Week 1: Initial Steps and Low-Pressure Interactions: Goals

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Week 1: Initial Steps and Low-Pressure Interactions


 Start with low-pressure interactions

 Begin building confidence


1. Journal about Your Anxiety: Write daily about your feelings regarding
approaching strangers.
2. Positive Self-Talk: Every morning, repeat affirmations such as "I am confident"
and "I enjoy meeting new people."
3. Smile and Make Eye Contact: Make a conscious effort to smile and make eye
contact with at least 5 strangers each day.

Week 2: Simple Interactions


 Practice basic social interactions with strangers

 Build initial confidence


1. Say Hello: Greet 5 different strangers each day (people on your commute, in
your neighborhood, etc.).
2. Ask for Directions: Approach strangers to ask for simple directions at least once
per day.
3. Small Talk with Service Workers: Engage in brief conversations with cashiers or
waitstaff (e.g., "How's your day going?").

Week 3: Increase Interaction Frequency


 Increase the number of daily interactions with strangers

 Build conversational skills

1. Compliment Strangers: Give genuine compliments to 3 different strangers each

day (e.g., “Nice shoes!”).
2. Engage in Small Talk: Initiate small talk with at least 2 new strangers each day.
3. Reflect on Interactions: After each interaction, reflect on what went well and
what you can improve.

Week 4: Structured Interactions and Challenges


 Engage in more structured interactions

 Begin challenging yourself


1. Join a Group or Club: Attend at least one meeting or event of a group that
interests you, and talk to at least 3 strangers.
2. Prepare Conversation Starters: Write down and practice 5 conversation starters.
3. Set Interaction Goals: Set a specific goal for the week (e.g., “I will start a
conversation with one new stranger each day”).

Week 5: Social Environments and Networking


 Participate in larger social environments

 Expand your comfort zone with strangers


1. Attend a Social Event: Go to one social event where you don’t know anyone and
aim to meet at least 3 new people.
2. Networking Event: Attend a networking event and introduce yourself to at least
3 strangers.
3. Evaluate Progress: Reflect on your experiences and identify areas for
Week 6: Push Boundaries


 Increase the difficulty of interactions

 Challenge comfort zones


1. Phone Calls to Strangers: Make phone calls for inquiries or reservations to

practice conversational skills without visual cues.
2. Engage Strangers in Public Places: Start conversations with strangers in places
like coffee shops, public transportation, or parks.
3. Weekly Challenge: Set a personal challenge for the week (e.g., "I will approach
and chat with a group of strangers at a social event").

Week 7: Consistency and Feedback


 Maintain consistent interactions with strangers

 Gain feedback for improvement


1. Consistent Interaction: Continue daily interactions, aiming for at least 3

meaningful conversations with strangers each day.
2. Seek Feedback: If possible, ask strangers for feedback on your interactions (e.g.,
"How did you find our conversation?").
3. Celebrate Successes: Write down and celebrate each successful interaction to
reinforce positive behavior.

Week 8: Reflect and Plan for Continued Growth


 Reflect on progress
 Plan for future growth

1. Evaluate Progress: Reflect on your journey over the past 8 weeks. Write about
your progress, challenges, and successes.
2. Set Long-Term Goals: Set long-term social goals focused on interactions with
strangers (e.g., “I will approach at least 5 strangers a week”).
3. Plan Continued Practice: Create a plan to maintain and continue improving your
skills (e.g., “I will attend one social event with strangers per month”).

By following this structured plan, you will build the confidence and skills necessary to
overcome approach anxiety specifically with strangers. Remember to be patient with
yourself and celebrate each step forward.

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