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Stage 1

Prodromal phase (pre-crisis stage)

This first stage occurs before the crisis itself hits, it’s the preparation stage for the expected crisis
after an incident occurs .For the case of the Rosevelt hospital,crisis management team may be
able to pick up on warning signs,for this case ,the crisis might come with an element of loss of
reputation of the hospital even its closure ..

this is therefore a preparatory stage for looking out for the problems that might have bad effect to
the hospital thus if the warning signs are identified , this is exactly when the hospital undertakes
measures to reduce the impact of the crisis..

The following measures can be undertaken during this stage of Preparation

Develop a crisis management plan in case the hospital has non this is created for different
reasons for example need to communicate urgent information? How will you stay connected to
your employees to ensure their safety and well-being? Therefore getting to know the answers to
the above questions before the crisis ensures you’re not left scrambling when disaster strikes.

Develop a management template.for centralizing your crisis management strategy in one

document that you’ll distribute to those who need to use it.

At this stage the hospital should also be proactively observing and monitoring potential threats
thus a risk mitigation plan comes in to incorporate regular threat intelligence reports that can
help you quickly discover potential threats that may impact to the situation solution

. Through active monitoring, for example, you might instruct the employee stuff not to talk
about the situation first to the media thus anything said May provoke more anger amongst the
public eyes this helps from turning into a crisis for your business entirely.

Stage 2:

Acute phase (crisis stage)

The hospital starts to notice the first signs of a crisis unfolding. this is a no point of no return
thus you can nolonger prevent the crisis from happening thus focus on risk assessment and risk
management so that you can rapidly respond to the the event’s impact. While often the most
intense stage

What to do during the crisis stage: Assess, activate, and alert

During this acute phase , your first goal is to assess the situation, with three main questions to

What is the specific threat or crisis?

Who is involved or at risk?
Which response plan should we activate?
Once you’ve identified what the crisis is, who’s affected, and which plan to activate, You need to
alert employees at risk as well as the hospital staff by using the emergency communication
system you need to alert any employees who are at risk this therefore allows you to quickly
communicate to them through notifications through email, phone calls, text messages.

Stage 3:

Chronic phase (response stage)

At this stage , there is need to deploy the resources for addressing the emergency at hand thus
requiring taking action

What to do during the response stage: Take action

At this point your dealing with the effects of the hospital crisis .

There is need to accept and acknowledge reality as a hospital and take blame for the
situation so as to control the reputation of the hospital and it’s employees.

There is need to apologize to the mother of the child as a hospital and the public for the
inhumane treatment and behavior towards the child as the victim since they were planning
to give him away to Sanyu babies home .

As a hospital offer the baby back to the mother at zero cost so as to dissolve the public
sympathy towards the mother and the baby which might ruin the hospital’s reputation
extremely to the extent of its closure .

During this phase, swift decision-making from stakeholders and your crisis response team will
help you effectively manage the situation and mitigate additional risks.

Stage 4: Resolution phase (post-crisis stage)

Here ,the crisis can be considered over as you transition from crisis management back
to business as usual. even months.

The hospital should implement new procedures of working on patients who cannot
afford medical services
The hospital should as well implement payments in bits .

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