Baluran, Cyril Josh - Bioethics

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9 International codes of Ethics

Name: Cyril Josh G. Baluran

Course/ Section: BSN2-C

1. The MWA International Code of Ethics: A PHYSICAIN shall always exercise, his/her independent
professional judgement and maintain the higher standards of professional conduct.
Example: The physician must provide care with the utmost respect for human life and dignity, and for the
autonomy and rights of the patient.
2. The INC Code of Ethics For Nurses: Is a statement of the ethical values, responsibilities and professional
accountabilities of nurses and nursing students1 that defines and guides ethical nursing practice within the
different roles nurses assume.
Example: Promote an environment in which the human rights, values, customs, religious and spiritual
beliefs of the individual, families and communities are acknowledged and respected by everyone.
3. The revised International Code of Medical Ethics: an exercise in international professional ethical self-
regulation: The WMA, as an international association of most of the world’s national medical associations,
was set up in the aftermath of the Second World War to re-establish the norms of medical research and
practice after some egregious ethical failures of physicians that occurred during that time.
Example: To able to trust there physician for taking care of them in the most ethical and most safest way
4. World Medical Association International Code of Medical Ethics: A PHYSICIAN SHALL always
maintain the highest standards of professional conduct.
Example: Placing the success of the team above self interest; not undermining the team; helping and
supporting other team members; showing respect for all team members; remaining flexible and open to
change; communicating with others to resolve problems.
5. International Code of Medical Ethics: A Doctor must not allowed himself to be influenced by motives of
Example: The physician should always think of the best for the patient and do his/her job as a healthcare
provider not only for profit.
6. The International Code of Medical Ethics of the World Medical Association: The physician must practice
medicine fairly and justly and provide care based on the patient’s health needs without bias or engaging
in discriminatory conduct on the basis of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality,
political affiliation, race, culture, sexual orientation, social standing, or any other factor.
Example: Physician should always do his/her job no mater the gender like going to surgery the Physician
should not refuse or not do the procedure just because of the gender.
7. World Medical Association International Code of Medical Ethics: A doctor must always bear in mind the
obligation of preserving human life from conception. Therapeutic abortion may only be performed if the
conscience of the doctors and the national laws permit.
Example: The physician should give a consent because that is the obligation of the physician.
8. Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services: A Catholic institutional health care
service is a community that provides health care to those in need of it. This service must be animated by
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and guided by the moral tradition of the Church.
Example: They believe that the Gospel of God can help them heal by praying and believing in him.
9. Instruction on Respect for Human Life: The gift of life which God the Creator and Father has entrusted to
man calls him to appreciate the inestimable value of what he has been given and to take responsibility for
it: this fundamental principle must be placed at the center of one's reflection in order to clarify and solve
the moral problems raised by artificial interventions on life as it originates and on the processes of
Example: That you should value the life that God gave you and cherish it.

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