or threaten bodily injury, illness, emotional distress or damage to human health, human welfare or
property damage.
Subject otherwise to the terms, exceptions and conditions of the Certificate.

(Clause wording extraction from LMA5399)

This takaful Contract does not cover claims in any way caused by or resulting from an infectious or contagious disease, an outbreak of which has been
declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World HealthOrganization (WHO).

This exclusion shall apply to claims made after the date of any such declaration(s), other than where a relevant diagnosis has been made by a
qualified medical practitioner before the date of any such declaration(s).

This exclusion will continue to apply until the WHO cancels or withdraws any relevant PHEIC.

Infectious or contagious disease means any disease capable of being transmitted from an infected person, animal or species to another person, animal
or species by any means.


Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this Certificate or any endorsement thereto this Certificate excludes any:
1.1Cyber Loss;
1.2 Loss, damage, liability, claim, cost, expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to by, resulting from, arising out of or
in connection with any loss of use, reduction in functionality, repair, replacement, restoration or reproduction of any Data, including any amount
pertaining to the value of such Data; regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence thereto.

In the event any portion of this endorsement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect.
This endorsement supersedes and, if in conflict with any other wording in the Certificate or any endorsement thereto having a bearing on Cyber Loss
or Data, replaces that wording.

Cyber Loss means any loss, damage, liability, claim, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to by, resulting
from, arising out of or in connection with any Cyber Act or Cyber Incident including, but not limited to, any action taken in controlling, preventing,
suppressing or remediating any Cyber Act or Cyber Incident.
Cyber Act means an unauthorised, malicious or criminal act or series of related unauthorised, malicious or criminal acts, regardless of time and place,
or the threat or hoax thereof involving access to, processing of, use of or operation of any Computer System.
Cyber Incident means:
1.Any error or omission or series of related errors or omissions involving access to, processing of, use of or operation of any Computer System; or
2.Any partial or total unavailability or failure or series of related partial or total unavailability or failures to access, process, use or operate any Computer
Computer System means:
Any computer, hardware, software, communications system, electronic device (including, but not limited to, smart phone, laptop, tablet, wearable
device), server, cloud or microcontroller including any similar system or any configuration of the aforementioned and including any associated input,
output, data storage device, networking equipment or back up facility, owned or operated by the Participant or any other party.

Data means information, facts, concepts, code or any other information of any kind that is recorded or transmitted in a form to be used, accessed,
processed, transmitted or stored by a Computer System.

(Clause wording extraction from LMA5401)

Issue Date : 08/05/2024/09:33 AM For and on behalf of

Etiqa General Takaful Berhad
Issue At : Alor Setar
Issue By : v0005235

Visit www.etiqa.com.my or our nearest branch to obtain the full policy wordings.
Help preserve the country's natural resources.
Invoice No: ETBG2024UWFL01154715
Date: 08/05/2024



(SST Reg No: W10-1808-31012539))

To Account Number: N0005235

06750 KEDAH

Description Total (RM)

Certificate Number: C6397828
Period of Takaful: 07/06/2024 - 08/06/2024

Contribution 25.00
Total (Excluding SST) 25.00
SST payable @ 0.00% 0.00
Stamp Duty 0.00

Total Amount Payable 25.00

This is a computer generated document. Therefore, no signature is required

PRODUCT DISCLOSURE SHEET Etiqa General Takaful Berhad (“We/Us/Our”)
Read this Product Disclosure Sheet before you decide to take up the
TRIPCARE 360 TAKAFUL. Be sure to also read the general terms and
Date: 01/03/2024

1. What is this product about?

This product provides benefits to the covered person on the occurrence of specific events that may arise during domestic or international travel, for
business or leisure. It includes death or permanent disability due to accident, medical expenses arising due to accident or illness, various travel
inconveniences, losses or damages to baggage and/or personal effects, personal liability, and emergency services. The covered person may also
choose to participate in an additional benefit which extends the coverage when the covered person participates in the adventurous activities and
COVID-19 benefit. The full terms and conditions related to these benefits are set out in the takaful certificate.
2. What are the Shariah concepts applicable?
This product applies the wakalah (agency) concept, whereby the participants appoint us to act on their behalf to invest and manage the General
Takaful Fund (Fund). The participants also agree to authorize us to delegate our rights, duties and obligations to any third party as we deem fit for
the purpose of achieving the objective to invest and manage the Fund, provided that, in the event of any such delegation, we will remain liable and
responsible for all such rights, duties and obligations towards the participant. As an agent, we are entitled to receive a wakalah fee as a service
This plan also applies the tabarru’ (contribution) concept, whereby the participants agree to donate or contribute their contributions to the Fund for
the purpose of mutual aid and assistance to the participants based on the pre-agreed events, in case of need. At the end of each financial year, any
distributable surplus in the Fund, less repayment of historic deficits, makes allowance for contingency provisions, and is subject to the surplus policy
approved by our Shariah Committee is shared 50% among the participants whose certificates have not terminated and who have not made any
claims within the financial year, and 50% to us for operating and managing the Fund, based on the contract of ju’alah. Ju’alah is a reward contract
that specifies the share of the distribution of surplus on this basis. If the surplus is less than RM10.00, it will be credited to charitable fund which will
be utilized as ‘Amal Jariah’ on behalf of the participant. The charitable fund will be distributed to eligible recipients as approved by our Shariah
Committee for charitable purposes.
3. What are the coverages / benefits provided?
The benefits vary by specific event and the level of plan cover selected, as set out in the following table:
Maximum Benefit Amount (RM) per Person by Level of Cover
Summary of Benefits (per trip) International
Silver Gold Platinum
Maximum Aggregate Limit of Liability is RM 5,000,000 per certificate. If the aggregate amount of all the benefits payable under this contract
exceeds this limit, the benefit payable to each covered person shall be proportionately reduced such that the total of all benefits paid does not
exceed this limit.
Section A – Death or permanent disability
a. Adult 50,000 100,000 300,000 500,000
b. Child 10,000 40,000 100,000 100,000
c. Senior Citizen 50,000 100,000 300,000 500,000
d. Family – maximum payable under Family Plan 150,000 300,000 900,000 1,500,000
Due to accident
Section B – Medical expenses Due to accident or illness
B1. Medical related expenses (up to) 50,000 100,000 300,000 500,000
B2. Follow-up treatment expenses (up to) 5,000 5,000 10,000 30,000
B3. Alternative treatment expenses (up to) Not Covered Not Covered Not Covered 1,000
B4. Compassionate care (up to) Not Covered 5,000 5,000 5,000
B5. Child care / guard and return of child(ren) (up to) Not Covered 5,000 5,000 5,000
B6. Daily hospital income / hospital confinement allowance (maximum of
150 per day 150 per day 250 per day 350 per day
20 days)
Section C – Travel inconveniences
C1. Trip cancellation (up to) Not Covered Not Covered 20,000 50,000
C2. Trip curtailment (up to) Not Covered Not Covered 20,000 50,000
C3. Travel delay (for at least 2 hours delay, up to) 100 1,000 2,000 5,000
C4. Baggage delay (for at least 6 hours delay, up to) 500 600 950 1,200
C5. Missed travel connection (for at least 6 hours delay) Not Covered 400 500 600
C6. Hijacking inconvenience (RM250 for each completed 24 hours delay) Not Covered Not Covered Up to 500 Up to 1,000

Maximum Benefit Amount (RM) per Person by Level of Cover
Summary of Benefits (per trip) International
Silver Gold Platinum
Section D – Losses or damages to personal belongings
D1. Baggage and/or personal effects (up to) 1,000 1,000 3,000 5,000
D2. Personal money (up to) Not Covered Not Covered 500 1,000
D3. Travel documents Not Covered Not Covered 1,000 1,500
D4. Home care (up to) 500 1,000 1,000 1,000
Section E – Personal liability (up to) 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 2,000,000
Due to accident
Section F – Emergency services Due to accident or illness
F1. Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation (up to) 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000
F2. Repatriation, burial and cremation of mortal remains (up to) 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000
Section G – Adventurous activities (optional benefit)
Cover the covered person in respect of Death or Permanent Disability
under Section A and Medical Expenses under Section B.
Not Covered Available Available Available
Note: Please refer to the takaful certificate for the full list of Adventurous
Section H – COVID-19 (optional benefit for International ‘Per Trip’ Plan up to maximum age limit of 70 years old only)
H1. Trip cancellation due to COVID-19 (up to) Not covered 5,000 5,000 5,000
H2. Trip disruption due to COVID-19 (up to) Not covered 5,000 5,000 5,000
H3. Medical expenses overseas due to COVID-19 (up to) Not covered 300,000 300,000 300,000
H4. Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation due to COVID-19
Not covered 100,000 100,000 100,000
(up to)
H5. Repatriation, burial and cremation of mortal remains due to COVID-
Not covered 100,000 100,000 100,000
19 (up to)
Note: 1. An excess of RM100.00 is applicable for each and every claim for Benefit B1, B2, B3, D1 and D2.
2. For Section H, if the covered person aged 61 to 70 years old, the Benefit Amount for Medical expenses overseas, Emergency
medical evacuation and repatriation and, Repatriation, burial and cremation of mortal remains due to COVID-19 are 50% of the limit
shown in the table above.
3. For Family Plan under item B1 – B3, B6, C1 – C6, D1 – D4, E and H1 – H5, the Benefit Amount in total for all covered persons is
250% of the limit shown in the table above.
4. Claims assistance is available through our 24-Hour Travel and Medical Assistance Helpline on telephone number +603 2785 6565.
5. Please refer to the takaful certificate for further details of the above benefits.
6. The benefits payable under eligible product are protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM) up to limits. Please
refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (TIPS) Brochure or contact us or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).
4. How much contribution do I have to pay?
The total contribution that you have to pay depends on the covered persons (individual, individual & spouse, or family), current age of the covered
persons, level of cover (domestic, or international silver/gold/platinum), area covered, and the duration of the trip. Cover is available per trip, or on an
annual basis. For the annual basis, the duration of cover is for 1 year and the certificate can be renewed annually.
The contributions payable in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) are as set out in the following tables:
Plan Adult (18 to 70 years)
Domestic International
Silver Gold Platinum
No. of Days Area 1
Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4
1-5 16.50 25.00 33.50 45.00 41.00 54.50 73.50 54.00 72.00 97.00
6 - 10 25.00 36.50 48.50 65.50 59.50 79.50 107.00 78.50 105.00 141.50
11 - 18 35.50 57.00 76.00 102.50 93.00 124.00 167.50 123.00 164.00 221.50
19 - 30 41.00 67.50 90.00 122.00 110.50 147.00 198.50 146.00 194.50 263.00
Not Covered 17.50 23.50 32.00 29.00 38.50 52.00 38.00 51.00 69.00
additional week
Annual Not Covered 188.00 228.50 272.50 306.50 373.00 444.50 405.00 493.00 587.50
Not Covered 18.50 18.50 18.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 93.00 93.00 93.00

Plan Senior Citizen (71 to 80 years)
Domestic International
Silver Gold Platinum
No. of Days Area 1
Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4
1-5 53.50 81.50 108.50 146.50 132.50 177.00 239.00 175.50 234.00 316.00
6 - 10 80.50 118.50 158.00 213.50 193.50 258.00 348.00 255.50 341.00 460.00
11 - 18 115.00 185.50 247.00 333.50 302.50 403.00 544.00 400.00 533.00 719.50
19 - 30 133.50 220.00 293.50 396.00 358.50 478.50 645.50 474.50 632.50 854.00
Not Covered 57.50 77.00 103.50 94.00 125.50 169.00 124.50 165.50 223.50
additional week
Annual Not Covered 610.50 743.00 885.50 995.50 1,211.50 1,444.00 1,316.50 1,602.00 1,910.00
Not covered


Plan Adult (18 to 70 years)
Domestic International
Silver Gold Platinum
No. of Days Area 1
Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4
1-5 31.50 48.00 63.50 86.00 78.00 104.00 140.50 103.00 137.50 185.50
6 - 10 47.50 69.50 93.00 125.50 113.50 151.50 204.50 150.50 200.50 270.50
11 - 18 67.50 109.00 145.50 196.00 177.50 237.00 320.00 235.00 313.50 423.00
19 - 30 78.50 129.50 172.50 232.50 211.00 281.00 379.50 279.00 371.50 502.00
Not Covered 34.00 45.00 61.00 55.00 73.50 99.50 73.00 97.50 131.50
additional week
Annual Not Covered 359.00 436.50 520.50 585.00 712.00 848.50 774.00 941.50 1,122.50
Not Covered 35.50 35.50 35.50 106.50 106.50 106.50 177.50 177.50 177.50

Adult (18 to 70 years) and Child(ren) who are unmarried, unemployment, at least 45 days of age and not more
Plan than 18 years of age (or not more than 23 years of age if studying full-time in a recognized tertiary institution) on the
effective date of takaful.
Domestic International
Silver Gold Platinum
No. of Days Area 1
Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4
1-5 39.50 60.50 80.50 108.50 100.00 133.50 180.00 133.50 178.00 240.50
6 - 10 59.50 86.50 115.50 155.50 143.50 191.00 258.00 191.50 255.00 344.50
11 - 18 85.00 137.50 183.00 247.00 227.50 303.00 409.00 303.50 405.00 546.50
19 - 30 98.50 172.50 230.00 310.50 285.50 381.00 514.00 381.50 508.50 686.50
Not Covered 44.50 59.50 80.00 74.00 98.50 133.00 98.50 131.50 177.50
additional week
Annual Not Covered 445.50 542.00 646.50 738.00 897.50 1,070.00 985.50 1,199.00 1,429.00
Not Covered 46.50 46.50 46.50 139.50 139.50 139.50 232.50 232.50 232.50
Contribution for COVID-19 Benefit (Optional Benefit for International ‘Per Trip’ Plan Only)
INDIVIDUAL Adult (18 to 70 years)
Plan International
Area 2 Area 3 Area 4
1-5 17.50 20.50 28.00
6 - 10 26.00 34.00 47.00
11 - 18 38.50 53.50 74.50
19 - 30 56.00 81.50 113.00
Each additional week 12.50 19.50 27.00

INDIVIDUAL & SPOUSE Adult (18 to 70 years)
Plan International
Area 2 Area 3 Area 4
1-5 31.50 37.00 50.50
6 - 10 47.00 61.00 84.50
11 - 18 69.50 96.50 134.00
19 - 30 101.00 146.50 203.50
Each additional week 22.50 35.00 48.50

Adult (18 to 70 years) and Child(ren) who are unmarried, unemployment,
at least 45 days of age and not more than 18 years of age (or not more
Plan than 23 years of age if studying full-time in a recognized tertiary
institution) on the effective date of takaful.
Area 2 Area 3 Area 4
1-5 44.00 51.50 70.00
6 - 10 65.00 85.00 117.50
11 - 18 96.50 134.00 186.50
19 - 30 140.00 204.00 282.50
Each additional week 31.50 49.00 67.50

Area of travel
Area 1 (Domestic) Malaysia
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Maldives,
Area 2 (Selected Asian
Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sikkim, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor Leste and
Area 3 Worldwide excluding Malaysia, Nepal, USA and Canada.
Area 4 Worldwide including Nepal, USA and Canada (excluding Malaysia).

Note: All contributions (if applicable) will be subjected to relevant charges or taxes, as deemed necessary by the Malaysia tax authorities. It is
important to keep any receipt that you receive as proof of payment of contributions.
5. What are the fees and charges that I have to pay?
Type Amount
40% of the contribution which includes:
Wakalah Fee  25% commission paid to the agent
 15% Management Expenses
Service Tax – applicable for Domestic Plan only 8% of the contribution
Stamp Duty RM10.00

6. What are some of the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?
Importance of Disclosure
a. Pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, if you are applying for this takaful wholly for purposes
unrelated to your trade, business or profession, you have a duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation in answering the
questions in the application form (or when you apply for this takaful). You must answer the questions fully and accurately.
b. Failure to take reasonable care in answering the questions may result in avoidance of your contract of takaful, refusal or reduction of your
claim(s), change of terms or termination of your contract of takaful.
c. The above duty of disclosure shall continue until the time your contract of takaful is entered into, varied or renewed with us.
d. In addition to answering the questions in the application form (or when you apply for this takaful), you are required to disclose any other matter
that you know to be relevant to our decision in accepting the risks and determining the rates and terms to be applied.
e. You also have a duty to tell us immediately if at any time after your contract of takaful has been entered into, varied or renewed with us any of
the information given in the application form (or when you applied for this takaful) is inaccurate or has changed.
Trip Duration
a. International Trip:
 Per Trip Plan: each trip shall not exceed 180 consecutive days.
 Annual Trip Plan: each trip shall not exceed 90 consecutive days.
b. Domestic Trip:
 Per Trip plan: Each trip shall not exceed 30 consecutive days.
All trips must commence in Malaysia. One way journey is not allowed.
Trip Cancellation - The certificate will only reimburse the trip cancellation benefit provided the certificate is signed up at a minimum of 7 days prior
to commencement of your trip.
Excess – The amount of loss you have to bear and is applicable to certain benefits under the certificate.
Cash Before Cover – The contribution due must be paid to us or our authorized agent before the effective date of the certificate.
Claims – If an accident occurs which give rise to a claim, you must notify us as soon as possible, within 30 days from the date of accident.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the takaful certificate for the full list of terms and conditions.

7. What are the major exclusions under the certificate?
General Exclusions
a. Pre-existing conditions;
b. Self-inflicted injury, attempted suicide, mental disorder;
c. Complications of pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, HIV, alcohol or drugs;
d. Air travel other than as a fare paying passenger on a regular scheduled or licensed chartered aircraft;
e. Engaging in hazardous occupations, sports or activities unless such activities have been covered under the adventurous activities (optional
benefit) that covered person has participated;
f. Travel in, to or through countries or regions which are subject to war, conflict, or declared to have a Public Health Emergency of International
Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO);
g. Travel in, to or through Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Palestine, Syria or Ukraine;
h. Participation in illegal activities such as provoked assault;
i. Actions taken by governmental authorities;
j. Travelling for hajj pilgrimage; and
k. COVID-19 (except you have taken up COVID-19 Additional Benefit).
Section B (Medical Benefits)
a. Experimental, investigative, cosmetic, plastic, non-essential, and non-emergency procedures;
b. Where the trip is against the advice of a medical practitioner or for the purpose of seeking medical attention;
c. Any communicable disease declared to be a PHEIC by the WHO;
d. Any congenital condition; and
e. Treatment related to the eyes and teeth.
Section C (Inconvenience Benefits)
a. Delay or amendment of the booked trip by the service provider, when due to government regulation or statute; and
b. Delay of your baggage upon returning to your home (in respect of domestic trip).
Section D (Loss or Damage to Personal Belongings)
a. Loss of data;
b. Fragile items;
c. Electronic items, laptop or jewellery that is checked-in;
d. Sports items and equipment;
e. Confiscation or detention by customs or any other authority;
f. Devaluation of currency or shortage due to errors or omissions during any transactions involving money;
g. Failure to take due and reasonable care and precautions to safeguard and secure such property; and
h. Wear & tear, scratching or denting or any damage that does not impair the function of the baggage.
Section E (Personal Liability)
a. Liability contractually, as an employer, or to a family member;
b. Liability related to pursuit of a trade, business or profession;
c. Property loss or damage, where owned or in possession of an employee, yourself or family member;
d. Ownership or occupation of land and buildings, other than a temporary occupied residence;
e. Ownership, possession or use of a land, air or water vehicle or animals; and
f. Criminal proceedings legal costs, damages awarded by courts, or non-pecuniary losses.
Section H (COVID-19 Benefit)
a. Not fully vaccinated for adult covered person;
b. You travel against a medical practitioner’s or doctor's advice, (including, but not limited to, travelling with COVID-19 symptoms);
c. Circumstances known to you before you take up the certificate or booked the trip which could reasonably have been expected to lead to a claim
on the certificate;
d. Your failure to obtain any mandatory vaccines, inoculations or prescribed medications prior to the trip; and
e. Any expenses incurred related to compulsory quarantine or stay-at-home requirements imposed by a foreign government.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the takaful certificate for the full list of exclusions.
8. Can I cancel my certificate?
You may cancel your certificate at any time by giving written notice to us. Such termination shall become effective on the date the notice is received,
or on the date specified in such notice, whichever is the later. Refund of contribution, however, is subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in the
takaful certificate.
9. What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact details?
It is important that you inform us of any changes in your contact details to ensure that all correspondence reaches you in a timely manner.
10. Where can I get further information?
If you have any enquiries, please contact us at:
Etiqa General Takaful Berhad (201701025031)
(Licensed under Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia)
Level 13, Tower B, Dataran Maybank
No. 1, Jalan Maarof
59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Telephone Number: +603 2297 3888
Facsimile Number: +603 2297 3800
Etiqa Oneline: 1300 13 8888
E-mail: info@etiqa.com.my
Homepage: www.etiqa.com.my

11. Other types of similar takaful cover available
Please refer to our agents or us for other similar types of cover available.

The information provided in this disclosure sheet is valid as at 01/03/2024.

HELAIAN PENDEDAHAN PRODUK Etiqa General Takaful Berhad (“Kami”)
Baca Helaian Pendedahan Produk ini sebelum anda memutuskan
untuk menyertai TripCare 360 Takaful. Pastikan juga anda membaca
Tarikh: 01/03/2024
terma-terma dan syarat-syarat am.

1. Apakah yang ditawarkan oleh produk ini?

Produk ini menyediakan manfaat kepada orang yang dilindungi sekiranya berlaku kejadian-kejadian yang tertentu semasa perjalanan domestik
atau perjalanan antarabangsa, untuk tujuan perniagaan atau masa lapang. Manfaat ini termasuk kematian atau hilang upaya kekal akibat
kemalangan, perbelanjaan perubatan disebabkan kemalangan atau penyakit, pelbagai kesulitan perjalanan, kehilangan atau kerosakan bagasi
dan/atau barangan peribadi, liabiliti peribadi, dan perkhidmatan kecemasan. Orang yang dilindungi juga boleh memilih manfaat perlindungan
tambahan semasa menyertai aktiviti berbahaya dan juga manfaat COVID-19. Terma-terma dan syarat-syarat lengkap yang berkaitan manfaat-
manfaat ini dinyatakan di dalam sijil takaful.
2. Apakah konsep-konsep Syariah yang digunapakai?
Produk ini menggunapakai konsep wakalah (perwakilan), di mana para peserta melantik kami untuk bertindak bagi pihak mereka untuk melabur
dan menguruskan Dana Takaful Am (Dana). Para peserta juga bersetuju untuk memberikan kuasa kepada kami untuk mewakilkan hak,
tanggungjawab dan kewajipan kepada mana-mana pihak ketiga sebagaimana yang dianggap sesuai oleh kami bagi mencapai objektif untuk
melabur dan menguruskan Dana tersebut dengan syarat, bagi perwakilan ini, kami akan tetap bertanggungjawab terhadap semua hak,
tanggungjawab dan kewajipan terhadap para peserta. Sebagai ejen, kami berhak menerima fi wakalah sebagai caj perkhidmatan.
Pelan ini juga menggunapakai konsep Tabarru’ (derma), di mana para peserta bersetuju untuk menderma atau menyumbang sumbangan
mereka kepada Dana bagi tujuan saling membantu dan menolong mana-mana peserta lain yang memerlukan bantuan berdasarkan peristiwa
yang telah dipersetujui terlebih dahulu. Pada akhir setiap tahun kewangan, sebarang lebihan dalam Dana, tolak pembayaran balik defisit
bersejarah dan peruntukan luar jangka, dan tertakluk kepada polisi lebihan yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Syariah kami, 50% akan dikongsi
antara peserta yang sijilnya belum ditamatkan dan yang belum membuat tuntutan dalam tahun kewangan, dan 50% kepada kami kerana
mengendali dan menguruskan Dana, berdasarkan kontrak Ju’alah. Ju’alah ialah kontrak ganjaran yang menentukan pengagihan perkongsian
lebihan. Jika lebihan itu kurang daripada RM10.00, lebihan itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam tabung kebajikan yang akan digunakan sebagai ‘Amal
Jariah’ bagi pihak peserta. Tabung kebajikan akan diagihkan kepada penerima yang layak sebagaimana yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa
Syariah kami untuk tujuan kebajikan.
3. Apakah perlindungan/manfaat yang diberi?
Manfaat-manfaat adalah berbeza mengikut kejadian tertentu dan tahap pelan perlindungan yang dipilih, seperti yang diringkaskan di dalam
jadual di bawah.
Jumlah Manfaat Maksimum Bagi Setiap Individu
Mengikut Jenis Perlindungan (RM)
Ringkasan Manfaat (bagi setiap perjalanan)
Perak Emas Platinum
Liabiliti Had Agregat Maksimum ialah RM 5,000,000 bagi setiap sijil. Jika amaun agregat semua manfaat yang dibayar di bawah kontrak
ini melebihi had ini, manfaat yang dibayar kepada setiap orang yang dilindungi akan dikurangkan mengikut kadar supaya jumlah semua
manfaat yang dibayar tidak melebihi had ini.
Seksyen A – Kematian atau hilang upaya kekal
a. Dewasa 50,000 100,000 300,000 500,000
b. Anak 10,000 40,000 100,000 100,000
c. Warga Emas 50,000 100,000 300,000 500,000
d. Keluarga – bayaran maksimum bagi setiap kemalangan di bawah pelan 150,000 300,000 900,000 1,500,000
Seksyen B – Perbelanjaan perubatan kemalangan Akibat kemalangan atau penyakit
B1. Perbelanjaan berkaitan perubatan (sehingga) 50,000 100,000 300,000 500,000
B2. Perbelanjaan rawatan susulan (sehingga) 5,000 5,000 10,000 30,000
Tidak Tidak Tidak
B3. Perbelanjaan rawatan alternatif (sehingga) 1,000
Dilindungi Dilindungi Dilindungi
B4. Penjagaan ihsan (sehingga) 5,000 5,000 5,000
B5. Penjagaan anak / penghantaran pulang anak (sehingga) 5,000 5,000 5,000
B6. Pendapatan harian hospital / elaun kemasukan ke hospital 150 sehari 150 sehari 250 sehari 350 sehari
(maksimum 20 hari)
Seksyen C – Kesulitan perjalanan
Tidak Tidak
C1. Pembatalan perjalanan (sehingga) 20,000 50,000
Dilindungi Dilindungi
Tidak Tidak
C2. Pemendekan perjalanan (sehingga) 20,000 50,000
Dilindungi Dilindungi
C3. Kelewatan perjalanan (sekurang-kurangnya kelewatan 2 jam, sehingga) 100 1,000 2,000 5,000
C4. Kelewatan bagasi (sekurang-kurangnya kelewatan 6 jam, sehingga) 500 600 950 1,200
C5. Terlepas sambungan perjalanan (sekurang-kurangnya kelewatan 6 jam) 400 500 600

Jumlah Manfaat Maksimum Bagi Setiap Individu
Mengikut Jenis Perlindungan (RM)
Ringkasan Manfaat (bagi setiap perjalanan)
Perak Emas Platinum
Tidak Tidak Sehingga Sehingga
C6. Kesulitan akibat rampasan (RM250 untuk setiap kelewatan 24 jam penuh)
Dilindungi Dilindungi 500 1,000
Seksyen D – Kehilangan atau kerosakan barangan peribadi
D1. Bagasi dan/atau barangan peribadi (sehingga) 1,000 1,000 3,000 5,000
Tidak Tidak
D2. Wang peribadi (sehingga) 500 1,000
Dilindungi Dilindungi
Tidak Tidak
D3. Dokumen perjalanan 1,000 1,500
Dilindungi Dilindungi
D4. Penjagaan rumah (sehingga) 500 1,000 1,000 1,000
Seksyen E – Liabiliti peribadi (sehingga) 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 2,000,000
Seksyen F – Perkhidmatan kecemasan kemalangan Akibat kemalangan atau penyakit
F1. Pemindahan perubatan kecemasan dan penghantaran pulang(sehingga) 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000
F2. Penghantaran pulang dan pengebumian jenazah (sehingga) 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000
Seksyen G – Aktiviti-aktiviti berbahaya (manfaat pilihan)
Melindungi orang yang dilindungi berkenaan manfaat kematian atau hilang
upaya kekal di bawah Seksyen A dan perbelanjaan perubatan di bawah
Seksyen B. Tidak
Tersedia Tersedia Tersedia
Nota: Sila rujuk kepada sijil takaful untuk senarai penuh Aktiviti-aktiviti
Seksyen H – COVID-19 (manfaat pilihan untuk ‘Setiap Perjalanan’ Antarabangsa sehingga had umur maksimum 70 tahun sahaja)
H1. Pembatalan perjalanan akibat COVID-19 (sehingga) 5,000 5,000 5,000
H2. Gangguan perjalanan akibat COVID-19 (sehingga) 5,000 5,000 5,000
H3. Perbelanjaan perubatan luar negara akibat COVID-19 (sehingga) Tidak 300,000 300,000 300,000
H4. Pemindahan perubatan kecemasan dan penghantaran pulang akibat Tidak 100,000 100,000 100,000
COVID-19 (sehingga) Dilindungi
H5. Penghantaran pulang dan pengebumian jenazah akibat COVID-19 Tidak 100,000 100,000 100,000
(sehingga) Dilindungi
Nota: 1. Ekses RM100.00 dikenakan untuk setiap tuntutan untuk Manfaat B1, B2, B3, D1 dan D2.
2. Untuk Seksyen H, sekiranya orang yang dilindungi berumur 61 hingga 70 tahun, Jumlah Manfaat untuk Perbelanjaan perubatan
luar negara, Pemindahan perubatan kecemasan dan penghantaran pulang, Penghantaran pulang dan pengebumian jenazah
akibat COVID-19 adalah 50% daripada had yang dinyatakan di dalam jadual manfaat di atas.
3. Bagi Pelan Keluarga di bawah Seksyen B1 – B3, B6, C1– C6, D1– D4, E dan H1 – H5, jumlah keseluruhan manfaat untuk
kesemua orang yang dilindungi ialah 250% daripada jumlah had yang dinyatakan di dalam jadual manfaat di atas.
4. Bantuan tuntutan disediakan melalui Khidmat Bantuan Perjalanan dan Perubatan 24 Jam di talian +603 2785 6565.
5. Sila rujuk kepada sijil takaful untuk maklumat lanjut tentang manfaat-manfaat di atas.
6. Manfaat-manfaat yang dibayar di bawah produk yang layak adalah dilindungi oleh Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia
(PIDM) sehingga had perlindungan. Sila rujuk Brosur Sistem Perlindungan Manfaat Takaful dan Insurans PIDM atau hubungi
kami atau PIDM (layari www.pidm.gov.my).
4. Berapakah jumlah sumbangan yang perlu saya bayar?
Jumlah sumbangan yang perlu dibayar bergantung kepada orang yang dilindungi (individu, individu & pasangan, atau keluarga), umur orang
yang dilindungi, tahap perlindungan (domestik, atau antarabangsa perak/emas/platinum), kawasan perjalanan, dan tempoh perjalanan.
Perlindungan disediakan bagi setiap perjalanan, atau secara tahunan. Untuk pelan tahunan, tempoh perlindungan adalah untuk 1 tahun dan
sijil boleh diperbaharui setiap tahun.
Sumbangan yang dibayar dalam Ringgit Malaysia (RM) dinyatakan di dalam jadual berikut:
Pelan Dewasa (18 hingga 70 tahun)
Domestik Antarabangsa

Bilangan Perak Emas Platinum

Kawasan 1
Hari Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4 Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4 Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4
1-5 16.50 25.00 33.50 45.00 41.00 54.50 73.50 54.00 72.00 97.00
6 - 10 25.00 36.50 48.50 65.50 59.50 79.50 107.00 78.50 105.00 141.50
11 - 18 35.50 57.00 76.00 102.50 93.00 124.00 167.50 123.00 164.00 221.50
19 - 30 41.00 67.50 90.00 122.00 110.50 147.00 198.50 146.00 194.50 263.00
Setiap minggu Tidak
17.50 23.50 32.00 29.00 38.50 52.00 38.00 51.00 69.00
tambahan Dilindungi
Tahunan 188.00 228.50 272.50 306.50 373.00 444.50 405.00 493.00 587.50
Aktiviti Tidak
18.50 18.50 18.50 55.50 55.50 55.50 93.00 93.00 93.00
Berbahaya Dilindungi

Pelan Warga Emas (71 hingga 80 tahun)
Domestik Antarabangsa

Bilangan Perak Emas Platinum

Kawasan 1
Hari Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4 Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4 Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4
1-5 53.50 81.50 108.50 146.50 132.50 177.00 239.00 175.50 234.00 316.00
6 - 10 80.50 118.50 158.00 213.50 193.50 258.00 348.00 255.50 341.00 460.00
11 - 18 115.00 185.50 247.00 333.50 302.50 403.00 544.00 400.00 533.00 719.50
19 - 30 133.50 220.00 293.50 396.00 358.50 478.50 645.50 474.50 632.50 854.00
Setiap minggu Tidak
57.50 77.00 103.50 94.00 125.50 169.00 124.50 165.50 223.50
tambahan Dilindungi
Tahunan 610.50 743.00 885.50 995.50 1,211.50 1,444.00 1,316.50 1,602.00 1,910.00
Tidak Dilindungi


Pelan Dewasa (18 hingga 70 tahun)
Domestik Antarabangsa

Bilangan Perak Emas Platinum

Kawasan 1
Hari Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4 Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4 Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4
1-5 31.50 48.00 63.50 86.00 78.00 104.00 140.50 103.00 137.50 185.50
6 – 10 47.50 69.50 93.00 125.50 113.50 151.50 204.50 150.50 200.50 270.50
11 - 18 67.50 109.00 145.50 196.00 177.50 237.00 320.00 235.00 313.50 423.00
19 - 30 78.50 129.50 172.50 232.50 211.00 281.00 379.50 279.00 371.50 502.00
Setiap minggu Tidak
34.00 45.00 61.00 55.00 73.50 99.50 73.00 97.50 131.50
tambahan Dilindungi
Tahunan 359.00 436.50 520.50 585.00 712.00 848.50 774.00 941.50 1,122.50
Aktiviti Tidak
35.50 35.50 35.50 106.50 106.50 106.50 177.50 177.50 177.50
Berbahaya Dilindungi

Dewasa (18 hingga 70 tahun) dan Anak-anak yang belum berkahwin, tidak mempunyai pekerjaan tetap, berumur
Pelan sekurang-kurangnya 45 hari dan tidak melebihi umur 18 tahun (atau tidak melebihi 23 tahun sekiranya masih
belajar sepenuh masa di institusi pengajian tinggi yang diiktiraf) pada tarikh takaful berkuat kuasa.
Domestik Antarabangsa

Bilangan Perak Emas Platinum

Kawasan 1
Hari Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4 Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4 Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4
1-5 39.50 60.50 80.50 108.50 100.00 133.50 180.00 133.50 178.00 240.50
6 - 10 59.50 86.50 115.50 155.50 143.50 191.00 258.00 191.50 255.00 344.50
11 - 18 85.00 137.50 183.00 247.00 227.50 303.00 409.00 303.50 405.00 546.50
19 - 30 98.50 172.50 230.00 310.50 285.50 381.00 514.00 381.50 508.50 686.50
Setiap minggu Tidak
44.50 59.50 80.00 74.00 98.50 133.00 98.50 131.50 177.50
tambahan Dilindungi
Tahunan 445.50 542.00 646.50 738.00 897.50 1,070.00 985.50 1,199.00 1,429.00
Aktiviti Tidak
46.50 46.50 46.50 139.50 139.50 139.50 232.50 232.50 232.50
Berbahaya Dilindungi

Sumbangan untuk Manfaat COVID-19 (Manfaat Pilihan untuk ‘Setiap Perjalanan’ Antarabangsa sahaja)
INDIVIDU Dewasa (18 hingga 70 tahun)
Pelan Antarabangsa
Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4
1-5 17.50 20.50 28.00
6 - 10 26.00 34.00 47.00
11 - 18 38.50 53.50 74.50
19 - 30 56.00 81.50 113.00
Setiap minggu tambahan 12.50 19.50 27.00

INDIVIDU & PASANGAN Dewasa (18 hingga 70 tahun)
Pelan Antarabangsa
Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4
1-5 31.50 37.00 50.50
6 - 10 47.00 61.00 84.50
11 - 18 69.50 96.50 134.00
19 - 30 101.00 146.50 203.50
Setiap minggu tambahan 22.50 35.00 48.50

Dewasa (18 hingga 70 tahun) dan Anak-anak yang belum berkahwin,
tidak mempunyai pekerjaan tetap, berumur sekurang-kurangnya 45 hari
dan tidak melebihi umur 18 tahun (atau tidak melebihi 23 tahun
Pelan sekiranya masih belajar sepenuh masa di institusi pengajian tinggi
yang diiktiraf) pada tarikh takaful berkuat kuasa.
Kawasan 2 Kawasan 3 Kawasan 4
1-5 44.00 51.50 70.00
6 - 10 65.00 85.00 117.50
11 - 18 96.50 134.00 186.50
19 - 30 140.00 204.00 282.50
Setiap minggu tambahan 31.50 49.00 67.50

Kawasan perjalanan
Kawasan 1 (Domestik) Malaysia
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Filipina, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Jepun, Korea Selatan,
Kawasan 2 (Negara Asia
Laos, Macau, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sikkim, Singapura, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor Leste dan
seperti yang dinyatakan)
Kawasan 3 Seluruh dunia kecuali Malaysia, Nepal, Amerika Syarikat dan Kanada.
Kawasan 4 Seluruh dunia termasuk Nepal, Amerika Syarikat dan Kanada (kecuali Malaysia).
Nota: Semua sumbangan (jika terpakai) akan tertakluk kepada caj-caj atau cukai-cukai yang berkenaan, sebagaimana yang dianggap perlu
oleh pihak berkuasa cukai Malaysia. Adalah penting untuk anda menyimpan apa-apa resit yang anda terima sebagai bukti pembayaran
5. Apakah fi dan caj yang perlu saya bayar?
Jenis Amaun
40% daripada sumbangan termasuk:
Fi Wakalah  25% komisen dibayar kepada ejen
 15% perbelanjaan pengurusan
Cukai Perkhidmatan – untuk Pelan Domestik sahaja 8% daripada sumbangan
Duti Setem RM10.00

6. Apakah terma-terma dan syarat-syarat penting yang perlu saya ketahui?

Kepentingan Pendedahan
a. Menurut Perenggan 5 daripada Jadual 9 Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013, jika anda memohon takaful ini sepenuhnya untuk
tujuan yang tidak berkaitan perdagangan, perniagaan atau profesion anda, anda mempunyai kewajipan untuk mengambil langkah yang
munasabah untuk tidak salah nyata dalam menjawab soalan-soalan di dalam Borang Permohonan (atau semasa memohon takaful ini).
Anda dikehendaki menjawab soalan-soalan dalam Borang Permohonan ini dengan lengkap dan tepat.
b. Kegagalan untuk mengambil langkah yang munasabah dalam menjawab soalan-soalan mungkin mengakibatkan pembatalan kontrak
takaful anda, keengganan atau pengurangan gantirugi, perubahan terma atau penamatan kontrak takaful anda.
c. Kewajipan pendedahan di atas hendaklah diteruskan sehingga kontrak takaful anda dimeterai, diubah atau diperbaharui dengan kami.
d. Sebagai tambahan kepada soalan-soalan di dalam Borang Permohonan (atau semasa memohon takaful ini), anda dikehendaki untuk
mendedahkan apa-apa perkara lain yang anda tahu akan mempengaruhi keputusan kami dalam menerima risiko dan menentukan kadar
dan terma yang dikenakan.
e. Anda juga mempunyai kewajipan untuk memberitahu kami dengan serta-merta jika pada bila-bila masa selepas kontrak takaful anda
ditandatangani, diubah atau diperbaharui dengan kami (atau semasa permohonan takaful ini), apa-apa maklumat yang dinyatakan dalam
Borang Permohonan tidak tepat atau sudah berubah.
Tempoh Perjalanan
a. Perjalanan Antarabangsa:
 Pelan Setiap Perjalanan: setiap perjalanan tidak boleh melebihi 180 hari berturut-turut.
 Pelan Perjalanan Tahunan: setiap perjalanan tidak boleh melebihi 90 hari berturut-turut.
b. Perjalanan Domestik:
 Pelan Setiap Perjalanan: setiap perjalanan tidak boleh melebihi 30 hari berturut-turut.
Semua perjalanan harus dimulakan dari Malaysia. Perjalanan sehala tidak dibenarkan.
Pembatalan Perjalanan - Sijil ini hanya akan membayar balik manfaat pembatalan perjalanan dengan syarat sijil disertai sekurang-kurangnya
7 hari sebelum anda memulakan perjalanan.
Ekses – Jumlah kerugian yang perlu anda tanggung dan terpakai kepada manfaat tertentu di bawah sijil.
Bayaran Sebelum Perlindungan (CBC) – Sumbangan hendaklah dibayar kepada kami atau ejen kami yang diiktiraf sebelum tarikh sijil

Tuntutan – Jika berlaku kemalangan yang membawa kepada tuntutan, anda hendaklah memberitahu kami dalam masa 30 hari dari tarikh
kemalangan itu berlaku.
Nota: Senarai ini tidak menyeluruh. Sila rujuk sijil takaful untuk senarai lengkap terma-terma dan syarat-syarat.

7. Apakah pengecualian-pengecualian utama di bawah sijil ini?

Pengecualian Am
a. Keadaan sedia ada;
b. Kecederaan yang disengajakan, cubaan membunuh diri, gangguan mental;
c. Komplikasi kehamilan, penyakit kelamin, HIV, alkohol atau dadah;
d. Perjalanan udara selain daripada sebagai penumpang yang membayar tambang biasa berjadual atau pesawat berlesen yang disewa;
e. Terlibat dalam sukan, pekerjaan, atau aktiviti yang berbahaya kecuali aktiviti-aktiviti tersebut telah di lindungi di bawah aktiviti berbahaya
(manfaat pilihan) yang telah anda sertai;
f. Perjalanan dalam, ke atau melalui negara-negara atau kawasan-kawasan yang tertakluk kepada peperangan, konflik, atau diisytiharkan
sebagai Kecemasan Kesihatan Awam bagi Kebimbangan Antarabangsa (PHEIC) oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO);
g. Perjalanan dalam, ke atau melalui Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Korea Utara, Palestin, Syria atau Ukraine;
h. Penyertaan dalam sebarang aktiviti yang menyalahi undang-undang seperti serangan yang diprovokasi;
i. Tindakan yang diambil oleh pihak berkuasa kerajaan;
j. Membuat perjalanan untuk mengerjakan ibadah haji; dan
k. COVID-19 (kecuali anda telah menyertai Manfaat Tambahan COVID-19).
Seksyen B (Manfaat Perubatan)
a. Eksperimen, penyiasatan, prosedur kosmetik, plastik, yang tidak penting, dan bukan kecemasan;
b. Perjalanan yang bertentangan dengan nasihat pengamal perubatan atau untuk tujuan mendapatkan rawatan perubatan;
c. Penyakit berjangkit yang diisytiharkan sebagai PHEIC oleh WHO;
d. Apa-apa keadaan kongenital; dan
e. Rawatan yang berkaitan dengan mata dan gigi.
Seksyen C (Manfaat Kesulitan)
a. Kelewatan atau pindaan perjalanan yang ditempah oleh penyedia perkhidmatan, yang disebabkan peraturan atau undang-undang
kerajaan; dan
b. Kelewatan bagasi apabila anda pulang ke tempat tinggal anda (bagi perjalanan domestik).
Seksyen D (Kehilangan atau Kerosakan Barangan Peribadi)
a. Kehilangan data;
b. Barang mudah pecah;
c. Barangan elektronik, komputer riba, komputer tablet, telefon bimbit atau barang kemas yang didaftar masuk;
d. Peralatan dan kelengkapan sukan;
e. Rampasan atau tahanan oleh kastam atau mana-mana pihak berkuasa lain;
f. Penurunan nilai mata wang atau kekurangan kerana kesilapan atau ketinggalan dalam mana-mana urus niaga yang melibatkan wang;
g. Kegagalan untuk mengambil perhatian yang sewajarnya dan munasabah dan langkah berjaga-jaga untuk melindungi dan menjamin
barangan peribadi; dan
h. Haus dan lusuh, tergores atau kemek atau apa-apa kerosakan yang tidak menjejaskan fungsi bagasi.
Seksyen E (Liabiliti Peribadi)
a. Liabiliti kontraktual, sebagai majikan, atau ahli keluarga;
b. Liabiliti yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan, perniagaan atau profesion;
c. Kehilangan atau kerosakan harta, yang dimiliki atau dalam jagaan pekerja, diri sendiri atau ahli keluarga;
d. Pemunyaan atau penghuni tanah dan bangunan, selain daripada kediaman yang diduduki sementara;
e. Pemilikan atau penggunaan kenderaan darat, udara atau air atau binatang; dan
f. Prosiding jenayah kos guaman, ganti rugi yang diberikan oleh mahkamah, atau kerugian bukan wang.
Seksyen H (COVID-19)
a. Orang dewasa yang dilindungi belum divaksin sepenuhnya;
b. Anda melakukan perjalanan yang bertentangan dengan nasihat pengamal perubatan atau doktor (termasuk, tetapi tidak terhad kepada,
mengembara dengan gejala COVID-19);
c. Keadaan yang anda ketahui sebelum anda mengambil sijil atau menempah perjalanan yang secara munasabah boleh dijangka membawa
kepada tuntutan ke atas sijil;
d. Kegagalan anda untuk mendapatkan vaksin mandatori, inokulasi atau ubat-ubatan yang ditetapkan sebelum memulakan perjalanan; dan
e. Sebarang perbelanjaan berkaitan kuarantin wajib atau keperluan tinggal di rumah yang ditetapkan oleh kerajaan luar negara.
Nota: Senarai ini tidak menyeluruh. Sila rujuk kepada sijil takaful untuk senarai penuh pengecualian.
8. Bolehkah saya membatalkan sijil saya?
Anda boleh membatalkan sijil pada bila-bila masa dengan memberi notis bertulis kepada kami. Penamatan sedemikian akan berkuat kuasa
daripada tarikh notis diterima atau pada tarikh yang dinyatakan di dalam notis, mana-mana tarikh yang terkemudian. Walau bagaimanapun,
pemulangan sumbangan adalah tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat yang dinyatakan di dalam sijil takaful.
9. Apakah yang perlu saya lakukan sekiranya terdapat perubahan maklumat perhubungan?
Adalah penting untuk anda memaklumkan kepada kami tentang sebarang perubahan maklumat perhubungan bagi memastikan semua
komunikasi sampai kepada anda tepat pada masanya.
10. Di manakah saya boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut?
Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi kami di:
Etiqa General Takaful Berhad (201701025031)
(Dilesenkan di bawah Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 dan dikawalselia oleh Bank Negara Malaysia)
Aras 13, Menara B, Dataran Maybank
No. 1, Jalan Maarof
59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Nombor Telefon: +603 2297 3888
Nombor Faksimile: +603 2297 3800
Etiqa Oneline: 1300 13 8888
E-mel: info@etiqa.com.my
Laman Web: www.etiqa.com.my

11. Lain-lain jenis perlindungan sama yang boleh didapati
Sila rujuk kepada kami atau ejen kami untuk jenis perlindungan serupa yang ditawarkan.

Maklumat yang disediakan di dalam helaian pendedahan ini adalah sah pada 01/03/2024.

Travel Insurance / Takaful Benefits
TripCare 360

Domestic International

Benefits Silver Gold Platinum

Delay Except “what is not covered” under item 1 below


Luggage Loss,
Delay or Damage Except “what is not covered” under item 2 below

Loss or Damage of
Personal Items
(in excess of RM100 ) Except “what is not covered” under item 3 below

Loss of Travel Documents

(in excess of RM100)

Medical Expenses
(in excess of RM100) Except “what is not covered” under item 4 below

Emergency Medical
Evacuation & Repatriation

Coverage Benefits provided with additional
premium / contribution

What is not covered?

1/ 2/
Normal wear and tear,
Delay due to Trip
scratches or dents which
Retiming, Denied Boarding
do not impair the luggage

• Pre-existing conditions
3/ 4/ • Contagious disease declared
• Fragile and sports items
to be a Public Health
• Electronic items and Emergency of International
jewelry that are Concern (PHEIC) by the
checked in World Health Organization

For full details of benefits provided, add-on coverage options and a listing of what is not covered,
please reach out to us via:

Call Email
1-300-88-1007 travelclaimscare@etiqa.com.my

For travel related assistance, please reach out to us on our 24/7 hotline via:

Personal Data Protection Act Slip for Individual Customers


NRIC No : 850404-02-5118

Certificate No : TPT-C6397828-K1

Type Of Certificate : GENERAL TAKAFUL

Date : 08-05-2024

I/We, agree, consent and allow Etiqa General Takaful Berhad (hereinafter called "Etiqa General Takaful") to process
my/our personal data (including sensitive personal data) ("Personal Data") with the intention of entering into a contract of
Takaful, in compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010

I/We, understand and agree that any Personal Data collected or held by Etiqa General Takaful (whether contained in
this application or otherwise obtained) may be held, used, processed and disclosed by Etiqa General Takaful to
individuals and/or organizations related to and associated with Etiqa General Takaful or any selected third party (within
or outside Malaysia, including medical institutions, reinsurers, claim adjusters/investigators, solicitors, industry
associations, regulators, statutory bodies and government authorities) for the purpose of processing this application and
providing subsequent service related to it and to communicate with me/us for such purposes.

I/We understand that I/We have a right to obtain access to and to request correction of any Personal Data held by Etiqa
General Takaful concerning me/us.

Such request can be made by completing the Access Request Form available at all Etiqa website, Etiqa Takaful
branches or contact Etiqa General Takaful via email PDPA@etiqa.com.my. In accordance with the provisions of the
Personal Data Protection Act 2010, I/We may contact the Customer Service Centre at Etiqa Oneline 1 300 13 8888 for
the details of my/our Personal Data. Such information shall only be granted upon verification.

I/We agree, consent and allow Etiqa General Takaful to share my/our Personal Data with Maybank Group, Etiqa General
Takaful's agents or strategic partners and other third parties ("other entities") as Etiqa General Takaful deems fit.

I/We agree to receive marketing communication from Etiqa General Takaful or from these other entities about products
and services that may be of interest to me/us.
Yes No

Note: If you no longer wish to receive marketing communications, please notify Etiqa General Takaful to withdraw your
consent and Etiqa General Takaful will stop processing and sharing your Personal Data with these other entities for the
purpose of sending you marketing communications. For avoidance of doubt, the withdrawal does not include processing
of your mandatory Personal Data.


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