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Lesson 1: Greetings and Basic Phrases

Objective: Learn common greetings and basic phrases.

1. Dialogue:

 Person A: Hej! Hur mår du? (Hi! How are you?)

 Person B: Hej! Jag mår bra, tack. Hur mår du? (Hi! I’m fine, thanks. How
are you?)
 Person A: Jag mår också bra. Tack för att du frågar. (I’m also fine. Thanks
for asking.)

2. Vocabulary:

 Hej (Hi)
 Hur mår du? (How are you?)
 Jag mår bra (I’m fine)
 Tack (Thank you)
 Också (Also)
 Fråga (Ask)

3. Exercises:

 Repeat each line of the dialogue.

 Substitute different responses:
 Jag mår bra / Jag mår dåligt (I’m fine / I’m not well)
 Practice asking "How are you?" to different people.

Lesson 2: Introducing Yourself

Objective: Learn how to introduce yourself and ask someone’s name.

1. Dialogue:

 Person A: Vad heter du? (What’s your name?)

 Person B: Jag heter Maria. Vad heter du? (My name is Maria. What’s your
 Person A: Jag heter Erik. Trevligt att träffas. (My name is Erik. Nice to meet
 Person B: Trevligt att träffas. (Nice to meet you too.)

2. Vocabulary:

 Vad heter du? (What’s your name?)

 Jag heter… (My name is…)
 Trevligt att träffas (Nice to meet you)

3. Exercises:

 Repeat each line of the dialogue.

 Practice substituting different names.
 Use the phrases in a conversation with different names and variations.

Lesson 3: Numbers and Asking About Age

Objective: Learn numbers and how to ask about age.

1. Dialogue:

 Person A: Hur gammal är du? (How old are you?)

 Person B: Jag är tjugofem år. Hur gammal är du? (I am twenty-five years
old. How old are you?)
 Person A: Jag är trettio år. (I am thirty years old.)

2. Vocabulary:

 Hur gammal är du? (How old are you?)

 Jag är…år. (I am…years old.)
 Numbers: 1-10, 20, 30 (Refer to a Swedish numbers guide for
3. Exercises:

 Practice saying your age with different numbers.

 Ask and answer questions about age with different numbers.

Lesson 4: Talking About Daily Activities

Objective: Learn to talk about daily activities and time.

1. Dialogue:

 Person A: Vad gör du på morgonen? (What do you do in the morning?)

 Person B: Jag dricker kaffe och läser tidningen. (I drink coffee and read the
 Person A: Vad gör du på eftermiddagen? (What do you do in the
 Person B: Jag arbetar på kontoret. (I work at the office.)

2. Vocabulary:

 Vad gör du? (What do you do?)

 På morgonen (In the morning)
 På eftermiddagen (In the afternoon)
 Dricker kaffe (Drink coffee)
 Läser tidningen (Read the newspaper)
 Arbetar på kontoret (Work at the office)

3. Exercises:

 Practice describing your own daily activities.

 Substitute different activities and times of day.
 Ask about and describe daily routines with a partner.

Lesson 5: Shopping and Asking for Prices

Objective: Learn phrases related to shopping and asking for prices.

1. Dialogue:

 Person A: Hur mycket kostar den här? (How much does this cost?)
 Person B: Den kostar hundra kronor. (It costs one hundred kronor.)
 Person A: Kan jag få rabatt? (Can I get a discount?)
 Person B: Nej, tyvärr. (No, sorry.)

2. Vocabulary:

 Hur mycket kostar…? (How much does…cost?)

 Den kostar…kronor. (It costs…kronor.)
 Kan jag få rabatt? (Can I get a discount?)
 Tyvärr (Sorry)

3. Exercises:

 Practice asking about prices of different items.

 Practice giving and understanding prices.
 Role-play shopping scenarios.

By using these dialogues, vocabulary lists, and exercises, you can create your own
Pimsleur-like audio lessons. Recording these with clear pronunciation and plenty of
pauses for repetition will help you practice and reinforce your learning.

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