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Moringa Oleifera Leaf (Malunggay Leave) as an Alternative Chicken

Broiler Feed

Research Proposal
Presented to:
Keith Erica P. Navarra
(Practical Research 1)
Northwestern Visayan Colleges

In Partial Fulfilment
of Requirements in
Research, Grade 11 STEM


Presented by:
Ian Joshua E. Macabante
Regine A. Rivas
Ruveilyn A. De Jose
Enzo Inguiña
Rea S. Teodosio

Background of the Study

Chicken Breeders in developing countries are facing some problems, one of which is
an increase in the cost of feed due to high prices. In addition, they are also faced with the
problem of the development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens due to unwise and excessive use of
antibiotic. In recent studies report that some herbs, spices, and extracts may have antimicrobial,
coccidiostat, and anthelminthic properties, and plants were introduced into poultry diets as
protein sources to decrease the cost of the feed. Moringa oleifera is a tree with many uses, and of
great economic importance, found throughout most of the tropics. It was incorporated into the
poultry diet by nutritionists to examine its effects on weaner rabbits', broilers', and laying hens'
productive performance.

The study shows that Moringa oleifera is one plant that has shown significant
potential as a natural growth promoter in broiler diets. Moringa oleifera possesses an excellent
range of antimicrobial and antioxidant properties attributed to its high content of bioactive
compounds, including flavonoids and phenols. Scientific evidence confirms that dietary
inclusion of Moringa oleifera at levels lower than 5% of the total dry matter intake can improve
growth performance, animal health, feed conversion ratio, and meat quality, Incorporating
Moringa oleifera into broiler diets has been reported to reduce the cost incurred per kilogram of
weight gain for birds compared to incorporating antibiotics.
Moringa oleifera is known as a miracle tree because of its wealthy resource of various
nutrients with high biological values. Moringa oleifera has been used as a growth promoter,
immune enhancer, antioxidant, and has a hypo-cholesterol effect on chickens. It has both
nutritional and therapeutic values. Moringa oleifera is one plant that has shown significant
potential as a natural growth promoter in broiler diets. Moringa oleifera possesses an excellent
range of antimicrobial and antioxidant properties attributed to its high content of bioactive
compounds, including flavonoids and phenols.
Moringa oleifera is very useful as a feed supplement for animals, as its leaves are
highly nutritious. The leaves of Moringa oleifera are the most nutritious part, being a significant
source of vitamin B complex, vitamin C, pro-vitamin A as beta-carotene, vitamin K, manganese,
and protein among other essential nutrients. Moringa oleifera leaves have antimicrobial roles and
are rich with fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The extracts from leaves of Moringa oleifera
contain low amounts of polyphenols, which might have effects on blood lipid metabolism.
We the researchers, have observed the significant increase in the cost of chicken meat
and chicken eggs in the market compared to the previous years, it could be noted that the
increase cost might be connected to the sudden increase in the cost of chicken feeds. in line with
this, the introduction of alternative like Moringa Oleifera will be experimented in this study.
Thus, we, the researchers conduct this study with the mean of exploring the potential of utilizing
Moringa oleifera as an alternative feed for chickens, aiming to address the need for sustainable
and cost-effective feeding strategies in poultry production while also investigating its potential to
improve chicken health.
Statement of the Problem:

This study aims to determine the significant effects of

Moringa Oleifera Leaf (Malunggay Leaves), on chickens’
performances and health benefits.
Specifically, to answer the cited problem, an answer on the
following will be sought:
1.How may consuming Moringa Oleifera affects the chicken broiler
in terms of:
a.) Health
b.) Weight
c.) Growth performance

2. What is the comparative nutritional value of Moringa Oleifera

Leaf (Malunggay leaves) as a chicken feed alternative, and how
does it affect the health and productivity of chicken broiler
compared to conventional feeds?

3. How does Moringa oleifera as alternative feeds compare to

traditional feed in terms of cost-efficiency?

Theorical Framework
This study is supported by the theory “Diffusion of
Innovation Theory” Moringa oleifera, an edible tree found
worldwide in the dry tropics, is increasingly being used for
nutritional supplementation. Its nutrient-dense leaves are high
in protein quality, leading to its widespread use by doctors,
healers, nutritionists and community leaders, to treat under-
nutrition and a variety of illnesses. Despite the fact that no
rigorous clinical trial has tested its efficacy for treating
under-nutrition, the adoption of Moringa Oleifera continues to
increase. The "Diffusion of innovations theory" describes well,
the evidence for growth and adoption of dietary Malunggay
Oleifera leaves, and it highlights the need for a scientific
consensus on the nutritional benefits.
Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory, developed by E.M.
Rogers (Everett M. Rogers) in 1962, is one of the oldest social
science theories. Over time, an idea or product gains momentum
and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or social
system. The end result of this diffusion is that people, as part
of a social system, adopt a new idea, behavior, or product.
Adoption means that a person does something differently than what
they had previously (i.e., purchase or use a new product, acquire
and perform a new behavior, etc.). The key to adoption is that
the person must perceive the idea, behavior, or product as new or
innovative. It is through this that diffusion is possible like
our Moringa Oleifera Leaf (Malunggay leaves) as an Alternative
Chicken Feeds, the researchers adopt the idea on how to make it
and innovate a product from it. The researchers made a chicken
feed with the presence of Moringa Oleifera Leaf (Malunggay). The
ordinary chicken feeds usually contain cereals like wheats, oat,
barley, rice, and etc., that’s why the researchers innovate
chicken feeds that one more healthy to the chicken because of the
presence of malunggay that has a good benefits like essential
vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, contributing to the overall
health and productivity of poultry, provide a sustainable and
cost-effective solution for improving its growth, immunity, and
egg production in poultry farming.

Conceptual Framework

Main Component: -Creating the

alternative feeds.
-Moringa Oleifera Chicken Broiler
Leaves (Malunggay -Gathering of data Feed.
Leaves) through Surveys,
Interviews, and

Figure 1. The first box represents the main components of the

alternative feed for chicken broiler, the process of
experimentation and testing process is illustrated in the second
box and the result of creating Moringa Oleifera as an alternative
feed are stated in the third box, this figure shows the main
component, process, and the result of the study.

Significance of the Study:

The wide application of in-feed antibiotics in poultry
production has created public health hazards. A driving force for
the interest of using natural herbs is to establish the
antibiotics alternative in poultry production that has been
reported in the literature. Therefore, the objective of the
current review is to determine the effects of moringa (Moringa
oleifera) tree leaves, and their extracts on chickens’
performance and health status. Based on previous findings,
Moringa oleifera as natural feed supplement has sustained the
production performance and improved the health status in

This study will benefit the following individuals:

Chicken Owners- They will have an idea on how to make chicken

feeds much healthy by having an insight about Moringa Oleifera
Leaf (Malunggay Leaves) as an Alternative Chicken Feeds.

Entrepreneurs- This study will benefit them by making this idea

into business and make this as they source of income. This study
will give them an opportunity that will help them in their life.

Teachers- This study will guide the teachers to have a deeper

understanding about this study, they can assess the needs of the
students and for them to identify the different factors of
Moringa Oleifera Leaf (Malunggay Leaves) as an Alternative
Chicken Feeds.

Researchers- The researchers will benefit in this study by

gaining knowledge and know more about innovation, by doing
innovative ideas on Moringa Oleifera Leaf (Malunggay Leaves) as
an Alternative Chicken Feeds.

Future researchers- They will have an idea when they are doing
innovative research and they can use our study as their guide or
example when they are doing another study or research.

Students- They will gain information and knowledge about the

health benefits and nutritional value of Moringa Oleifera as an
alternative feed.
Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of the study involves the time and money that
will be going to spend, materials and tools needed to use,
Strategies and techniques are also implied in experimenting.

This study will be conducted at the grade 11 senior high

school department with 2 sections at Northwestern Visayan
Collages, school year 2023-2024, second semester.

Definition of Terms

To fully understand this study, the following terms must be

operationally defined:

Moringa Oleifera. The researcher will use moringa leaves in

making the product. Moringa leaf possess many valued compounds
such as protein, vitamin, calcium, iron, ascorbic acid, and
antioxidants, Moringa Oleifera is known for its nutritional and
medical values.

Chicken Broiler Feed. This term was used in the study as the
product that will be used as supplementation or food for the
chicken broiler.

Chicken Broiler. This term refers to a specific type of chicken

raised for meat production, it will be used by the researchers as
the subject to see if the moringa feed supplementation in chicken
is effective.

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