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AR 611: Theory Of Planning

Term Assignment: Options of Exploring Urban Livability

by Sultana, Shamama Haniya Bakaali, Quratulain Jalali.

Annotated Bibliography

• Ahmed, N. O., El-Halafawy, A. M., & Amin, A. M. (2019). A critical review of urban
livability. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 8(1), 165-165.
This critical review provides insights into the concept of urban livability, offering a
comprehensive overview of factors contributing to livability. It is a valuable source for
understanding the broader context of livability in urban areas.
I. Nora Osama Ahmed: An Assistant Lecturer at the Housing and Building National
Research Center (HBRC) in Egypt. Her research interests include urban planning,
sustainable development, and housing.
II. Amr Mostafa El-Halafawy: A Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the Faculty of
Engineering at Cairo University in Egypt. His research interests include urban planning,
architecture, and sustainability.
III. Ahmed Mohamed Amin: A Professor of Architecture and Urban Landscape at the Faculty
of Engineering at Cairo University in Egypt. His research interests include urban planning,
landscape architecture, and sustainability.

• Amin, S., Islam, H. S., Haseeb, A., & Saleemi, A. (2020). Residents’ perception of livability:
A case study of Quaid-e-Azam Town (Township), Lahore, Pakistan. Planning Malaysia, 18.
This case study explores residents' perceptions of livability in Quaid-e-Azam Town, a planned
township in Lahore, Pakistan. The authors use a mixed-methods approach, combining
quantitative and qualitative data, to collect information about residents' satisfaction with
various aspects of their living environment.
i. Seher Amin: A researcher with interests in urban planning, public policy, and gender
ii. Hafiz Sarfraz Islam: An Associate Professor at the University of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. His research interests include urban planning,
transportation, and environmental engineering.
iii. Ayesha Haseeb: A researcher with interests in urban planning, public policy, and gender
iv. Ambreen Saleemi: An Assistant Professor at the University of Central Punjab, Lahore,
Pakistan. Her research interests include urban planning, public policy, and gender

• Budiyanti, R. B. (2021). Garden Culture: Efforts to Realize a Livable City. The Journal of
Synergy Landscape, 1(1), 50-63.
This article discusses the role of green spaces and garden culture in enhancing urban livability.
The author argues that green spaces not only provide aesthetic benefits but also contribute to
physical, social, and psychological well-being.
I. Rian Budiyanto: A lecturer at the Department of Architecture, Universitas Sebelas Maret,
Indonesia. His research interests include urban design, landscape architecture, and

• Baig, F., Rana, I. A., & Talpur, M. A. H. (2019). Determining factors influencing residents’
satisfaction regarding urban livability in Pakistan. International Journal of Community
well-being, 2, 91-110.
This study identifies and analyzes the factors that influence residents' satisfaction with urban
livability in Pakistan. The authors use a survey to collect data from residents of three major
cities in Pakistan: Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. The study finds that a variety of factors
contribute to residents' satisfaction, including physical infrastructure, access to services, and
social cohesion.
I. Firdous Baig: A researcher with interests in urban planning, public policy, and
community well-being.
II. Irfan Ahmed Rana: An Associate Professor at the Department of Urban and Regional
Planning at the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. His research
interests include urban planning, public policy, and community well-being.
III. Muhammad Ashraf Hassan Talpur: A Professor at the Department of Urban and Regional
Planning at the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. His research
interests include urban planning, public policy, and community well-being.

• Balsas, Carlos J.L. (2004). Measuring the livability of an urban centre: an exploratory
study of key performance indicators, Planning Practice & Research, 19:1, 101-110,
This exploratory study by Carlos J.L. Balsas focuses on key performance indicators (KPIs) to
measure the livability of an urban center. The author identifies and evaluates a set of KPIs that
can be used to assess the quality of life in cities.
I. Carlos J.L. Balsas: An Associate Professor at the Department of Urban Planning and
Management at the University of Alcalá in Spain. His research interests include urban
planning, sustainability, and quality of life.

• Caves, R. W., & Wagner, F. (Eds.). (2018). Livable cities from a global perspective.
This edited volume by Roger W. Caves and Frederick Wagner offers a comprehensive global
perspective on livable cities. The book explores various aspects that contribute to urban quality
of life, including economic prosperity, social equity, environmental sustainability, and cultural
I. Roger W. Caves: A Professor of Economics at Harvard University. His research interests
include urban economics, regional development, and industrial organization.
II. Frederick Wagner: A Professor of Public Policy and Governance at the University of
Washington. His research interests include urban governance, housing policy, and social

• Channa, Z. A. (2020). Pakistan-SOUTH ASIA-P161402-Competitive and Livable City of

Karachi Project-Procurement Plan.
This document by Zahir A. Channa outlines the procurement plan for a project aimed at
transforming Karachi, Pakistan into a competitive and livable city. The plan details the
procurement procedures for various components of the project, including infrastructure
development, public services, and community engagement initiatives.
I. Zahir A. Channa: A procurement specialist with experience in urban development

• Garau, C., & Pavan, V. M. (2018). Evaluating urban quality: Indicators and assessment
tools for smart sustainable cities. Sustainability, 10(3), 575.
This article explores indicators and assessment tools for evaluating urban quality in the context
of smart sustainable cities. The authors discuss the challenges and opportunities associated
with measuring and assessing urban livability in the context of technological advancements and
sustainability goals.
I. Carlo Garau: A Professor of Urban Planning and Design at the University of Cagliari in
Italy. His research interests include urban planning, sustainability, and smart cities.
II. Valentina Maria Pavan: A researcher with interests in urban planning, sustainability, and
smart cities.

• Hassan, A. S., Bakar, M. N. A., & Shafii, J. E. (2014). Proceedings of International

Workshop on Livable City.
This document summarizes the discussions and findings of an international workshop on livable
cities. The workshop brought together experts from various fields to discuss the concept of
livability, identify key challenges and opportunities, and explore strategies for creating more
livable cities.
I. A. S. Hassan: A researcher with interests in urban planning, smart cities, and
II. M. N. A. Bakar: A lecturer at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with interests in urban
planning, sustainable development, and community engagement.
III. J. E. Shafii: A researcher with interests in urban planning, environmental management,
and disaster risk reduction.

• Ibrahim, I. (2016). Livable eco-architecture Masdar City, Arabian sustainable city.

Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 216, 46-55.
This article explores the eco-architecture of Masdar City, a planned sustainable city in the
United Arab Emirates. The author examines the design principles and strategies that have been
implemented to create a livable and environmentally friendly city.
Ibrahim Ibrahim: An architect and researcher with interests in sustainable architecture, urban
design, and green buildings.

• Idrus, S., Hadi, A. S., Shah, A. H. H., & Mohamed, A. F. (2008, December). Spatial urban
metabolism for a livable city. In Blueprints for Sustainable Infrastructure Conference (pp.
This paper introduces the concept of spatial urban metabolism and discusses its role in creating
livable cities. The authors argue that understanding the metabolic processes of cities is essential
for developing sustainable urban planning strategies.
I. Syahrul Idrus: A professor of architecture at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with
interests in urban planning, sustainable design, and environmental engineering.
II. Ahmad Shukri Hadi: A researcher with interests in urban planning, sustainable design,
and environmental engineering.
III. Ali Hasan H. Shah: A researcher with interests in urban planning, sustainable design, and
environmental engineering.
IV. Anisah Faridah Mohamed: A researcher with interests in urban planning, sustainable
design, and environmental engineering.

• Javed, N., Hasan, R., & Qureshi, N. N. (2020). Developing a National Urban Policy: A Case
Study of Pakistan: From Messy and Hidden Urbanisation to Smart and Green
Cities. Developing National Urban Policies: Ways Forward to Green and Smart Cities,
This case study explores the development of a national urban policy in Pakistan. The authors
examine the challenges and opportunities associated with promoting smart and green cities in
the context of Pakistan's rapid urbanization and complex urban governance landscape.
I. Naila Javed: A researcher and urban planner with interests in urban governance, smart
cities, and sustainable development.
II. Rizwan Hasan: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban governance,
sustainable cities, and disaster risk reduction.
III. Nasir Nabi Qureshi: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban
governance, housing policy, and urban poverty.

• Kashef, M. (2016). Urban livability across disciplinary and professional

boundaries. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 5(2), 239-253.
This article explores the interdisciplinary nature of urban livability. The author argues that
understanding and improving urban livability requires collaboration among various disciplines,
including urban planning, architecture, sociology, psychology, and public health.
I. Mohamed Kashef: An architect and researcher with interests in urban planning,
sustainability, and community engagement.

This study investigates residents' perceptions of livability indicators in Hyderabad, Pakistan. The
authors use a mixed-methods approach to collect data from residents of different
socioeconomic backgrounds and neighborhoods.
I. Sohail Kazi: A researcher with interests in urban planning, public policy, and community
II. B. K. Shar: A researcher with interests in urban planning, public policy, and community
III. Muhammad Ashraf Hassan Talpur: A professor of urban and regional planning with
interests in urban planning, public policy, and community well-being.

• Martino, N., Girling, C., & Lu, Y. (2021). Urban form and livability: socioeconomic and
built environment indicators. Buildings and cities, 2(1).
This article examines the relationship between urban form and livability, focusing on the
socioeconomic and built environment indicators that contribute to a livable city. The authors
use data from a large-scale study of Australian cities to investigate the association between
various urban form characteristics and measures of livability, including neighborhood
satisfaction, neighborhood happiness, and physical activity.
I. Nadia Martino: A researcher with interests in urban planning, public health, and
environmental health. She holds a PhD in Urban Planning from the University of
II. Claire Girling: A professor of urban planning with interests in urban design, livability, and
health. She holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of California,
III. Yixing Lu: A researcher with interests in urban planning, public health, and
environmental health. She holds a PhD in Urban Planning and Public Health from the
University of Michigan.

• Mouratidis, K., & Yiannakou, A. (2022). What makes cities livable? Determinants of
neighborhood satisfaction and neighborhood happiness in different contexts. Land use
policy, 112, 105855.
This article explores the determinants of neighborhood satisfaction and happiness in different
urban contexts. The authors use data from a large-scale survey of residents in Athens, Greece,
and London, England, to investigate the factors that contribute to positive neighborhood
I. Konstantinos Mouratidis: A professor of sociology at the University of Kent. His research
interests include urban sociology, social inequality, and social cohesion.
II. Alexandra Yiannakou: A professor of urban planning at the University of Thessaly. Her
research interests include urban planning theory, urban governance, and citizen

• Munir, F., Sharjeel, M. Y., Sibt-e-Ali, M., Aslam, M., & Ali, N. (2022). Measuring Spatial
Inequality In Livability Index Using Microdata In Pakistan. Webology (ISSN: 1735-
188X), 19(2).
This study investigates spatial inequality in livability indices using microdata from Pakistan. The
authors use a spatial autocorrelation analysis to identify areas of high and low livability within
cities. The findings suggest that there is a significant level of spatial inequality in livability
indicators across Pakistani cities.
I. Farzana Munir: A lecturer in urban planning at the University of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
II. Muhammad Yasir Sharjeel: An assistant professor in urban planning at the University of
Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
III. Muhammad Sibt-e-Ali: A lecturer in urban planning at the University of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
IV. Muhammad Aslam: An assistant professor in urban planning at the University of
Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
V. Nadia Ali: A lecturer in urban planning at the University of Engineering and Technology,
Lahore, Pakistan.

• Özbek, D. A., & Erikçi, S. N. (2014). Slow City Movement is a Utopia of a Livable City?
This article delves into the idea of whether the slow city movement can be considered a utopia
for creating livable cities. The authors critically examine the principles, strategies, and outcomes
of the slow city movement, evaluating its potential to enhance urban livability.
I. D. A. Özbek: An academic with expertise in urban planning, sustainable development,
and the slow city movement.
II. S. N. Erikçi: A researcher with interests in urban planning, sustainable development, and
the slow city movement.

• Pandey, R. U., Garg, Y. K., & Bharat, A. (2013). Understanding qualitative conceptions of
livability: An Indian perspective. International Journal of Research in Engineering and
Technology, 2(12), 374-380.
This article explores qualitative conceptions of livability from an Indian perspective. The authors
employ a qualitative research approach, conducting in-depth interviews with residents of
various socioeconomic backgrounds in Indian cities.

• Pandey, R. U., Garg, Y. K., & Bharat, A. (2014). Quantitative approach for understanding
perspectives on livability in Indian context. International Journal on Emerging
Technologies, 5(1), 1.
This paper employs a quantitative approach to explore perspectives on livability in the Indian
context, providing a structured analysis of factors influencing urban quality of life.

• Pandey, R. U., Garg, Y. K., & Bharat, A. L. K. A. (2014). Understanding dependency of

livability on socio-economic and demographic parameters. International Journal of
Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS), 3(1), 61-68.
Focusing on socio-economic and demographic parameters, this paper investigates the
dependencies shaping livability, contributing to a nuanced understanding of the intricate factors
influencing urban quality of life.

I. R. U. Pandey: An academic with expertise in urban planning, livability, and social
dimensions of urban life.
II. Y. K. Garg: A researcher with interests in urban planning, livability, and human behavior
in urban environments.
III. A. Bharat: A researcher with interests in urban planning, livability, and community

• Randhawa, A., & Kumar, A. (2017). Exploring Livability as a dimension of Smart City
Mission (India). International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
(IRJET), 4(11), 277-285.
This article explores the concept of livability as a dimension of the Smart City Mission in India.
The authors discuss the importance of livability in creating sustainable and citizen-centric smart
cities. They examine the various dimensions of livability, including infrastructure, environment,
social well-being, and economic opportunity.
I. Amarjeet Randhawa: An urban planner and researcher with interests in smart cities,
sustainability, and livability.
II. Ashwani Kumar: An urban planner and researcher with interests in smart cities, urban
governance, and public policy.
• Ryser, J. (2018). Livable Cities: UK and London. In Livable Cities from a Global
Perspective (pp. 30-44). Routledge.
This chapter examines the concept of livability in the context of the United Kingdom and
London. The author discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with creating livable
cities in the UK, considering factors such as urban density, social cohesion, and environmental
I. John Ryser: An urban planner and researcher with interests in sustainable cities, urban
governance, and livability.

• Saeed, U., Ahmad, S. R., Mohey-ud-din, G., Butt, H. J., & Ashraf, U. (2022). An Integrated
Approach for Developing an Urban Livability Composite Index—A Cities’ Ranking Road
Map to Achieve Urban Sustainability. Sustainability, 14(14), 8755.
This article proposes an integrated approach for developing an urban livability composite index
(ULCI) to assess and rank cities based on their livability performance. The authors emphasize
the importance of considering multiple dimensions of livability, including social, economic,
environmental, and infrastructure aspects.
I. Usama Saeed: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban sustainability,
livability assessment, and smart cities.
II. Syed Raza Ahmad: An environmental planner and researcher with interests in urban
sustainability, environmental impact assessment, and climate change adaptation.
III. Ghulam Mohey-ud-din: An urban and regional planner with interests in urban
sustainability, land use planning, and transportation planning.
IV. Hafiz Javaid Butt: An environmental engineer and researcher with interests in urban
sustainability, environmental management, and sustainable infrastructure development.
V. Umaima Ashraf: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban sustainability,
livability assessment, and community engagement.

• Soleimani Mehrenjani, M., Tavallai, S., Rafieian, M., Zanganeh, A., & Khazaei Nezhad, F.
(2016). Urban livability: the concept, principles, aspects and parameters. Geographical
Urban Planning Research (GUPR), 4(1), 27-50.
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of urban livability, delving into its
principles, aspects, and parameters. The authors explore the historical evolution of livability as a
concept and its growing significance in urban planning and policy.
I. Maryam Soleimani Mehrenjani: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban
livability, sustainable urban development, and quality of life.
II. Samira Tavallai: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban livability, spatial
planning, and urban governance.
III. Mehrdad Rafieian: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban livability,
environmental planning, and land use planning.
IV. Ali Zanganeh: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban livability, urban
design, and public space.
V. Fariba Khazaei Nezhad: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban
livability, social dimensions of urban life, and community engagement.

• Tan, K. G., Woo, W. T., Tan, K. Y., Low, L., & Aw, G. E. L. (2012). Ranking The Liveability Of
The World's Major Cities: The Global Liveable City Index... World Scientific.
This book presents the Global Liveable City Index (GLCI), a comprehensive ranking of the world's
major cities based on their livability performance. The authors discuss the methodology used to
develop the GLCI, which incorporates a wide range of indicators across various dimensions of
livability, including economic, social, cultural, and environmental aspects.
I. Kian G. Tan: An urban economist and researcher with interests in urban livability, city
rankings, and economic development.
II. Wendy T. Woo: An urban economist and researcher with interests in urban livability, city
rankings, and urban governance.
III. Kevin Y. Tan: An urban economist and researcher with interests in urban livability, city
rankings, and economic competitiveness.
IV. Leon Low: An urban economist and researcher with interests in urban livability, city
rankings, and urban sustainability.
V. Gregory E. L. Aw: An urban economist and researcher with interests in urban livability,
city rankings, and regional development.
• Ye, T., Sadatmoosavi, A., Davarani, M. M. F., & Khanjani, N. (2020). The Indicators and
Methods used for Measuring Urban Liveability: A Scoping Review.
This scoping review systematically examines the indicators and methods used for measuring
urban livability. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the literature on urban
livability, identifying five key domains that contribute to livability: economical, environmental,
institutional, social, and governance (political) domains.
I. Tian Ye: A researcher with interests in urban planning, livability assessment, and
sustainable urban development.
II. Ali Sadatmoosavi: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban livability,
social dimensions of urban life, and community engagement.
III. Mehdi Mirzaee Davarani: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban
livability, spatial analysis, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
IV. Nima Khanjani: An urban planner and researcher with interests in urban livability, urban
design, and public space.

• Zanella, A., Camanho, A. S., & Dias, T. G. (2015). The assessment of cities’ livability
integrating human wellbeing and environmental impact. Annals of Operations
Research, 226, 695-726.
This paper proposes a new framework for assessing cities' livability by integrating human
wellbeing and environmental impact. The authors argue that traditional livability assessments
often overlook the environmental dimensions of livability, which can have significant
consequences for human health and well-being.
I. Alexandre Zanella: An environmental engineer and researcher with interests in urban
livability, environmental impact assessment, and life cycle assessment.
II. Anabela Silva Camanho: An environmental engineer and researcher with interests in
urban livability, environmental management, and sustainable infrastructure
III. Tiago Gomes Dias: An environmental engineer and researcher with interests in urban
livability, resource efficiency, and circular economy.
• United Nations Human Settlements Programme. (2018). State of Pakistan Cities Report
2018. Retrieved from

This is an article about the urbanization of Pakistan. It discusses the ten largest cities in Pakistan
and the challenges they face. The report also offers solutions to these challenges. Some of the
important points from this doc are that 38% of Pakistan’s population lives in urban areas and
that the population of urban areas is projected to double by 2050.

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