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SOGA plays a crucial role in terms of contract law. It provides for the setting up of contracts
where the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the title (ownership) in the goods to the buyer for
consideration. This act is significantly important as it includes both existing goods and future
goods. Existing goods are those that actually in existence when the contract is made whereas
future goods, goods yet to be acquired or manufactured or grown by the seller. However, the
SOGA does not apply to services. A relevant example where provisions of SOGA applies very
frequently is the sale of bulk or tons of a product supplied to factories for further production.
Moreover, this act also protects the interests of the buyers as buyers are also given the
opportunity to examine goods to be purchased. For the Sales of Goods Acts1930, it helps the
customers to protect them from getting cheated. From this statute, the seller also has a difficulty
to cheat their customer for their own use (profit).

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